انجليزي خامس - كتاب الطالب (Student Book)

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The passage provides information about the Action Pack series, which is an English language textbook used in Jordanian schools. It covers topics, grammar, reading, writing, vocabulary and includes activities.

The Action Pack series offers learners modern topics, a clear approach to grammar with practice, integrated skills work focusing on reading and writing, consistent building and recycling of vocabulary, functional language sections, project work, and development of critical thinking skills.

This level is intended for Grade 5 students.

Caroline Seymour

Action Pack is a twelve-level course for Jordanian students, leading them

from the Basic to the Secondary stage. It is based on the most modern
methods of teaching language, combining a topic-based approach with
functional language practice, careful attention to grammar and vocabulary
and a comprehensive skills syllabus.

This level is for Grade 5 students.

The Action Pack series offers learners:

• modern, interesting and relevant topics
• a clear and systematic approach to grammar, with thorough
• integrated skills work with a particular focus on reading and
• consistent building and recycling of vocabulary
• special sections devoted to functional and situational language
• project work at the end of every module
• the development of critical thinking skills

Each level of Action Pack consists of a Pupil’s Book, Audio, an Activity

Book and a comprehensive Teacher’s Book.






Action Pack

Fifth Grade
(New Edition)

Pupil’s Book

Caroline Seymour

The publishers and the writers would like to acknowledge the contribution made by the Review and
Adaptation Committee appointed by the Ministry of Education of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,
through their guidance and valued assessment of the materials, to the development of the New Action Pack 5

Evaluation and Adaptation Committee

Dr Hamza Ali Al-Omary Manal Fahed Abu Rumman
Dr Hussein Mohammad Yagi Nuha Suleiman Al-Tarawneh
Dr Saleh Hassan Al-Omary Lamia Othman Mohammad
Malak Mohammad Al-Massad

‫ ﻓﻲ‬٢٠١٤/٣٦ ‫ﻗﺮﺭﺕ ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ ﺗﺪﺭﻳﺲ ﻫﺬﺍ ﺍﻟﻜﺘﺎﺏ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺪﺍﺭﺱ ﺍﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻷﺭﺩﻧﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻬﺎﺷﻤﻴﺔ ﺑﻤﻮﺟﺐ ﻗﺮﺍﺭ ﻣﺠﻠﺲ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ ﺭﻗﻢ‬
.‫ﻡ‬٢٠١٥/٢٠١٤ ‫ﺑﺪﺀﺍ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺍﺳﻲ‬ ً ٢٠١٤/٦/١ ‫ ﺑﺘﺎﺭﻳﺦ‬٢٠١٤/٣ ‫ﺟﻠﺴﺘﻪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬
The Ministry of Education has decided to adopt this book for Jordanian schools in accordance
with the approval of the Board of Education decision No. 36/2014 in its meeting No. 3/ 2014 on
1/6/2014 for the 2014/2015 academic year.

‫ﻣﻨﺎﻝ ﻓﺎﻫﺪ ﺃﺑﻮﺭﻣﺎﻥ‬ :‫ﺍﻟﺘﺪﻗﻴﻖ‬

ّ ‫ﻣﻠﻚ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ‬ :‫ﺍﻟﻤﺮﺍﺟﻌﺔ‬

The authors and publishers are grateful to all those York Press
who have given permission to reproduce copyright 322 Old Brompton Road,
material. London SW5 9JH, England

© Dar Al Tarbawiyoun House of Education Ltd and Pearson Education Ltd

Pearson Education Ltd 2013 Edinburgh Gate, Harlow,
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be Essex CM20 2JE, England
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted and associated companies throughout the world.
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior House of Education Ltd
written permission of the copyright holders. Woodbourne Hall,
P.O. Box 916,
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ISBN: 978-614-406-667-6 Tortola,
Printed 2014 British Virgin Islands
Reprinted 2015-2019
First semester
UNIT 1 We usually go to the park 4
UNIT 2 The moon was a circle 8
UNIT 3 Did you enjoy school today? 12
UNIT 4 Review 16
UNIT 5 Are you going to see planes? 20
UNIT 6 Grandpa took this photo 24
UNIT 7 She is the youngest in the family 28
UNIT 8 What were you doing? 32
UNIT 9 Review 36

Second semester
UNIT 10 Are there any lentils? 40
UNIT 11 The meal tastes delicious! 44
UNIT 12 Why is Kareem excited? 48
UNIT 13 Review 52
UNIT 14 You should play sports 56
UNIT 15 There was a great celebration! 60
UNIT 16 Life will be different 64
UNIT 17 Have you ever climbed a mountain? 68
UNIT 18 Review 72
Picture dictionary 76
Wordlist 80

1 We usually go to the park

1 Listen and read
1 2

Ali: What do you and Samira do in the Laila: How often do you and Kareem
school holidays? go to the park?
Kareem: I sometimes make model planes Samira: We usually go to the park
and Samira sews soft toys for our cousins. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Kareem
We always help Mum and Dad. We never use usually plays football and I usually
the computer in the holidays. We usually play on the swings.
go to the park with our family.

Laila: There’s a lot to do in the

Kareem: We sometimes go to the theme park
holidays and it’s always fun!
or to the water park. We like the slides at the
water park. Samira: I like school, too. Are you
ready for school tomorrow?
Samira: We usually go to the water park once
in the holidays. Laila: Yes, I am. See you tomorrow!
2 Look and say
How often?
sometimes usually always never
make model planes
and sew soft toys

go to the park ✔
help Mum and Dad ✔
go to the water park ✔
go to the theme park ✔
play on the swings ✔
use a mobile in the

How often do
Kareem and Samira
They sometimes
make model planes
make model
and sew soft toys in
planes and sew
the holidays?
soft toys in the

3 Talk about you

How often do you go to a
• go to a museum • go to the
museum in the holidays?
market • help your mum and dad
• paint pictures • go to the park
• go to a water park • make model
planes • sew a soft toy
• go swimming • visit your
grandparents • go to
the library • go to the sports
centre • use a computer
• visit a castle

I sometimes go to a
museum in the holidays.
4 Read and match

We always go on special trips in the holidays. (1) We sometimes go

to the theme park. (2) We usually go to the water park, too.
You can swim and ride in a small boat along a river. (3) We
usually eat in a restaurant. (4) We always visit our grandparents
in the holidays. They usually take us to a museum.


5 Read, choose and say

1 The family never / always go on special trips in the
holidays / winter.
2 They sometimes / usually go to the theme park.
3 At the water park, you can ride in a small
boat / car along a street / river.
4 Their friends / grandparents usually take The family always
them to the water park / museum. go on special trips in
the holidays.
6 Listen and say

plane holiday cake

7 Listen and tick

write play
an email tennis
go to the
theme park go to
the park go to the

go to the visit
sports centre Ahmad play

have play
a picnic visit the volleyball go to a
museums water park

8 Ask and answer

How often do Tareq and
• never Amal write an email?
• sometimes
• usually
• always

They always write an

email on Fridays.

2 The moon was a circle

1 Listen and read

Kareem: Here are my ruler and my school

books. They are rectangles. They have
Kareem: Today, our Maths lesson was two long sides and two short sides.
about shapes. Last night, the moon was
the shape of a circle. Look! The sun is the Samira: Yes, and look! Dad’s newspaper is
shape of a circle! a rectangle and our cake was a rectangle,
mira: LLook at the clock. It is a circle, too!
3 4

Kareem: Look, my tent is a triangle! I

was in my tent yesterday afternoon.
Kareem: A square has four equal sides. This
stamp is a square. Samira: Yes, and look at your football!
What are the shapes on it?
Samira: This picture is a square.
Kareem: They are hexagons! There are
Mum: My watch is a square, too! lots of shapes all around us every day!
2 Listen, choose and say

It’s a square. A square

e has four equal sides.

3 Look and say

It was six squares,

but now it is a box.

It’s number 2.

4 Read, match and answer

1 4
This plant was 2
A lot of small squares Y can see
near a river, on these in the
make this mosaic. The
the side of a hill. countryside.
picture is of a beautiful
You can see that There is
horse and it is very old.
the leaves are tall something
triangles. sweet and
People use trees for delicious in
a wood. There are circles the hexagons.
in this tree. They show It is honey!
us how old the tree is.

c d

Was the plant

near the sea?

1 Was the plant near the sea?

2 What do the small squares make?
3 What do the circles in a tree show?
4 Why do people use trees?
5 Are the leaves on the plant long
6 Which shape has something sweet
in it that you can eat?
7 What shapes can you see in your No, it wasn’t. It
classroom? was near a river.
5 Listen and say

sun lesson circle castle

6 Talk about you

Grade four, Grade five
my teacher
te eleven, twelve

I was in Grade four, but

now I am in Grade five.

7 Sing

All around us, we can see shapes.

How many shapes can you see?

Rectangles are usually where I look.

They make a postcard, a ruler or a book.

Look, there are circles inside that tree.

Inside my orange, there are triangles that I see.

Squares make a box, a scarf and a window.

Bees make honey in hexagons, I know.

All around us, we can see shapes.

How many shapes can you see?


3 Did you enjoy school today?

1 Listen and read

1 2

Mum: Hi, dear!

Samira: Hello, Mum! Mum: Do you like Miss Zeinab?
Mum: Did you enjoy school today, Samira? Samira: Yes, I do. She’s very nice and she’s
Samira: Yes, thank you Mum. I was happy. friendly.
Mum: Did you see Laila today? Mum: Does Miss Zeinab know all of your
names now?
Samira: Yes, I did. We studied together.
Samira: Yes, she does. She’s clever!

Mum: Did you talk about the weekend

in the lesson?
Samira: No, we didn’t.
Mum: Did Miss Zeinab give you a new
project? Mum: Did you see the special sewing on the
Samira: Yes, she did. Our new project costumes?
is about the traditional costumes of Samira: Yes, we did. Miss Zeinab showed
Jordan. Miss Zeinab showed us pictures us dolls in different costumes from around
of costumes in a museum. Jordan. She was very helpful.
2 Listen and match
• friendly • kind • helpful • tidy

3 Talk about you

• put your books on the shelf
• carry bags
• set the table
• talk to a new pupil

Did you put your books

on the shelf yesterday? Yes, I did.
I was tidy.
4 Read and answer

Dear Aunt Muna,

I am learning about the traditional costumes of Jordan for a
school project. In the past, women sewed traditional costumes.
Some costumes were very colourful.
The dresses had a rectangle with special sewing around the
bottom, the neck and the sides of the costumes. The dresses had
long sleeves. The costumes were different in the north and in the
south of Jordan.
We can go to the museum with Mum when you visit.
Best wishes,

1 Did the children sew traditional costumes in the past?

2 Were all of the costumes very colourful?
3 Did the dresses have a rectangle with special sewing around the bottom,
the neck and the sides of the costumes?
4 Did the dresses have long sleeves?
5 Did women in the north and in the south wear different costumes?
6 Are traditional costumes important?
5 Listen and say

costume kind jacket

6 Talk about you

My sister was
• friendly friendly yesterday.
• kind She talked to
• helpful a new pupil
at school.
• happy
• tidy

7 Ask and answer

• eat fruit yesterday Did you eat fruit
• play tennis last week
• help your grandparents last week
• do a school project yesterday
• write an email this morning
• go to the park last week
• play football yesterday
• go to a water park last summer
• go to school yesterday
• clean the park this weekend

Yes, I did.


4 Review

1 Listen and read

Good morning, children.

Samira is going to talk to
the class today.

A unnt M
na a
nd U
ncle HHassan
assan ssometimes
visit us. They usually visit us once in the
holidays. Last year, they were here for two
days, but this year they are here for a week.
Aunt Muna, Mum and I visited a museum
here in Amman on Saturday. We saw the
traditional costumes of Jordan. Aunt Muna
is always kind. She bought this present
for me. Look! It’s a doll in a traditional

2 Ask and answer How often

do you see
• see your aunt and uncle
your aunt
• help your mum and dad and uncle?
• water the flowers
• go to a museum
• buy a present
• visit your grandparents
I usually see my aunt and uncle once in the holidays.
3 Listen and answer Did Kareem talk to Grandma?
1 Did Kareem talk to Grandma?
2 Did Kareem help to water the flowers?
3 Did Samira go on a school trip to look at
the costumes?
4 Did Aunt Muna give Samira a soft toy?
5 Is Aunt Muna kind?
6 Did Kareem go to the museum?
7 Did Kareem play football in the park?
No, he didn’t. Samira
8 Was Kareem happy after the football
talked to Grandma.

4 Look and say

• friendly • tidy • kind • helpful

He always puts his

computer games on a shelf. He’s tidy.

5 Read and answer

Aunt Muna and Uncle Hassan visited Salt before they arrived
in Amman. Uncle Hassan and Aunt Muna went to a museum in
Salt. They looked at some traditional costumes from Salt. The
costumes are black with a rectangle of special sewing around the
neck. The sleeves of the dresses are in the shape of triangles. Aunt
Muna is always helpful. She bought a postcard of the costumes for
my project!


1 Did Aunt Muna and Uncle

Hassan visit Jerash?
2 Did they visit a museum?
Did Aunt Muna and Uncle
3 Are the costumes in the Hassan visit Jerash?
museum colourful?
4 Are the sleeves of the
dresses in the shape of
5 Is Aunt Muna helpful?
6 Did Aunt Muna buy
a doll for Samira?
No, they didn’t.
7 Are traditional costumes They visited Salt.
easy to make?
6 Talk about you
What is different for you this
year? What isn’t different?

• you
• your family
• your friends
• school
• at the weekend

I was ten last year but, Alia was my friend last year and
this year I’m eleven. she’s my friend this year, too.
7 Project: Our special day

1 Read and answer

1 What was your favourite 4 Did you travel by car?

day in the holidays? 5 What did you see?
2 Who was with you? 6 Why did you enjoy the day?
3 Where did you go?

2 Make a postcard
Draw a picture or choose a photo.
Write to a friend about your
favourite day in the holidays.
Dear Raed,
My favourite day in the holidays was our
visit to Jerash. I was with my dad and
We travelled by car to Jerash. We went
to see the old Roman buildings. Some
men were in traditional Roman costumes.
I saw how the Roman people lived. It was
very interesting. I was very happy!
Best wishes,

3 Ask and answer What was your favourite

day in the holidays?

My favourite day was

our visit to Jerash.

5 Are you going to see planes?

1 Listen and read
1 2

Samira: Are you going to see planes

and helicopters?
Kareem: No, we aren’t, and we aren’t
Kareem: We’re going to do a project about
going to see lorries.
transport at school.
Samira: What are you going to see?
Samira: Are you going to visit the Royal
Automobile Museum in Amman? Kareem: We’re going to see King
Hussein’s collection of cars and
Kareem: Yes, we are. We’re going to go to
the museum on Tuesday.

3 4

Samira: Is Kareem going to be here

for lunch on Tuesday, Mum?
Samira: What are you going to do at the Mum: Yes, he is. What time are you
museum? going to go to the museum, Kareem?
Kareem: We’re going to answer questions Kareem: My class is going to travel to
about the cars and the motorbikes in the the museum at twenty-five past nine.
museum. We’re going to talk about King The museum opens at ten o’clock. I’m
Hussein’s collection at school next week. very excited!
2 Look and say
✗ ✔ Is Samira going
to have lunch
with Grandma
on Thursday?

Thursday Friday

✗ ✗

No, she isn’t.

Saturday Sunday

✔ ✗

Samira isn’t going to

have lunch with
Grandma on Thursday.
Monday Tuesday

3 Ask and answer Are you going to

play with your
• Sunday • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday friends on Friday?
• Thursday • Friday • Saturday

• play with your friends

• help Mum in the garden
• paint pictures
• visit your grandparents
• go to the mosque
• go to the park
• write an email No, I’m not. I’m going
• do your homework to go to the mosque. 21
4 Read and complete

We arrived at the Royal Automobile Museum at five

to ten. It’s ten o’clock now and the museum is open.
We’re going to see all the cars and motorbikes. We’re
going to learn about the oldest car and the oldest
motorbike in the collection.
The oldest car is more than one hundred and twenty years old. The
oldest motorbike is more than one hundred years old. We’re going
to look for the fastest car and for the fastest
motorbike in the collection. The fastest motorbike is
very powerful.
The fastest car in the collection is faster than the
fastest motorbike.

• powerful • ten o’clock • oldest

• motorbike • car • five to ten They arrived at
the museum at
1 Kareem arrived at the museum at . five to ten.
2 The museum opens at .
3 They’re going to learn about the cars and motorbikes.
4 The oldest is more than one hundred and twenty years old.
5 The oldest is more than one hundred years old.
6 The fastest motorbike is very .

5 Listen and say

motorbike summer lamb

6 Listen and match

a b c

d e f

We’re going to drive to the

airport at twenty to seven.

7 Look and say

1 2 3 4
What time is it, please?

5 6 7 8

It’s twenty-five past nine.


6 Grandpa took this photo

1 Listen and read

Grandpa: I took this photo twenty years

ago. This is Dad and his friend, Faisal.
Grandma: Look at these photos of your dad!
Kareem: Where were they?
Grandpa took this photo thirty years ago.
Your dad was a child. He was in Grade 1. Grandma: They were at the fire station.
Samira: Did you live in this house? Faisal’s dad was a firefighter.
Grandma: No, we didn’t. We lived next to a Kareem: Dad and I saw Faisal last
dentist’s surgery. Grandpa was a dentist. Tuesday! He’s a policeman.
3 4

Samira: Dad was in a science laboratory in this Kareem: Dad went to visit his friend
photo. When was this? Jaber this morning.
Grandma: It was in 2009. Your dad’s friend, Grandpa: Where did he go?
Jaber, worked in the laboratory. Jaber liked
science. He wanted to be a scientist. Dad Kareem: He went to the Jordan
sometimes helped him. Museum. Jaber works at the museum.
He’s going to show Dad around now!
2 Look and say
• water the plants • phone the fire station He took
• go to the dentist • take this photo this photo
• live next to a school • visit the museum in 2010.

1 2 3

in 2010 yesterday 5 years ago

4 5 6

last week last Tuesday this morning

Who did you

3 Ask and answer
phone last week?
• five years ago • yesterday
• last week • this morning • in 2013
1 Who did you phone?
2 Who did you help?
3 Where did you play?
4 Where did you go on holiday?
I phoned my
5 What did your teacher show you?
cousin last week.
4 Read and say right or wrong

The Jordan Museum is very

interesting. My father visited the
museum last week. The building is
new. It opened to visitors in 2013.

My father’s friend works at the Kareem wrote about his

museum. He showed my father a lot of father’s visit to the museum
things from the past in the museum. for his school pro ect.
My father learnt about the history of
the people of Jordan. He read about
the history of writing. There was a
lot to see at the museum. My father
enjoyed his visit very much.

My father is going to visit the

museum again soon. My sister and
I are going to visit the museum with
him. We are very excited!

Wrong. Kareem’s father visited
1 Kareem’s father visited the museum last the museum last week.
2 The museum opened to visitors in 2012.
3 Kareem’s father saw a lot of things from
the past in the museum.
4 Kareem’s father learnt a lot about how
people lived in Jordan in the past.
5 Kareem’s father read about the history
of books.
6 Kareem isn’t going to visit the museum
next time with his father.

5 Listen and say

firefighter photo giraffe laugh

6 Listen, choose and say

1 2

3 4

It’s picture 4.
They were at the
dentist’s surgery.
7 Read and say
1 I was in Grade three…
2 I had a Science lesson…
3 I started school…
4 I went to a museum…
5 We prayed at the mosque… I was in Grade three two years ago.

7 She is the youngest in the family

1 Listen and read 2


Mum: Let’s choose something useful,

Samira: I like these earrings, but they are
Mum: You have a new baby cousin! It’s a
the most expensive present here!
Kareem: I think that this rattle is better. It’s
Samira: She is the youngest in the family.
the most colourful toy.
Kareem: Can we buy a present for our
Mum: That blanket is nice, too. I think that
cousin, Mum?
it’s more useful than a toy.
Mum: Yes, you can.

Samira: This rattle is interesting. I think

that it’s the best present.
Samira: Our baby cousin is beautiful!
Kareem: Yes, you’re right. Let’s buy the
rattle and this bracelet. Kareem: Look, she likes our presents!

Mum: I’ll buy this blanket, too. Aunt Muna: Thank you, Samira and
Kareem. You are the kindest children I

2 Look and say
1 young

baby boy man

2 colourful

blanket rattle bracelet

The baby is younger

than the boy.

3 Talk about you I think that a bracelet is a

better present than a blanket.
• rattle
• blanket
• bracelet
• earrings
• book

• better
• the best I think that a book is
the best present.
Look at
4 Read and match these baby
Young animals
1 2

They are beautiful!

A baby elephant

A baby giraffe Th baby animal
A baby brown bear
can climb trees.
Its mother can’t c
a climb because it is T beautiful baby animal
This animal is one of the
heavier! It is brown. is two metres tall. That
heaviest baby animals.
It usually has one is taller than a horse! It
It weighs more than a
brother or sister. It can walk when it is about
hundred kilos! It doesn’t
can smell better than one hour old. When it is
know how to use its trunk.
most animals. bigger, it eats leaves from
It sometimes plays with it!
tall trees.

It is one of the heaviest

5 Look and say baby animals. It’s a baby elephant.

What do you think

about the baby giraffe?

I think that it is beautiful!

6 Listen and say

bee beach tree

The deer is faster

7 Look and say than the lamb.

• fast: tiger, deer, lamb

• useful: camel, goat, chicken
• dangerous: fox, wolf, shark

I think that the camel is

the most useful animal.

8 Sing

Sing a song, sing ‘thank you’.

For today we can all enjoy
The most special of presents.
It’s much better than any toy!

Clap your hands together.

We’re the happiest family.
Today, we’re singing ‘thank you’
For the most beautiful baby!


8 What were you doing?

1 Listen and read
1 2

Laila: What were you doing at two

Samira: I was looking for some new
shoes. At half past two, we were in
the clothes shop. I was looking at
Laila: What were you blouses.
doing on Saturday?
Samira: At one o’clock, I was at the
shopping centre with my mother. I was
looking at the books in the bookshop.
Laila: I was shopping on Saturday, too!

Kareem: At a quarter past four, I was

Kareem: At three o’clock, I was choosing
in the car. I was going home.
a computer game. At half past three, I
was in the sports shop. I was choosing Ali: What were you doing at five
football boots. o’clock?
Ali: At half past three, I was reading a Kareem: I was drinking orange juice
book. and eating cake. It was good to be at
2 Listen and match

1 a b


2 c d


3 e f


3 Ask and answer What were you doing

on Saturday afternoon
• helping my mother at two o’clock?
• writing an email
• watching a tennis match
• choosing a book
• buying some clothes
• drinking juice

• two o’clock • half past two

• three o’clock • half past four
• five o’clock • half past six I was watching a tennis
match with my father.
4 Read and answer

Dear Fatima,
I went to the shopping centre on Saturday with my family. I was
looking in the clothes shops and the bookshops. Mum likes the
perfume shop and the jeweller’s. Mum bought a very nice watch in
the jeweller’s. Kareem likes looking at the computer games in the
computer shop. At one o’clock, we had lunch in the restaurant.
After lunch, we looked at the bowling alley. I like bowling!
Please visit us soon. You are going to enjoy the shopping centre!


1 Where did Samira go on Saturday?

2 Which shops did Samira visit?
3 Does Mum like the perfume shop?
4 What did Mum buy in the jeweller’s?
5 Does Kareem like looking at the computer games?
6 What did they see after lunch?
7 Do you prefer shopping in a shopping centre or a shop? Why?

Where did Samira

go on Saturday?

She went to the

shopping centre.

5 Listen and say

juice orange bridge

6 Ask and answer

What were you doing yesterday morning?
• yesterday morning
• yesterday afternoon
• yesterday evening
• at eight o’clock yesterday evening
• at seven o’clock this morning

I was visiting my uncle and aunt yesterday morning.

7 Talk about you

Look at my picture. It was the summer

holidays. I went to the beach with my
family. We en oyed our day very much.
We played volleyball before lunch.
My dad is good at volleyball!
We had lunch at half past one. We ate
in a restaurant. The food was delicious!
After lunch, we went back to the beach.
We were watching the boats in the sea.
We had a lovely day!


9 Review

1 Listen and read

Today, Kareem is going

to talk about transport.

There are many cars, vans, motorbikes and

lorries in our city. At four o’clock yesterday
afternoon, I was counting the cars, vans,
motorbikes and lorries from our house. I
counted forty-three cars, twenty-two vans,
eleven motorbikes and seventeen lorries.
Then, I saw a helicopter!
The helicopter was the most interesting. I
have a book about helicopters. The book
says that helicopters travel very fast.
I took a photo of the cars and vans in our
city. How many can you see?

2 Look and say

• grandparents: on Tuesday
• a museum: at the weekend
• dentist’s surgery: tomorrow
• shopping centre: this afternoon
I’m not going to visit my grandparents on Tuesday.
36 I’m going to visit my grandparents on Saturday.
3 Ask and answer
a b c

buy look at read about

d e f

choose do play

What were you

doing at twenty-five
past eleven?

I was buying a bracelet in the eweller’s.

4 Listen, ask and answer

Are horses, lions and
1 Are horses, lions and deer fast deer fast animals?
2 Is the deer faster than the lion?
3 Which is the strongest animal?
4 Which animal is the tallest and the
most beautiful?
5 Does the boy think that the horse is
the most useful animal?
6 Which animal is more dangerous
than the tiger?
Yes, they are.
5 Read and match
1 Hello, I’m Abbas. I went to the shopping
centre two weeks ago. I went with my 2
father. We went to the computer shop
and I bought a computer game.

I’m Jaber.
I went to the
My name is Nada. I went shopping centre last
to the shopping centre Saturday. My father took me
yesterday. I went with my to the sports shop. I bought
mother. We bought a book for some football boots. I like
my aunt in the bookshop. I think that them very much! My team
my aunt is going to be very happy! won the match yesterday!

I’m Huda. I went to the shopping centre this morning. I went
with my mother and my sister. I bought a pink blouse in the
clothes shop. I’m going to wear my new blouse next weekend.

a b e

c d

6 Project: Do a survey about the weekend

1 Read and answer

1 How many people are you going to ask?

2 What questions are you going to ask?

2 Read and complete

On Friday morning, I went to At ten o’clock on Saturday

the mosque with my father. morning, I was playing football.

On Saturday afternoon, I went

to the library with my sister.

What did you do on What were you doing What did you do on
Friday morning? at ten o’clock on Saturday afternoon?
Saturday morning?

Ziad I went to the

mosque with my

3 Ask and answer

What did Ziad do
on Friday morning?

He went to the mosque

with his father.


10 Are there any lentils?

1 Listen and read
1 2

Mum: There is some rice. There is some

Mum: Your grandparents are going to visit us salt and there is some pepper. What is
this weekend. in that cupboard, Samira?
Samira: Oh, we love seeing Grandpa and Samira: There are some spices. There
Grandma! are some nuts. There is some flour.
Mum: I am going to make mujaddara with
salad. Your grandparents like it. Dad is going Mum: Are there any lentils?
to go to the market. I’m going to write a Samira: No, there aren’t.
shopping list.
3 4

Mum: What is there in the fridge? Mum: Are there any onions?
Samira: There is some butter and some meat.
Kareem: No, there aren’t.
Mum: Is there any yoghurt?
Mum: Okay. Here is my shopping
Samira: Yes, there is.
list. Can you go to the market to buy
Mum: Is there any lettuce? Are there any lentils, onions, lettuce and tomatoes,
tomatoes? please?
Samira: No, there aren’t.
Dad: Yes, of course!
2 Look and say

There is some meat

in the fridge.

There are some nuts

in the cupboard.

3 Ask and answer

• flour • nuts • herbs • spices • onions • pepper
• yoghurt • eggs • bananas • butter • salt

Is there any flour?

Yes, there is.

Are there
any nuts?
No, there

4 Read and match

Mansaf is a very special meal in

Jordan. People eat mansaf on special
days. They also eat mansaf when
family and friends visit.
In mansaf, there is bread, rice, meat,
sauce and nuts. People usually eat
mansaf from one big plate on the
table. At the bottom of the plate, there
is some bread. On top of the bread
there is some rice. On top of the rice
and the bread, there is some meat,
some sauce and some nuts.
People enjoy eating mansaf together.
The meal is delicious!

1 Mansaf is a very a rice, meat, sauce and nuts.

2 People make mansaf b from one big plate.
3 In mansaf, there is bread, c they enjoy it.
4 People at a meal usually d to eat on special days.
eat mansaf e special meal in Jordan.
5 When people eat mansaf
Mansaf is a very special
meal in Jordan.

5 Listen and say

butter rubber cupboard

6 Listen and tick

7 Look and say

I’m going to go to the

market to buy some salt.

I’m going to go to the

market to buy some pepper.

11 The meal tastes delicious!

1 Listen and read 2

Mum: Then, wash the lentils. Cook the lentils

Mum: I’m going to show you how to
in water with salt and pepper. Then, put the
make mujaddara. First, cut the onions.
rice and spices in the saucepan.
Then, cook some onions in a frying pan.
Kareem: I can hear the water in the
Samira: Does this take a long time?
saucepan. It sounds noisy.
Mum: No, it doesn’t. The onions taste
Samira: That smells good!

Mum: Finally, serve the meal on a big plate

Mum: Next, mix the white onions with with a bowl of yoghurt and some salad.
the lentils and the rice. Put the brown
onions on top of the lentils and the rice. Grandma: It looks beautiful!
The plate feels hot! Grandpa: It tastes delicious!
44 Mum: Thank you, everyone!
2 Listen, complete and say
• serve • cook • cut • put • wash
1 2

First, cut and

cook the onions.

3 4

1 First, and the onions.

2 Then, the lentils. Cook them in water with salt and pepper.
Cook the rice with the spices.
3 Next, the brown onions on top of the lentils and the rice.
4 Finally, the meal on a big plate with yoghurt and some salad.

3 Look and say

1 2 3

First, cut the banana

and put it in a big bowl.
4 Read and answer
Most of the food we eat comes
from plants or animals. Farmers
grow plants and keep animals to
give us food. Meat comes from
animals. Chickens give us meat
and eggs. Vegetables come from
Farmers in the Jordan Valley
grow vegetables. In the Jordan
Valley, there are tomatoes,
potatoes and onions. Fruit
grows in the Jordan Valley, too.
Oranges and bananas grow on
the trees.
In the north of Jordan, some
farmers grow olives. Olive
trees grow on the sides of the

1 Where does most of our food come from?

2 Why do farmers grow plants and keep animals?
3 Does meat come from a plant?
4 Where do eggs come from?
5 Which vegetables can you see on farms in the Jordan Valley?
6 Where do the olive trees grow?
7 Is it better to eat food from Jordan?

Where does most of

our food come from?

Most of our food comes

from plants and animals.
5 Listen and say

food blue June

6 Ask and answer

• tastes delicious What tastes delicious?
• looks beautiful
• sounds noisy
• feels hot
• smells good

Mu addara
tastes delicious!

7 Sing

Mum, can we help you cook?

Yes, you can, Kareem. Listen and look!

Cut some onions, one, two, three.

Cook them in a frying pan.
They smell delicious, can you see?

Look, let’s wash the lentils and the rice.

And cook them in a saucepan.
Put the onions on top; it looks very nice!
Children, this is your favourite food!
Yes, it is Mum. Then, let’s have fruit!


12 Why is Kareem excited?

1 Listen and read
1 2

Kareem: I’m doing a project at school

about the Arabian oryx.
Samira: Mum, why is Kareem excited?
Dad: Well, we have a surprise for you and
Samira. We’re going to see the Arabian Mum: He’s excited because we’re going to
oryx tomorrow. the Shaumari Nature Reserve tomorrow.
We’re going to see foxes, eagles, ostriches
Mum: The Arabian oryx is Jordan’s and wild cats.
national animal.
Kareem: We’re going to see the Arabian
3 oryx, too!

Dad: We’re going to get up at five

Samira: Why are we going to get up Samira: Why are you going to climb the
early? tower, Kareem?
Mum: We’re going to get up early Kareem: I’m going to climb the tower
because we must arrive early to see the because there’s a good view from the top.
animals. I want to take a nice photo of the Arabian
2 Listen and match
a b c d

3 Ask and answer

a climb the tower b look at a picture

Nada draw the pretty flowers

Ramzi take a photo Why is Ramzi climbing

the tower?
c carry a ball
d go to the post office

He’s climbing the tower

because he’s going to
take a photo.

Ziad play basketball

Aishah send a letter
4 Read, match and answer
a b c

d 2 3
This lovely bird is the The national
Sinai rosefinch. It is colours of Jordan
Jordan’s national are red, black, white
bird. The Sinai and green. The flag
rosefinch is the same of Jordan has these
red colour as our colours and a star
famous city, Petra. with seven points.
There are a lot of These colours show
these birds in Jordan. the past of our
1 country.
This is the national
flower of Jordan. It is
the beautiful black iris. I took this photo from the top of the tower
We can see it in the at the Shaumari Nature Reserve. The
spring. We don’t usually photo shows Jordan’s national animal,
see this flower in our the Arabian oryx. In the past, people
gardens. It grows in the hunted Arabian oryxes. They are safe now
countryside because it because they live at the nature reserve.
likes the soil and the
weather in the wild.
What colours are on the
1 What colours are on the flag of flag of Jordan?
2 Why are Arabian oryxes safe today?
3 How are the national bird of Jordan
and the city of Petra the same?
4 When can you see the national
flower of Jordan?
5 Why does the black iris grow in the
Red, black, white and green
6 How can people help birds and colours are on the flag.
50 animals in Jordan?
5 Listen and say

Jordan sauce walk

6 Listen and answer

1 What is the national tree of Jordan?

2 Where can you see these trees in Jordan
3 Where did the forests grow?
4 Why did people cut down these trees?
5 What must we do for our national tree?
6 Why must we look after our national tree?

7 Talk about you

• happy I’m happy. Why are you
• sad happy?
• excited
• cold
• tired

I’m happy because I’m going

to see my uncle on Saturday.

13 Review

1 Listen and read

Today, Laila is going

to tell us how to draw
Jordan’s national flag.

Our national flag is beautiful. I’m going

to draw our flag. First, draw a rectangle.
Then, draw two lines on the rectangle.
There are now three equal rectangles.
Colour the rectangle at the top black. Then,
colour the rectangle at the bottom green.
The rectangle in the middle is white. Next,
draw a red triangle at the side. Finally,
draw a white star with seven points on the
triangle. We love our flag!

2 Look and say I’m going to the market

to buy some tomatoes.
• market
• baker’s
• butcher’s
• clothes shop

3 Look and say
There are some eggs.

There is some bread.

4 Ask and answer

Pupil A

✔ ✗

✔ ✔

✗ ✔

✗ ✗
Pupil B

Is there any salt?

No, there isn’t.
5 Read and match

I’m excited because Dad and I are going to get up early tomorrow.
We’re going to have a good day!
(1) First, we’re going to look for flowers that are growing in the
wild. (2) Then, we’re going to see the Arabian oryx. The Arabian
oryx is our national animal. It is safe at the Nature Reserve.
(3) Next, we’re going to eat at a restaurant. The food looks and
smells good. The chef buys meat from farmers. We can eat meat
and rice. The chef has different sauces and he serves them with the
meals. The food tastes delicious!
(4) Finally, we’re going to go to Azraq. Some people in Azraq
paint big eggs. They are very beautiful.
We’re going to have a fun day tomorrow!

6 Project: Write a recipe card

1 Read and answer

1 What are you going to make? 3 How do you make it?
2 What do you use to make it?

2 Listen and complete

Bread and meat arayes

Use: meat
an onion
salt and pepper
1 First, mix the meat, the onion, tomatoes, salt and pepper and herbs
together in a big .
2 Then, the food from the bowl in the bread.
3 Next, put the on the bread.
4 Finally, ask your mum to the arayes and serve them
on a big plate.
5 Enjoy them, but be careful! They are .

3 Ask and answer

What are you going to make?

I’m going to make bread and meat arayes.


14 You should play sports

1 Listen and read
1 2

Ali: You should eat fruit and

vegetables. You shouldn’t eat a lot of
Mr Hussein: Today, Ali and Kareem are cake or ice cream.
going to talk about our health. Kareem: You should drink water. You
Ali: Good health is very important. shouldn’t drink a lot of fizzy drinks.

Kareem: Let’s look at this poster.


Ali: You should have a lot of sleep. You Kareem: Yes, I am. I play sports, so
shouldn’t go to bed late. I have a lot of energy. I’m not tired
Kareem: You should play sports. You because I go to bed early.
shouldn’t watch a lot of television. Ali: I’m healthy because I eat fruit and
Mr Hussein: It’s a good poster. Are you vegetables.
healthy, Ali and Kareem? Mr Hussein: Are you healthy,
56 children?
2 Look and say
1 2

✔ ✗ ✔ ✗
3 4

✔ ✗ ✔ ✗

You should play sports.

You shouldn’t watch a
lot of television.

3 Talk about you I play sports, so

I am healthy.
I play sports
I eat fruit and

I am not tired

I have a lot
of energy

4 Read and say right or wrong
Methkal Abu Dhrais is very good at
running. He ran for Jordan in the
Olympic Games. He runs very fast.
He runs every day. He’s strong and
You should do some exercise every
day too. Exercise makes you strong
and healthy. It makes your muscles
work hard. Your heart goes fast
when you do exercise, so it works
What exercise do you do? Do you
run every day too? You should do
some exercise every day to make
your heart stronger. You should play
different sports to be strong and
healthy. Playing sports is good for
1 Methkal Abu Dhrais isn’t good at running.
2 Methkal Abu Dhrais ran for Jordan in the Olympic Games.
3 You shouldn’t do some exercise every day.
4 Your heart isn’t a muscle.
5 Your muscles work hard when you do exercise.
6 Your heart doesn’t go fast when you do exercise.
7 Playing sports isn’t good for you.

Methkal Abu Wrong. Methkal

Dhrais isn’t good Abu Dhrais is
at running. good at running.
5 Listen and say

zoo fizzy clothes exercise

6 Match and say

• should • shouldn’t


He’s got a stomachache. He

shouldn’t eat a lot of cakes.

15 There was a great celebration!

1 Listen and read

Samira: We enjoyed Independence Day. Laila: There was a lot of noise! There
There were crowds on the streets. There were planes in the sky.
weren’t many cars. People were talking and Samira: There was a band in the street.
laughing. The band was playing our national
Laila: There were a lot of national flags. song.
p were waving the flags.

Laila: There were some important people

Laila: There were some colourful
Samira: They were talking about Jordan and fireworks at night.
about our King.
Samira: Yes, there was a beautiful
Laila: There wasn’t any noise. The people display. The crowds enjoyed it.
were listening carefully.
Laila: It was a great celebration!
2 Listen, choose and say
1 a b

2 a b

3 Look and say

Last week, there were
crowds in the street.


Last week

There aren’t any crowds today.

There are four people.
Every year, people in Jordan celebrate
4 Read and answer
Independence Day on 25th May. On
this day, people say thank you to the
King. They wave flags and listen to
national songs. Everyone in Jordan
enjoys the celebrations. People are
very happy on this day. The Jordanian
people are a family.
The first Independence Day was on
25th May, 1946. It was the first day
of the new Hashemite Kingdom of
Jordan. The first King of Jordan was
from the Hashemite family. He was
King Abdullah I.
His Majesty king Abdullah II is the
King of Jordan now. He loves Jordan.
He became King in 1999. His father
was His Majesty late king Hussein.
He is married to Her Majesty Queen
Rania. He has four children.

1 When do we celebrate Jordan’s 5 When did His Majesty king

independence? Abdullah II become King?
2 What do people in Jordan do on 6 How many children does His
this day? Majesty king Abdullah II have?
3 When was the first Independence 7 Why do you think that people
Day? celebrate Independence Day?
4 Who was the first King of Jordan?

When do we celebrate
Jordan’s independence?

We celebrate our
independence on the
25th May.
5 Listen and say

national flag tennis knock medicine

6 Ask and answer

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

I like May because it is

Independence day.

I like July because

it is the summer

7 Sing

Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!

There were crowds in the streets all day long.
[A/W 15.8: A happy
The people were laughing. crowd celebrating
They were waving our flag. Independence day
(see refs]
And the band played the national song.
Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!
There were planes flying all day long.
The people were talking.
There were fireworks in the sky.
We are happy that our country is strong.

16 Life will be different

1 Listen and read
1 2

Samira: I think that life will

be different in a hundred years. Samira: I think that robots will help at
I think that more people will live in home. I think that they will prepare meals
Amman. and wash cars.
Laila: I think that everyone will live in Laila: I think that scientists will invent roads
skyscrapers. in the sky for flying cars.

3 4

A li I think
thi k tthat
h t th
there will
be more astronauts. I think
that astronauts will discover new Kareem:
K areem I think
k that
thatt I will
ill b
bee an archi
planets. when I grow up. I think that I will design
Kareem: I think that children will have skyscrapers.
school trips to the moon. Ali: I think that I will be an astronaut. I will
64 discover a new planet!
2 Look and say
1 2 3

people/live/ children/have school scientists/invent roads

skyscrapers trips/moon in the sky/flying cars

4 5

In a hundred years, I
astronauts/discover/ robots/ think that people will
planets wash cars
live in skyscrapers.

3 Talk about you

• doctor • dentist • nurse
• firefighter • teacher
• architect • scientist

I think that I will be

a doctor when I
grow up.

4 Read and complete

In the past, the buildings in Amman weren’t very tall. They didn’t have
more than four floors. Today, more people live and work in the city.

There isn’t any space for more small houses. I think that architects will
design taller buildings. One tall building in Amman now has thirty-five
floors. But there will soon be two taller buildings. These buildings will
have forty-four floors! They will have homes, offices and a hotel. They
will be the tallest buildings in Amman.

In the future, I think that there will be a lot of tall skyscrapers in my city.

• design • future • homes • tallest • floors • taller • offices

1 In the past, buildings in Amman didn’t have more than four
2 Kareem thinks that architects will taller buildings.
3 The new buildings will be than thirty-five floors.
4 The new buildings will be the skyscrapers in Amman.
5 In the new buildings, there will be ,
and a hotel on forty-four floors.
6 Kareem thinks that there will be a lot of tall In the past, buildings
skyscrapers in the . in Amman didn’t have
more than four floors.

5 Listen and say

firefighter bike climb skyscraper

6 Look and say

Ahmad Omar Mariam Zeinab

• architect design buildings

• astronaut discover new planets
• teacher teach English
• scientist invent something

I think that Ahmad will be an astronaut.

I think that he will discover new planets.

7 Talk about you

• In five years
• In ten years
• In twenty years
• In fifty years

In five years, I think that I will

go to a different school.

17 Have you ever climbed a mountain?

1 Listen and read

1 2

i Have you ever climbed
li b d Jabal
b l
Um Addami, Dad? It’s in the south.
Samira: Let’s look at a map of Jordan. Look! Dad: No, I haven’t. It’s the highest
The Shaumari Nature Reserve is in the north- mountain in Jordan.
east of the country.
areem We enjoyed our visit there! 4

Kareem: Have you ever visited

i i d the
Kareem: There
h iis one portt iin JJordan.
d H
Have Dead Sea, Dad? It’s in the west of
you ever sailed from the port, Grandpa? Jordan.

Grandpa: Yes, I have. It’s at Aqaba. People Dad: Yes, I have. It’s the lowest place
sail to the Red Sea from Aqaba. on Earth. We can visit the Dead Sea in
the holidays!
2 Ask and answer

visit a nature reserve visit a castle

sail from a port

climb a mountain

play table tennis

Have you ever visited

a nature reserve?

Yes, I have.
3 Read and match

Dear Laila,
Have you ever visited the Dead Sea? It’s in the
west of Jordan. Many visitors come here because itt
is a very beautiful place.
It is big and salty. There is land all around it. The
Jordan River goes into it from the north. Do you
think that the Dead Sea is a lake or a sea?
There is a lot of salt in the water. Many people
think that the salt is good for their health. Some
people buy Dead Sea salt and they use it at home.
See you next week.
Your friend,

1 The Dead Sea is in a the Dead Sea from the

2 It is a beautiful place, so north.

3 The Jordan River goes into b very salty.

4 The water is c they think that it is good for

their health.
5 Some people buy Dead Sea salt
because d the west of Jordan.
e many visitors go there.

The Dead Sea is in

the west of Jordan.
4 Listen and say

country hundred mother

5 Talk about you Have you ever visited the

• visited the Royal Automobile Museum Royal Automobile Museum?
• travelled in a plane
• picked fruit from a tree
• watched fireworks in the sky
• planted a seed
• talked to a friend in a different country

Yes, I have.
6 Sing

Have you ever climbed a mountain?

No, I haven’t!
Have you ever sailed on the sea?
Yes, I have!
Have you ever travelled to the moon?
No, I haven’t!
Have you ever watched the stars?
Yes, I have!


18 Review

1 Listen and read

Good morning, children.

Today, Kareem is going to
talk about his grandfather.

My grandfather
df h li lived
d iin the
h north-east
h when
he was a boy. There weren’t many cars,
so there wasn’t much noise. He wanted to
teach because he liked helping children.
My grandfather worked hard. He studied the
stars! He visited the lowest place on Earth.
He climbed the highest mountain in Jordan.
He sailed from Jordan’s port at Aqaba.
I think that I will be an architect and I will
design skyscrapers when I grow up.
Have you ever lived
in the north-east?
2 Ask and answer
• lived in the north-east
• travelled to Aqaba
• climbed Jabal Um Addami
• visited the Dead Sea
• visited a skyscraper
No, I haven’t.
3 Look and say
• skyscrapers • cars • people • mobile phones • noise

in the past

There weren’t any

skyscrapers in the
past. There are a lot
of skyscrapers now.


4 Talk about you

• people will travel to
• scientists will invent
• architects will design
• astronauts will discover
• everyone will live

In a hundred years, I think that people

will travel to the moon on holiday.

5 Read and say right or wrong

Mustafa Salameh worked

in a hotel for ten years. He
liked climbing. He said, ‘I
think that I will climb the
highest mountain on Earth.’
His friend said, ‘I think you
should play sports because
you will need a lot of
Mustafa decided to do a lot
of exercise. It was hard work.
After eight years, his muscles
were strong. His heart
worked well. His health was
Then, on Independence
Day 2008, Mustafa put
the Jordanian flag on the
highest mountain. There
were celebrations in Jordan!
Mustafa Salameh worked
1 Mustafa Salameh worked in a in a school for ten years.
school for ten years.
2 Mustafa Salameh liked football.
3 He said, ‘I will visit the lowest place
on Earth.’
4 He decided to do a lot of exercise
because he needed a lot of energy.
5 After six years, his muscles were
6 Mustafa was healthy.
7 He put the Jordanian flag on the
highest mountain on Independence
Day 2008.
8 There were celebrations in his hotel.
Wrong. Mustafa
Salameh worked in
a hotel for ten years.

6 Project: When I grow up

1 Read and answer

1 What do you like? 4 What will you do?

2 What will you study? 5 Where will you live?
3 What will you be when 6 Where will you travel?
you grow up?

2 Write about your life in the future

When I grow up
I like science and I like helping people.
When I grow up, I want to study
medicine. I think that I will be a doctor
or a scientist. I want to help people
who are ill. I think that I will invent a
new medicine. This medicine will help
people’s hearts to be strong.
I think that I will live in Amman.
I will travel around Jordan for my
holidays. I think that I will be very

3 Say
I think that I will be a doctor or
a scientist when I grow up.

Picture dictionary

circle hexagon

rectangle triangle


helicopter lorry

motorbike plane
Picture dictionary

bracelet blanket

earrings rattle


dentist firefighter

scientist architect
Picture dictionary

clothes shop bookshop

sports shop shopping centre

Going shopping

blouse football boots

computer game watch

Picture dictionary
Food and cooking


saucepan frying pan




butter flour


spices fizzy drink

salt and pepper


onions tomatoes

ago (U6, U9) family (U1, U4, U7, U8, look after (U12) saucepan (U11)
all (U2, U3, U5, U7, U15, U10, U13, U15) lorry (U5, U9) scientist (U6, U16, U18)
U17) farmer (U11, U13) lot (U1, U2, U6, U12, seed (U17)
along (U1) feel (v) (U11) U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, serve (v) (U11, U13)
also (U10) finally (U11, U13) U18) sewing (U3, U4)
answer (v) (U5) firefighter (U6, U16) love (U10, U15) shape (U2, U4)
Arabian Oryx (U12, U13) fire station (U6) low (U17, U18) shopping centre (U8,
architect (U16, U18) firework (U15, U17) U9)
astronaut (U16, U18) first (U11, U13, U15) mansaf (U10) shopping list (U10)
fizzy drinks (U14) married (U15) show (U12)
band (U15) floor (U16) metre (U7) side (U2, U3, U11)
baklava (U10) flour (U10, U13) mix (v) (U11, U13) skyscraper (U16, U18)
because (U12, U13, U14, food (U8, U11) model plane (U1) sleeve (U3, U4)
U15, U17, U18) football boots (U8, U9) motorbike (U5, U9) slide (U1)
become (U15) friendly (U3, U4) muscles (U14, U18) smell (v) (U7, U11, U13)
bee (U2, U7) frying pan (U11) so (U14, U17)
beginning (U13) future (U16) national (U12, U13, U15) soft toy (U1, U4)
blanket (U7) nature reserve (U12, soil (U12)
blouse (U8, U9) Grade (U2, U6) U13, U17) something (U2, U16)
bowl (n) (U11, U13) grow up (U16, U18) need (U18) soon (U6, U8)
bowling (U8) next (U11, U13) sound (v) (U11)
bowling alley (U8) hard (U14, U18) noise (U15, U18) space (room) (U16)
bracelet (U7, U9) health (U14, U17, U18) noisy (U11, U13) spices (U10, U11, U13)
butter (U10, U13) heart (U14, U18) north-east (U17, U18) spoon (U11)
heavy (U7) now (U2, U3, U5, U12, sports shop (U8, U9)
carefully (U15) helicopter (U5, U9) U15, U18) square (U2, U4)
celebrate (U15) helpful (U3, U4) study (v) (U3, U18)
celebration (U15, U18) herbs (U10, U13) of course (U10) surprise (U12)
chocolate (U8) hexagon (U2) office (U16) swing (n) (U1)
circle (U2) hi (U3) Olympic Games (U14)
class (U5) high (U17, U18) onion (U10, U11, U13) taste (v) (U11, U13)
clever (U3) history (U6) ostrich (U12) tell (U13)
clothes shop (U8, U9, U13) honey (U2) theme park (U1)
collection (U5) horse (U2, U7, U9) pepper (U10, U11, U13) then (U11, U13)
costume (U3, U4) hour (U7) picture (U1, U2, U3, U5, thing (U6)
countryside (U2, U12) hunt (v) (U12) U8, U12) together (U7, U10)
crowd (n) (U15) place (n) (U17, U18) tomatoes (U6)
cupboard (U10) Independence Day plate (U10, U11, U13) too (U1, U2, U4, U8,
cut (U11) (U15, U18) point (U12, U13) U11, U12, U14)
cut down (U12) inside (U2) policeman (U6) transport (U5, U9)
interesting (U4, U6, port (U17, U18) triangle (U2, U4, U13)
dear (U3) U7, U9) potato (U11, U13) trunk (U7)
dentist (U6, U16) invent (U16, U18) powerful (U5)
dentist’s surgery (U6, U9) iris (U12) useful (U7, U9)
design (v) (U16, U18) quarter past (U8)
discover (U16, U18) jeweller’s (U8, U9) Queen (U15) vegetables (U10)
display (n) (U15) question (n) (U5) view (U12)
keep (U11)
early (U12, U13, U14) kilo (U7) rattle (U7) want (U6, U12, U18)
earrings (U7) kind (adj) (U3, U4, U7) rectangle (U2, U3, U4, water park (U1, U3)
energy (U14, U18) King (U15) U13) weigh (U7)
equal (U2) knock (U15) road (U16) wild (n) (U12, U13)
everyone (U11, U13, U16, know (U2, U3, U7) wild cat (n) (U12)
U18) sail (U17, U18) woman/women (U3)
excited (U5, U6, U12, U13) lake (U17) salt (U10, U11, U13, U17) writing (n) (U6)
exercise (n) (U14, U18) land (n) (U17) salty (U17)
expensive (U7) late (U14) same (U12) yoghurt (U10, U11,
lettuce (U10) sauce (U10, U12, U13) U13)


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