To Kill A Mockingbird - Summer Reading and Comprehension
To Kill A Mockingbird - Summer Reading and Comprehension
To Kill A Mockingbird - Summer Reading and Comprehension
Chapter 1
1) What do you learn in this chapter about Maycomb, Atticus Finch and his family?
2) What do you learn about Dill's character?
3) What, briefly, has happened to Arthur “Boo” Radley?
4) Why does the Radley place fascinate Scout, Jem and Dill?
5) What do you notice about the narrative voice and viewpoint in the novel?
1) Maycomb is an old town with a small and familiar population in Alabama/ Everyone knows
everyone in this town and as such there are barely any secrets. Atticus Finch is a lawyer
who has two children, Jem, and Scout. We also find out that their mother died, and that
Atticus was related by blood or family to everyone in the town
2) Dill has white hair but is also very short and smart. He isn’t from Maycomb but comes
from Mississippi and stays at Maycomb during the summers with Jem and Scout’s
neighbor. He is responsible for most of the ideas for what the kids should play and wants
to see what Boo looks like. A lot of his background is made of tall tales which makes it
somewhat unbelievable
3) Boo made friends with the bad crowd as a teenager but was kept at home in punishment
by his father while all the other boys went to reform school. It has also been rumored
that Boo stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors one day and was locked up in
the town hall basement until the Radleys took him home
4) Scout, Jem, and Dill have never seen Boo and want to see if the stories are really true
and are terrified yet fascinated by the stories of how Boo comes out at night and eats
raw animals that he catches
5) The novel is written in a way that investigates the past while the narrative voice tells us
about events from a child’s perspective rather than an adult
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
1. Calpurnia is the Finch household’s black housekeeper and nanny who has been taking care
of Jem since he was born. She does most of the household chores and takes care of the
children. She is respected by Atticus but is stern even though she means well
2. Walter is from a poor farming family. He is a well-mannered, proud, and shy person. He
will never accept charity from anyone and has several responsibilities at home and does a
lot of farming
3. Atticus respects Walter, a trait that he shows to everyone as he wants to be a good
example for his children and make them converse with everyone respectfully, regardless
of their social status.
4. Scout realizes that judging other people shows her own class or lack of it. She is taught
this lesson by Calpurnia when she judges Walter for pouring syrup all over his food.
Calpurnia calls Scout to the kitchen and scolds her for being so tactless and makes her
eat the rest of her food in the kitchen
5. Everyone sees and processes everything differently, not trying to understand where
someone is coming from can lead to severe misunderstandings and arguments. Atticus
tries to tell us that we shouldn’t judge someone before understanding the thoughts
behind their actions.
6. The Ewells are the poorest of White families in Maycomb and are despised by most of
the town. They live near a landfill on the edge of the black community area, where they
scavenge for basic supplies like food and other materials
Chapter 4
1. Scout doesn’t like school as her teacher doesn’t allow her to read despite her wishes. Her
teacher is a stickler to the rules and doesn’t want Scout to write until third grade even
though she can already do it. She thinks school is an unnecessary waste of time
2. The children think that Boo Radley comes out of his house at night to haunt the town.
They always run past the house when crossing it alone as they are afraid Boo might come
out and hurt them
3. The children were bored with their other games and Boo was a mystery to them. They
wanted to imagine what his life must have been like and try to imitate it in small plays
between themselves. They also know what they are doing is wrong which adds to the thrill
of it
4. In the game, all the details that they know about Boo Radleys is acted out while they
imagine what the dialogue would have been like. Scout acts as Boo’s mother, Jem plays
Boo while Dill plays Boo’s father. Any other roles are also acted by them as double roles.
I don’t think the game is very accurate as all the stories they have been told about Boo
are largely exaggerated and there is very little truth to them.
5. The laughter inside the house could come from Boo watching the children and finding it
amusing to see a child rolling around in a tire and then crashing into his gate
Chapter 5
1) Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson. How typical is she of Maycomb's women? What do the
children think of her?
2) What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about Boo? How does this compare with what Scout
already believes?
3) Scout claims that “Dill could tell the biggest ones” (lies) she ever heard. Why might Dill
have told such lies?
4) What reasons does Atticus give for the children not to play the Boo Radley game? Do you
think he is right? Why?
1. Miss Maudie is different from other women in Maycomb, she doesn’t act like a typical
woman should and thinks for herself and does not gossip. She respects the children’s
privacy and is kind to them. This has led to the children trusting her and not trampling
her yard. She also makes cakes for the children during summer
2. Miss Maudie tells Scout the truth about Boo Radley, she tells Scout of how Boo hung
around the wrong crowd of teenagers and got in trouble with them. In a bargain with the
judge, Boo was locked up in his father’s house for the rest of his life. Scouts’ perspective
on Boo before talking to Miss Maudie was that Boo was comparable to a wild animal and
ate squirrels and stalked children
3. Dill craves for other people to like him; he tells lies because he wants to be liked by other
people and make friends. His lies are worded to make him sound impressive so that people
have a higher opinion of him and would want to spend time with him.
4. Atticus tells the children to stop tormenting Boo Radley with their game and their notes.
Atticus can see the issues such actions can cause and tells the children that what Boo
does is his own business and not theirs to mock.
Chapter 6
1) Why does Scout disapprove of Jem's and Dill's plan of looking in at one of the Radleys'
2) What does Mr. Nathan Radley know about the intruders in his garden? Why does Miss
Stephanie refer to a “negro” over whose head Mr. Nathan has fired?
3) Why does Dill's explanation of Jem's state of dress almost land him in trouble?
1. Scout disapproves of Jem’s and Dill’s plan because her father, Atticus told them no to
bother him and she doesn’t want to get into trouble for not listening her father.
2. Mr. Nathan Radley doesn’t know the intruders in his garden except for the fact that they
are white.
3. Dill’s explanation that they were gambling nearly got them in trouble because gambling
and poker is seen as a sin in the eyes of God
Chapter 7
1) When Jem tells Scout about getting his trousers back, he tells her of something strange.
What is this?
2) Can you find any evidence that Jem is beginning to understand more than Scout about Boo
Radley? What do you think this is?
3) Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree? Give reasons for your answer.
4) When the children plan to send a letter to the person who leaves the gifts, they are
prevented. How does this happen? Who does it, and why might he do so?
1. Jem tells Scout that his trousers were folded over the fence as if someone was
expecting him to come back for them
2. Jem thinks that the things that they found in the tree are Boo’s way for communicating
since he is trapped inside the house
3. Jem no longer fears the gifts in the tree as he ate the gum and left a thank you note
4. The children are prevented from sending the letter to the person who leaves the gifts
because Mr. Radley had filled up the whole with cement. He may have not wanted the
children to get into trouble with Boo or did not want Boo to be able to communicate with
Chapter 8
1) Why does Scout quiz Atticus about his visit to the Radley house? How much does Atticus
tell her?
2) What is the “near libel” which Jem puts in the front yard? How do Miss Maudie and
Atticus react to it?
3) Why does Atticus save Miss Maudie's oak rocking chair?
4) When Atticus asks Scout about the blanket around her shoulders, what does Jem
5) Explain what Atticus means by telling Jem not to let his discovery “inspire” him to
“further glory”? Is there any reason why Jem might now do as his father says?
1. Jem makes Scout ask Atticus about his visit to the Radley house because he was curious.
Atticus did not tell her much and replied with a short “I did not” when asked if he had
seen Boo.
2. Jem makes a realistic imitation of Mr. Avery on the front yard. Atticus is amused by it
while Miss Maudie gets angry
3. Miss Maudie’s oak rocking chair is her most valued possession and she’d hate to lose it
4. Jem realizes that Boo put the blanket on Scout’s shoulders
5. Jem has now realized that Boo is alive and helped Scout out of the kindness of his heart.
Atticus warns Jem from acting further and seeking “further glory” or finding out more
about Boo/
Chapter 9
1) How well does Atticus feel he should defend Tom Robinson? Is it usual for (white)
lawyers to do their best for black clients in Alabama at this time?
2) Scout and Jem have “mixed feelings” about Christmas? What are these feelings and why?
3) Uncle Jack Finch tells Scout that she is growing out of her pants. What does this mean
and why might he say it?
4) When Francis talks to Scout he reveals an unpleasant feature of Aunt Alexandra. What is
5) Does Scout learn anything from overhearing Atticus's conversation with Uncle Jack?
What might this be?
6) Read the final sentence of this chapter. Explain in your own words what it means and why
it might be important in the story.
1. Tom Robinson is a regular part of Calpurnia’s church and is an upstanding member of his
community. Atticus also believes that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. He tries to
be a good example for his kids and be a lawyer that everyone can approach
2. For Jem and Scout, the best part of Christmas is Uncle Jack and the tree. Uncle Jack
plays and talks with them and is a generally fun uncle. The bad part of Christmas for
them are the relatives that visit. They don’t like Francis because he means trouble and
Aunt Alexandria because she doesn’t understand and dislikes children. Aunt Alexandria
also thinks that Scout isn’t a proper lady and should start acting like one
3. Scout thinks that she is allowed to do everything her older brother and older kids do but
she is still young. She acts older than she really is and her cursing and saying bad words
causes Uncle Jack to tell her that she’s growing out of her pants
4. Francis tells Scout that Aunt Alexandria is a gossip and that she thinks that she right
and everyone else is wrong
5. She learns that eventually, she will have to learn more and that eventually she will change.
6. The final sentence of CH9 tells us that Scout is beginning to learn from Atticus. It tells
us that Scout is listening to lessons that could be vital for her future and actually taking
them into consideration
Chapter 10
1) Scout says that “Atticus was feeble”. Do you think that this is her view as she tells the
story or her view when she was younger? Does she still think this after the events
recorded in this chapter?
2) In this chapter Atticus tells his children that “it's a sin to kill a mockingbird”. What
reason does he give for saying this?
3) Why does Heck Tate not want to shoot Tim Johnson?
4) Near the end of this chapter Atticus cuts off Heck Tate as he is speaking to Jem. What
might Heck have been about to say, and why would Atticus want to stop him from saying
5) Jem and Scout have different views about telling people at school how well Atticus can
shoot. Explain this difference. Which view is closer to your own?
1. Scout thinks that her father is feeble because he is old and doesn’t do the same activites
other fathers do with her and Jem. I think that this is how Scout thought of Atticus
when she was young. Scout eventually realizes that Atticus is not so feeble and was called
“Dead Shot” when he was younger. He also shoots the mad dog that was approaching their
2. Atticus thinks that Mockingbirds don’t bother anybody and don’t harm anybody. They jut
sing joyfully and it would be a sin to kill such a pure creature as them
3. Heck might have been about to blurt out that Atticus was one of the best shots there
was before Atticus cut him off. Atticus may want that particular part of him to not be
told to his children as it could be seen as a bad influence in his eyes
4. Jem tries to keep the fact that Atticus is good at shooting a secret because he doesn’t
want to boast that fact and is trying be a gentleman. Jem is slowly starting to be more
mature while Scout is still immature and tries to tell everyone she can that Atticus is the
deadliest shot in town
Chapter 11
1. Atticus tells Jem to be a gentleman towards Mrs. Dubose no matter what. He tells him
that he should be patient and kind because she is just an old lady and a neighbour
2. Mrs. Dubose tells the children that she didn’t like how Atticus treated their mother. Jem
reacts to that by cutting her bushes and breaking Scouts baton
3. Mrs. Dubose makes Jem read to her for one month as she wants Jem to feel
consequences for his actions as it wasn’t the right thing to do by cutting her bushes
4. Atticus does not care about what other people think about him and only cares about
standing up for the things he believes in.
5. Atticus thinks that Mrs. Dubose was a ‘great leady’ because he always tries to see the
best in people and not think negatively about them. He also thinks that Mrs. Dubose
taunting the children is not really a bad thing as it teaches them ignore the bad stuff
people say and move on
6. Mrs. Dubose never succumbed to her misery. She always kept her head up and stayed
strong. Even when prescribed painkillers, she didn’t use them and would rather endure
through. Atticus wants his children to see her as a role model and not him.
7. The author Harper Lee chooses to end part 1 here because there is a significant time
skip in part 2
Chapter 12
1. Jem and Scout learn a lot about African American culture and how they are loyal to their
own race or solidarity
2. Scout learns that a large part of African Americans do not know how to read and so they
sing hymns rather than read a book. She also learns that this church is called First
purchase because it’s the first purchase that the free African American slaves made
3. Calpurnia uses the bible to teach Zeebo as she is one of the four people who know how to
read in the African American community. Scout also learns the Calpurnia wants Zeebo to
be more and different from others
4. Calpurnia speaks respectfully and politely in the Finch household, but she speaks like a
black person when she is with her own community. This is called code switching
Chapter 13
1) Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus and his family? What is she like?
2) Read the first two things Alexandra says when she comes to the Finch house. Are these
typical of her or not?
3) Alexandra thinks Scout is “dull” (not clever). Why does she think this, and is she right?
Are all adults good at knowing how clever young people are?
4) How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Maycomb's social life?
5) Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family. Why does Atticus tell
them to forget it? Who is right, do you think?
1. Aunt Alexandra comes to stay with the Finches because she wants to be a good feminine
influence for Scout and wants her to grow up. Aunt Alexandra is a bossy, imperative and
extremely racist. She is rude and bossy to Calpurnia because of her color of skin.
2. The first two things that Aunt Alexandra says are “Put my bag in the front bedroom,
Calpurnia” and “Jean Louise, stop scratching your head”. This is typical of Aunt Alexandra
as she is always bossy around people and thinks that others are below her
3. Aunt Alexandra thinks Scout is dull because she doesn’t do things that a normal girls do
and is ‘boring’ to Aunt Alexandra. Not all adults are good at telling whether a child is
4. Aunt Alexandra joins several clubs, hosts a lot of women’s events and gossips with
5. Aunt Alexandra thinks that family and the number of family members decide how good of
a person you are. Atticus forgets to tell them because he does not believe it himself and
would rather his children see people for who they are regardless of family or wealth
Chapter 14
1. Atticus gives Scout a formal and dictionary definition of rape. This answer was alright to
Scout because she didn’t really understand it
2. Aunt Alexandra doesn’t like that Calipurnia has so much influence in the children’s lives
and wants to take that away. Atticus flatly refuses and says that Calpurnia won’t leave
unless she wants to
3. Scout is pleased because it means that she’s not the only one who loses her temper and
that Jem is no better than her. Scout feels like Jem is betraying their childhood and
feels sick at the thought that he’d betray them so easily
4. Dill tells them that his parents don’t care for him and that his life isn’t as good as he
claims. He also says that his new dad is the ‘pits’
Chapter 15
1. There are several, different events that are beginning to start surrounding the trial
2. The Ku Klux Klan is a white supremacist hate group that didn’t gain much traction in
Maycomb because there wasn’t much to hate. Atticus thinks that it’s gone and it won’t
ever come back
3. Jem refuses to leave because he’s afraid of the gang of men
4. Scout and the group of children persuade the lynching-party to stop trying to kill Tom
Robinson. Atticus standing outside the jail may have also influenced their decision
5. Scout affects events by simply talking, as she thinks she’s supposed to talk to people she
knows. She diffuses the situation without even really knowing the danger of it
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
1) What are the main points in Heck Tate's evidence? What does Atticus show in his cross-
examination of Sheriff Tate?
2) What do we learn indirectly of the home life of the Ewell family in this chapter?
3) What do you learn from Bob Ewell's evidence?
4) Why does Atticus ask Bob Ewell to write out his name? What does the jury see when he
does this?
1. Heck Tate says that Bob Ewell called him to his home because his daughter had been
raped by a black man. When Tate arrived at the Ewells, he found her badly beaten. When
asked about who did it, she says that it was Tom Robinson. Heck Tate then goes to pick
up Tom from his home. Atticus also asks Tate about the specific injuries Bob’s daughter
had and finds out that she had been badly beaten on her right side
2. We learn that Mr. Ewells wife is dead and that he isn’t a good father. We also learn that
Mr. Ewell is extremely racist with him making several remarks while using the n-word in a
derogatory manner
3. We find out that he had seen his daughter having intercourse with a black man and that
he agrees with Tate about the fact that his daughter had been beaten up
4. Atticus as Bob to write his name to show that he’s left handed and that it was possible
that he could have beat up his daughter. The jury waits to see where this new
development will lead to
Chapter 18
1. Mayella is different from her father as she is emotional when being asked questioned
while her father Bob Ewell is defensive and unemotional. He answers Atticus’ questions
without hesitation while Mayells doesn’t like to be made fun of and isn’t smart. Bob isn’t
smart either but they both are liars
2. Mayella could be crying because she is sensitive, faking it or maybe angry that Bob beat
her up
3. Mayella thinks that Atticus is making fun of her by being polite as she isn’t used to people
being polite to her
4. Mayella keeps retelling the story of the rape and tries to pin the guilt on Tom. The jury
might think that Tom is innocent because he is crippled
Chapter 19
1) What made Tom visit the Ewell's house in the first place?
2) Why does Scout think that Mayella Ewell was “the loneliest person in the world”?
3) In your own words explain Mayella's relationship with her father.
4) How does Dill react to this part of the trial? In your opinion, why does he react like this?
1. Tom visited the Ewells house because Mayella had asked him to come inside and help her
with something
2. Scout thinks that Mayella must be the loneliest person in the world because she spent a
whole year saving money to send her brothers and sister out of the house so she could
spend a few hours with Tom
3. Mayella has a terrible relationship with her father and keeps away from him as much as
she can. She thinks that he is ‘tolerable’ except for when he has been drinking
4. Dill starts to cry when he hears Mr. Gilmer being rude to Tom because he doesn’t think
its right for anyone to treat a person badly because of their skin color
Chapter 20
1) Scout says that “Mr. Dolphus Raymond was an evil man”. Is she right?
2) In most states of the USA people who drink alcohol in public places are required to hide
their bottle in a paper bag. Why does Dolphus Raymond hide Coca-Cola in a bag?
3) What, according to Atticus, is the thing that Mayella has done wrong?
4) Explain, in your own words, Atticus's views on people's being equal.
1. Scout isn’t right because Dolphus is actually a good person but everyone says he’s bad
because he’s an alcoholic and is married to a black woman
2. Raymond hides Coca-Cola in a bag but pretends that it is alcohol because he feels as if he
needs too blame something for the way he acts
3. Mayella has been caught kissing a full grown colored man which is considered an offense
4. Atticus thinks that it is unfair and hypocritical to take it as an offense if a white woman
and black man were together but merely looked down upon if a black woman and white man
were to be together
Chapter 21
1) What does Jem expect the verdict to be? Does Atticus think the same?
2) What is unusual about how long it takes the jury to reach a verdict? Is the verdict
predictable or not?
3) As Scout waits for the verdict, she thinks of earlier events. What are these and how do
they remind us of the novel's central themes?
1. Jem expects the verdict to be innocent and Atticus thinks so too but knows that the
people of Maycomb won’t let Tom’s color of skin go past them
2. The jury takes long to reach a verdict because they were actually thinking about giving
Tom a chance
3. Scout remembers how Atticus shot the sick dog and it made her think that Atticus is
simply shooting a blank. It means that she knew that he knew he wasn’t going to win but
would try his best regardless
Chapter 22
1) Although Atticus did not want his children in court, he defends Jem's right to know what
has happened. Explain, in your own words, Atticus's reasons for this. (Look at the speech
beginning, “This is their home, sister”.
2) Miss Maudie tells Jem that “things are never as bad as they seem”. What reasons does
she give for this view?
3) Why does Dill say that he will be a clown when he grows up? Do you think he would keep
this ambition for long?
4) This story is set in the 1930s but was published in 1960. Have attitudes to racism
remained the same (in the USA and the UK) or have there been any changes (for the
better or worse) since then, in your view?
5) Why does Bob Ewell feel so angry with Atticus? Do you think his threat is a real one, and
how might he try to “get” Atticus?
1. Atticus feels that the children are forced to learn to live in a world made by the adults
and as such, can’t be hidden from it and need to be exposed to it
2. Miss Maudie names all of the people who helped Tom Robinson such as all of the black
community, Atticus and Judge Taylor
3. Dill wants to be able to make people laugh because he doesn't like the way people treat
4. Yes, there is less racism and equal opportunity for people of different colors
5. He is angry at Atticus because he is actually trying to win the case and not simply accept
his money like most lawyers would have. I don’t think he’ll actually kill Atticus but rather
try to get back at him
Chapter 23
1) What do you think of Atticus's reaction to Bob Ewell's challenge? Should he have ignored
Bob, retaliated or done something else?
2) What is “circumstantial evidence”? What has it got to do with Tom's conviction?
3) What does Atticus tell Scout about why the jury took so long to convict Tom?
4) Why does Aunt Alexandra accept that the Cunninghams may be good but are not “our kind
of folks”? Do you think that people should mix only with others of the same social class?
Are class-divisions good or bad for societies?
5) At the end of this chapter, Jem forms a new theory about why Boo Radley has never left
his house in years. What is this? How likely is it to be true, in your opinion?
1. Atticus reacted perfectly as Bob was trying to get a reaction out of him and doing so
would be letting him win
2. Circumstantial evidence is evidence that is true based on another circumstances validity.
Tom’s conviction was based on Heck Tate’s proof which was based on what Bob Ewell said
3. Atticus tells Scout that because they look so long it meant that not everyone in the jury
was against Tom and people were really starting to think for themselves and look at the
facts not just the color of their skin.
4. No I definitely do not think class divisions are good for society and I do not think people
should just mix with other people in the same social class. All social classes do is make
people feel bad about themselves and let the rich show off their unnecessary wealth.
5. Jems new theory for why Boo hasn't left his house in so long is because he doesn't want
to deal with the people of Maycomb and how mean and judging they are. I think this is
very likely because when Boo does finally come out he seems like a very nice young man
but also ver very shy and doesn't like to deal with people.
Chapter 24
1) Do you think the missionary ladies are sincere in worrying about the “Mrunas” (a tribe in
Africa)? Give reasons for your answer.
2) Compare the reactions of Miss Maudie and the other ladies when Scout says she is
wearing her “britches” under her dress.
3) What is your opinion of the Maycomb ladies, as depicted in this chapter?
4) Explain briefly how Tom was killed. What is Atticus's explanation for Tom's attempted
escape. Do you think agree with Atticus?
5) How, in this chapter, do we see Aunt Alexandra in a new light? How does Miss Maudie
support her?
1. The ladies from the church are not sincere, as they "discuss" the Mrunas. They act like
they are worried about them; however, they then quickly move on to talk about town
gossip and their snacks
2. Miss Maudie takes Scout seriously and does not laugh at Scout. This is because Scout did
not say this to be funny. The other ladies from church choose to make fun of Scout and
laugh at her.
3. S
4. Tom is shot while at the jail in an escape attempt. He tried to climb over the fense; but
with only one arm, he was not fast enough.
Atticus believes that Tom knew he was going to be shot and killed. Atticus believes that
Tom was tired of the white man dictating his future. Tom wanted to control his own life
even if it meant suicide.
5. They were in a missionary group meeting they were women gossiping and Aunt Alexandra
defended Atticus and both Miss Maudie andAy t Alexandra knew that Tom was shot. miss
Maudie becomes a supporter of Aunt Alexandra and that they support Atticus and the
black community. They have something in common.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
1) In her lesson on Hitler, Miss Gates says that “we (American people) don't believe in
persecuting anyone”. What seems odd to the reader about this claim?
2) Why is Scout puzzled by Miss Gates' disapproval of Hitler?
3) Why does Scout's question upset Jem? Is there a simple answer, or any answer, to the
question (“How can you hate Hitler an’ then turn around an be ugly about folks right at
1. The claim seems ironic because the town just persecuted a black man for being black
2. Scout heard Miss Gates criticizing Tom Robinson
3. It forces Jem to come to terms with the trial and forces him to relive the unfairness of it
Chapter 27
1) What three things does Bob Ewell do that alarm Aunt Alexandra?
2) Why, according to Atticus, does Bob Ewell bear a grudge? Which people does Ewell see as
his enemies, and why?
3) What was the purpose of the Halloween pageant? What practical joke had persuaded the
grown ups to have an organized event?
1. Bob loses his job, breaks in to Judge Taylor's house, and follows Tom's widow home.
2. Atticus made Bob look bad in front of the entire town. Bob thought people would make
him a hero, but they didn't care about him after the trial was over. Bob sees those
involved with the trial as being his enemies.
3. The purpose was to keep all of the kids together so they didn't pull pranks. The children of the town had taken
all of the furniture of two women and placed it in the basement.
Chapter 28
1) Comment on the way this chapter reminds the reader of earlier events in the novel.
2) Why does Jem say that Boo Radley must not be at home? What is ironic about this? (Is it
true? Does he really mean it? Why might it be important for him and Scout that Boo
should not be at home?)
3) Scout decides to keep her costume on while walking home. How does this affect her
understanding of what happens on the way?
4) Why had Atticus not brought a chair for the man in the corner? Who might this stranger
1. We are reminded of Boo Radley and the superstitions involved with him.
2. The lights are not on. Boo never leaves the house so it'd be ironic for him not to be
3. She can't see or hear things the way they actually happen.
4. Scout believes it is because the man is a country man and doesn't want to sit. This
stranger might be Boo Radley.
Chapter 29
1) What causes the “shiny clean line” on the otherwise “dull wire” of Scout's costume?
2) What explanation does Atticus give for Bob Ewell's attack?
3) What does Heck Tate give as the reason for the attack?
4) Do you think the sheriff's explanation or Atticus's is the more likely to be true?
1. The man who attacked the kids on the way home had a knife. The man tried to stab
Scout! Scout's costume kept her safe.
2. Atticus says that Mr. Ewell was a coward and didn't have the guts to go after Atticus
himself so he went after his children who are an easier target.
3. Heck Tate (the sheriff) thinks that Mr. Ewell was the kind of man you would shoot
before you say "hi" to them but they aren't even worth the shot. Tate thinks Mr. Ewell
was drunk and mean.
4. I don’t think either of the explanations are true but Heck Tate knows that what he’s
saying isn’t true while Atticus’ explanation isn’t true simply because he guessed wrong.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
1) How do the events of the final chapters explain the first sentence in the whole novel?
2) Comment on the way the writer summarises earlier events to show their significance.
3) How does Scout make sense of an earlier remark of Atticus's as she stands on the Radley
4) How much of a surprise is it to find what Boo Radley is really like? Has the story before
this point prepared the reader for this discovery?
5) At the end of the novel, Atticus reads to Scout. Comment on his choice of story. Does it
have any connection with themes earlier in the novel and in its ending?
1. In the first sentence of the book, Scout says that Jem broke his arm when he was 13.
She does not explain how. The end of the book shows that he broke his arm when Mr.
Ewell tried to kill him.
2. In just a few short and brief sentences, the author summarizes the main events in the
story. This was to show the reader what was happening in a clear picture earlier in the
3. Earlier in the book, Atticus told Scout that you never really understand or know a man
until you walk in his shoes. Now that she has gotten to know and understand Boo better,
and is standing on his porch after walking him home, Scout feels like he better
understands Boo and why Boo never came out of the house.
4. It’s not as much of a surprise as it would have been at the start of the book as we have
seen instances of Boo Radley being a good person throughout the book and misunderstood
because of the rumors from long ago
5. At the end of the novel, Atticus reads a book called “The Gray Ghost” to Scout. It has a
very similar plot to what happened in the book so far. We learn that the main character is
being chased but when learnt about is a nice person. This story is somewhat ironic and
extremely similar to what the children thought of Boo Radley throughout the book/