1 Health Optimizing Physical Education

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 Physical Activity involves any bodily

movement caused by muscular contractions

that result in the expenditure of energy.

 Exercise is a planned program of physical

activities usually designed to improve
physical fitness with the purpose of
increasing physical fitness level.
 Physical Fitness is a condition that allows
the body to effectively cope with the
demands of daily activities and still has
energy to enjoy other active leisure
 1. Aerobic Capacity

 It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and

blood vessels to supply oxygen and
nutrients to the working muscles
efficiently in order to sustain prolonged
rhythmical exercises.
 2. Muscular Strength

 It is the ability of the muscle to

generate the greatest force.
 3. Muscular Endurance

 It is the ability of the muscle to resist

fatigue when performing multiple
repetitions of a submaximal load.
 4. Flexibility

 It is the ability to move a joint without

pain over its entire range of motion.
 5. Body Composition

 It refers to the total make-up of the

body using the concept of two
component model: the lean body mass
and the body fat.
 1. Improves bone, joint, and muscle strength;
 2. Develops motor control and
 coordination;
3. Helps maintain a healthy body
 composition;
4. Improves psychological functioning of an
 5. Increases the efficiency of the lungs and the
 6. Increases muscle strength and
 endurance;
7. Protects from musculoskeletal
 problems;
8. Possibly delays the aging process;
 9. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
 10. Promotes healthy cholesterol level;
 11. Helps regulate blood pressure;
 12. Decreases risk of Type 2 diabetes.
 13. Reduces the risk of breast and colon
 cancer
14. Improves control over anxiety and
depression; and
 15. Builds self-esteem and social

 1. Aerobic Exercises
 These involve large muscle groups that
perform rhythmic and continuous
movement for a prolonged period of
time in order to improve aerobic
 2. Resistance Exercise
 These require the muscle to contract
against an external load in order to
improve muscular strength, muscular
endurance, and bone strength.
 3. Stretching Exercises
 These increase the elasticity of muscles
and tendons surrounding the joint in
order to improve flexibilty.
 A regular exercise will stimulate changes in
the various organs and tissues of the body
but is more emphasized in the cardiovascular
 Moreover, the muscles are able to
extract more oxygen from the blood,
which translates to an increased
maximum amount of oxygen that the
body can utilize (VO2max).
 Another important adaptation of the
cardiovascular system to aerobic
exercise is an enhanced capillary
network toward the working muscles.
 There is an increase in plasma volume
within two weeks of aerobic training.
 The adaptation of the body to regular
resistance exercise is commonly found in
the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

 The primary adaptation from resistance

training is an increase in the ability of
the muscle to generate force or
 Stretching exercises are important in
improving range of motion around the
joints. It helps an individual performing
daily tasks with efficiency.
 Exercises that addresses the flexibility
of a joint will improve muscle
coordination, connective tissue
elasticity, and overall joint strength.
 As much as these biological changes lead to
better health, an individual who regularly
trains can experience psychological,
emotional, and even intellectual benefits.

 Exercise psychologists found strong

evidence that regular exercise
improves mood of an individual and
reduces anxiety.
 Exercise is also claimed to stimulate
the release of feel-good brain
chemicals called endorphins.

 People also use exercise to cope with

stress and control their depression.
Exercise helps in increasing self-esteem
and confidence.
 Directions: Copy the following items. In 3-5
sentences, answer the questions

 1. What is the difference between physical

activity and exercise?

 2. What is physical fitness? What are the benefits

of becoming active and being physically fit?

 3. What are the health-related components of

fitness? How do they differ?
 Directions: Copy the following items. In 3-7
sentences, answer the questions

 4. What are the importance of an active


 5. What are the classifications of exercise?

 Habits are behavioral patterns that are
performed unconsciously. They are hard
to break because the brain had been
programmed to make the behavior or
action part of its default setting.
 1. Pre-contemplation stage
 A person remains in this stage if he/she
does not recognize the presence of an
unhealthy habit and the importance of
changing his/her behavior.
 2. Contemplation Stage

 An individual enters this stage once

he/she becomes dedicated to the idea
of adopting a positive behavior.
 3. Preparation Stage

 Once an individual is convinced to

make the change, he/she starts to
prepare for the actual date and time to
start the new behavior
 4. Action Stage
 This is the day the individual initiates
the new behavior. According to
research, the new behavior has to be
consistently performed for at least 6
months before it becomes part of the
 system.
However, this stage is also prone to
relapse. The individual might be
tempted to practice his/her old habits.
 5. Maintenance Stage
 This next stage occurs when the
individual has consistently practiced
the new behavior for more than 6
 This is also the stage where the
tendency to backslide to the old habits
is minimal.
 The common barriers to change usually
occur when a person is between the
Preparation and Action stages.

 Individuals in Pre-contemplation and

Contemplation stage can be motivated
to adopt a new behavior by showing the
benefits and providing encouragement
that change is possible

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