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For the past decades Philippines used the K-10 educaon for the educaon to teach children.However, last May 15, 2013, President Benigno Aquino ||| approved Republic Act (RA) 105333,signing into law which implement the K-12 program. K-12 program covers kindergarten and 12 yearsbasic educaon – six years of primary schooling, four years of junior high and addional two years of senior high. Provides mastery of skills for lifelong learners, prepare the students for careeropportunies and student’s global competency. Philippines is the last country in Asia and one of the only three countries in the world with a tenyears pre-university program. The implementaon of K-12 program in the Philippines is the key toour country’s development. Filipinos are known to be compeve in the internaonal community.The K-12 program helps them from becoming even more compeve and prepare graduates forterary educaon, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.Many Filipinos parents think that K-12 program is just a waste of me and money. Because of theaddional 2 years in the senior high before the terary educaon, the parents will invest moremoney for students because of K-12 program. No, it’s not a waste of me because K-12 programoers a decongested 12 year program that gives the students sucient me for them to masterstheir skills and absorb more basic competencies, that can use aer they graduate senior high to jointhe labor force of the country.According to Isagani Cruz (2010), The graduates of this program will be more prepared to enter thelabor force, high school graduates of the 10-years curriculum were not competent or well-equipenough for the workplace. In addion, high school graduates of the 10-years curriculum are not yet18. With the new curriculum, senior high school students can specialize in a eld that they are goodat and interested. As a result, upon graduaon they will have the specic job-related skills they needeven without a college degree. When they graduate from high school, these young people will be 18and employable, adding to the naon’s work force.The K-12 students can help their parents for daily expenses for their family aer they graduate fromthis curriculum, it is just their choice if they connue to go to college. Parents think that going tocollege is a problem because of tuion and other expenses. Yes, it is more expensive if unfortunatestudents will go to college when the students can get a job aer they graduate and can help theirparents. However, it is more advisable and has advantage in the the workplace if the students cangraduate a Bachelor’s degree and in studying, expenses and investments is unavoidable for thegreater good of their children in the future.According to Ma. Teresa Montemayor (2018), With the K-12 program, students are given beeropons and opportunies to improve their educaon and quality of life. To those who will go tocollege, the chances are all up to their hard work since the tuion is already free in state collegesand local universies.The educaon for college than the senior high is more expensive because of the tuion, projects,daily expenses, and the expenses for their thesis. Nevertheless, as a said earlier, it is unavoidable but
when the student and their parents join their hard work it is a great and sasfying for them and theirhard work will be pay o.The K-10 program has enough quality for the Filipinos to compete internaonally and it has a goodgoal which Filipino students achieve their dreams. Yes, many Filipinos have become successful intheir career in other country but that is just half of the story. Many in our OFWs are graduates of Bachelor’s degree in our country, but when they go to abroad to nd job they end up being just adomesc helper or caregiver because of the 2 years lack in the country’s educaon. They invest andstruggle to graduate a Bachelor’s degree but they just end up to do that job abroad and some of them are working hard to save up money so that they can study again while working and work fortheir chosen career in other country for high monthly salary. However, with K-12 program the wholestory will be dierent. According to Isagani Cruz (2010), Filipino graduates of K-12 program will be automacally recognizeas professionals abroad because we are following the internaonal educaon standard as praccedby all naons. There will be no need to study again and spend more money in order to qualify forinternaonal standards. With the K-12 program, Filipino professionals who aspire to work abroadwill not have a hard me geng jobs in their chosen eld. Furthermore, they will be able to helptheir families in the Philippines more with remiances, property purchase, and small businesses.Aer the implementaon of K-12 the quality of the educaon in the Philippines, become higher thanbefore. According to the ICEF Monitor, last 2013, in January 2013, the Philippine Bureau of Immigraon reported that of the 203,753 foreigners in the country, 47,478 are studying in schoolsand universies across the country (which 14% higher than the 41,443 foreigners who applied in2011). As the Bureau’s Commissioner Ricardo David Jr. said: “Our country is fast emerging as a neweducaonal hub in the Asia-Pacic region. More and more foreigners are coming here to study andit’s demonstrate recognion of the improved quality of our educaonal system.”According to ICEF Monitor (2014), reported that for internaonal students studying English inAustralia, the Philippines had entered the compeon as a desnaon opon for the rst me in2011.As the Programme Director of the Philippines ESL Tour Program Ruth Tizon said from an arcle in
The PIE News,
 “the Philippines can compete with the US, UK or Australia as an ideal desnaon forstudying the English language. Aside from its large English-speaking populaon [93.5% of Filipinosspeak English well], competent schools and faculty, the Philippines has a rich cultural heritage, oersdiverse tourism aracons and acvies, and warmth and hospitality not found anywhere else inthe world.”
The implementaon of K-12 program the number of populaon will decrease and the dropout willincrease because the student’s do not have me to go in school and study because of the addional2 years in senior high. Yes, in the early implementaon of K-12, many of the Filipinos parents have adilemma if they will connue their children to go to senior high. The unfortunate ones, because of having a nancial problem they do not connue to study. But not now, public schools is now oeringa K-12 program, it is more ecient for those who can’t aord private school that oers K-12program. In addion, the government ocials oer and help the unfortunate students by givingthem scholarships.According to Philippine News Agency (PNA), Assistant Secretary Nepomuceno Malaluan, that asurvey in 2018 showed that Senior High School (SHS) educaon has decreased the percentage of dropouts among high school students. “Before, less than 50% of fourth year high school graduatesgo to college. Now, 93% of the SHS graduates will connue to college, this shows strong supportfrom learners.” he said.The K-12 is not a wasng me and money. It is very helpful to the Filipino students in the futurebecause of the benets that they will get. It will help not just the students but also the parents andespecially the country because of becoming one of the catalyst to improve our economy. Filipinoswill become more famous because of the quality of educaon and became one of the desnaonnot just in tourism and hospitality but also one of the desnaon to study. Moreover, because of theincreasing on our economy, we can help our fellow unfortunate Filipinos to improve the daily living;we can help the children to cross the mountain in ease to study, we can help other Filipinos to havetheir jobs, we can help the government and fellow Filipinos to improve everything in our country, toimprove each other so that we Filipinos may not perish in the future. We, in our generaon can change the future, we just need hard work, paence and help each otherto be on top. It may be crical as of now because of the country’s sll adjustments of this newcurriculum. Nevertheless, with the help and guide of the government ocials and our fellowFilipinos, we can pass this and the K-12 program will be very successful and bang its way to thefuture.
Abueva, N. (2019, September 5).
Why does the Philippines need the K-12 educaon system
Retrieved from Soapboxie: hps://on-o-the-K-12-Program-in-the-Philippine-Basic-Educaon-CurriculumCalungsod, M. D. (2017, June 7).
 A posion paper on K-12 program
. Retrieved fromhps://on-paper-on-k-12-program/amp/?usqp=mq331AQNKAGYAYDZtu7LyNWsRw%3D%3D&amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1#referrer=hps://, M. T. (2018, August 2).
K-12 implementaon must be connued afer review: Advocacy group
. Retrieved from Philippine News Agency: hps://cles/1043466Montemayor, M. T. (2018, June 5).
K-12 program to improve quality og educaon: Briones
. Retrievedfrom Philippine News Agency: hps://cles/1037617

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