One Word Substitution (EE)
One Word Substitution (EE)
One Word Substitution (EE)
An examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the Biopsy
presence, cause or extent of a disease
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases Panacea
The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing Plagiarism
them off as one’s own
A position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or Sinecure
financial benefit
Denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine Venial
In exactly the same words as were used originally Verbatim
A state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most Kakistocracy
unscrupulous citizens
A collection of historical documents or records providing information Archives
about a place, institution, or group of people
An institution for the care of people who are mentally ill Asylum
A large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard Cemetery
Nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the Creche
working day
A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing Hangar
A box or cage, typically with a wire mesh front, for keeping rabbits or Hutch
other small domesticated animals
A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill Infirmary
A small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing Scullery
dishes and another dirty household work
A family of young animals Brood
A community of people smaller than a village Hamlet
One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession Amateur
One who makes an official examination of accounts Auditor
Persons living at the same time Contemporarie
A leader or orator who espouses the cause of the common people Demagogue
Someone who leaves one country to settle in another Emigrant
One who shows sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging Indefatigable
A lover of mankind Philanthropist
A person who shows a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife Uxorious
A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead Elegy
Killing of a parent or other near relative Parricide
A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft Astronaut
The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and Dactylology
convey ideas
One who studies the elections and trends in voting Psephologist
The sound of Frogs Croak
The sound of Elephants Trumpet
Study-related One Word Substitution with Examples
The study of Human Mind Psychology I am really interested in
studying Psychology and
how the mind works.
A number of people Caravan A caravan of hippies just
travelling together in a big passed by.
van or jeep
The one who loves Philanthropist He became a renowned
mankind philanthropist after joining
The one who looks at the Optimist Louis has always been the
brighter side of everything biggest optimistic person I
The one who eats human Cannibal The police caught these
flesh cannibals from the jungle.
A person who boasts of Egotist She saw him as a
one’s achievements thoughtless egotist.
The one who is all Omnipotent We often stereotype a
powerful superhero as an
Omnipotent but it’s
important to have some
flaws to make them
Someone who sells or Florist Harry is my favorite florist
grows flowers or studies or and I like how he gives
writes about flowers. unique facts about what
every flower symbolises.
A person who collects Numismatist As a Numismatist, I have a
coins as a hobby huge collection of
currencies from almost all
the countries around the
An eccentric manner of Bohemian She felt embarrassed when
living her friends made fun of her
bohemian clothing.
A shelter for a Dog Kennel Our new pup spent all his
day hiding inside the
A person promises to tell Oath I couldn’t disrespect the
the truth in court oath and thus revealed
Space where animal hides Tannery The leather for this coat
are tanned has been skinned in the
Determined to achieve Tenacious She was tenacious enough
something to chase after her dream of
becoming a film actor.
Absolute freedom to act as Carte blanche Her mother gave her carte
one wishes: blanche to follow the
career path she wants to.
A soldier who fights for the Mercenary You are a mercenary and
sake of money you kill people with any
Government instructions Embargo With the danger of virus
that limit trade in some hovering over the whole
way world, an embargo on
international trade was
mutually decided upon.
A place for storage of arms Arsenal The officer informed the
and ammunition soldier about his new
posting in Arsenal.
The act of killing a king Regicide The monarchy fell with the
The killing of one’s child Filicide The police filed a report
about filicide that
happened in the C block.
Huge fire for celebration Bonfire The campers spent their night by
the bonfire.
Dwarfed varieties of trees and Bonsai Her room was filled with bonsai
shrubs in pots plants
Huge fire for celebration Bonfire The campers spent their night by
the bonfire.
Dwarfed varieties of trees and Bonsai Her room was filled with bonsai
shrubs in pots plants.
A human who eats human flesh Cannibal No man dared to enter the forest
where a group of cannibals
A person who lives in Recluse He was a recluse until the girl entered his
solitude life.
Not showing enough Remiss I realised that she was totally remiss in
care and attention finishing her daily tasks.
15. A shelter for a Dog Kennel Our new pup spent all his day hiding
inside the kennel.
16. Where wild animals Lair I found a hidden lair in the forest but was
live: too afraid to go inside it.
A place where coins are Mint This industrial facility is actually a mint
made that manufactures coins.
Ordinary and Dull Mundane I am bored with the mundane life of the
quarantined days.
A person who loves Narcissist John is a narcissist and will never love
himself the most anyone else but himself.
When someone kills their Patricide Jean was arrested for patricide.
own father
A political system solely Thearchy The village was ruled by the system
based on the government of of thearchy.
men by God
The act of killing a king Regicide The monarchy fell with the regicide.
A person promises to tell the Oath I couldn’t disrespect the oath and
truth in court thus revealed everything.
Humour that describes the Satire Ghasiram Kotwal is an incredibly
weaknesses written satire on the political
scenario of Maharashtra in the early
20th century.
Space where animal hides Tannery The leather for this coat has been
are tanned skinned in the tannery.
A government that has a Monarchy With a king ruling the country, the
monarch as the head Monarchy is different from a
One Word Substitutions Word Example
Loves being social and Gregarious Gurleen is a gregarious girl and we
enjoys the company of often call her the social butterfly of
others our class!
The sound of Camels Grunt In the vastness of the desert, the only
sound you can hear is the constant
grunting of camels from far away.
The killing of one’s child: Filicide The police filed a report about filicide
that happened in the C block.
Absolute freedom to act as Carte blanche Her mother gave her carte blanche to
one wishes: follow the career path she wants to.
A person who draws maps Cartographer A cartographer can help you find the
right way through a complex forest
land through his mastery of maps.
An office with high salary Sinecure After listening to the perks that
but no work Seema has at her office, Vishal
assumes as if she works at a
One who is much Fastidious Virat is fastidious about his hair. He
concerned about details makes sure that he visits the salon at
and accuracy regular intervals.
A person who eats too Glutton As soon as the guests left, Riya didn’t
much miss a chance to call our cousin
A soldier who fights for Mercenary You are a mercenary and you kill
the sake of money people with any guns!