The document outlines the key mathematical practices and processes that proficient math thinkers employ when solving problems:
1) Problem solving, reasoning and communicating, representing and connecting, seeing patterns and generalizing, and attending to precision.
2) Some examples of questions proficient thinkers ask themselves in each area are provided to help guide their problem solving approach.
3) The practices emphasize making sense of problems, abstract and quantitative reasoning, using appropriate tools strategically, constructing arguments, and looking for generalizations in problems.
The document outlines the key mathematical practices and processes that proficient math thinkers employ when solving problems:
1) Problem solving, reasoning and communicating, representing and connecting, seeing patterns and generalizing, and attending to precision.
2) Some examples of questions proficient thinkers ask themselves in each area are provided to help guide their problem solving approach.
3) The practices emphasize making sense of problems, abstract and quantitative reasoning, using appropriate tools strategically, constructing arguments, and looking for generalizations in problems.
Problem Solving Reasoning and Representing and Seeing Patterns and
Make sense of problems and persevere Communicating Connecting Generalizing in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Model with mathematics. Look for and make use of patterns. Proficient math thinkers are able to read through a Proficient math thinkers make sense of quantities Proficient math thinkers use mathematics Proficient math thinkers see mathematical patterns problem situation and can put together a workable in problem situations. They represent a problem to represent a problem situation and make in the problems they are solving and generalize solution path to solve the problem posed. They situation using symbols or equations and explain connections between a real-world problem mathematics principles from these patterns. They analyze the information provided and identify what the symbols or equation represent in situation and mathematics. They see the see complicated expressions or equations as single constraints and dependencies. They identify relationship to a problem situation. As they model applicability of mathematics to solve every-day objects composed of many parts. multiple entries to a problem solution and will a situation symbolically or mathematically, they problems and explain how geometry can be used choose an efficient and effective entry point. explain the meaning of the quantities. Consider these questions to help you see structure. to solve a carpentry problem or algebra to solve Consider these questions to help you make sense of Consider these questions to help you reason a proportional relationship problem. They define Can I see a pattern in the problem or solution
problems. abstractly and quantitatively. and map relationships among quantities in a strategy? problem, using appropriate tools. They analyze How can I use the pattern I see to help me What am I asked to find? How can I represent the problem using the relationships and draw conclusions about the solve the problem? What are the quantities and variables? The equations or formulas? solutions. dependencies and the constraints? How do What do the numbers, variables, and symbols they relate? Consider these questions to help you model with in the equation or formula represent? mathematics. What are some possible strategies to solve the problem? What representations can I use to show the relationship among quantities or variables? Construct viable arguments and What assumptions can I make about the Attend to precision. problem situation to simplify the problem? Proficient math thinkers communicate clearly and critique the reasoning of others. precisely the approach they are using. They identify Proficient math thinkers and problem solvers the meaning of symbols that they use and always communicate their problem solutions clearly and Use appropriate tools strategically. Look for generalizations. remember to specify units of measure and to label convincingly. They construct sound mathematical Proficient math thinkers strategize about which Proficient math thinkers notice when calculations accurately graphical models. They use mathematical arguments and develop and defend conjectures tools are more helpful to solve a problem situation. are repeated and can uncover both general terms precisely and express their answers with the to explain mathematical situations. They make They consider all tools, from paper and pencil to methods and shortcuts for solving similar problems. appropriate degree of accuracy. use of examples and counterexamples to support protractors and rulers, to calculators and software their arguments and justify their conclusions. When Consider these questions to help you look for Consider these questions to help you attend to applications. They articulate the appropriateness asked, they respond clearly and logically to the regularity in repeated reasoning. precision. of different tools and recognize which would positions and conclusions of others, and compare best serve the needs for a given problem. They Do I notice any repeated calculations or steps? Have I stated the meaning of the variables two arguments, identifying any flaws in logic or are especially insightful about technological tools Are there general methods that I can use to and symbols I am using? reasoning that the arguments may contain. They and use them in ways that deepen or extend their solve the problem? Have I specified the units of measure I am ask questions to clarify or improve the position of a understanding of concepts. They also make use of classmate. What can I generalize from one problem to using? mental tools, such as estimation, to determine the another? Have I calculate accurately? appropriateness of a solution. Consider these questions to help you construct How reasonable are the results that I am mathematical arguments. Consider these questions to help you use getting? appropriate tools. What assumptions can I make when constructing an argument? What tool can I use to help me solve the What conjectures can I make about the problem? solution to the problem? How can technology help me solve the What arguments can I present to defend my problem? conjectures?