Cockroach: DPP No. 2

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Cockroach DPP NO.

1. See carefully following diagram and identify 6. Plantulae are found in cockroach in
different parts sequentially: (1) Tarsus (2) Femur
(3) Trochanter (4) Coxa

7. Most swollen segment in leg cockroach is

(1) Tarsus (2) Coxa
(3) Femur (4) Trochanter

8. In cockroach arolium is helpful in

(1) In digestion (2) Respiration
(3) Locomotion (4) Reproduction

9. Main character for the distinction between male

and and female cockroach :
(1) Labrum, labium, compound eye, ocellus,
(1)Antennae (2) Mandibles
mandible and maxilla
(3) Anal cerci (4) Anal style
(2) Maxilla, labrum, compound eye, ocellus,
labium and mandible
10. Anal styles are found in
(3) Labrum, maxilla, compound eye, ocellus,
(1) Housefly
mandible and labrum
(2) Female cockroach
(4) Mandible, labrum, compound eye, ocellus,
(3) Male cockroach
labium, and maxilla
(4) Both male & female cockroach
2. Choose correct statements about cockroach
11. Body segments are definite and well marked in:
(A) Hind gut is broader than midgut
(1) Hydra (2) Taenia
(B) Hind gut and fore gut is lined with cuticle
(3) Teania (4) Cockroach
(C) Rectum opens out through cloaca
(D) Blood is colourless and also called as
12. In cockroach the audioreceptors are situated on
(1)On legs (2) Antenna
(3) Sensory receptor (4)Anal cerci
(1) 1st, 3rd and 4th
(2) 1st, 2nd and 3rd
13. The gynovalvular plates in female cockroach are
(3) 1st, 2nd and 4th
modification of:
(4) Only 3rd
(1) 7th tergum (2) 7th sternum
(3) 8th Tergum (4)8 sternum
3. Number of segments in cockroach leg
(1)3 (2)5
14. Stink glands are found in
(3)6 (4)9
(1) Only in males (2) Only in female
(3) In both (4) None
4. Undeveloped wings are found in :
(1) Housefly (2) Cockroach
15. Exoskeleton of cockroach is made up of
(3) Mosquito (4) Blatta
(1) Cartilage (2) Cuticle
(3) Chitin (4)Amino acids
5. Pseudopodia of Amoeba are similar to:
(1) Legs of cockroach
(2) Teeth in rabbit
(3) Spicules of Neucosolenia
(4) Suckers of Taenia

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16. In female cockroach 7th sternum together with (2) Respires through book lungs
8th and 9th sterna form_(a)_ whose anterior (3) It does not respire
part contain _(b)_: (4) It has some other means to carry oxygen
(1) (a) female gonopore, (b) female genital gland direct into the tissues
(2) (a) brood or genital pouch, (b) female genital
gland 22. Give the name of blood vessel, which arises from
(3) (a) brood or genital pouch, (b) anal cerci first chamber of heart in cockroach:
(4) (a) brood or genital pouch, (b) female (1) Nephrocyte (2) Fenestrae
gonороге (3) Ostia (4)Anterior aorta

17. Cockroach is : 23. Number of chambers in the heart of cockroach:

(1) Nocturnal and omnivorous (1) 5 (2)9
(2) Diurinal and omnivorous (3) 13 (4) 16
(3) Nocturnal and carnivorous
(4) None 24. Blood circulation in insects :
(1) Flows in arteries and veins
18. In male genital pouch/chamber surrounded by: (2) With red blood corpuscles
(1) Dorsally 9th and 10th terga and ventrally by (3) Open type
9th sternum (4) Absent
(2) Ventrally 9th and 10th sterna and dorsally by
9th terga 25. Heart of cockroach is :
(3) Dorsally 8th and 9th terga and ventrally by 9th (1) Four chambered (2) Vertral to gut
stema (3) Longitudinal and beaded (4) Three chambered
(4) Ventrally 9thand 10th sterna and dorsally 10th
turga 26. The colour of haemolymph of cockroach is :
(1) Yellow (2) Red
19. Choose correct statement about excretion in (3) Green (4) Colourless
cockroach :
(1) Malpighian tubules absorbs nitrogenous 27. Physiologically the heart of cockroach is :
waste from haemolymph (coelomic fluid) and (1) Neurogenic (2) Myogenic
convert then into uric acid which is excreted (3) Epigenic (4)Agenic
out through mid gut.
(2) Malpighian tubules absorbs uric acid from 28. Main excretory product of cockroach is :
haemolymph and excrete out through hind (1) Urea (2)Ammonia
gut. (3) Uric acid (4) Amino acid
(3) Malpighian tubules absorbs nitrogenous
waste from haemolymph and convert them 29. Function of Malpighian tubules of cockroach:
into uric acid which is excreted out through (1) Digestion (2) Respiration
hind gut. (3) Excretion (4) Reproduction
(4) Malpighian tubule absorbs nitrogenous
waste and uric acid from haemolymph and 30. Exeretory organs of cockroach are :
excrete them out through hind gut. (1) Trachea (2) Kidney
(3) Nephridia (4) Malpighian tubules
20. Spermatophore is_____:
(1) Group of sperm glued together. 31. The nerve cord of cockroach is :
(2) Site of sperm storage (1) Double, ventral and solid
(3) A chamber in which female cockroach (2) Double dorsal and hollow
receives sperm (3) Single, dorsal and solid
(4) None of these (4) Single, ventral and hollow

21. Blood of cockroach does not contain haemoglobin 32. In cockroach which is helpful in sexual attraction?
because: (1) Hormone ecdyson (2) Pheromone
(1) It respires through atmosphere (3) Juvenile hormone (4) Anal cerci

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33. Ommatida are found in:
(1) Eyes of birds (2) Eye of frog
(3) Eye of insects (4) Eye of rabbit

34. Structural units found in the compound eye of

cockroach are called :
(1)Rhabdom (2) Cone cells
(3) Ommatidia (4) Simple eye

35. What type of vision is found in cockroach ?

(1) Mosaic (2) Super position
(3) Binocula (4) None of them
Structure Function

(1) (A) Testes Sperm formation

36. Which type of structure in cockroach monitoring the
environment? (2) (D) Oviduct Egg formation
(1) Anal style (2) Ootheca
(3) Antennae (4) Anal cerci (3) (C) Colleterial Secretion help in
gland formation of
37. Number of spiracles pairs in periplaneta americana Ootheca
(1) 8 (2) 9
(3) 10 (4) 20 (4) (D) Oothecal Site of
chamber fertilization
38. Select the false option for Periplaneta-
(1)In male and female the 10th segment bears a pair
41. In given diagra, of alimentary canal of cockroach A
of jointed filamentous structures called anal style
and B are shown. Identify A and B correctly -
(2) Malphigian tubules are present at the junction of
midgut and hindgut with 100-150 in numbers
(3) In male and female 10 pairs tracheal opening
which are present on the lateral side of body.
(4) Blood vascular system of cockroach is an open

39. Select the correct option for given diagram-

(1) Gizzard, malpighlan tubules

(2) Crop, gizzard
(3) Oesophagus, hepatic caeca
(1) A-Hypopharinx, B- Maxilla
(4) Crop, hepatic caeca.
(2) A- Maxilla, B- Mandible
(3)A - Maxilla, B-Labium
(4) A-Hypopharinx, B- Labrum
40. In given figure, choose the correct match-

42. Identify the correct match from the column I, II and


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44. Given diagram is showing open circulatory system
of cockroach
Column I Column II Column III

1. Hepatic a. Present on i. Repel the

caeca 10th turgum in enemies

2. b. Present at ii. Secret the

Malpighian junction of tubules
tubules midgut &

3. Anal cerci c. Present at ii. Excretion and

initial part of Osmoregulation
Find the A-Cand select the correct option -
(1) A-Anterior aorta, B-Alary muscles, C-Chambers
of heart
4. Stink d. Present (iv) Phonoreceptor
(2) A-Chambers of heart, B-Anterior aorta, C-Alary
gland between 5th and
6th turgum
(3) A-Alary muscles, B-Chambers of heart, C-
Anterior aorta
(1) 1-b-ii , 3-c-iv , 2-b-iii , 4-d-i (4) A-Anterior aorta, B-Chambers of heart, C-Alary
(2) 1-b-ii , 3-a-iv , 3-d-i , 4-c-iii muscles
(3) 1-c-ii , 3-a-iv , 2-b-iii, 4-d-i
(4) 2-c-iii , 3-a-i, 4-d-iii, 1-b-iv 45. Abdominal segment of male cockroach has
(1) Dorsal anus, ventral genital pore and
43. A part of male reproduction In given figure A,B, C gonapophysis
and D is shown. Identify which secrete third layer (2) Ventral anus, dorsal genital pore and
on spermato phore when these passout the male gonapophysis
genital pore- (3) Dorsal anus, ventral genital pore but no
(4) Dorsal anus, ventral genital pore, gonapophysis
but no anal styles

46. Find out the incorrect statement-

(A) A characteristic mushroom shaped gland is
present in the 6th-7th thoracic segments which
functions as an accessory reproductive gland.
(B) Heart of cockroach consists of elongated
muscular tube lying along mid dorsal line of thorax
and abdomen.
(C) Cockroach is nocturnal omnivores that live in
(1) A (2) B damp places throughout the world and bright yellow,
(3) C (4) D red and green coloured cockroaches have also been
reported in tropical regions.
(D) Only male 9th segment bears a pair of
filamentous structures called anal cerci.
(E) In cockroach the fat body, nephrocyte and
urecose glands also help in excretion.

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(F) They have become residents of human homes
and thus are serious pests and vectors of several
diseases. (1) Hypopharynx Labium Mandible Labium
(1) Only A, C and D (3)Only A
(2) Only A and D (4) Only D (2) Labrum Maxilla Labium Mandible

47. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. cockroach - (3) Maxilla Labium Hypophar Labrum
(a) Sclerites are joined to each other by a thin and ynx
flexible articular membrane.
(4) Labrum Hypopharynx Labium Maxilla
(b) The haemolymph is composed of coloured
plasma and haemocytes.
(c) Females produce 9-10 eggs.
(d) This insect is called uricotelic.
(1) a and b (2) band c
(3)band d (4) a and d

48. Read the following four statements (A-D) -

A. Heart of cockroach is differentiated into funnel
shaped chambers with ostia on either side.
B. The respiratory system of cockroach consists of
a network of trachea that open through 10 pairs of
small holes called spiracles.
C. Female cockroach have paired ovary in 4th-6th
abdominal segments.
D. In Mosaic vision, with the help of several
ommatidia a cockroach can receive one image of an
How many of the above statements are right -
(1) Four (2) Three
(3) Two (4) One

49. Jn cockroach a special mushroom gland is present

which is
(A) It is present in the 6th-7th abdominal segments
(B) It is found female cockroach
(C) It function as an accessory reproductive gland
(D)It is found in male cockroach.
Correct statements are -
(1) Only A and (2) Only A, B and C
(3)Only A, C and D (4) Only B, C and D

50. In given diagram A, B, C and D are shown which is

mouth parts of cockroach. Choose right pair of
these parts-

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1. (3) 26. (4)
2. (3) 27. (1)
3. (4) 28. (3)
4. (4) 29. (3)
5. (1) 30. (4)
6. (1) 31. (1)
7. (2) 32. (2)
8. (3) 33. (3)
9. (4) 34. (3)
10. (3) 35. (1)
11. (4) 36. (3)
12. (4) 37. (3)
13. (2) 38. (1)
14. (3) 39. (3)
15. (3) 40. (3)
16. (4) 41. (1)
17. (1) 42. (3)
18. (1) 43. (2)
19. (3) 44. (4)
20. (1) 45. (1)
21. (4) 46. (3)
22. (4) 47. (4)
23. (3) 48. (3)
24. (3) 49. (3)
25. (3) 50. (2)

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