Reactivity Laboratory Industrial Limes

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Reactivity of laboratory and industrial limes

Jean-Michel Commandre, Sylvain Salvador, Ange Nzihou

To cite this version:

Jean-Michel Commandre, Sylvain Salvador, Ange Nzihou. Reactivity of laboratory and indus-
trial limes. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Elsevier, 2007, 85 (4), pp.473-480.
�10.1205/cherd06200�. �hal-01634390�

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J.-M. Commandré! , S. Salvador and A. Nzihou

Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés des Solides Divisés, Albi,

Abstract: Quicklimes produced in an industrial kiln have a very low hydration activity compared
to those produced in the laboratory. In this study, we seek to explain these differences in reactiv-
ities by providing quantitative data on the kinetics of the two mechanisms involved in the
production of quicklime: the calcination of limestone to produce quicklime, and the undesirable
sintering of quicklime. The first mechanism increases the specific surface area of the product
from a few m2 g21 to more than 80 m2 g21, making the quicklime highly reactive: the time to
react with water is less than 10 s. The second mechanism reduces the specific surface area
down to a few m2 g21—which is typical for an industrial quicklime—and severely reduces its
reactivity: the time to react with water is around 15 min. The impact of the local temperature
and of the local partial pressure of CO2 is quantified for both mechanisms, by experimenting
the two extreme cases of pure N2 atmosphere and pure CO2 atmosphere using specially
designed laboratory apparatus. Some correlation between the quicklime reactivity and the
specific surface area is found. The work demonstrates that industrial furnace calcining large
limestone pellets, leads to low reactivity quicklimes both because the calcination temperature
is too high and the CO2 pressure is too elevated.
Keywords: lime; reactivity; sintering; calcination; CO2.

INTRODUCTION 1998; Zhong and Bjerle, 1993). Borgwardt

(1985) found from his entrained flow reactor
Calcium oxide, known as lime (or quicklime), studies that 90% of calcination conversion
Correspondence to: is one of the most widely used and cheapest was reached in 0.25 s for 10 mm limestone par-
Dr J.-M. Commandré, Ecole
des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux,
alkalizing agents employed worldwide. It is a ticles at 10008C, but for differential reactor
Laboratoire de Génie des multifunctional solid that offers plenty of tests, the same calcination conversion tooks
Procédés des Solides uses, as a sub-material for the purification of 40 s to be reached for 6 mm particles at 7108C.
Divisés, UMR 2392 CNRS, metals, a moisture-proof agent, a catalyst The BET surface area and the porosity of
Campus Jarlard, route de
carrier, a chemical sorbent for the removal of quicklime depends on calcination conditions.
Teille, 81013 Albi CT Cedex
09, France. acidic gases, or a soil stabilization binder. Borgwardt (1989a, b) found that the CaO
E-mail: Limestone is calcined to produce quicklime, had a minimum grain size and a maximum
[email protected] and the quality of lime is closely linked to surface area of 104 m2 g21 immediately
the calcination process (Potgieter et al., following CaCO3 decomposition. Beruto
2002; Seidel et al., 1980; Zhong and Bjerle, et al. (1980) calcined 3– 10 mm CaCO3
1993). under vacuum at 5108C, the measured BET
Quicklime is normally produced in vertical surface area of the quicklime being
shaft kilns, in which limestone pellets mixed 133 m2 g21. Zhong and Bjerle (1993) reach
with coal are fed in at the top and lime is a specific surface of 110 m2 g21 in an
extracted at the bottom. Air is blown through entrained flow reactor used to calcine lime-
the stack. In order to maintain an accepta- stone particles. They found that specific sur-
ble pressure drop through the bed of pellets, face increases with reaction temperature
the size of the pellets is typically retained in until 10008C, then decreases.
the range 5 – 150 mm (Seidel et al., 1980). The kinetics of limestone calcination is
The limestone calcination is highly known to be slowed down if the partial
endothermic: the theoretical energy required pressure of CO2 is increased (Borgwardt,
in the reaction CaCO3 ! CaO þ CO2 is 1989b; Fuertes et al., 1991; Hills, 1968; Hu
1792 kJ kg21 of limestone. and Scaroni, 1996; Ingraham and Marier,
It is generally considered that the calcination 1963; Khinast et al., 1996; Zhong and
of small CaCO3 particles is a rapid reaction Bjerle, 1993). The effect of the CO2 partial
(Borgwardt, 1985; DiBenedetto and Salatino, pressure on rate of calcination is taken into
account by including a correcting factor in the kinetic The quicklime hydration activity is determined for each
equation. This factor is based on a equilibrium CO2 partial experiment; a correlation between the quicklime specific
pressure calculation (Rao et al., 1989; Turkdogan et al., surface and its hydration activity has been investigated.
1973). Zhong and Bjerle (1993) have shown that CaCO3
decomposition is clearly decreased by increasing CO2 partial
pressure. When CO2 partial pressure exceeds its equilibrium EXPERIMENTS
partial pressure, CaCO3 cannot decompose. Experiments were achieved by using three types of
The effect of CO2 on quicklime specific surface is remark- devices:
able. Samples calcined at 1123 K by Rubiera et al. (1991)
have a surface of 25 m2 g21 under N2 whereas those cal- . Limestone calcination experiments in a specially designed
cined in 10% CO2 have an area of 7 m2 g21. In an industrial laboratory crossed fixed-bed reactor enabling precise con-
process, three phenomena can potentially increase the CO2 trol of the calcination temperature and of the CO2 partial
pressure inside pellets, when decarbonation occurs: pressure. This made it possible to produce a very high
reactivity quicklime.
. Lime sintering experiments, in which a very high reactivity
(1) CO2 is not removed instantaneously from the inside of quicklime was submitted to temperatures ranging from
the pellets, and its partial pressure can be higher at the 1100 to 13008C for 2 h in a muffle furnace.
heart of the pellet than close to its surface; . Because of the very high reactivity of some of the
(2) CO2 leaving the pellet is not evacuated instantaneously quicklimes produced and of the small quantities obtained
from the surface of the pellet, and its partial pressure (a few g), a specific new device was developed to measure
can be higher at the surface of the particle than around extinction duration in water even in the case of durations as
the particle; small as 15 s.
(3) the gas that sweeps the particle can be CO2 rich due to
CO2 release by the pellets upstream.
Calcination Set-Up and Procedure
Because of these factors, achieving full decarbonation of The difficulty in designing a fixed-bed reactor for limestone
the pellets within several hours requires operating tempera- calcination lies in the need to guarantee:
tures much higher than in the ideal case i.e., when the CO2
. that the CO2 released by each grain is rapidly evacuated
partial pressure is zero. Indeed, the temperature in a indus-
from the inside of the particle to its surface;
trial kiln reaches 1000–13008C, and the decarbonation time
. that CO2 content in the atmosphere around all grains inside
required ranges from 2 to 24 h (Seidel et al., 1980; Tashimo
the bed is similar and controlled.
et al., 2000), while full calcination can be achieved at
9008C within less than 1 min in the laboratory. The ‘crossed’ fixed bed that was developed is shown in
An unfortunate consequence of the high temperatures Figure 1. The bed is crossed by all of the atmosphere gases.
involved is the sintering reaction. Some authors (Borgwardt, The flow rate of these gases is sufficiently high (4 l min21 at
1989a; Tashimo et al., 2000; Zhong and Bjerle, 1993) have STP) to ensure that the concentration of CO2 produced
shown that the sintering rate is accelerated in presence of during limestone calcination under N2 atmosphere never
CO2 or H2O. The increase both in temperature and in CO2 exceeds 1% at the exit of the bed.
concentration enhances the sintering of CaO (Beruto et al., In order to ensure a homogenous flow of gases through the
1984; Borgwardt, 1989a) which results in a decrease in the limestone bed, and a good contact between the particles and
surface area. Shi et al. (2002) have shown that increasing the gas, limestone particles are mixed with 1.5 mm diameter
the firing temperature results in a more perfect lattice of ruby balls. These balls are inert and do not interact with lime-
CaO, a denser structure, a lower free energy of the crystal sur- stone or quicklime, and their melting point is higher than
faces and a lower hydration activity of CaO. In short, the 2000 K.
hydration activity of CaO is a macroscopic reflection of its The apparatus consists of an external 30 mm i.d. and a
microstructure (Shi et al., 2002). As a result, an industrial 330 mm long, electrically heated quartz tube. The gas
quicklime requires more than 10 min for hydration in water, passes through the limestone bed is previously preheated
whereas quicklimes produced in laboratory at temperature in the annular space between the external and the internal
lower than 11008C require less than 4 min (Kantiranis, 2003; tube. The flow of gas is controlled by a mass flow meter/con-
Shi et al., 2002; Xu et al., 1998). Dheilly et al. (1998) have pro- troller. Gases are exhausted at the bottom of the internal
duced extremely porous quicklime. Its surface area is equal to tube. The pressure on top of the bed is measured; this
5.1 m2 g21; this corresponds to a product that would be known pressure remains close to atmospheric pressure, proving
in industrial terms as ‘highly reactive’. Campbell et al. (1988) that the gases are well evacuated.
have shown that at a given temperature the hydration activity Each test is operated as follows. The limestone is mixed
is reduced when calcination time increases. Shi et al. (2002) with the ruby balls, and is deposited on the filtering sheet:
also show that hydration activity is reduced when temperature the bed height is around 20 mm. The sweeping gas (nitrogen
increases at a given residence time. or CO2) feeds the reactor while the sample is kept beside it.
In this work, the kinetics for each of the two reactions— When the reactor is stabilised at the fixed calcination temp-
limestone calcination and quicklime sintering—has been erature, the internal tube containing limestone is rapidly
characterized. The impact of the CO2 partial pressure on introduced.
both reactions is also quantitatively characterized by realizing Experiments are carried out at the calcination temp-
the two reactions under the two extreme conditions for eratures and retentions time indicated in Table 1. At the
atmosphere: pure N2 and pure CO2. end of the calcination period, the internal tube is taken out
Characterization of the Limestone
The sample used in this work was natural limestone from a
quarry. In order to limit the pressure drop in the bed, the
limestone was dried and the 315 –400 mm fraction was
selected by sieving. It is expected that the small size of the
particles will give a small CO2 concentration gradient inside
a grain. Table 2 gives the result of the chemical analysis,
density and specific surface area measurements of the
limestone. Ca, Na and K compositions were measured by
induced coupled plasma; ultimate analysis was used for
C. The composition is very similar to literature (Seidel et al.,
1980). Mass loss measurements realised in TG experiments
under air in the temperature 400 –6008C show that, in the
case of our limestone, the amount of organic carbon is less
than 0.2%.
The skeletal density was obtained by helium pycnometry
(Micromeritics Accupyc 1330). Its value was around
2700 kg m23. The surface area was measured using nitrogen
adsorption (Micromeritics Gemini) at 77 K and calculated with
the BET equation. The value of the surface area of limestone
was low at 1.6 m2 g21, which is in agreement with the literature
(Cremer and Nitsch, 1962; Ingraham and Marier, 1963;
Rubiera et al., 1991; Tashimo et al., 2000).

Characterization of Quicklime
The calcination degree of all the quicklimes produced was
determined by measuring the residual loss on ignition. A
mass mi was deposited into a quartz crucible as a thin
layer (less than 2 mm), and introduced in a muffle furnace
at 9758C for 30 min. The final mass mf was then measured.
The calcination progress, t, was expressed by
mi $ mf
Figure 1. Crossed fixed bed. (1) Quartz tube; (2) electrical heater; (3) t¼ (1)
0:44 mi
particles bed; (4) filtering sheet; (5) exhaust gases; (6) lime particles;
(7) ruby balls; (8) water column manometer; M—mass flow meter/
controller; N2—nitrogen; CO2—carbon dioxide. where the term 0.44 mi is the theoretical maximal mass loss
by CO2 release after complete calcination of initial limestone
(0.44 is the ratio of molar mass of CO2 and of CaCO3).
The specific surface area and the density of the quicklimes
of the reactor. The calcination reactions are stopped rapidly produced were measured by N2 adsorption (BET) and He
as the sample is quenched by connecting the exit of the pycnometry respectively.
internal tube to a pump and sucking fresh air through the The hydration reaction of quicklime is an exothermic
sample. reaction and can be expressed by

CaO(S) þ H2 O $! Ca(OH)2(S) þ 64:5 kJ mol$1


Table 1. Experiments realised in crossed fixed-bed reactor; calcina- Quicklime reactivity is typically measured using the water
tion temperature, duration of experiment, gas used as atmosphere extinction test following the European standard procedure
in reactor, and calcination conversion after reaction.
(NF EN 549-2, 2002); a mass of 150 g of lime is introduced
Calcination Calcination Specific into 600 g of water in an adiabatic receiver (Dewar), shaken
temperature Duration conversion surface by a magnetic stirrer. A thermometer placed in the suspen-
Atmosphere (8C) (s) (%) (m2 g21 lime) sion measures the temperature of water, which increases
N2 600 3600 10.11 due to the heat released during hydration of CaO and then
N2 600 5400 24.28 79.28 stabilizes to a final value. Different characteristics can be
N2 700 1860 50.09 derived from this test:
N2 700 1920 53.81
N2 700 2520 73.04 46.66 . a static property: the maximal temperature reached after
N2 750 1860 95.06 32.81 complete quicklime hydration;
CO2 90 2700 36.1 15.64 . a dynamic property: the time to reach this maximal temp-
CO2 910 1920 59.7 10.08
CO2 920 1200 71.8 11.26 erature, which characterizes the activity of the quicklime
(Maciel-Camacho et al., 1997; French norm, 2002).
Table 2. Specific surface area, density and chemical analysis of limestone.

Specific surface Density Ca K Na C H N S

(m2 g21) (g cm23) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Limestone 315 –400 mm 1.6 2.69 45.36 0.63 1.0 11.81 0.0 0.0 0.0

The quicklime produced in the laboratory experiments was and calcining limestone at 7508C for 2 h 50 min. The surface
available in quantities of a few grams only, and a specific area of this quicklime was 15.18 m2 g21
device had to be developed. Shi et al. (2002) determined Sintering experiments were carried out under N2 and under
the hydration activity by conductive microcalorimetry. This CO2 atmospheres, between 1100 and 13008C. A mass of 4 g
device allows the heat flux released during hydration to be of quicklime was put inside a 6 cm diameter cylinder with a
measured, but the values obtained are far from results bed height of less than 5 mm; this crucible was then placed
found in standard devices. We used a 10 ml flask in which in the furnace. The sample was heated at 108C min21 until
1.5 g of quicklime was introduced together with a magnetic the selected sintering temperature was reached. Then, the
bar (see Figure 2). Three thermocouples, which crossed temperature was maintained constant for 2 h. Finally, the
the cap of the flask, were placed in the flask. The flask was sample was cooled at 108C min21.
then put on a 15 mm thick insulating material and laid in a
drum (Figure 2) in order to protect the flask from eventual
forced convection with air in the room. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Water was then rapidly fed into the flask and the tempera-
Calcination Kinetics
ture variation of the mixture was recorded.
Because of the small size of the experiment, heat losses The kinetics of limestone calcination under N2 and CO2
from the water and quicklime mixture into the environment atmosphere was studied using data from experiments carried
cannot be neglected; even insulating the flask did not prevent out in the crossed fixed bed reactor. It is clear from these results
heat losses. A thermal model was therefore developed to that calcining limestone under CO2 atmosphere requires a
take account of heat losses. Preliminary experiments were much higher temperature (900 –9208C) than under the N2
carried out (without quicklime) in which we measured the atmosphere (600 –7008C).
temperature decrease of hot water placed in the flask. It A plot using the Arrhenius representation should help in
was found that the expression of the heat losses following interpreting these values. Given the small size of the particles
equation: and the high degree of control of the nature of the atmos-
phere around each grain, a simple first order kinetic model
F ¼ 4:72 % S % (T sample $ T amb )0:25 (2) can be adopted, and will be validated further. The reaction
kinetics can be expressed by
provides a very good description. By applying this model, the
temperature curve versus time is identical in this test to that dmCaCO3
¼ $kmCaCO3 (3)
measured for an industrial lime with the standard test. This dt
technique enabled extinction durations as short as 10 s to
be measured using a sample mass of 1.5 g only. which is equivalent to

d(1 $ t)
¼ k(1 $ t) (4)
Sintering Set-Up and Procedure
The sintering mechanism was studied in a specific AUBRY
furnace which allows samples to be heated up to 16008C. A mCaCO3 ¼ mf $ 0:56 mi (5)
quicklime with a high surface area was first prepared. This
quicklime was then used to study sintering reaction. The we obtain
high reactivity quicklime was prepared using a muffle furnace
ln (1 $ t)
k¼$ (6)

where tr is the residence time (s), and k is the kinetic rate (s21)
of the calcination reaction. The kinetic rate under N2 and CO2
atmosphere are plotted simultaneously in Figure 3. For a
given atmosphere, the experimental results follow a straight
line in the Arrhenius representation, which indicates that the
adopted kinetic model correctly describes the reaction.
The calcination kinetic rate under CO2 atmosphere is much
smaller than that found under N2 atmosphere. At a given
temperature, i.e., on a vertical line, several decades separate
the two kinetic rates. The activation energies—determined
from the slopes of the curves—are 180 and 1077 kJ mol21
Figure 2. Lime activity measurement device. for calcination under N2 and under CO2 atmospheres
Figure 3. Calcination kinetics and specific surface area during lime-
stone calcination under N2 and CO2 atmosphere. Surface: specific
surface area of samples (m2 g21CaO). Figure 4. Specific surface after sintering at different temperature
under N2 and under CO2 atmosphere (initial lime for all sintering
experiments: surface area of 15.18 m2 g21).
respectively. The slope of the curve is clearly higher for the
experiments under CO2 than for the experiments under N2
atmospheres. If one extrapolates the two curves to higher specific surfaces still decrease when temperature is increased
temperatures, they cross at a temperature close to 9608C to 13008C. At this temperature, the surface area falls to
(1/T ¼ 8.1.1024 K21). This means that at this temperature, 0.68 m2 g21 under N2, and at 0.6 m2 g21 under CO2.
a CO2 atmosphere should not slow down the reaction kinetics
any more. This result is in agreement with literature (Tashimo
et al., 1999; Zhong and Bjerle, 1993). Quicklime Reactivity
We have also plotted in Figure 3 the specific surface area
of the quicklimes obtained versus the calcination tempera- In this section, the reactivity of quicklime is determined
ture. Since the calcination of limestone is not complete, we from the water hydration test, and interpretations are pro-
have expressed the specific surfaces in m2 g21 of CaO and posed on the basis of previous observations. The hydration
not in m2 g21 of total mass (CaO þ CaCO3). Figure 3 of quicklime was first realized for all quicklimes obtained
shows that very high specific surfaces can be developed if after simple calcination. The temperature increase of the
calcination is achieved at a low temperature: the quicklime quicklime þ water mixtures during the hydration tests were
obtained at 6008C has a specific surface area as high as recorded versus time. They were converted into degrees Cel-
80 m2 g21. When the calcination temperature is increased, sius per gram of CaO and not per gram of CaO þ CaCO3.
the specific surface area decreases to 30 m2 g21 for a calci- The motivation for this was to highlight the hydration activity
nation at 7508C. The same decrease in the specific surface of the reactive fraction of the partially calcined products,
area for increased temperatures is observed in the case of excluding the non-reactive limestone fraction left. The results
experiments under CO2 atmosphere. Moreover, all the quick- are plotted in Figure 5 for quicklime calcined under N2, and in
limes obtained under CO2 atmosphere—and at a higher Figure 6 for quicklime calcined under CO2. As a result of the
temperature than under N2 atmosphere—exhibit smaller expression of the results in m2 g21 CaO, the final temperature

specific surfaces than quicklimes obtained under N2 atmos- increase observed for all experiments is similar: 55– 608C;
phere. This result is in agreement with the literature (Rubiera it corresponds to the heat release of the quicklime hydration
et al., 1991), and can probably be attributed to CaO sintering. reaction and is thereabout the same with the data provided
Indeed, Glasson (1958) showed that the specific surface area by Kantiranis (2003). One can note that once the maximum
increases during calcium carbonate decomposition until it is temperature has been reached, the temperature calculated
complete; then the surface decreases by CaO sintering. In using the thermal model describing heat losses remains con-
order to gain understanding of the contribution of sintering, stant, which validates the thermal model.
specific experiments were devoted to the study of this The hydration reaction of quicklimes produced under N2 in
phenomenon and are described below. our study is extremely fast: the maximum temperature is
reached within less than 10 s. The time to extinguish an
industrial quicklime is typically 15–20 min: there is a drastic
difference in reactivity between industrial limes and limes
obtained in the laboratory.
In a second step, the kinetics of quicklime sintering, when In the case of calcination under CO2 atmosphere, the time
submitted to high temperature, was studied. Results of sur- to reach the maximum temperature is much longer than after
faces obtained after sintering are plotted versus temperature calcination under N2: 50–500 s. Nevertheless, it is still much
in Figure 4. It can be observed that the specific surfaces are shorter than for an industrial quicklime.
very small after sintering as compared with the surface of The work realized by Shi et al. (2002) has shown that
the initial quicklime. At 11008C, they are 1.65 m2 g21 and hydration activity of CaO is a macroscopic reflection of its
1.15 m2 g21 under N2 and CO2 respectively. The sintering pro- microstructure. Industrial quicklime, less reactive than our
cess has already taken place to a significant extent. The quicklime, has a specific surface area of 4.2 m2 g21 CaO
Figure 7. Hydration activity of lime sintered under N2 and CO2;
hydration activity and industrial lime produced in packed-bed.

Figure 5. Hydration activity of lime calcined under N2 atmosphere;

10 s is the time required to start temperature recording; calcination (2) The quicklimes submitted to sintering at 1100, 1200 and
temperature and progress are indicated. 13008C under CO2 atmospheres exhibit very low reactiv-
ities: it takes 1386, 1438 and 1664s respectively to reach
80% of the final temperature increase. The three quick-
whereas the surface of quicklime produced in our crossed limes are approximately half as reactive as the industrial
fixed bed is higher than 10 m2 g21 whatever the temperature lime, and five times less reactive than the quicklimes that
or atmosphere of calcination. have undergone sintering under N2 atmosphere. These
results suggest the following interpretation for the low
reactivity of an industrial quicklime as compared to lab-
oratory quicklimes. Due to the large size of the pellets,
Sintered Quicklime Reactivity
high temperatures are operated in the lime kiln for the cal-
The hydration activities obtained in the case of sintered cination to occur in acceptable retention time. Sintering
quicklimes are presented in Figure 7. then occurs, and decreases the hydration activity of the
quicklime. Nevertheless, it is very probable that the temp-
(1) The sintering treatments at 1100, 1200 and 13008C under
erature in the industrial kiln does not exceed 13008C: as
nitrogen atmosphere have clearly increased the time for
shown in Figure 7 for quicklime sintered under N2, sinter-
hydration. It takes 112, 308 and 370s respectively to
ing under CO2-free atmosphere cannot explain the low
reach 80% of the final temperature increase when the
reactivity of the industrial quicklime. As a consequence,
non-sintered quicklimes take less than 10s. The three
it is likely that sintering occurs under high CO2 partial
sintered quicklimes nevertheless still present a much
pressure in the industrial process. It is beyond the
higher activity than the industrial lime.
scope of this work to establish if the accumulation hap-
pens inside each pellet or at the scale of the bed of pel-
lets in the atmosphere gas, but this CO2 accumulation
seems to be a drawback of the process

As previous authors did (Borgwardt, 1989a), we have

observed that both the nature of the atmosphere gas and
the temperature during sintering affect the surface area of
the quicklime and its hydration activity. It is of particular inter-
est to try to establish a link between the surface area and the
reactivity of the quicklimes.
In Figure 8, we have plotted the time necessary to reach
80% of the maximal hydration temperature increase (by
gram of CaO) versus the surface area of sintered quicklime.
If one considers the experimental results as two separate
families—the N2 sintered quicklimes and the CO2 sintered
quicklimes—some correlation is observed between the
specific surface area and the reactivity of quicklime: the
higher the specific surface area the smaller the time for
extinction. If one attempts to fit the experimental results
with straight lines, r 2 of 0.77 and 0.53 only are found for
Figure 6. Hydration activity of lime calcined under CO2 atmosphere;
the experiments under N2 and under CO2 atmospheres
10 s is the time required to start temperature recording; calcination respectively. If one now considers the results all together, it
temperature and progress are indicated. is not possible to predict the activity of a given quicklime
quicklimes are still twice as reactive as an industrial quick-
lime. Sintering under CO2 atmosphere at the same tempera-
ture and retention time result in quicklimes with reactivities of
half that of the industrial quicklime. It can therefore be
suggested that, in an industrial lime kiln, operating tempera-
tures are too high, inducing quicklime sintering and that
also CO2 accumulation is significant and responsible for the
low reactivity of the quicklimes that are produced.
In an attempt to correlate the specific surface area of sin-
tered quicklimes with their reactivity, it is shown that some
correlation exists among classes of quicklimes sintered
under a given atmosphere, but that the knowledge of the
specific surface area alone is not sufficient to predict the
reactivity of a quicklime obtained under an unknown

Figure 8. Time to reach 80% of the final hydration temperature

increase (t80) versus specific surface after sintering at different temp-
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properties of lime powder produced by powder-particle fluidized
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