Wong 2010
Wong 2010
Wong 2010
ABSTRACT | In this paper, recent progress of phase change nology have made it possible to demonstrate PCMs that
memory (PCM) is reviewed. The electrical and thermal proper- rival incumbent technologies such as Flash [4]. The
ties of phase change materials are surveyed with a focus on the characteristics of PCM most closely approximate that of
scalability of the materials and their impact on device design. the dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and the Flash
Innovations in the device structure, memory cell selector, and memory (Table 1) [5].
strategies for achieving multibit operation and 3-D, multilayer Reports on PCM have grown rapidly in recent years
high-density memory arrays are described. The scaling prop- (Fig. 1). The worldwide research and development effort
erties of PCM are illustrated with recent experimental results on emerging memory devices and PCM in particular can be
using special device test structures and novel material synthe- understood from two perspectives. First, from a system
sis. Factors affecting the reliability of PCM are discussed. point of view, processor performance is increasingly li-
mited by memory access and power consumption of the
KEYWORDS | Chalcogenides; emerging memory; heat conduc- memory subsystem. Recent efforts in extending the scala-
tion; nonvolatile memory; PCRAM; phase change material; bility of SRAM and incorporating embedded DRAM in
phase change memory (PCM); PRAM; thermal physics advanced technologies are evidence of the importance of
the memory technology. The emergence of Flash as a po-
tential solid-state replacement for the hard disk drive
I. INTRODUCTION (HDD) for selected applications has highlighted the enor-
The concept of using the amorphous to crystalline phase mous potential of a high-density, embedded memory
transition of chalcogenides for an electronic memory tech- technology within the memory hierarchy. At the same
nology has been pursued for many years [1]–[3]. While the time, memory device research has had a renaissance of
early work disclosed many of the fundamental concepts of new ideas [6], [7]. New memory devices, most of them
the phase change memory (PCM), it is only in the past nonvolatile, have been explored and some have progressed
10–15 years that advances in materials and device tech- beyond the observation of a hysteresis effect to device-level
demonstrations. These new memory devices, such as PCM,
have read/write/retention/endurance characteristics dif-
Manuscript received March 5, 2010; accepted May 24, 2010. Date of publication ferent from conventional static random access memory
October 25, 2010; date of current version November 19, 2010. The work of
H.-S. P. Wong, S. Kim, J. Liang, J. P. Reifenberg, M. Asheghi, and K. E. Goodson was (SRAM), DRAM, and Flash. The very high density offered
supported in part by Intel Corporation, the Semiconductor Research Corporation under by some of the new device technologies may also lead to
Contract 2009-VJ-1996, the National Science Foundation under Grant CBET-0853350,
the member companies of the Stanford Non-Volatile Memory Technology Research the replacement of the HDD by solid-state devices for
Initiative (NMTRI), the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Molecular Foundry, some applications [8], [9]. There is an enormous opportu-
NXP, Samsung, Ovonyx, and IBM.
H.-S. P. Wong, S. Kim, and J. Liang are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, nity to completely rethink the design of the memory sub-
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; system to gain orders of magnitude improvements in
[email protected]; [email protected]).
S. Raoux and B. Rajendran are with IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, speed and/or power consumption. A revolution in the
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; memory subsystem will bring about a fundamental change
[email protected]).
J. P. Reifenberg is with the Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA (e-mail: in how one can extract performance out of technology
[email protected]). improvements.
M. Asheghi and K. E. Goodson are with the Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA In this paper, we focus on one of the more Bmature[
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). emerging memory technologiesVPCMVand summarize
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2010.2070050 the important material and device learning in recent years
0018-9219/$26.00 Ó 2010 IEEE Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2010 | Proceedings of the IEEE 2201
Wong et al.: Phase Change Memory
Table 1 Device Characteristics of DRAM, Flash, and PCM [5]. Information Is Gathered From the ITRS and Does Not Represent the
Best-of-Breed for Specific Product and Research Advances
[10], with a focus on how fundamental physics interact view are emphasized. Device density in the memory array
with device properties and the device scaling potential of is essentially determined by the memory cell selector. The
PCM. We start with a description of the basic device requirements, implementation, and recent demonstrations
operation (Section II). The properties of the phase change are discussed in Section V. The vision of a high-density
material, reviewed in Section III, are of fundamental im- memory will eventually be realized via multibit operation
portance to device optimization for the targeted applica- of the memory cell and 3-D stacking of the memory array.
tion (such as finding the best speed, retention, and This is reviewed in Section VI. Reliability is discussed in
endurance tradeoff) as well as the scalability of PCM. The Section VII. Any new semiconductor technology, including
device design and device structural innovations are re- PCM, must be scalable for many generations. The potential
viewed in Section IV. Throughout the materials and device for the PCM to scale to nanoscale dimensions is explored
discussions, the thermal properties of the materials and in Section VIII. Finally, we offer a view of the future and
design considerations from a thermal management point of conclude the paper in Section IX.
Fig. 2 shows one common PCM cell. PCM utilizes the large
resistivity contrast between crystalline (low resistivity)
and amorphous (high resistivity) phases of the phase
change material. Set and reset state of PCM refers to low
and high-resistance state, respectively. As fabricated, the
phase change material is in the crystalline, low-resistance
state because the processing temperature of the (BEOL)
metal interconnect layers is sufficient to crystallize the
phase change material. To reset the PCM cell into the
amorphous phase, the programming region is first melted
and then quenched rapidly by applying a large electrical
current pulse for a short time period. Doing so leaves a
region of amorphous, highly resistive material in the PCM
cell. This amorphous region is in series with any crystalline
region of the PCM and effectively determines the re-
Fig. 1. The number of publications on PCM has increased over the sistance of the PCM cell between the top electrode contact
last ten years. Data are obtained by searching the IEEE Xplore for all
(TEC) and the bottom electrode contact (BEC). To set the
IEEE, AIP, and IET journals and conference proceedings using the
Boolean expression: (phase Gand9 change Gand9 memory) Gor9
PCM cell into the crystalline phase, a medium electrical
(phase Gand9 change Gand9 chalcogenide) Gor9 ovonics Gor9 ovonic current pulse is applied to anneal the programming region
Gor9 PCM Gor9 PRAM Gor9 PCRAM. at a temperature between the crystallization temperature
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some materials the difference between the resistance in voltages and exponential for high voltages. At a certain
the amorphous and crystalline phase can be up to five material-dependent threshold field on the order of
orders of magnitude [18] (see Fig. 4). This large electrical 10–100 V/m [23] the resistivity of the amorphous phase
contrast allows for a large on/off ratio in PCM cells. In change material suddenly decreases by orders of magni-
practical devices it is typically two orders of magnitude tude, negative differential resistance is observed, and so-
because 1) the resistance of the PCM cell in the set state called threshold switching occurs (Fig. 3). The mechanism
ðRset Þ is not only determined by the phase change material behind threshold switching is still being debated and sev-
itself but also determined by the rest of the device eral models have been suggested as a possible mechanism.
structure such as the contact resistance and the resistance The thermal instability model attributes threshold switch-
of the heater, and 2) the resistance of the PCM cell in the ing to thermal runaway caused by Joule heating [24]. This
reset state ðRreset Þ is lower than would be expected from the model is based on a simple observation that the current
as-deposited amorphous phase because melt-quenched through the phase change material increases exponentially
materials have lower resistivity than the as-deposited due to temperature-dependent conductivity of the phase
amorphous material. As can be seen from the drop in change material as temperature increases. Considering
resistance, various phase change materials have different that the typical threshold switching speed is faster than the
crystallization temperatures. Materials need to be selected thermal time constant, electronic mechanisms are favored
that have a high enough crystallization temperature so that over purely thermal mechanisms [25]. An electronic model
they are stable in the amorphous phase for ten years at attributes threshold switching to strong carrier generation
operating temperature of the PCM cells which is, e.g., caused by high electric field and large carrier density
85 C for embedded memory applications or even 150 C [26]–[28]. In another electronic model, the threshold
for automotive applications. On the other hand, when switching is attributed to energy gain of electrons in a high
switching to the crystalline state is required during a write electric field leading to a voltage–current instability [11].
operation it should occur on the nanosecond time scale. The crystallization model attributes threshold switch-
This is a difference in response time to crystallization of ing to the actual crystallization based on a nucleation
17 orders of magnitude [19]. For ultrascaled devices, model in which the nucleation is facilitated by the electric
switching on the 1-ns time frame has been demonstrated field [29]. Reversible characteristic of threshold switching
[20], [21] while data retention at 85 C for ten years has is explained by dissolution of premature crystalline em-
also been shown (for larger devices based on 90- and bryos upon removal of the electric field. Detailed expe-
180-nm technology) [22] but not at 150 C. rimental validation of these models is further required
The electrical conductivity in the amorphous phase can because the internal parameters of the models cannot be
be described by thermally activated hopping transport [11]. precisely determined. The dominant threshold switching
A Poole–Frenkel transport of carriers through traps leads mechanism can be different for various phase change
to a current which is linear with voltage for very small materials depending on material properties and a combi-
nation of the suggested models may be required to explain
all the observations.
The threshold field translates into a certain threshold
voltage for PCM devices and is typically in the 1–2-V
range. At voltages above the threshold voltage there is a
several nanosecond delay time between the application of
the voltage and the threshold switching. This delay time
becomes longer and shows a strong voltage dependence
close to the threshold voltage [30]. From a PCM standpoint
threshold switching is crucial because without this effect
PCM would not be a viable technology. It allows enough
current flow through the material to heat it above the
crystallization temperature and switch it to the crystalline
state. The threshold switching itself is reversible and if the
voltage is removed quickly the cell returns to the high-
resistance amorphous state without memory switching.
Fig. 4. Resistivity as a function of temperature during a heating cycle There is also a short delay time between the end of the
at 1 K/s for initially amorphous, as-deposited 50-nm-thick films of voltage pulse and the full recovery of the high resistance of
various phase change materials. Initially, the thin films have a high the amorphous phase. Only if the voltage pulse is long
resistance that drops sharply when the crystallization temperature
enough to heat the material above its crystallization tem-
is reached, and it stays low upon cooling. GSTVGe 2 Sb2 Te 5 ,
N-GSTV7 at. % N-doped GST, GeSb–Ge:Sb ratio 15:85, AISTVSb2 Te
perature to allow it to crystallize does memory switching
doped with 7 at. % Ag and 11 at. % In. Reprinted with permission occur and the cell is in the low-resistance state after the
from [18], copyright American Institute of Physics (2007). pulse.
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Fig. 7. Comparison of electrical testing and optical testing for the crystallization times of as-deposited and melt-quenched Ge 15 Sb85 material.
Electrical testing was performed on bridge devices and optical testing using a static laser tester. Reprinted with permission from [35].
effect will also reduce the on/off ratio of actual devices Ge–Sb alloys [44], Si–Sb–Te alloys [45], and Si–Sb alloys
compared to as-deposited thin films as shown in Fig. 4. [46] but for most of these materials large scale memory
Fast crystallization times can be correlated to the array data are still missing.
structural properties of the phase change materials. Fast The melting temperature of a phase change material
switching materials often show a simple cubic or rocksalt determines how much power is needed to melt-quench
structure with random atomic distributions that require and reamorphize the material. Melting temperatures for
little atomic movement to change from the amorphous to typical phase change materials are in the range of 500 C–
the crystalline state [19]. In addition it was found that 700 C [47].
resonance bonding plays an important role for fast switch-
ing phase change materials [37]. A low degree of ionicity B. Thermal Properties
and low tendency towards hybridization is typical for fast The spatial distribution of thermal resistances is the
switching phase change materials [17]. These parameters key factor determining the PCM programming current.
can guide us to find better materials with improved com- The intrinsic thermal resistance arises from energy carrier
position and switching characteristics. scattering in the bulk of the material, while the thermal
Other material parameters that are important for PCM boundary resistance (TBR) arises from scattering in the
include thermal properties (see next section), data reten- interface region. The electrode contacts, commonly made
tion properties which are related to the activation energy of TiN, are the dominant heat sinks in PCM devices [48],
for crystallization, and cyclability. Data retention and loss [49]. Consequently, understanding thermal conduction in
can be described by a percolation model [38], [39] which thin film phase change materials, thin film electrode
can explain the very different retention times for nomi- materials, and at their interfaces is essential for reducing
nally identical cells and the stochastic nature of data loss, programming energy.
for example, a cell that shows bad data retention in one The most common thin film thermal conductivity mea-
switching cycle can show good retention in the next cycle. surement techniques for phase change materials are the 3!
Doping with oxygen [40] or nitrogen [41] can improve data method [50], nanosecond transient thermoreflectance
retention but on the other hand doping will also slow down (TTR) [51], and picosecond time-domain thermo-
the crystallization process [42]. Other materials proposed reflectance [52], [53]. Measurements on the common
for better data retention include In–Ge–Te alloys [43], phase change material Ge2 Sb2 Te5 (GST) show thermal
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Measurements of the Seebeck coefficient and its phase and (defined by film deposition) in one direction and the
temperature dependence will improve device simulations BTrench[ width in the other direction. When scaled down
and scaling. Further exploration of the electrical interface to the 90-nm technology, the BTrench[ structure shows a
resistance (EIR) and TBR are essential for optimizing reset current of 400 A for a 400-nm2 contact area [65].
device materials and geometries. Last, full-cycle crystalli- Although the BTrench[ cell achieves low program-
zation studies [2] will offer important insight into how ming current by effectively reducing the BEC/GST area, it
transient thermal conditions affect device performance still requires lithography to define the GST dimension for a
metrics such as resistance drift, threshold switching volt- small contact with the underlying heater. To realize an
age, cycling behavior, interface degradation, and reliability. ultrasmall lithography-independent contact area, the
From this discussion it is clear that the search for the cross-spacer PCM architecture has been demonstrated
best phase change material is a multiparameter optimiza- using a 180-nm technology [66]. By replacing the
tion process with some seemingly contradictory require- BTrench[ width by the thickness of both the phase
ments such as high stability of the amorphous phase at change material and the low-temperature oxide spacer
operating temperature, but very fast crystallization of the sidewalls, this fully litho-independent process leads to an
amorphous phase at switching temperature. Many material ultralow reset current of 80 A for a 500-nm2 cell [66].
parameters will also change with size of the phase change Another issue associated with the BTrench[ device is
material when devices are scaled to smaller and smaller the alignment tolerance. The BWall[ structure, utilizing
dimensions (see Section VIII-A). Much research is still the self-aligned (SA) approach, was hence developed with
required to understand the fundamental relationship be- a 90-nm technology [67]. The BWall[ structure simplifies
tween material composition and structure, and phase the overall process integration by reducing one critical
change properties for a physics/chemistry-based design of mask and depositing the chalcogenide material on a flat
new phase change materials. surface. A 200-A reset current was obtained for a
0.0108-m2 cell at the 45-nm technology node [68].
The Bpore[ structure is another litho-independent
IV. DEVICE DESIGN technology that gives very small contact area and low reset
current [69]. The pore diameter can be accurately defined
A. Device Structures and Programmed by an intentionally created keyhole with conformal depo-
Volume Scaling sition. Less than 250-A reset current has been realized for
The large programming current is still a key issue that a pore PCM cell with a patterned 40-nm diameter.
limits the adoption of PCM in many applications. Further- Similar to the device structures that evolve from the
more, large programming current in PCM imposes a BTrench[ cells, a ring-shaped contact is another effective
stringent requirement on the current delivered by the approach for decreasing the contact area and hence the
memory cell selector (see Section V) integrated in series reset current. In ring-shaped contact, the current flows
with the PCM. In order to provide the current required to through the perimeter of the contact hole instead of the
switch the states of PCM, the area of the memory cell entire contact area. Since the area of the ring-type contact
selector may not be scaled down as fast as the memory cell is only linearly dependent on the diameter of the contact
itself, thus the size of the cell selection device becomes the and the thickness of the deposition metal, it not only has
limiting factor for the device density and annihilates the linear relationship with the resolution of the lithographic
small size advantage of PCM technology. Therefore, re- capability compared to the quadratic relationship of a
ducing the programming current is necessary for achieving conventional contact, but it also shows more robust char-
both high-density and low power consumption of PCM. acteristics against contact size variation [70], [71]. To im-
To decrease the reset current, one way is to increase prove the flatness of the ring-type contact (avoiding
the heater thermal resistance by reducing the contact area recessed core dielectrics inside the contact hole), non-
[61]. The feature size of the conventional mushroom recessed ring-type contact has also been demonstrated
structure [Fig. 2(a)] [61], [62] of PCM is limited by litho- using a 90-nm technology and it shows 450-A reset
graphy and process capability. This was recognized early current for a patterned 60-nm diameter contact hole [72].
on and many innovative device structures have been Along with the reduction of the contact area of the
explored to reduce the effective bottom electrode contact PCM cell, another way to reduce the programming current
(BEC)/GST interface to the sublithographic regime. is through current localization and thermal environment
The edge-contact-type cell was first fabricated using a optimization. Evolving from the conventional planar
0.24-m technology and demonstrated a very low reset (mushroom) structure to confined cell structure, the reset
current 200 A [63]. However, this lateral structure oc- current is localized in the thermally isolated cell and can
cupies a large layout area. Later, reset current reduction significantly decrease by 65% even without contact area
using the BTrench[ structure was demonstrated in a reduction [73]. Also, the thermal disturbance between
180-nm technology [64]. The contact area of the neighbor cells is greatly improved for the confined cell,
BTrench[ cell is defined by the vertical heater thickness which illustrates the importance of thermal environment
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the presence of the base contact [96]. Diodes can have the tact, depending on gate to contact distance) for the PCM
minimum 4 F2 layout area (F is the minimum lithographic with a MOSFET selector.2
feature size). By sharing the base contact with several cells, Memory cell selectors demonstrated recently include
the footprint of a BJT selector ranges from 8 F2 to about the use of pn-junction diode [62], [70], [98]–[100],
5.5 F2 [68]. The device width of the MOSFET selector is Schottky diode [101], metal-insulator transition (MIT)
largely determined by the programming current required. [102], and the ovonic threshold switch (OTS) [57]
Unlike nand for which the programming current per cell (Table 3). PN-junction diodes with various materials
is small, PCM requires a substantial reset programming have been studied, including polySi, epitaxially grown sili-
current. Fig. 9 summarizes PCM programming current as a con, doped semiconducting metal oxide, and Ge nanowire.
function of the bottom electrode contact area. The large Suffice it to say that it has been difficult to find a cell
reset current calls for good a quality diode/BJT or a wide selection diode that simultaneously satisfies the on/off
device width for a MOSFET selector. For device structures ratio requirement (depends on the memory subarray size)
where the contact area depends on the lithographic di- and the on-current required to program the PCM. While
mension linearly (e.g., ring shape, Trench, wall-type), conventional wisdom would search for a selector with a
special care is required to ensure reset current scaling high on/off ratio, recent analysis [95] suggests that a
down with technology node. Otherwise, the current device with sufficient nonlinearity between the low-bias
density required scales up as the technology scales down. (nonselected) and high-bias (selected) regime will
The trend line indicates that the current density required suffice. This may widen the choice of materials and de-
of the diode (or BJT) is in the range of 10–20 MA/cm2 for vice types for the selector. At the same time, innovative
the best PCM devices. For a contact diameter of 10 nm, the thermal design may substantially lower the programming
reset current is projected to be about 40 A. Assuming a current density required. It remains hopeful that
future low-power MOSFET selector with a 1.2-mA/m stackable cross-point arrays of PCM will be realized in
current drive [5], the MOSFET selector device width the future.
should be 33 nm (3.3 F for a 10-nm technology), resulting
in a footprint [68], [97] of about 17–22 F2 (with a device 2
The footprint can be 8–10 F2 for programming density of
pitch of 4–5 F in the length direction with a shared con- 10 MA/cm2 .
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Fig. 14. Measured RV curve of stacked phase change cell employed
Fig. 16. Typical Rcell Ipulse curve obtained by varying the current pulse
to obtain multibit storage in [110]. Shown in the inset is a schematic
amplitude for a mushroom PCM cell. Before the application of the
of the stack of phase change materials within the cell.
programming current pulse, an initialization pulse was applied to
fully reset the cell. Programming currents with amplitude in the
0–400-A range leads to annealing of the amorphous volume and
4-b cellVthis was (and remains at the time of writing) the a decrease in the cell resistance (the branch to the left of the minimum
R cell point), while programming currents with amplitude in the
most advanced multibit demonstration among any emerg-
500–1500-A range lead to melting of the critical volume and an
ing memory technologies. These programming techniques increase in the cell resistance (the branch to the right of the minimum
are based on the fact that the cell resistance Rcell can be R cell point). After [107].
increased by applying programming pulses of larger
amplitudes that result in melting of larger volumes of
the amorphous region (right branch in Fig. 16), or can be
decreased by applying pulses of lower amplitude (left resistance distributions because of nanoscale variations in
branch in Fig. 16), or sequences of annealing pulses of the cell structure and operating characteristics. Based on a
appropriate magnitude to crystallize and shrink the size of read–verify–write algorithm, an average of three iterative
the amorphous volume [111]. programming cycles were found to be adequate to
As in nand Flash MLC, it is necessary to apply program a collection of 100 cells to 16 intermediate
iterative programming to achieve tight and separable levels (Fig. 17). It has been shown that such iterative
programming techniques could be used to achieve write
Fig. 15. Electrothermal simulation reveals that the shape and size Fig. 17. 10 10 array test structure programmed into 16 levels,
of the amorphous plug can be controlled by the pulse-tail duration enabling 4 b/cell operation. Iterative programming techniques relying
(linear ramp-down at pulse-end). The amorphous constriction in the on adjustment of pulse slopes depending on measured resistance is
current path determines the overall cell resistance. After [107]. essential to achieve narrow distributions. After [107].
2214 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2010
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Fig. 18. The iterative programming algorithm employed to demonstrate 2 b/cell operating in BJT selected 256-Mb PCM array (left).
On the right, well separated resistance distributions (solid lines) that are stable after a bake for 1 h at 150 C (dotted lines) obtained are
also shown. Note that the levels 01, 10, and 11 all differ only by a factor of 2. After [112].
performance of 3.5-MB/s and read performance of 120 ns cell [116] and the parallel multiconfined cell (Fig. 19) [58]
on a 256-Mb BJT selected PCM array implementing 2 b/ are other examples that use this parallel resistance
cell (Fig. 18) [112]. combination philosophy in obtaining intermediate-resis-
In most of the cell structures discussed so far (except tance levels. In these instances, the parallel combination
the cell used in the 256-Mb chip demonstration [112]), the consists of materials with different thermal and crystal-
overall cell resistance is determined by the series combi- lization properties.
nation of multiple resistances (that could be modulated by
programming pulses) within the memory element. In such B. 3-D Stackable Memory (Multiple Layers per Chip)
schemes, the programmed resistance states typically span A vision for high-density memory is the cross-point
the entire available resistance spectrum in a uniform man- architecture with a memory cell integrated with a cell
ner. For example, note that the 16 levels shown in Fig. 17 selector within a 4 F2 footprint that can be stacked in the
are engineered to be Bequally spaced[ in the logarithmic third dimension (Fig. 20). To realize this, the selector
scale. However, it has been observed that the measured should have a 4 F2 footprint that can be scaled with the
cell resistance drifts to higher values exhibiting a power- bitline/wordline pitch, a large on/off current ratio, and
law behavior of the form RðtÞ ¼ R0 ðt=t0 Þ , where R0 is an on-state current that is sufficient for programming
the measured resistance at time t0 and is the drift the memory (the reset current for the case of PCM).
coefficient [12]. The drift coefficient itself is found to
increase with the programmed resistance state [113], and
thus the uniform use of the available resistance spectrum
for data storage might lead to retention and reliability
concerns [114].
It is also possible to engineer the programming tech-
nique or the cell structure such that the overall cell re-
sistance is determined by the parallel combination of
multiple resistances; in such cell structures where resis-
tances are added in parallel, the low-resistance region of
the resistance spectrum is populated with more interme-
diate state levels. The iterative programming scheme
using the sequence of set pulses to control the cell
resistance, employed in the 256-Mb chip demonstration
[112], is an example of this strategy; note that the read
currents (and hence the resistance) of the levels 01, 10,
and 11 all differ by a factor of 2 in Fig. 18. Here, the
intermediate-resistance states were obtained by first
creating an amorphous plug covering the bottom electrode
Fig. 19. The programmed resistance levels as a function of the
and then creating conductive paths of different widths amplitude of programming current for the parallel multiconfined cell.
through the amorphous region by the application of Shown in the inset is the schematic of the cell structure. The target
sequences of annealing pulses [115]. The lateral top-heater resistance levels were 10, 15–45, 60–110, and 500 K. After [58].
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Fig. 23. The simulated temperature (T 2 , see inset) in the adjacent cell
materials including the materials on the GeTe–Sb2 Te3 [bit (2)] during thermal disturbance from programmed bit (1) for
various technology nodes under isotropic scaling. The simulated
pseudobinary line show a relatively large increase in mass
temperature is at the end of a 50-ns program pulse in bit 1 (squares)
density upon crystallization of about 5%–8% [118] leading and the corresponding steady-state value (circles). The temperature
to stresses in the material and void formation upon re- does not increase for smaller technology nodes due to scaling of the
peated cycling. Doping of the material can improve the thermal disturbance distance. Adapted from [123].
cyclability because in many cases it leads to finer grains
and less void formation [119]; see Fig. 22. The other failure
mechanism, stuck close, is often caused by elemental
at the early stage after reset programming [2]. Therefore,
segregation upon repeated cycling. It was observed that
thermal disturbance has been the main concern for
repeated cycling leads to Sb enrichment at the bottom
scaling of PCM because shorter distance between cells
electrode [120]. Sb rich materials have a lower crystalli-
can potentially lead to a larger amount of thermal
zation temperature leading to data loss and crystallization
of the region above the bottom electrode at much lower
The amount and duration of thermal disturbance and
temperatures than the original material composition.
their scaling properties have been modeled and simulated
Important material parameters for PCM reliability
[61], [122], [123]. Their results show that isotropic scaling
include the chemical stability of the material in contact
where the cell dimensions are scaled by the same scaling
with the electrodes and the melting temperature. In a
factor causes thermal disturbance to proportionately scale
typical mushroom cell (Fig. 2) the interface between the
by the same scaling factor (Fig. 23). Therefore, isotropic
bottom electrode and the phase change material is the
scaling makes thermal disturbance neither better nor
most critical one because this is the region where the phase
worse than the current node. However, when cell dis-
change material is repeatedly melted. A thin Ti layer is
tances are scaled more aggressively at successive technol-
often used as an adhesion layer but it was observed that for
ogy generations to improve density and performance,
a Ge2 Sb2 Te5 /Ti interface, severe interdiffusion between
thermal disturbance can be exacerbated. Therefore, any
the Ti and the phase change material occurs [121]. It could
scaling optimization should involve the careful evaluation
be avoided using a Ge2 Sb2 Te5 /TiN interface. This bottom
of thermal disturbances.
electrode interface needs to be carefully tailored to avoid
failure at this location due to interactions between the
electrode material and the phase change material. VI II . DEVICE AND MATERIAL S CALING
B. Thermal Disturbance of PCM
Considering the large temperature rise required for A. Materials Scaling Properties
PCM reset programming, the adjacent cells are thermally Nanomaterials have properties that are different from
disturbed during reset programming of the selected cell. bulk materials of the same composition because surface
Thermal disturbance (thermal crosstalk, proximity dis- and interface atoms play an increasing role. The same is
turb) can result in the partial crystallization of the cell true for phase change nanomaterials. It is important to
causing retention failure. At the same time, the drift know how phase change properties change with size in
behavior is also affected by thermal disturbance because order to be able to evaluate the scalability of PCM technol-
the drift is dependent on temperature [33]. The drift ogy. If PCM cells are scaled down to dimensions where the
behavior expedited by thermal disturbance leads to wider phase change material is so small that the properties of the
resistance distributions when cells are thermal disturbed phase change materials are size dependent these changing
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Fig. 26. (a) IV curves and (b) V th for varying GST1 thickness (6–23 nm). Total chalcogenide height (GST1 + W (tungsten) ATE + GST2) is 257 nm for
all devices. All devices are first programmed to the reset state before IV measurement. Adapted from [135]. Trend lines for other phase change
materials from [23] are added for comparison. GeSb had a Ge:Sb ratio of 15:85, and AIST was Sb2 Te doped with 7 atomic % Ag and 11 atomic % In.
Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2010 | Proceedings of the IEEE 2219
Wong et al.: Phase Change Memory
Fig. 30. The schematic of the experimental setup (left) and the
SEM image of the fabricated PCB device (right). Electrical pulses
generated by the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) are supplied to
the device under test (DUT), and the device behavior is monitored
Fig. 28. Size-dependent activation energies ðEa Þ for recrystallization using two oscilloscope channels measuring the device voltage and
of Ge 2 Sb2 Te 5 nanowires. The activation energies vary from 1.98 eV current independently. The inset shows the active device volume
for a 30-nm nanowire, to 2.34 eV for a 200-nm nanowire. Reprinted located above the narrow dielectric gap between the two electrodes.
with permission from [137]. After [144].
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Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2010 | Proceedings of the IEEE 2225
Wong et al.: Phase Change Memory
Simone Raoux (Senior Member, IEEE) received John P. Reifenberg received the B.S. degree in
the M.S. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree mechanical engineering with Departmental, Col-
in physics from Humboldt University, Berlin, lege and University Honors from Carnegie Mellon
Germany, in 1984 and 1988, respectively. University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 2003 and the M.S.
She is a Research Staff Member at the IBM T. J. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from
Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 2006 and
From 1988 to 1991, she worked as a Staff Scientist 2010, respectively. His graduate research focused
at the Institute for Electron Physics, Berlin, on photothermal and electrical metrology techni-
Germany, doing research in the field of electrical ques, modeling, and experiment design for under-
breakdown. From 1992 to 2000, she was a Staff standing nanoscale thermal phenomena in phase
Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and performed change memory devices.
research in the fields of vacuum arc deposition, ion implantation, During his graduate work, he interned at the Intel Corporation
photoemission electron microscopy, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, developing phase change memory device measurement techniques. He is
and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. She joined now a Senior Process Engineer at the Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA.
IBM in 2000, first at the IBM Almaden Research Center, and later moved His responsibilities center on the development of electron beam
to the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in 2009. Her research at IBM lithography systems to advance photomask technology. His interests
included materials for magnetic recording and magnetic nanoparticles. are in nanoscale thermal physics, nanoscale materials design and
Her current research interests focus on the physics and materials science metrology, device modeling, design of experiment, and manufacturing
of phase change materials for application in memory technology and optimization.
synaptronics. She edited a book on phase change materials, contributed Dr. Reifenberg’s graduate studies were supported by a National
chapters to four other books, she is author and coauthor of more than Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship through
120 peer-reviewed articles and 180 international conference contribu- the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and he was awarded an Honorary
tions, and she holds 14 patents. Stanford Graduate Fellowship.
2226 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2010
Wong et al.: Phase Change Memory
Bipin Rajendran (Member, IEEE) received the Kenneth E. Goodson received the Ph.D. degree
B.Tech. (honors) degree in instrumentation engi- from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
neering from Indian Institute of Technology, (MIT), Cambridge, in 1993.
Kharagpur, India, in 2000 and the M.S. and Ph.D. He is the Professor and Vice Chair of Mechan-
degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford ical Engineering at Stanford University, Stanford,
University, Stanford, CA, in 2003 and 2006, CA, where his group studies thermal phenomena
respectively. in electronic nanostructures and energy conver-
Currently, he is a Research Staff Member at IBM sion devices. His doctoral alumni include Profes-
T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, sors at the University of California Berkeley, MIT,
NY. He has published more than 25 papers in peer- the University of California Los Angeles, The
reviewed journals and conferences, and has been issued eight U.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and The University of
patents. His research interests include design and characterization of Michigan, as well as staff at Intel, AMD, and IBM. He has coauthored
novel semiconductor devices and novel materials for memory and logic more than 120 archival journal articles, 24 patents, two books, and eight
applications. At IBM, he is involved in exploratory research on phase book chapters. He is a founder and former CTO of Cooligy, which builds
change memory, involving process integration, device modeling, and microcoolers for computers and was acquired in 2005 by Emerson.
electrical characterization. Dr. Goodson received the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal
from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Office of
Mehdi Asheghi received the Ph.D. and postdoc- Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award, and the National
toral degrees from Stanford University, Stanford, Science Foundation (NSF) Career Award. He received the Outstanding
CA, in 1999 and 2000, respectively, conducting Reviewer Award from the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, for which he
research in the area of nanoscale thermal engi- served as an Associate Editor. He was a JSPS Visiting Professor at The
neering of microelctronic devices. Tokyo Institute of Technology and is the Editor-in-Chief of Nanoscale and
Currently, he is a Consulting Associate Profes- Microscale Thermophysical Engineering. His research has been recog-
sor at Stanford University, focusing on further nized through keynote lectures at INTERPACK, ITHERM, and Therminic as
development of PCRAM technology. He led a well- well as best paper awards at SEMI-THERM, SRC TECHCON, and the IEDM.
known and funded research program (2000–2006)
at the Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
that focused on nanoscale thermal phenomena in semiconductor and
data storage devices. He is the author of more that 110 book chapters,
journal publications, and fully reviewed conference papers.
Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2010 | Proceedings of the IEEE 2227