Impact of FII On Indian EconomyStock Market

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Impact of FII on Indian Economy/Stock Market?

Aditya Vimal

Abstract:- The prosperity and success of a country are different techniques to minimize the risk involved. Foreign
represented by the measures of its continuous growth of the institutional investors calculate profits in international
economy, which is fueled by investment. Foreign reserves, currencies. Hence currency changeover rates attract an
government revenue, exports as well as the quantity and additional foreign exchange risk on foreign investments. High
nature of foreign investment are all very crucial for a volume investments demand heavy-duty analysis behind the
nation's well-being. The FIIs have recently risen as scene. However, rudimentary techniques like diversification,
significant stakeholders in the capital market of India. They and analysis of systematic measurement parameters, like beta,
are increasingly becoming one of the primary elements β (a measure of volatility, against a benchmark, like NIFTY50
contributing to the expansion of financial markets, or SENSEX) & alpha, α (excess return on the investment, after
particularly in developing nations like India. Through this accounting for market volatilities) to make the best use of the
paper, our foremost goal was to analyze the affect of dynamic security market line still hold their ground.
Foreing institutional investors on the equity market from
the period 2011 to 2021. We have used various tests to study SEBI defines "foreign institutional investors" as an
the effect. The study's findings suggested that FII organisation based out of India, which wants to invest in
investment and Nifty50 were highly influenced by the securities in India. Foreign Institutional Investor are
COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred during the period local/domestic portfolio management company or domestic
under study. asset manager that handles assets collected, imported from out
of India for investing in India on behalf of a sub-account. The
 Problem Statement term, ‘Foreign Institutional Investor’ is commonly used to
Attracted by the potential in India’s primary and describe the firms incorporated outside of India which invest in
secondary markets, FIIs have invested approximately Rs. India's financial markets, they do it after registering with
31,498 crore (around US$ 4.3 billion) in 2021-22 (Jain & Nair, Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
n.d.) and became one of the largest drivers of the financial
markets of India. In this paper, we will be analyzing how FIIs Investments from Foreign Investments are mainly done in
influence the Indian Stock Market and will be covering the the financial markets and are typically short-term (GARG &
effect of major events on their investing decisions. BODLA, 2011). Several researchers have attempted to
establish correlations between foreign investment flows and the
I. INTRODUCTION market behaviour.

Owing to the globalization of financial markets, India II. LITERATURE REVIEW

gradually shifted its attention away from its stringent
conservative macroeconomic policy toward encouraging (Acharya et al., n.d.) examined the flow of foreign funds
foreign investments. With adequate controls, foreign investors to the country & their relation with certain market behaviour
were given oppurtunisty to invest in the capital markets (both indicating parameters, conclusion of the same was while the
primary as well as secondary of the country) from September flows are substantially connected with market returns in India,
14, 1992, and foreign funds began pouring in, in the year 1993. instead of being the causes of those gains they were primarily
Foreign investments are regulated by the FDI policy of our the effects. (Chakraborty, n.d.) used a time-series of daily data
government and the FEMA, 1999 (Foreign Exchange from Jan’99 to May’02 to investigate the correlation between
Management Act). The manner of receiving funds, issuing the Indian money market behaviour and foreign investment
shares and preference shares, and reporting investments to RBI flows, as well as possible confounders. During the years 2002-
are all governed by FEMA Regulations. The Reserve bank of 04, (Joo, 2014) looked into the association between investment
India(RBI) monitors the ceiling on foreign investment daily. by FIIs and stock performance in India. Granger-causality,
GARCH, & Cross-correlation techniques were used to
Foreign capital inflows raise demand for good stocks, investigate the dynamic link between Foreign Institutional
causing stock prices to rise in the equity trading market. investments & Nifty. (GARG & BODLA, 2011) analyzed the
However, this simple statement has many complexities hidden impact of foreign diversification on the Indian stock market
behind it. There are a variety of risks involved in any trends, using the Bombay Stock Exchange, three Asian
investment, be it from domestic investors or foreign investors. exchanges ( Malaysia, Malaysia, & Philippines), and one
To make the best use of their resources, investors categorize the American exchange (Mexico). The study found that foreign
risk involved further into systematic and unsystematic risk. diversification had a long-term effects on the Indian markets
Like other investors in the market, FIIs also have to use and economy, which was influenced by other emerging

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
economies and FII flows. Over the period 2001 to 2009, (Jain A total of more than $200 million was invested by foreign
& Nair, n.d.) examined the relationship between investments investors in the FMCG and real estate sectors in April. April's
from FIIs and Indian economic growth. (Shrivastav, 2013) turnaround in the Information Technology sector was also
established that FII investments and Sensex movements are marked by net buyers. In the second half of April, as the number
highly connected in India and that FIIs have a major influence of cases in India rose sharply, the IT sector received the bulk of
on the Sensex movement. He came to the conclusion that the inflows. After metals and oil and gas, FIIs increased their
Foreign Institutional Investors had a substantial impact on the holdings in power, capital goods, cement, and logistics in the
capital market of India ( Nifty & BSE Sensex). Though all of last three months.
the cases (BSE CG, BSE IT, BSE FMCG, & BSE CD) that were
studied under the research showed a modest degree of When looking at a rolling 12-month period, the banking
relationship. and finance sector attracted $9.410 million in foreign funds,
followed by FMCG ($5.392 million), Oil & Gas ($2,980
The review of literature highlighted the complexities and million), and Capital Goods ($2,245,0 million). There is
challenges involved in the analysis of multiple sectors of the currently $546 billion in FPIs' AUM (Assets Under
financial market. Hence, we decided to adopt the strategy Management), a decrease from $550 billion in March.
followed by the majority of researchers in the past, and pooled
our limited resources towards the analysis of foreign III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
investments in the Secondary Equity Market, as there’s a
significant stake of Foreign investors in this division of the The data for the study was gathered from 2011 to 2021
equity market. For the purpose of this analysis, Nifty50 (a and included monthly FII flow and Nifty50 index data. When
market value-weighted index comprising the prices of 50 of collecting FII data, the total amount of net equity investment
India's largest stocks trading on the stock exchange) is used as was taken into account. The information came from the
a proxy to benchmark the market trends for the study. National Stock Exchange and other online data sources. We’ve
represented FIIs in analyses by Gross Sales and Purchases of
 FII Response to COVID-19 in India FII. We will be using some proxy sector returns(Nifty 50)
A net sell-off by foreign institutional investors (FII) in instead of analyzing complete stock market returns.
domestic stocks occurred in April, following six months of
inflows. FIIs sold $1.28 billion worth of domestic securities in  The following analyses were carried out:
April, the most since March 2020, according to domestic Preliminary time series analysis, Regression analysis, and
brokerage and research firm Edelweiss Securities. In the midst Correlation analysis to study the dependence of the stock
of India's massive coronavirus outbreak, the rest of the world market (here Nifty50 is used as reference) on FII flows.
relaxed restrictions and increased vaccination coverage, which Volatility analysis to study market response due to some major
prompted the exodus. Between October 2020 and March 2021, events(here COVID-19).
FPIs invested $26.7 billion in stocks before the outflow last
month.  Data Sources and Uses
Our goal was to investigate the effect of foreign
In comparison to the amount of money FIIs have invested institutional investments on the equity markets and, a unique
in the market since October of last year, the outflows are lead-lag relationship between FII flows and NSE Nifty as well.
nothing. FIIs withdrew $1.28 billion from the banking and The dataset for the analysis is made up of monthly/yearly NSE
finance sector stocks. In the oil and gas sector, FIIs sold Nifty and Foreign Investments flow data. During the data
securities for $465 million, and in the metals sector, they sold collection process, we chose certain criteria. We used data
securities for $241 million. about the equity investment only, for FII flows. This data was
collected from the money control website and NSE India
The sectors of cement, capital goods, automotive, website.
pharmaceuticals, and logistics all saw a decrease in investment.
Banking and finance, along with the insurance sector, We collected all the data and performed the regression
accounted for the most FII inflows in the three months ending analysis, correlation, and plotted time-series graphs via excel
April 2021. There were $511 million in April outflows, with which can be seen below.
$788 million in April second-half outflows, according to
Edelweiss.  Data Analysis and Implications
All our workings can be seen in the following spreadsheet:
Nifty 50 analysis

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2: Net Monthly Change in NIFTY50 (2011-2021)

Fig 1: Net Monthly FII Flow (2011-2021) The following time series plots of change in NIFTY50 and
Foreign institutional investments show some correlation as both
the graphs appear to overlap and move together.

Fig 3: Summary Statistics of FII Flow and Nifty50

Table 1: 10 Year correlation and Volatility analysis Table 2: Post covid correlation and Volatility analysis
Jan11-Dec21 Nifty 50 FII Flow Jan21-Dec21 Nifty 50 FII Flow
Nifty 50 1 Nifty 50 1
FII Flow 0.6218352363 1 FII Flow 0.4485742087 1

Volatility(Nifty 50) 3146.706499 Volatility(Nifty 50) 1433.506619

According to correlation analysis, the Nifty50 movement Post covid high volatility is due to trust shown by foreign
was 62.2 percent dependent on FII Flow over a decade. investors in the Indian economy even though it hit rock bottom
during the first wave. A total of $37.68 Billion was invested in
the financial year 20-21.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 3: Correlation and Volatility analysis during covid Table 4: Pre covid correlation and Volatility analysis
Dec19-Dec20 Nifty 50 FII Flow Jan18-Dec18 Nifty 50 FII Flow
Nifty 50 1
Nifty 50 1
FII Flow 0.821466955 1
FII Flow 0.485596517 1
t Volatility(Nifty 50) 406.9533844
Volatility(Nifty 50) 1466.75398
Table 5-6: Regression analysis test results over last decade
High volatility can be seen during covid 19 as the
investors (both domestic and foreign) as lockdown kept on
extending, people were selling their investments which required Adjusted R Square 0.3819246352
intensive labor activities. Standard Error 367.9982053
Multiple R 0.6218352363
R Square 0.3866790611

Table 6
Standard Error P-value Coefficients t Stat
Intercept 34.09373375 0.7290712831 -11.83441374 -0.3471140424
X Variable 1 0.002186866553 0 0.01972189168 9.018333404

Table 7-8: Regression analysis test results on data during covid (Jan’20-Dec’20)
Regression Statistics
Standard Error 593.0060996
Multiple R 0.821466955
Adjusted R Square 0.6477086213
R Square 0.6748079582

Table 8
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Intercept -221.1084004 175.0947179 -1.262793093 0.2306505923
X Variable 1 0.02673256409 0.005357101197 4.990117437 0.00031447436


The study's findings indicated that while FII investment
Our analysis shows that though it appears in preliminary and NIFTY were influenced by a variety of other
analysis(plot similarity and correlation test) that there is a macroeconomic factors affecting growth, they did not bear any
strong correlation b/w FII Investments and NIFTY50 but this is causal relationship. Even though data analysis shows no evident
not the case which gets clear by the conclusion we can draw relationship, the dependence of the Indian stock market on FII
from regression analysis. can be seen increasing with the years. Indian stock indices have
risen by more than 200% during the past 10 years so has the FII
The R square value was seen to be around 39%, which Flow which indirectly has been one of the major reasons for the
implies that a 39% variation in Nifty50 values was predicted by extraordinary performance.
net FII flows. The value was around 67% during the COVID-
19 breakdown, this shows that there 67% variation in Nifty50 V. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE
values was due to net FII flows. On the other hand, our p-value
was seen to be around 0.72 when we considered the 2011-21 As stated previously, our analysis primarily focuses on FII
data and 0.23 when we analyzed the COVID-19 period’s data. participation in the secondary equity market and excludes other
Our model was not much significant as the p-values were high, financial markets and instruments. In this respect, the study's
but comparing the two values we can see that our model was scope could be broadened in the future to include the bond
considerably more significant during the COVID-19 period in market, derivatives market, and so on to acquire a better
comparison to the 2011-21 period.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
understanding of the financial markets' growth and dependence
on these institutional investors.


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