Project HSE Kickoff Meeting Minutes Template 1661784319

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Project HSE Kick Off Meeting


Meeting Title

Attendees Designation Company

No. Minutes Action By Target Date


All attendees are welcome to this Project HSE Kick-off Meeting. The
01 Info.
intent of the meeting is to discuss and agree the execution plan of
activities and systems that have an impact on the HSE performance of
the project.

Minimum mandatory PPE for the project is

1) Helmet
2) Reflective Vest
3) Safety Shoes
4) Safety Glasses
02 Info.
5) Gloves

Direct employees (blue-collar) are required to wear company issued


Any employee found without these will be removed from site and
issued with a disciplinary action note.
03 Info.
Sunglasses are not considered as sufficient protection eye protection.
04 Info.
All project employees are required to attend the Project HSE Induction.
No induction, no access to site.

Inductions will be arranged by the Project HSE Department at specific

05 Info.
[Insert Frequency] from [Insert Start Time to End Time] at the [Insert

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Project HSE Kick Off Meeting

No. Minutes Action By Target Date

Example: Daily from 6:00AM to 7:00AM at the Rest Area
06 Info.
NO induction, NO access to site.
Weekly HSE Walk

An HSE Walk will be conducted weekly and attended by the Project

07 Manager and Construction Manager Info.

The proposed day and time for the weekly walk shall be:
[Day] at [hh:mm]

All work shall be covered under a General Work Permit. In addition to

the General Work Permit, the following permits are required subject to
the nature of work:
08 Info.
- Hot Work
- Lifting
- Confined Space
- Excavation
- Electrical

09 Working without a valid permit is considered a serious offense that will Info.
trigger an investigation. Please ensure that the requirements are

The nominated permit authorizers shall be:

10 - General Work Permit: [Insert First and Last Name] Info.
- Excavation Work Permit: [Insert First and Last Name]
- Lifting Permit: [Insert First and Last Name]
- Electrical Permit: [Insert First and Last Name]
Pre-Start Briefing
11 Info.
All work shall start with a pre-start briefing. Group leaders and Site
Supervisors shall conduct the pre-start briefing.

12 Observation Log will be submitted daily to the construction team Info.

(CM/PE/SE/GF/SS). Any Observation that are open for more than 3
days to close will be escalated to the Project Manager.
13 Info.
Wooden structures are forbidden and shall not be used anywhere on
the site or laydown area.
Welfare Arrangements
14 Info.

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Project HSE Kick Off Meeting

No. Minutes Action By Target Date

The following welfare arrangements shall be provided:
- Worker Toilet
- Satellite Rest Areas
- Drinking Water Stations
Public Interface

[First Last Name] is assigned to manage the distribution of water across

15 the site. They are to be provided with a pick-up. Info.

[Review site area to identify if a single resource is sufficient to reach all

work locations in time]
Equipment Mobilization

Where work interfaces with the Public, a separate workshop is to be

conducted to clarify the following for each location interfacing with the
- Bus pick-up and drop-off location
- Entry and exit of site location
16 Info.
- Barricading and perimeter fencing type
- Equipment working during the night (dewatering pump)
- Night watch
- Parking area for machinery and vehicles
- Toilet facilities
[the output of the workshop shall be a map indicating the location of
the above]

17 All equipment shall be inspected prior to mobilization to site. Info.

Equipment shall be sent to [Location] and the HSE Team shall be
requested to inspect the equipment after mechanic inspection.

The name of the Lifting Appointed Person for this project will be [Insert
18 First Last Name]. The Lifting Appointed Person must be an Engineer Info.
and undergo an external Lifting Appointed Person Training. The Lifting
Appointed Person must sign the appointment letter referenced AAA-

Lifting Supervisors shall be requested by the project. New Lifting

19 Info.
Supervisors must be competency checked in an interview with the Head
Office HSE Department. (Do not assign at the site level even if Third-
Party certificate is available)
20 Info.
All lifts shall be load calculated by the Lifting Supervisor and load
calculation shall be recorded using the form XXXX-XXX-XXX. Any lift

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Project HSE Kick Off Meeting

No. Minutes Action By Target Date

greater than 10 Tons must have the Lifting Supervisor physically present
at the location during the lifting operation.

The following protection is required at excavation edges:

Vehicle Interface
- Where there is the possibility of public cars to interface with
the excavation, hard barriers shall be used
- Where there is the possibility of construction vehicles and off-
road cars to interface with the excavation, plastic barriers filled
with water shall be used
- Where there is no possibility of the public (including off-road)
21 Info.
interfacing with the excavation, sand bunding may be used
subject to client approval. Note that this does not diminish the
requirement for pedestrian protection (see below)

Pedestrian Interface
- Where there is the possibility of public pedestrians to interface
with the excavation, hard barriers and perimeter fencing shall
be used

Excavations that do not fall in any of the above categories will be

protected by scaffold tubes (subject to client approval)
Emergency Response
22 Info.
It is forbidden to transfer any injured patient to the hospital. The
ambulance must be called.
Subcontractor Management

The subcontractor shall follow all the requirements stated in this

meeting. For subcontractors having major scopes, an HSE Kick-off
Meeting shall be conducted with them prior to site mobilization. The
23 Info.
following major subcontractors are expected for this project:
- Steel Structure subcontractor (example)
- Scaffolding subcontractor (example)
- NDRC subcontractor (example)
- Civil subcontractor (example)
- End -

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