Accenture Strategy-Reimagining The Employee Experience Through Operating Model (2020)

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EX factor

Reimagining the employee experience

through the operating model
About the authors

Shammak Banerjee Aneel Delawalla Paul Jeruchimowitz Kent McMillan

Managing Director, Managing Director, Managing Director, Managing Director, Accenture Strategy,
Accenture Strategy, Talent & Accenture Strategy, Accenture Strategy, Intelligent Global Lead, Organizational
Organization/Human Potential CFO & Enterprise Value Operating Model and Zero‑Based Development and Europe Lead,
Organization Global Lead Intelligent Operating Model

Shammak specializes in diverse Aneel works with management Paul helps organizations design and Kent works with executives to drive
aspects of Talent and Organization teams and the boards of directors implement large-scale integrated growth through enterprise wide
including operating model leadership of publicly traded and privately held operating model and business services business transformation programs.
development, talent management, companies to create enterprise value transformation programs. He has His focus is helping clients develop
workforce transformation, and at the intersection of growth strategies, strategized, designed, built, implemented operating model and people strategies
growth strategies. Shammak operating model transformation, and and optimized services organizations and to drive enhanced customer
is based in Cincinnati. employee experience. Aneel is based operating models across many functional experiences and more efficient
in Atlanta. areas, including finance, HR, IT, supply operations in the digital age.
chain, sales and marketing, and others. Kent is based in London.
Paul is based in New York.

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 2

Employee expectations about how they
work are not changing. They have changed.
As companies adapt to the massive disruption Organizations that focus on building their “EX Factor”
of COVID-19, they must move quickly to redefine will attract, develop and retain top talent while reducing
workforce strategies, re-engage employees and cost to serve and enhancing operational agility.
reimagine the employee experience (EX). Achieving these outcomes requires a pivot to a new,
employee-centric operating model, one that re-orients
Employee engagement has taken a significant hit over teams around what matters most to employees
the past few months, dropping to an all-time low with and delivers differentiated experiences to maximize
54 percent of employees “disengaged” and 14 percent engagement and build trust. It is an approach that
“actively disengaged,” according to a recent Gallup poll.1 is good for employees and for business as companies
While the pandemic may have flooded the market with that craft a differentiated EX at scale outperform
a surplus of talent, there remains a shortage of the most their rivals in earnings.
desired skills, forcing companies to reassess their
employee value propositions to stay relevant.

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 3

Employees as customers
The winners on this new playing field are companies The pandemic has pushed companies to rethink The value is significant, quantified not only
that treat employees like customers, infusing a ways of working and become hypersensitive to by traditional metrics like employee retention
sense of purpose into the experience. Seventy-six the personal and professional needs of its current and net promoter score, but also by customer
percent of executives agree that organizations need and future employees. This has accelerated the effort score (CES), which serves to calculate the
to dramatically re-engineer the experiences that next generation of business offerings: enterprises collective ROI of positive micro-experiences
bring people and technology together in a more are becoming collaborative partners in experience provided across the organization.4
human-centric manner.2 Co-creating experiences creation—not just providers of it—ultimately
with employees based on their increasingly liquid transforming their relationships with customers
expectations completes the EX play and creates a and employees.
greater sense of brand loyalty within the workforce.
Eighty one percent of HR leaders have already rolled
out or are piloting various technologies to improve
the employee experience.3 Those that successfully One global retailer took a product development approach to enhancing
activate a purpose-led EX create a community the employee experience. They started with redesigning their employee
of valuable brand stakeholders all working discount program, one of the most highly valued employee benefits.
together to shape the next era of engagement They introduced a new digital program that enabled associates to review
and competitiveness.
and apply discounts on their device while at the register so they could see
how much they were saving in real time. They also could earn additional
discounts based on performance, anniversaries, etc. The goal: drive loyalty
and retention by focusing on what employees value most at a time when
the cost and volatility of hiring had never been higher.

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 4

Disrupt to deliver
Of course, treating employees like customers to An EX-based approach puts the employee outcome
deliver high-value experiences is easier said than at the center of the model and empowers teams
done. It is difficult to provide differentiated EX to create solutions that deliver it in a way that
when skills or tools exist outside of single functions. delights the employee and lowers the company’s
Ninety-three percent of companies note their very cost to serve. Like with customers, the employee
existence is jeopardized by operating models that has primacy and teams are organized around the
can’t keep pace.5 COVID-19 has accelerated the outcomes they value the most. It is what one global
need to self-disrupt and reorient teams to be more beverage company decided to do: break through
flexible and resilient, leveraging an expanded talent silos and organize their operating model around
and technology ecosystem. By reimagining HR, six employee services, such as “Joiner,” where the
finance, IT, and Global Business Services (GBS) into entire onboarding process was enhanced. Also
employee services, companies eliminate functional “Growth,” where employees could access relevant
silos and reset cost structures to self-fund and learning experiences on the go. Each service was
deliver EX at scale. led by a global experience owner empowered to
reimagine the people, processes and tools required
One example: it can be difficult to create a
to deliver the desired employee outcomes.
delightful experience for onboarding if the onus
is on the new employee to navigate Disrupt to
deliver through corporate silos and coordinate
disparate touch points.

Organize around outcomes—not functions
I have a professional need… New Joiner Onboarding is an opportunity I have a professional request…
I am joining a new company to create a signature experience I have a new employee joining
into my group

Service is triggered Employee journey End of service

End-to-end services across functions

HR Finance Procurement IT Facilities Stores

Orientation Cost center mapping Contingent labor vendor Security profile/role Building access Orientation
Transfer Signing authority Authority levels Security card Uniforms
Address change Expense management New system access Cube/office Workplace schedule
Tax change Supplies Store discounts
Benefits change System access
Payroll set up Parking space
Relocation Health & safety

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 6

More EX for less
Developing new, highly valued employee One global engineering company, seeking to
experiences does not necessarily require more reinvent their HR function for a better employee
investment. One way to get more EX for less experience, faced the challenge of creating
is to leverage the organization’s existing GBS the right operating model to sustain changes
organization to accelerate speed to value when over time. When the company fundamentally
it comes to crafting employee experiences at redesigned the model—leveraging internal experts
scale. GBS creates the agility needed to adapt and program designers, local operations, and
to shifting needs for both employee and employer, an external strategic partner—they successfully
repositioning the functional teams and experts transformed their department into one that
(sourced from liquid talent pools within and elevated the employee experience, enabled the
outside of the organization) to leverage tools business and optimized cost to serve. The payoff:
(automated onboarding, digital assistants, a considerable reduction in SG&A.
employee and manager self-service) that drive
greater user experience, workforce productivity,
and issue resolution. And consider this: as
technology ecosystems mature, automation and
artificial intelligence initiatives scale operational
cost benefits by up to 30 percent and improve
time‑to‑market from 3x to 10x.6

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 7

Putting EX in the operating model
Winning the war on talent means pumping up your EX factor. Here are three ways to start:

Co-create the experience Reimagine the model

Customers are regularly engaged to enrich or redefine their desired Companies can no longer rely on just traditional levers, including
experiences. Companies must do the same with employees. Instead of compensation, attractive benefit packages or in-person training to engender
telling employees what they value, functions need to invest in co-creating loyalty and drive retention although they are still relevant. Reimagining the
the experiences and outcomes. Consider three lenses to orient the approach: employee experience means more than orienting around employee services.
human, physical and digital. Form design-thinking pods to rapidly—think days To truly bring the operating model to life, single owners must be established
or weeks, not months—ideate, define, develop, test and deploy solutions that and made accountable for all of the people, processes, experiences and
enhance the employee’s sense of belonging, collaboration, flexibility and tools delivered by multi-disciplinary teams to achieve the desired outcomes.
value. One way to focus EX is to craft personas that exist in the organization And once that construct has been implemented—accelerated by an existing
or are anticipated in the future. What do employees value? How could a GBS infrastructure—it must be measured by a combination of traditional
differentiated experience drive engagement? Create affinity that impacts key performance indicators, or KPIs, such as workforce productivity, time to
retention? Or attract candidates to the company in the first place? proficiency, retention or employee net promoter score. They should also be
measured by new key experience indicators, or KEIs, such as customer effort
score, service provider NPS, collaboration analytics and sentiment analysis
through voice/chat/email interactions. Doing so will also sharpen the focus
of the organization’s corporate functions, enabling a pivot towards strategy,
policy and insights, and away from lower value work.

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 8

Empower humans + machines
To deliver the new model at scale and address variable workforce or business
needs, companies need to exploit the power of human + machine. Expanding the
ecosystem—through a curated network of strategic partners, adaptive or liquid
talent pools—can accelerate this evolution and unlock new sources of value through
innovation. Seventy‑six percent of business leaders agree that current models
will be unrecognizable in the next five years.7 Ecosystems will be the main change
agent. Digitizing the enterprise becomes a major enabler, ensuring the new model
maximizes not only process efficiencies and business insights, but creates leverage
for higher touch “concierge” services related to parental leave, mobility, and
performance management. And companies shouldn’t just look outside for critical
skills. They should reskill the workers they have using an emerging set of partners
and tools. Forty‑three percent of executives surveyed by Accenture anticipate that
in the next three years more than 60 percent of their workforce will move into new
roles requiring substantial reskilling due to the impact of technology.8

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 9

The ROI of EX
When all is said and done, boosting the employee experience isn’t just Contact the authors to
about attraction and retention. Although for star performers, those are explore ways to unlock
moreximportant than ever. EX is all about ROI. Companies with highly your organization’s full
engaged workforces see a measurable bottom-line impact, significantly
outperforming their peers and making their organizations stand out
potential and reimagine
during a time of disruption. the employee experience.

Get in touch

EX factor: Reimagining the employee experience through the operating model 10

References About Accenture
1 Historic Drop in Employee Engagement Follows Record Rise, Gallup, July 2020. Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital,
cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across
2 Accenture Technology Vision, 2020. more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and
Operations services—all powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology
3 Employee Experience Reimagined, Accenture, 2017.
and Intelligent Operations centers. Our 569,000 people deliver on the promise of technology
4 Accenture Technology Vision, 2020. and human ingenuity every day, serving clients in more than 120 countries. We embrace the
power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders,
Building the Intelligent Enterprise: Learning from COVID-19 to Create Lasting Agility partners and communities.
and Resiliency, Accenture, 2020.
Visit us at
Making IT Work: Developing the Future IT Workforce, Accenture, 2018.

7 Cornerstone of Future Growth, Ecosystems, Accenture, 2018. About Accenture Strategy

8 New Workforce Skilling for Innovation and Growth, Accenture, 2019. Accenture Accenture Strategy works with boards, CEOs and C-suite executives to
create 360° value for all stakeholders by defining and answering their most strategic
business questions—including growth, profitability, technology-driven transformation,
mergers and acquisitions (M&A), operating models and sustainability—with insights
from AI and data science, combined with deep industry and function expertise.
Nicholas Bobich
For more information, follow @AccentureStrat or visit
Senior Manager, Accenture Strategy

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