(OR) - EPGP Kochi - AMBA Course Outline

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Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management - Kochi

Course Outline

Course Code and Course Title OPERATIONS RESEARCH

Course type Core/Elective
Pre-requisites (if any) NIL
Course Credit 2
Total no. of sessions 16
Session Duration 75 minutes
Term II
Year and Batch 1st Year 2021-22, EPGP - 09
Sections (if any) Evening Batch (EB) & Weekend Batch (WEB)

Instructor(s) P N Ram Kumar

Contact Details PNR: 0495-2809426, [email protected]
Office PNR: Faculty Block 3, Room No. 6
Consultation Hours Weekdays, 4 pm – 5 pm

Operations Research (OR), as the name implies, is “research on operations”. It is the
discipline of applying advanced analytical techniques to help make better decisions in any
organization. Coupled with the advancement of information technology, OR brought about
revolutionary changes in the way real-life problems are modeled and solved over the past 65
years. Today OR has become an indispensable tool to numerous organizations around the
world. With the help of mathematical tools and techniques, this important field of
management provides today’s managers with capabilities for formulating and solving large-
scale decision making problems. This course provides an overview of such techniques
through hands on exercises and project exercises.

Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the students would be able to:

• Appreciate the relevance of operations research in different business domains
• Assimilate the nitty-gritty involved in developing mathematical models for real-life
complex managerial problems and
• Acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of different solution methodologies for
solving optimization problems

Textbooks and Learning Materials

Text Book (TB)

Hillier and Hillier, Introduction to Management Science, Tata McGraw Hill, Latest Edition

Reference Book(s)

RB1: Hillier & Lieberman Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw Hill, Latest Edn.,
RB 2: Ravindran, Philips & Solberg (2006) Operations Research: Principles and Practice
Edn II, Wiley India
Additional Reading(s)


Technology and Software (if any)

Microsoft Excel with Solver Add-in

Other Resources (Journals, Internet Websites) (if any)


Pedagogy – Learning Process

This course would use a mix of pedagogical tools such as lectures, case discussions,
simulations, and videos to support learning.

Evaluation Components/Assessment of Student Learning

Evaluation Percentage Description

/Assessment Tool
Surprise Quizzes 30% This component is part of continuous
End term exam 50% This component helps in assessing
students’ conceptual understanding of
the topics discussed in the class and
their ability to adapt them to real-life
managerial problems.
Class participation & 20% To motivate students to actively
Case discussions participate in case discussions and
brainstorming sessions.
Session Plan

Session(s) Module Topic(s) Chapter No. /

Reading material
/ Cases
1-6 Linear Basic linear programming, graphical
programming method, simplex method, excel solver
for LP models Chapters 2- 4
7-9 Transportation Transportation, transshipment and (TB)
assignment models
10 - 11 Network Minimum spanning tree (MST) Chapter 6 (TB)
Optimization problem, Shortest path problem (SPP),
problems Maximal flow problem, Eulerian circuit
12 -14 Project Work Breakdown Structure, PERT and Handouts – to be
management CPM networks, Critical path provided
computation, Crashing project networks
using Linear Programming
15 - 16 Multi-criteria Analytic Hierarchy Process, Decision Chapter 9 (TB)
decision Trees

Additional Instructions (if any)

a. Group formation: Cases are an integral part of this course and case analysis is a team
based task with an upper cap of 5 students each. Students are expected to select other
members in the team disregarding caste, creed and religion.

b. Case analysis: Analysis of all the cases should be carried out by all the groups and PPTs
have to be sent to the instructor in advance. Randomly picked groups will make
presentations in the class. It may so happen that a group may be required to make more
than one presentation and some groups may not get an opportunity to make presentation
at all. In the case of former, the best presentation will be accounted for and in the case of
latter, evaluation will be based on the content quality of PPT.

c. Class conduct and Plagiarism: Any material included in the reports, PPTs without
acknowledging the source summarily qualifies to be treated as a case of plagiarism and
will be dealt in accordance with extant rules. Students misbehaving during
class/tutorial/exam sessions will be awarded a non-negotiable ‘F’ grade for the entire
course, regardless of their past performance at IIMK or in their earlier education or
professional career.

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