Paper 2-Bullying

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 Title :
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Articles wanted!
Stop Bullying!
• What are the causes of bullying?
• What are the effects of bullying on the victims?
• How can you stop bullying?
Title : Stop Bullying!
By: Siti Fatimah


Title : Stop Bullying

<content/ points>
By: Siti Fatimah
 Definition of bullying / types of bullying
 Definition : Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or
threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior
is often repeated and habitual. There are several types of bullying
which are physical bullying such as kicking or pushing , verbal
bullying such as name-calling or yelling, relational bullying such as
excluding or rumor-spreading and lastly cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying involves sending hurtful messages over digital
devices like computers and cell phones.

 Bullying is bad and dangerous. It has many bad effects. It can cause
harm to people.
 There are (terdapat) --- you can start with this
There are several causes of bullying. Firstly …..

 Causes of bullying:
 Used to be a victim (used to – pernah, victim-
 Seeking attention (seeking-cari, attention-
 Frustration or envy (envy- rasa cemburu)
 Remember this format
 Write the points into complete sentences
 Elaborate by using “wh-questions/examples

points WH-Questions / Examples

Used to be a victim By who?

- Some bullies used to be victims / some bullies Perhaps they were bullied by their parents, their
might have experienced. abusing step-siblings, or even from someone in their
neighborhood. (why?) they want to take revenge
*take revenge- balas dendam

Seeking attention So (why?)

- Bullies are often lonely. They do not have any real They will bully others to get attention

Frustration or envy (cemburu) Example:

- Some bullies bully because they feel envy(jealous) For example, they will bully those who perform
towards others better than them
 can increase anxiety and depression
 Can cause self-harm
points WH-Questions / Examples

Can increase anxiety and depression Why?

- Most victims can feel anxious and depressed/ Victims will feel depressed because they are bullied
- Being bullied can increase victims’ anxiety and all the time. When they feel stressed, they can get
depression sick.
For example, they can have eating-disorder
Can cause self-harm Elaborate:
Besides, those who are being bullied / those who are They will feel suicidal
bullied can cause self-harm
*suicidal – rasa ingin bunuh diri

Passive voice
* Are (di) bullied
(buli)  dibuli
 There are many ways on [how we can stop bullying].
 When we want to give suggestions; always use ‘modals”
 The points:
 Educate (ajar) people on the danger of bullying
 Impose stricter law to those who bully others
Points WH-Questions / Examples
Educate people on the danger of bullying How?
 We can educate people on.. Organise campaigns to create awareness among
For example, “stop bullying campaign”

Impose stricter law Why?

 Next, the authority should impose stricter law to those By doing this, people will think twice before they
who bully others start bullying others

• Authority – pihak berkuasa
• Impose – kenakan
• Enforce – kuatkuasakan (enforce the law)
• Create awareness – menerbitkan/memberi kesedaran
 As a conclusion, bullying is…. and we should say
NO to bullying!

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