Letter To Utility Commission June 20

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Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 S Evergreen Park Dr SW PO Box 47250 Olympia Washington 98504-7250 360-664-1160 Sheri

Hoyt Re Consumer Complaint 111380 ; [triplett] Ms. Hoyt. Your analysis of our phone conversation regarding herein's bona fide complaint referencing Century link Breach of Contract, False Advertising and Bait and Switch is incorrect. As I stated on our phone call I personally stated to Century Link representative that I would be using the phone specifically for conference calls, in fact, it was the individuals on the conference calls that advised me to get the unlimited bundle, which as advertised on the back of Century link envelopes was 139.99, and agreed upon prior to service. At no time did this account ever receive a statement for 139.99. In fact numerous statements were over 800.00 some were over 700.00, and many were over 500.00m each a breach of Century Link advertisement and violated the terms of said agreement. Century Link has misinformed your office. Additionally I have enclosed two documents with this letter that you must be made aware, that is of course unless you are already familiar with the facts stated therein. Reconsider your decision in the best interest of the Utility Commission as all utility debts were to be charged off since 1933 and have been wrongfully collected since that year, as you will see in the provided evidence. So to date, and retroactively, all utility payments made on ROY TRIPLETT accounts and all other utility customers are to be discharged in full, as the alleged invoices were in fact actually dividends and each/all utility company collected a fraudulent debt by converting that dividend into an invoice, then collecting the same into their private accounts through deceptive business practices. Again, please read the attached for detailed information. You may also visit the websites; http://worldwidefraudexposed.wordpress.com http://unmaskerformaine.wordpress.com landrightsnfarming blogspot www.rodclassteam.com or visit AIB radio talkshoe archives for archived episodes of additional evidence supporting this matter, which went before Congress and the judiciary Committee the week of June 6-9, 2011 by several of my associates, including Rod Class as Private Attorney General. Should any Utility Company, regardless of location, interfere with any herein Complainant services, a claim for damages caused by each/all their actions will be filed with your office and elsewhere, which will include damages for reconnect, and other personal loss . Sincerely, Creditor / authorized representative per 1933 US Bankruptcy

Letter to Utility Commission June 20.2011

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