Chapter 2 RRL

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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which were found

relevant to the current investigation. With the careful analysis of ideas and insights taken form

periodicals, books and unpublished master’s theses, this researcher was able to elicit adequate

information that deepened her understanding toward the study.

A. Related Literature

Foreign Literature.

According to Magbojos (2012),good leadership can make academic work a more enjoyable
and more productive experience for everyone. The managerial abilities are a complete understanding
of the needs and objectives of the institutions There are essential elements to effective
management. For instance, Ranade (2009) mentioned that the essential elements required by teams to
work efficiently include a common identity or goal, structure,and interdependence. These fundamental
elements form the common basis and goals that will help members bond and develop trust,which
establish team interdependency. This sense of unity can be achieved by emphasizing team-
training activities for increasing interpersonal skills within culturally diverse teams. Team building
develops the communication of one another to establish technique to contribute ones attitude to achieve
the goal.In terms of individual skills, teachers are expected to possess various sets of skills to help them
carry on with their duties as teachers and managers. Javier (2016) suggests that technical skill,
understanding of, and proficiency in, a specific kind of activity, particularly

involving methods, process, procedures or techniques, is necessary for the teachers to

possess. It involves special knowledge, analytical ability within that specialty and facility in the use of tools
and techniques of the specific discipline. Locke (2010) considered technical skill as the ability to use
knowledge, methods, and techniques of a specific discipline. Teachers in school are examples of
people with technical skills as they are recognized as experts in their discipline and are
presumed to have the ability to supervise other. School head has usually developed some expertise
in a discipline or field of study. To successfully run an academic department, the chairperson must
know how to teach the subject, how to organize the group, how to acquire resources, and how
to evaluate performance.This also encompasses human skill, which involves the ability to
understand, create motivation, and work with employees.

n order to formulate strategies,teachers also must know how to conceptualize. For Vishwanath
(2012), conceptual skill is the ability to visualize the organization as a whole. It includes analytical,
creative and initiative skills, understanding the complexities of the overall organization, his ability
to think in abstract, analyze work situation and his creature and innovative ability to access the
environment. It is necessary to understand how the different components are related to each other
and the institution as a whole. Patrinos (2010)believes that teachers need to further develop their
conceptual skillsin order to think strategically andtake a broad long-term view. This will enable teachers
to see what goes on their work environment and help them to react appropriately and reflectively to
situations as they arise. They must consider environmental forces, resource flows, staff and
administrative talent, board of education policies, reform mandates, parent complaints, and

According to Bell (2011), teacher’seffectiveness in schools greatly depends on effective practice for
pupil learning in its own specific context. For this, schools are obligatory to practice a multi-
disciplinary team approach involving of the learner’s parents and school stakeholders such as teacher,
school principal, guidance and other workers in the institution (Laylo, 2018).The teachers must integrate
all these aspects for effecting teaching. Highly successful teachers are frequently called instructional
leaders(Glorioso, 2016). As leaders, they must have a deep understanding ofteaching and learning,
including new techniques and strategies in teaching that emphasize problem solving and pupils
construction of knowledge. Good instructional leaders have a strong commitment to success for all pupils,
and are especially committed to improve instruction for groups of pupils who are learning strategies
that fit the needs of the students.For this, teachers must design an effective framework for
teaching (Libit, 2016). Although they are not the only possible

description of practice, these responsibilities seek to define what teachers should know and be
able to do in the exercise of their profession.An effective teacher brings about intended learning
outcomes(Ryan, 2013). The goal of these activities is to ensure that all students learn what is expected of
them. To do this, a teacher must master a variety of perspectives and strategies in teaching and flexible
in their application(Carpo, 2014). According to Refugido (2015), teaching strategies are the
techniques or approach that a teacher use for a certain topic or lesson determined by the
teacher to be the best method in teaching based on different factors such as method, size class,
kinds of students and availability ofmaterials. However, teacher should also personalize the
learning for their students(O’ Neill, 2009). They used techniques that have each student working
on tasks that engage and challenge them to achieve their best. For example, the learning activities
are planned to suit the individual needs, interests and abilities of an individual student(Salandanan,
2012). They could use technology in developing the strategy (Agbatogun, 2012)or integrate
technology in the teaching process (Arnseth & Hatlevik,2012)for students to enjoy learning

Another key role of the teacher is preparation of assessments. Assessment allows the teachers to keep a
record of their observations of student’s works will support conclusions they draw which they will report to
the parents(Lucas, 2017).Through a variety of measures, students are assessed to determine whether
or not they are achieving the learning outcomes(Esllera, 2016; Stecher, 2010; Khandaghi &Farasat,
2011; Morales, 2016). Teachers can compile them into a portfolio (William &Thompson, 2008)which
reflectsstudent’s development as well as the area where they have the weaknesses, whichneed to
evaluate and give certain enrichment activities.Managing the classroom is another mark of an
affective teaching. Vu (2009) considers managing students’ behavior andclassroom social environment
an important role in students’ development. Student experiences within the classroom help to
develop their behavioral, social, and academic skills. For this, Durrant (2010) suggests that an
effective discipline must be constructive and positive. The same applies to correcting student mistakes.
The process of receiving school correction may unintentionally influencehow the students attach to
the school and school agents, aspire to achieve academically, and perceive school.
Juan and Lasaten (2016) note effectiveness in teaching as the groundwork for progress and
development in an increasingly diverse, complex, and globalized society. For this, teachers need to
possess necessary skills to be effective in teaching. Fisher (2017) looks at teachers as managers that
need the proper tools to manage. For example, globalization presses teachers to possess the necessary
21st century skills so they can continually challenge the classrooms to be responsive. With this, as the
classrooms become globalized, critical lements of 21st century education have to be integrated to the
teaching-learning process in order to adequately prepare learners for their expected roles in society. As
effective management evolves, teachers need to upgrade their management practices as well.
Managerial skills are set of qualities and attributes in the personality of the managers that enable them
to effectively manage the entire organization. These skills can contribute to the development of the
team, each individual and other personnel in the institution. As applied to teaching, it is how teachers
deal with students on the activities, perform administrative functions and act as a team with the other
employees. These skills develop an organize programs and policies (Abila, 2014).

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