Tle-He 6 q3 Mod14 Uslem RTP

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Department of Education


Technology and
Livelihood Education
Home Economics

Grade 6

Preserves food applying principles and skills in food
preservation processing


Before starting this module, set aside other tasks that can cause
distraction while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below
to enjoy the objectives of this kit.

Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every

page of this module.

Write on a notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the

lessons. Writing enhances learning that is important to develop. Keep
in mind:

Perform all the provided activities in the module.

Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
Enjoy studying!

Principles and Skills in Food Preservation Processing


At the end of the module, the learner should be able to:

1. Preserves food applying principles and skills in food preservation processing.


Direction: Multiple Choice. Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. What are the characteristics of fresh fish?
A. Gills are white.
B. Eyes are reddish.
C. Flesh should be soft.
D. Eyes should be clear.
2. What are the characteristics of fresh meat?
A. There should be no marks or stain in the meat.
B. There should be marks or stain in the meat.
C. There should be a foul smell, it is natural.
D. The flesh is white and clear.
3. Marie wants to buy fresh fruits that are necessary in food preservation processing. What
are the tips in selecting fresh fruits?
A. Choose any fruits that are available in the market.
B. Choose the unripe fruits, so it will maintain its freshness.
C. Choose fruits that are in season and ripe in the natural way.
D. Choose overripe fruits, so it can be used in food preservation processing.
4. Angelo stands while doing the task. What will happen to him?
A. He will become taller.
B. He will easily get tired.
C. His back becomes stronger.
D. There is nothing to happen.
5. After accomplishing the task, what should be next?
A. Clean the working area.
B. Wash your hands and rest.
C. Leave the working area unclean.
D. Leave the things you used in the working area.
6. Which of the following is NOT the tips in selecting vegetables?
A. Choose leafy vegetables.
B. There should be stains and scratches.
C. Choose vegetables that are in season.
D. Make sure the leaves are whole, green and crispy.

7. Which of the following is CORRECT safety practices in food preservation?
A. Talk while doing the task.
B. Do not wear proper outfits.
C. Leave the working area unclean.
D. Provide cover for all food containers.
8. How will you know if an egg is fresh?
A. Break the egg to see if it is fresh.
B. Feel the shell, it should be smooth.
C. Put the egg in a container with water, it should float.
D. Place the egg in front of the light and see if it is clear inside.
9. Dina prepared all the tools, equipment and ingredients before doing her task. Is she doing
the right thing?
A. Yes, because preparing all the needed materials avoids wasting time.
B. Yes, because we want to try all the materials we have.
C. No, because your working area will become messy.
D. No, because it is just a waste of time and effort.
10. Why is it important to provide cover for all food containers?
A. To make it presentable.
B. To maintain its freshness.
C. To preserve the food faster.
D. To prevent microbes getting into the preserved food.

Looking Back

Direction: Matching Type. Match the name of the tools and utensils in
COLUMN A to the drawing in COLUMN B.
Colander A.

Meat grinder B.

Apple corer

Cheesecloth E.


Brief Introduction

You already know the different ways of food preservation and the uses of the tools and
utensils in preserving food and processing. Now, we will know and apply the principles and skills
in food preservation processing.

Tips on Selecting Fresh Product

1. Fish- Eyes should be clear; flesh should be firm; belly should be
intact; gills are reddish; scales are shiny and slippery; and firmly
attached to the flesh.

2. Meat- The product should not have any foul smell; there should
be no marks or stain in the meat; it should be reddish and natural
in color; and the flesh should be soft and firm.

3. Vegetables- Choose leafy vegetables that are in season. Make

sure the leaves are whole, green, and crispy; no stain or

4. Fruits- It should be ripe in the natural way; should be in season;

ripeness should be even and without any damaged (defect,
rotten) part.

5. Eggs- It should have a rough shell; it should submerge in water

(should not float); it should be clear inside when placed in front
of the light.

Health and Safety Practices in Food Preservation

1. Prepare all the needed tools, utensils and ingredients before doing the task.
2. Wear proper outfit when cooking or preserving food.
3. When you're done with the task, wash and return all the things in their respective storage.
4. Focus on what you are doing to avoid accidents, to work fast to avoid exposing the
preserved food for a long period of time. It will prevent the microbes from getting into the
food being preserved.
5. Sit down while doing the task as much as possible to avoid getting tired easily.
6. You must know how to use the tools and equipment in food preservation.
7. Put labels on all the ingredients to avoid the mistake of using them.
8. Be careful in handling hot food.
9. Provide cover for all food containers.
10. Keep the work area clean.


Activity 1
Direction: Research a recipe and plan a preserved food project. Consider the principles/ guidelines
you learned from this lesson. (Please document the task with either picture or video if done at

Food Preservation
(Project Plan)




G. Evaluation: (Use the rubric below to evaluate the product. Let one or
two of your family members evaluate your product.)

Direction: Let one or two of your family members evaluate your product.
Criteria Excellent 10-8 Fair 7-5 Poor 4-2 Score

Properly There are some The procedures are

followed the minor errors in not followed.
procedures. following the

Excellently Fairly followed the Poorly followed

followed the health and safety the health and
Health and
health and safety practices in food safety practices in
practices in food preservation. food preservation.

The preserved The preserved The preserved

food is well food is not well food is not well
cooked and cooked and cooked and
appealing. lacking in appeal. unattractive.

The taste of the The taste of the The taste of the

Taste final product is final product is final product is
excellent. fair. poor.


Activity 2
Direction: Complete the paragraph. Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. Use the
concepts from the lesson.

research planning apply evaluate successful consider

There are principles and skills that we must 1.) __________ in food preservation. We
must 2.) __________ these principles or guidelines to be 3.) __________ in preserving food.
4.) __________ is also important before doing the task and 5.) __________ your work after
doing it.


It is important to know and apply the principles and skills in food preservation processing.
We also must plan our project or work and evaluate after doing it. It makes our food preservation
processing successful.

Checking Your Understanding

Direction: Read and understand the following questions. Write the answer on the blank after the
1. What is the importance of knowing and applying principles and skills in food preservation
2. Why is it important to learn about the principles and skills in food preservation processing?
3. The teacher asks the students to make preserved food, what should be the first step?
4. How can a mistake be avoided in mixing wrong ingredients?
5. How is an accident avoided in the work area?


Direction: Multiple Choice. Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. What are the tips in selecting fresh fruits?
A. Choose overripe fruits, so it can be used in food preservation processing.
B. Choose fruits that are in season and ripe in the natural way.
C. Choose the unripe fruits, so it will maintain its freshness.
D. Choose any fruits that are available in the market.
2. Angel stands while doing the task. What will happen to her?
A. Her back becomes stronger.

B. Her back becomes weak.
C. She will easily be tired.
D. She will become taller.
3. What must be considered after working?
A. Leave the things you used in the working area.
B. Leave the working area unclean.
C. Wash your hands and rest.
D. Clean the working area.
4. Ronald wants to make sure that the eggs are fresh. What should he do?
A. Place the egg in front of the light and see if it is clear inside.
B. Put the egg in a container with water, it should float.
C. Feel the shell, it should be smooth.
D. Break the egg to see if it is fresh.
5. Which of the following is the CORRECT way in selecting vegetables?
A. Make sure the leaves are whole, green and crispy.
B. The leaves of the vegetables should be soft.
C. There should be stains and scratches.
D. Choose dry vegetables.
6. Which of the following is NOT a safety practice in food preservation?
A. Provide cover for all food containers.
B. Leave the working area clean.
C. Talk while doing the task.
D. Wear a proper outfit.
7. How is fresh fish identified?
A. The eyes should be reddish.
B. The gills should be white.
C. The eyes should be clear.
D. The flesh should be soft.
8. How can meat be identified as fresh?
A. There should be no marks or stain in the meat.
B. There should be marks or stain in the meat.
C. There should be a foul smell, it is natural.
D. The flesh is white and clear.
9. Lino provided cover for all food containers. Is he doing the right thing?
A. Yes, to prevent microbes getting into the preserved food.
B. Yes, to preserve the food faster.
C. No, the food will spoil faster.
D. No, it is not presentable.
10. Why are tips important to be considered in selecting fresh products in food preservation
and processing?

A. To avoid wasting money and produce high quality preserved products.
B. To make sure that the products are high quality and expensive.
C. To avoid wasting time and effort in choosing fresh products.
D. To make sure that the products are in good condition.

Bernardino, Josephine C., Fulgencio, Maria Gracia A., Lee, Estifania Gloria L., Paragas, Alma

L., Rafael, Edita T., Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 (Quezon City,

Philippines:The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2017), pages 179-184.

Peralta, Gloria A., EdD, Arsenue, Ruth A., Ipolan, Catalina R., Quiambao, Yolanda L., Ariola,

Helenay Ann C., Life Skills Through THE 6, Textbook (Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal

Group Inc.), pages 127-130.

Prepared by:

NAME OF WRITER: Praise P. Cano

Teacher I
Navotas Elementary School
Schools Division Office of Navotas City


Teacher II
Tanza Elementary School
Schools Division Office of Navotas City
Illustrator: Eric De Guia- BLR Production Division

Teacher II
Andres Bonifacio Elementary School
Schools Division of Pasay City

Key to Correction
Pretest Looking Back Remember Posttest
1.D 1. E 1. apply 1.B
2. A 2. F 2. consider 2. C
3. C 3. A 3. successful 3. D
4. B 4. D 4. planning 4. A
5. A 5. C 5. evaluate 5. A
6. B 6. C
7. D 7. C
8. D 8. A
9. A 9. A
10. D 10.A

Checking Your Understanding

Possible answer
The importance of knowing and applying principles and skills in food preservation
processing is to make everything correctly in the process.
To make our food preservation processing successful.
The first step is to construct a project plan.
Put labels on all the ingredients to avoid mistake of using them.
Wear proper outfit, focus on what you are doing and follow health and safety measures
in food preservation processing.


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