VERVOORT - 2014 - Challenges To Scenario-Guided Adaptative Action On Food Security Under Climate Change

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Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394

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Challenges to scenario-guided adaptive action on food security under

climate change
Joost M. Vervoort a,b,*, Philip K. Thornton b,c, Patti Kristjanson b, Wiebke Förch b,
Polly J. Ericksen c, Kasper Kok d, John S.I. Ingram a,e, Mario Herrero c,i, Amanda Palazzo f,
Ariella E.S. Helfgott a,d,h, Angela Wilkinson g, Petr Havlı́k f, Daniel Mason-D’Croz j,
Chris Jost b
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, OX1 3QY Oxford, United Kingdom
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya
Wageningen University, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Natural Environment Research Council, SN2 1EU Swindon, United Kingdom
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, OX1 2BQ Oxford, United Kingdom
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
CSIRO, 306 Carmody Road, St Lucia, QLD 4067, Australia
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2033 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006-1002, USA


Article history: This paper examines the development and use of scenarios as an approach to guide action in multi-level,
Received 4 January 2013 multi-actor adaptation contexts such as food security under climate change. Three challenges are
Received in revised form 19 February 2014 highlighted: (1) ensuring the appropriate scope for action; (2) moving beyond intervention-based
Accepted 2 March 2014
decision guidance; and (3) developing long-term shared capacity for strategic planning. To overcome
Available online 30 March 2014
these challenges we have applied explorative scenarios and normative back-casting with stakeholders
from different sectors at the regional level in East Africa. We then applied lessons about appropriate
scope, enabling adaptation pathways, and developing strategic planning capacity to scenarios processes
Adaptation pathways
in multiple global regions. Scenarios were created to have a broad enough scope to be relevant to diverse
Food systems actors, and then adapted by different actor groups to ensure their salience in specific decision contexts.
Scale The initial strategy for using the scenarios by bringing a range of actors together to explore new
Back-casting collaborative proposals had limitations as well as strengths versus the application of scenarios for
Climate change specific actor groups and existing decision pathways. Scenarios development and use transitioned from
an intervention-based process to an embedded process characterized by continuous engagement.
Feasibility and long-term sustainability could be ensured by having decision makers own the process
and focusing on developing strategic planning capacity within their home organizations.
ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction

Climate change is a significant driver of change for food security

* Corresponding author at: Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, in the developing world, because it threatens food production and
South Parks Road, OX1 3QY Oxford, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 1865 275 833; its stability as well as other aspects of food systems such as storage,
fax: +44 1865 275 850.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]
food access and utilization (Wheeler and Von Braun, 2013). The
(J.M. Vervoort), [email protected] (P.K. Thornton), [email protected] impacts of climate change interact with other change dynamics
(P. Kristjanson), [email protected] (W. Förch), [email protected] (P.J. Ericksen), across economic, political, temporal and biophysical dimensions
[email protected] (K. Kok), [email protected] (John S.I. Ingram), mario.- and from local to global levels (Ericksen et al., 2009). These changes
[email protected] (M. Herrero), [email protected] (A. Palazzo), ariella.helfgot-
are marked by uncertainties that confound attempts to develop
[email protected] (Ariella E.S. Helfgott), [email protected]
(A. Wilkinson), [email protected] (P. Havlı́k), [email protected] linear and unilateral policies (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993;
(D. Mason-D’Croz), [email protected] (C. Jost). Kriegler et al., 2012; van der Sluijs, 2005).
0959-3780/ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
384 J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394

Facing these uncertainties are actor groups operating in 2. Concepts: the development and use of scenarios in multi-
different sectors and at multiple levels, with often widely level, multi-stakeholder contexts
divergent interests (Ingram et al., 2010). The challenges around
ensuring sustainable food security are systemic, and therefore Explorative scenarios are defined here as ‘‘multiple plausible
require system-wide actions from decision-makers (Ericksen et al., futures described in words, numbers and/or images’’ (van Notten
2009; Vermeulen et al., 2013). For instance, national policies, et al., 2003). Scenarios methodology is based in systems science
global food prices, or competition between land use types may and seeks to recognize and explore uncertainty and complexity in
restrict or enable adaptation for local actors such as small-scale the decision-makers’ context rather than limiting or simplifying
farmers or poor urban communities (Mandemaker et al., 2011). that context with the pretence of providing a single forecast when
Similarly, a lack of local-level mechanisms and resources for such prediction is not possible (Kok et al., 2006; van der Sluijs,
adaptation and innovation can make large-scale policies or 2005). More linear sense- and decision-making processes that do
investments ineffective (Bourgeois et al., 2012). not incorporate multiple scenarios still have underlying assump-
There is an increasing recognition of the urgent need for science tions about the future, effectively operating from a single scenario
focusing on food security in the developing world to overcome its that is not examined. This failure of traditional planning to engage
relative inability to play a role in decision-making that leads to with uncertainty has proven to be problematic in complex systems
positive impact (Vermeulen et al., 2013). This need is now broadly (van der Sluijs, 2005; Wilkinson and Eidinow, 2008).
recognized by stakeholders providing support for development In multi-stakeholder contexts, exploratory scenarios can
and adaptation research. They are urging researchers to critically engage multiple legitimate perspectives involved in framing and
re-examine how their work seeks to engage decision-making and addressing messy challenges such as food security and sustain-
practice. In the context of adaptation planning, social-ecological ability (Reilly and Willenbockel, 2010). Bourgeois et al. (2012) give
systems science has the potential to help decision makers consider an extensive overview of scenarios used in the context of
a wide range of interacting stressors and to help them explore agriculture and food security. Scenarios generated by groups of
adaptation pathways (Folke et al., 2010). However, a number of stakeholders will naturally be biased towards the perspectives of
challenges exist for such research to make a difference. First, those groups (Schoemaker, 1993). In addition, there may be
attending to what is the relevant scope for collaborative action for aspects of future developments that the groups have difficulty
actors with diverse perspectives is important. There is a need to exploring or producing, such as biophysical processes (e.g. climate
engage stakeholders at different levels and from different sectors change) or detailed land use change dynamics responding to
with diverse and often contesting types of expertise, experience, international markets. Quantitative simulation modelling can
values and interests, between whom power differences exist and provide a complementary perspective against which stakeholders
who have incentives to behave strategically (Flood and Jackson, can test their ideas about plausible futures. Simulation modelling
1991; Jasanoff, 2004; Kristjanson et al., 2009). The perceived has several benefits for this purpose. It can outline the scenarios in
credibility, legitimacy, salience and timeliness of science changes numbers that can be used for more concrete analysis of the
depend on the actor groups involved (Cash et al., 2003; Ostrom, consequences of the scenarios, as well as the impacts of policies,
2010). Secondly, rather than focusing on single interventions and investments and strategies tested against the scenarios. Simulation
single adaptation actions, researchers should engage decision- modelling can test the coherence of stakeholder assumptions and
makers in a demand-driven fashion to help co-manage change help point out contradictory elements in the scenarios. Through
along continuously adaptive pathways, attending to diverse and the application of a consistent set of assumptions, simulation
shifting contextual challenges (Kristjanson et al., 2009; Reid et al., models can generate counter-intuitive effects of the scenarios not
2009; Stafford Smith et al., 2011). Finally, there is a need to develop originally imagined by the participants. However, simulation
long-term capacity for collaborative decision making. Attempts to models are characterized by their own assumptions about systems.
guide actors and decision-making from different sectors and across Whereas exploratory scenarios, developed as narratives and other
different system levels can run into serious feasibility challenges formats, are able to incorporate a wide range of different factors
when the aim is to develop shared strategic capacity in the longer and interactions, the scope of simulation models is pre-defined.
term (Gibbons, 1999; Wilkinson and Eidinow, 2008). Moreover, the models are developed in reference to the past and
This paper presents an effort to tackle these challenges through present and may not be able to adequately represent transforma-
the development and use of explorative multi-stakeholder tive scenarios (Reilly and Willenbockel, 2010). Therefore, stake-
scenarios (Wilkinson and Eidinow, 2008) around agriculture and holder-generated scenarios can and should also challenge the
food systems at the sub-continental level in multiple global regions assumptions of models.
initiated by the CGIAR, a global agricultural development Explorative scenarios are suited for the exploration of multi-
partnership (Vermeulen et al., 2012, 2013). dimensional and multi-level aspects of decision contexts (Herrero
The objective of this paper is a critical appraisal, based on et al., 2014; Wilkinson, 2009). Zurek and Henrichs (2007) outline
iterative learning, of the potential of multi-stakeholder scenarios different ways in which scenarios processes as well as scenarios
for decision-making to overcome the above challenges in themselves can be integrated across geographical levels.
agriculture and food security in the face of climate change A number of researcher-generated explorative scenario sets,
interacting with other stressors at multiple levels. We will first notably the SRES scenarios (Nakicenovic, 2000) and the Millenni-
provide a theoretical background on scenarios development and um Ecosystems Assessment (2005) scenarios, have been adapted
use, with a specific focus on the role of scenarios in a multi- across multiple geographic levels and yet their use in decision-
stakeholder, multi-level, multi-dimensional context (Section 2). making has been limited (Wells et al., 2006). The combination of
Initial results from the development and use of scenarios for East exploratory scenarios with normative back-casting can link
Africa will be presented (3), followed by the lessons learned contexts to decision pathways (Kok et al., 2011; Robinson et al.,
through that process and how these lessons have been applied in 2011). Normative back-casting is distinct from explorative back-
multiple global regions (4). Finally, we will discuss these learning casting used to develop explorative scenarios. Both types of back-
steps and their outputs, and what they show about the ability and casting work from an end point back to the present. However,
challenges of scenarios development and use to tackle the normative back-casting starts with a desired goal and then works
challenges of scope and collaboration, engaging in adaptation out what needs to happen before that goal is achieved, until
pathways and developing long-term strategic capacity (5). the present is reached. Normative back-casting has been used by
J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394 385

Fig. 1. Using scenarios to develop adaptation pathways through ‘‘back-casting’’ from a shared vision, encountering different future challenges and opportunities in each

Kok et al. (2011) and Robinson et al. (2011) in conjunction with 3. Methods and initial results in East Africa
explorative scenarios. By combining explorative scenarios and
normative back-casting, decision-makers create what could be Processes to develop explorative scenarios and use them to
described as normative decision scenarios within contexts guide various decision pathways through normative back-casting
outlined by explorative scenarios, thereby exploring decision have been initiated in multiple focus regions in the Climate
pathways in the context of multiple plausible futures that each Change, Agriculture and Food Security programme, selected for a
offer different challenges and opportunities (Fig. 1). This way, high vulnerability of agricultural systems and food security to
robust or flexible decision pathways can emerge that take a climate change. These regions are East Africa, West Africa, South
number of contingencies into account. The combination of Asia, Southeast Asia, Central America and the Andes region. The
plausible explorative scenarios about decision contexts and the development of scenarios was initiated first with stakeholders in
normative back-casting of decision pathways can also be adapted East Africa from Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda,
to examine the feasibility of existing policies, investment plans or Burundi. The initial results from East Africa generated lessons that
strategies. An alternative to the attempt to separate explorative were applied to further work in East Africa and in similar processes
and normative elements in scenarios development and use is the in the other regions. The main steps of the process are stakeholder-
generation of normative scenarios, which does not offer clear driven explorative scenario development, the quantification of
contexts for adaptation planning but can capture diverse such explorative scenarios through multiple models, and the use of
discourses and worldviews (Moss et al., 2010; Reilly and the scenarios through normative back-casting to evaluate decision
Willenbockel, 2010). pathways with different user groups.
Though explorative scenarios have shown utility in the context
of decision-making in complex socio-ecological systems (Bour- 3.1. Scenarios development: initial results
geois et al., 2012; Kok et al., 2011), challenges remain. The
development and use of scenarios is associated with difficulties In East Africa, explorative scenarios were developed at the
that relate to our three challenges. First, exactly because regional level to examine key uncertainties for agriculture and food
explorative scenarios processes seek to address broad factors of security under climate change. Over two regional-level workshops,
change and take a holistic systems view of decision contexts, they stakeholders from regional research organizations, governments
may be perceived as being far removed from actions to be taken and civil society focusing on agriculture, food security, environ-
unless and until they are used directly in planning (Bourgeois et al., mental change and economic development generated qualitative
2012; Kriegler et al., 2012; Reilly and Willenbockel, 2010; Wells scenarios and made assumptions for quantification. The overall
et al., 2006). Secondly, scenario development often happens in topical scope agreed by the stakeholders was ‘‘the future of
intervention-style processes that may not be tailored to diverse agriculture, food security, livelihoods and environments in East
stakeholder demands, or compatible with the need to develop Africa’’ – later specified further to a number of indicators (see
longer-term adaptation pathways that deal with evolving multi- Table 1 and Appendix A). Stakeholders saw 2030 as the appropriate
dimensional challenges because they focus too much on single horizon for the scenario time lines. The ‘‘deductive’’, two-axes
actions (Berkes and Folke, 2002; Wilkinson and Eidinow, 2008). approach was used to frame the scenarios (Van der Heijden, 2005).
Finally, multi-stakeholder scenarios processes can be costly and This approach entails that stakeholders identify key factors of
time-consuming, while familiarity with such methods may be low future change, decide which of these factors are most uncertain as
among decision-makers. Co-ownership of such processes by well as most relevant to the scope of the exercise, and produce two
decision-makers, and a focus in scenarios processes on developing axes that each represent two plausible future states for a factor.
the internal capacity of planning bodies to develop and use The combination of these axes produces end states for four
scenarios themselves as a sustainable skill, is often missing (Kok development pathways for contextual factors in four distinct
et al., 2011). scenarios.
386 J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394

Table 1 One uncertain and relevant factor according to participants was

Indicators of interest outlined by the participants in the East Africa scenarios
the question whether East Africa will integrate economically and
development process. An  indicates which of these indicators are either produced
by the models or used to provide inputs into the models. See Appendix A for politically, or end up maintaining its fragmented status quo.
directions of change outlined for these indicators by the participants. Another uncertain and relevant factor according to participants
was whether pro-active or reactive governance by state and non-
Scope of indicators for scenarios Model inputs Model outputs
state actors with regard to the specific issues of agriculture and
Gross domestic product  food security, livelihoods of the rural poor and environmental
degradation would dominate in the region. Initially, climate
Political stability
Infrastructure  change was treated the same across all scenarios, given the relative
Urbanization certainty around this driver up to 2030 perceived by stakeholders
Yields for rain-fed crops  based on Jones and Thornton (2009). Similarly, with a time horizon
Yields for irrigated crops 
up to 2030 the participants assumed that the different scenario
Area for rain-fed arable land 
Area for irrigated arable land 
pathways did not have diverging impacts on population, which
Livestock numbers  was therefore kept constant across the scenarios and followed the
Livestock yields  United Nations 2010 projection (United Nations Population
Calorie availability per capita per day  Division, 2010).
Regional production of commodities 
The initial features of each scenario were developed into
Regional demand for commodities 
Import and export of commodities  narratives by breakout groups in the first workshop, and
Agricultural input costs  subsequently developed into 10 page narratives by the breakout
Nutrition groups between the first and second workshop. A second
Dietary diversity
workshop was organized to review and refine the scenario
narratives – a process that the breakout groups again continued
Access to health care after the workshop.
Land use change  The four scenarios generated for East Africa are as follows,
Biodiversity illustrated in Fig. 2. ‘Industrious Ants’ is a world where state and
non-state actors are proactive and committed to regionalization.
This scenario has many benefits for food security, environments
and livelihoods, but new challenges emerge around an active

Fig. 2. The key uncertainties that structure the East Africa regional scenarios, with visual summaries of the scenario narratives by cartoonist Mauvine Were. See Appendix A
for textual summaries and indicators.
J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394 387

struggle with corruption and the consequences of a regional push (Table 1). Compared to the qualitative scenarios, however, the
for autonomy in the global arena. ‘Herd of Zebra’ is a world where scope of the models is relatively narrow. Both models are most
regional integration has developed, but the focus is mainly on detailed on the production side of food systems and while they
industrialization and economic growth and little attention is given feature demand, intermediate elements of food systems are not
to food security, environments and livelihoods until crises occur. detailed. As partial equilibrium models, they do not address
Inequality characterizes the region. ‘Lone Leopards’ is a world general economic development (gross domestic product and
characterized by fragmented but proactive governments and non- population are exogenous). The two models do not simulate
state actors that achieve scattered though sometimes strong and differences between socio-economic groups. They also do not offer
fast successes; however, there is much mistrust among countries information on agriculture as a source of livelihoods. Environmen-
and organizations, and the region is marked by political and tal change indicators are restricted to agriculture-driven land use
economic instability. ‘Sleeping Lions’ is a world that sees self- change. Furthermore, both models are designed to explore long-
interested governments and non-state actors turning a blind eye or term trends and do not currently take short-term variability or
profiting from regional and international exploitation of land and shocks into account (Fuss et al., 2011). These characteristics of the
resources. This leads to public unrest time and time again, but models have consequences for how their results can and cannot be
never to structural change. Appendix A provides more extensive used and communicated (Section 3.4). These models were chosen
summaries of the scenarios. because they have elements of other models (general equilibrium
models, broader integrated assessment models, pure land use
3.2. Explorative scenarios as suitable contexts for decision-making change models) but provide more detailed information on the
production, demand and trade of agricultural commodities.
When scenarios are designed not to be standalone products, but However, expansion of the quantification of the scenarios into
to be part of an active use process such as combining explorative other model types has been a goal (see Section 4.1).
scenarios with normative back-casting, the choice can be made to To provide stakeholder-generated inputs into the models, a
separate plausible, explorative ‘‘what may happen?’’ futures from third workshop was organized. This workshop was also an
normative ‘‘what decision-makers want to achieve’’ scenarios as opportunity to involve a broader diversity of expertise as indicated
much as possible (Kok et al., 2011). This way, explorative scenarios by the original participants, including social scientists and
are only about contextual factors that decision-makers have no representatives of the media. Because in comparison to the
direct control over, to allow users space to freely consider their qualitative scenarios, the two models only produced part of the
(normative) objectives and pathways towards those objectives indicators of interest to the participants, the process organizers
under a range of different plausible futures (Robinson et al., 2011). and participants agreed that a broader set of semi-quantitative
However, the decision space differs depending on the actor: for indicators would be outlined, determined by the scope of the
instance, a rural village has a decision space that is different from the scenarios rather than the models. This way, scenario users are
East African Community. Moreover, if the contextual, explorative provided information about directions of change even for
scenarios are too far removed from a given actor’s decision space, for indicators that are not part of the model simulations, and can
instance only describing global-level factors without detailing serve to inform other model types for further quantification.
regional responses, they may lose salience to that actor. The process Table 1 provides the full list of indicators and highlights those
organizers aimed to ensure appropriate decision spaces for users of either used as inputs for, or provided as outputs from, the models.
the East Africa scenarios. First, in the use of the scenarios, on a case- Participants provided what they thought were the directions
by-case basis, decision-makers were given the opportunity to first and magnitudes of change for each indicator over multiple time
adapt the scenarios to be plausible and salient from their steps, and provided the logic for these changes from the relevant
perspective. Secondly, the basic scenarios were further developed scenario narrative. Capturing the logic behind each change helps
with the stakeholder group to explore possible unintended interpret further analyses using the scenarios as well as the
consequences of scenarios that might at first glance be considered quantitative model outputs. Semi-quantitative assumptions pro-
purely desirable from the perspective of many users, and to explore vided by the stakeholders were then translated into fully
the opportunities offered by scenarios that might be considered quantified driver inputs for gross domestic product, yields,
purely undesirable. For instance, in the Industrious Ants scenario, different production systems, infrastructure and production costs
East African actors struggle with the formulation of policies aimed and land use policy, referencing historic data and using the Food
towards developing independent regional food production, while in Security, Farming, and Climate Change to 2050 scenarios analysis
Sleeping Lions there is a vitalization of civil society. of the International Food Policy Research Institute (Nelson et al.,
2010) to compare assumptions.
3.3. Quantifying scenarios A first set of outputs was generated by the two models and
presented to a representative group of participants from the
Two models were chosen to quantify the East Africa explorative explorative scenarios development process. Any comments on the
scenarios: the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural plausibility of the model results in the East African context were
Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) (Nelson et al., 2010) and Global taken up and used to adapt the drivers for a new run. Appendix B
Biomass Optimization Model (GLOBIOM) (Havlı́k et al., 2011). These provides results and insights from the revised outputs.
are both global partial equilibrium models, which means that they
are not simulating entire economies but instead focus only on 3.4. Using scenarios to enable adaptation pathways
markets related to agricultural products. Each model has different
features. IMPACT is designed to examine alternative futures for The East Africa scenarios were used in normative back-casting
global food supply, demand, trade and prices, while GLOBIOM is in a regional-level workshop in Arusha, Tanzania with state actors
designed to provide policy advice on global issues concerning land (20 policy advisors from diverse departments, representatives of
use competition between major land-based production sectors. regional governance bodies, the Eastern African Community and
While IMPACT and GLOBIOM are global models, they are being the Lake Victoria Basin Commission) and another regional
modified to enable specific regional applications to be simulated. workshop in Nairobi with non-state actors (22 civil society, NGOs,
These two models were chosen because together they covered representatives of farmers’ and agricultural entrepreneurs’ asso-
some significant elements of the scenarios in complementary ways ciations). By starting with separate meetings between government
388 J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394

actors on the one hand and non-state actors on the other, the scenarios. In some cases, pathways developed in scenarios with
process allowed each of these groups to make their strategic more favourable conditions than others were not transferable to
positions clear and to show where each group needed the other. those with less favourable conditions. In most cases, though, core
In each workshop, participants were asked to review the ideas could be implemented across multiple scenarios, but the
scenarios on (1) plausibility and (2) relevance to their decision pathways to achieve them would have to be different – resulting in
contexts, and to adapt them to improve the scenarios on these an analysis of a range of feasible pathways towards improved food
criteria. This was done by having the original scenario narratives security and environmental change depending on the need to
plotted on a timeline that included dimensions on socio-economic adapt to different future conditions.
changes, food security, livelihoods and environments, and then Table 2 summarizes vulnerabilities identified using the
asking participants to remove, replace or add elements of the scenarios in both the state and non-state workshops regarding
scenarios. the governance of East Africa for future agriculture, food security,
These changes could not be reflected in the model results, though livelihoods and environments under climate change, and proposals
trends from the models were general enough to provide room for developed to tackle these vulnerabilities. The table shows under
multiple interpretations. The model results were used mostly as which scenarios these proposals were considered to be feasible.
reference in discussions when numeric information was required, Generally, Industrious Ants offers the most favourable conditions
while the adapted scenario narratives were the central focus of the for decision-making while Sleeping Lions is the most restrictive,
exercises. The presentation of the model results and the main but both scenarios have a mix of challenges and opportunities. This
insights they generated (Appendix B) was done in a plenary session mix is especially pronounced in the Lone Leopards and Herd of
that focused on how the models related to the narratives and the Zebra scenarios, where on the one hand certain types of policy
differences between the two models. As an example, Appendix C appear favourable but on the other hand gains can be made by
shows the policy advisors’ stated responses to the model results. In going against the regional gain.
the meeting itself, the discussion of the model results largely focused The proposals emerging from the normative back-casting
on clarifying that these results were explorative rather than received statements of support from diverse non-state organiza-
forecasts, and illustrative of some key elements of the scenarios tions, the different ministries and regional bodies. There was also
rather than covering their entire scope (Appendix B). Time was spent an identified role for the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food
highlighting and discussing key limitations of the models such as a Security programme to provide science and for convening actors in
lack of a connection between agricultural production and income a number of the proposed actions. In addition, the Forum for
and the lack of short-term variability in the results. Agricultural Research in Africa and the African Climate Policy
Having adapted the scenarios, participants re-examined previ- Centre both showed interest in supporting their own organizations
ously collectively and broadly defined normative goals in small and the government ministries they were working with to develop
groups with the aim of coming up with concrete 2030 objectives and the capacity to use scenarios for strategic planning purposes.
plans for themselves and their organizations, i.e. what each could
contribute in order to achieve, together with fellow participants, 4. Applying lessons on suitable scope, guiding decision-making
these joint objectives. Following this, each of the groups assigned to a and developing longer-term capacity
particular scenario was asked to back-cast from these more concrete
objectives to determine what previous steps were needed (in 2025, Insights from the East Africa process were used to shape
2020 and further backward) to achieve them. However, the scenarios processes in the other focus regions where scenarios
development of these reverse pathways did not happen in a processes were conducted (West Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia,
vacuum, but in an adaptive fashion with regard to contextual the Andes region, Central America) as well as subsequent stages in
challenges and opportunities offered by each adapted scenario. This East Africa.
way, each scenario challenged the participants’ ideas about how to We improved the suitability of explorative regional scenarios
get to their specific goals by asking them to find alternative sets as decision contexts for diverse actors, and the usefulness of
pathways or to reframe their goals. Industrious Ants offered scenarios methodology and engagement in general through a
opportunities for regional development not currently available, number of steps. The first step was to provide a more inclusive
and therefore challenged participants to think beyond current scope for the general regional scenarios sets. The second step was
‘crisis-mode’ problem solving, as well as how to deal with new shifting to a model of demand-driven, active support for flexible
problems related to regional corruption and regional autonomy. A adaptation and reinterpretation of the regional scenarios in order
key factor in this scenario was the assumption that the full benefits to use them for regional, national, sub-national and sector-specific
of regionalization would take a long time to be realized, and that decision processes. The third step was to focus on longer-term
regional institutions also meant slow decision-making processes. development of the internal capacity of diverse regional actors to
Policy makers who were seeking to effect change in the Herd of Zebra develop and use scenarios.
scenario stood relatively alone, and civil society, non-governmental
organizations and social entrepreneurs had very few government 4.1. Extending the scope of the regional scenarios
resources to draw upon except for funds related to larger
development, which meant that the framing of activities would Several changes were made in response to requests from
be important. Lone Leopards allowed policy advisors and non-state multiple actors to extend the scope of the sets of explorative
actors to consider solutions at the national level where action could scenarios, making them more useful to a wide range of potential
be taken relatively effectively compared to the regional level. On the users.
other hand, the relative lack of regional collaboration meant that
there was much to be improved at this level. Finally, Sleeping Lions 4.1.1. Extended time line and combination with climate scenarios
provided very few options, with a reactive, fragmented East Africa – In East Africa and West Africa, scenarios were originally
and therefore both policy advisors (isolated in this scenario) and developed up to 2030 following participants’ bounding of the
non-state actors were challenged to consider alternatives and focus processes. However, subsequent users of the scenarios in both
on unorthodox partnerships and bottom-up strategies. regions wanted to use scenarios up to 2050 and see the socio-
The pathways developed in the context of different adapted economic scenarios directly combined with climate scenarios. With
scenarios were evaluated in terms of their feasibility in other this time horizon, the combination of socio-economic scenarios and
J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394 389

Table 2
Institutional vulnerabilities identified by non-state actors and policy advisors in the East Africa back-casting workshops, and summaries of proposals developed to overcome
each of these vulnerabilities. The table shows the feasibility of each proposal in a given scenario, summarizing a possible pathway to enable its implementation.

Vulnerability Collaborative proposal Industrious Ants Herd of Zebra Lone Leopards Sleeping Lions

(1a) The observer’s role (1b) Proposal: organize Conditions for Regional platforms Conditions at the The East Africa Farmers
of the East African processes with specific improving this exist but little support national level are Federation are largely
Farmer Federation in regional bodies for the vulnerability are most is available for supportive but no left to their own
East African East Africa Farmers favourable; though agricultural regional platform – East devices and plan
Community policy Federation to have a efficiency is development. Guiding Africa Farmers accordingly, working
means that there is not more proactive voice in challenging and investments is more Federation to focus on with select individuals,
enough of a direct link agricultural and food conditions are expected challenging and has to supporting national- bottom-up
between farmers’ security policy to improve only slowly be related to large-scale level farmers’ voices communities and
issues and priorities processes commercial agriculture and coordinate international
and decision-making regionally organizations instead

(2a) The lack of (2b) Proposal: Regional conditions are Much effort needed to Exchange at a national In Sleeping Lions this
knowledge exchange exchange programmes supportive of make regional policy level is stimulated. proposal has to rely on
between ministries on farmer’s schools knowledge exchange, makers see need for Regional exchange is working with
within countries and associations, linked to but developments are such a programme, blocked – though this unorthodox networks
between countries at ‘‘farms of the future’’ slow and this which is not a priority. proposal can be used to of individuals and on
the regional level in programme; on programme should be Therefore, the need for break down regional incremental
East Africa indigenous, alternative at the forefront to turn regional integration is barriers development
crops; rural–urban regional integration on more urgent. Start with
agriculture paper into a reality small example case

(3a) The lack of (3b) Proposal: a series Funding opportunities Aim to find ways to Non-state actors can Actors who seek active
effective collaboration of meeting to explore and institutional make use of link with governments improvement of rural
between civil society, state/non-state arrangements are mechanisms for state/ at the national level; conditions have work
social entrepreneurs partnerships and available. Faster action non-state collaboration make connections with civil society. Civil
and governments on compatibilities for requires those looking that exist primarily for across borders that are society organizations
agriculture and food climate adaptation is to to make connections to big business difficult for must help get
security be organized, as well as set the example governments in this exceptional individuals
training to build the scenario into offices
capacity for

(4a) Vulnerability: a (4b) Proposal: linking Regional food reserve This scenario relies National food reserves Any development of
lack of links between existing Early Warning planning coupled with strongly on imports. It are easily strengthened regional reserves and
Early Warning Systems Systems for food Early Warning Systems will be a challenge to and linked to Early Early Warning Systems
for food security at the security to regional will easily be accepted get such an idea Warning Systems. will be under stress
regional level, and a food reserve planning in this East Africa, funded, and it may end Regional coordination from political
lack of a connection to though up on paper only unless of resources will be a instability and
any regional food implementation will be the need for Early political challenge corruption. Support
reserve slow Warning Systems is from outside the
framed correctly to get region, at the global
private sector support level, may be key

(5a) Vulnerability: A (5b) Proposal: help This proposal is It would prove There will be almost no Establishing a
lack of institutional progress towards feasible, but the challenging though not institutional structures governing body against
transparency and regional ombudsperson challenge will be to impossible to establish to build on. At a corruption would be
problems of corruption for the East African make it effective and to this council, though national level, it will be most needed and least
Community avoid it from being few resources will be easier to ensure likely to be successful.
collaboration with the undermined as time available and the transparency of Setting up small topical
East African Business goes on framing should be governance which can commissions within
Council; council of focused on large then be developed ministries was
ministers and regional economic development further to the regional proposed which can set
ombudsman level a good example,
supported from the
bottom up and global

(6a) Vulnerability: (6b) Proposal: create The actors involved in Actors involved in this National-to-local Absence of available
climate information multi-sector climate this proposal could proposal can try to find organization of climate investment at a
systems are not information for utilize the beginnings large-scale commercial information is feasible. national/regional level;
effective, and not meteorological of improved regional uses of climate Large-scale investment funding from outside
integrated with other services, agriculture collaboration and be information and find in regional the region combined
sources of information, sector ministries, the ahead of the change to investment there in a coordination is not, but with bottom-up efforts
with consequences Climate Prediction and provide an example to social entrepreneurism information networks by farmers’
across scenarios Application Centre, speed up integration approach that also can still be established organizations might be
African Union and the around climate benefits vulnerable the only way to enable
Economic Commission information systems rural communities provision of climate
for Africa information
390 J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394

Table 3
Uncertain scenario factors outlined for South Asia resulting in scenarios (scenario names tentative). Here, a combination of 6 factors was used instead of 2 to provide a broader
framing of the scenarios with a view to adaptability.

Tentative scenario Knowledge, education, Governance and Science, technology Political stability Economic structure Demography
name information (human institutions and innovation and conflict

Union of South Asia Aware, informed, educated High institutional High transfer and Political stability in Agricultural sector Low population
population capacity and high availability of science the region is not dominant growth and medium
coordination across and technology urbanization

Jugad Unaware, uninformed, Low institutional Low transfer and Political instability Agricultural sector High population
uneducated population capacity and low availability of science and conflict in the is dominant growth and high
coordination across and technology region urbanization

Unstable flourishing Aware, informed, educated High institutional High transfer and Political instability Agricultural sector Low population
population capacity and high availability of science and conflict in the is dominant growth and medium
coordination across and technology region urbanization

People Power Aware, informed, educated Low institutional High transfer and Political instability Agricultural sector Low population
population capacity and low availability of science and conflict in the is not dominant growth and medium
coordination across and technology region urbanization

Precipice Aware, informed, educated Low institutional Low transfer and Political instability Agricultural sector Medium population
population capacity and low availability of science and conflict in the is dominant; growth and medium
coordination across and technology region informal urban urbanization
agencies economies

climate scenarios in a quantitative manner also became relevant. GLOBIOM models were chosen by comparing driver inputs from
Though climate variability is relevant before 2030, it is only after the regional scenarios with those used in the global Shared
2030 that climate scenarios start to diverge in longer-term trends Socio-economic Pathways for each region. This helped deter-
that significantly impact agriculture and food security as repre- mine where the regional scenarios were similar and where they
sented by IMPACT and GLOBIOM. Therefore, 2050 became the time differed from the assumptions of the global scenarios, and why.
horizon for scenarios in all regions. The scope of quantification has The link to global-level scenarios makes the regional scenarios
been expanded because of the activities of new process co- comparable to other case studies, including scenarios processes
organizers that are interested in and capable of extending that in the same programme generated in other regions. This allows
scope. This includes land use change modelling (Schaldach et al., for a global, multi-region analysis of the scenario sets
2011), risk simulations (Antón et al., 2013), household modelling generated by stakeholders in different regions. Furthermore,
(van Wijk et al., 2012) and a model that simulates shocks on food it allows for the regional scenarios to function as a bridge that
prices and livelihoods (WFP, 2011). translates between global scenarios and national or local
4.1.2. From a two-axes approach to outlining the scenarios through
multiple factors 4.2. Using explorative scenarios to guide diverse adaptive decision
The use of the two-axes approach was seen by a minority of pathways in a demand-driven fashion
users as having a restrictive scope and an overemphasis on some
factors over others, based on observations during the back-casting Initial results of using the scenarios in East Africa indicated that
workshops. For this reason, an alternative approach was used in there are limits to normative back-casting processes that seek to
South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Andes region and Central America include many actors together in a single process for the formation
that generated diverse sets of scenarios based on four to six factors of new collaborative decision pathways. This approach was shown
instead of two (Bourgeois et al., 2012). Table 3 shows the factors to help establish new links between participants that did not work
used to generate five scenarios for South Asia. Both methods still go together previously (Appendix C) and to bring up proposals for
on to outline a wider range of factors for each scenario. We have change (Table 2). However, the weakness of using a shared
found that that the prominence of more factors in the scenario planning for many stakeholders is that such a shared process
definition, besides providing more basic structure to the develop- generates new, additional plans and is not necessarily attuned to
ment of the scenarios, has been perceived by many participants to existing decision-making processes. Therefore, the likelihood that
generate an inclusive and adaptable scenarios sets, while the two- the plans resulting from such a process will be implemented is not
axes approach could communicate the differences between the high and opportunities may be missed to guide existing planning
scenarios more directly. processes. Therefore, a more demand-driven approach was
established that focused on more specific groups of stakeholders
4.1.3. Linking all sets of regional scenarios to a single set of global and existing decision-making processes. On-going engagement
scenarios was organized in a service style, rather than through a single
Finally, the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways, global explor- intervention. This shift prompted several changes as outlined
ative socio-economic scenarios generated by the global environ- below.
mental change community related to the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (Kriegler et al., 2012; Moss et al., 4.2.1. Moving quickly from the development of scenarios to using the
2010) were used to guide the quantification of the scenarios in scenarios in a diversity of planning processes
all regions. First, the regional stakeholders provided the basic The need to improve the ability of the regional scenarios
logic of the regional scenarios. Drivers for the IMPACT and processes to respond to the existing knowledge needs of focused
J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394 391

Table 4
Processes conducted or proposed by regional stakeholders to guide institutional change, policy and investment in their region. The table includes the collaborative back-
casting described in Section 3.4, but also outlines policy processes with specific actors at the national level as well as at the regional level.


East Africa Regional level: state and non-state actor Tanzania: review of food security policies United Nations Environment programme World
workshops and implementation of regional organized by European Commission-funded Conservation and Monitoring Centre to commission
proposals (as described in Section 3.4) project TransMango on the future of food in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi policy guidance on trade-offs
Europe in a global context and synergies between agricultural development and

West Africa Economic Community of West African States: Mali: review of National Adaptation Plan of Ghana: Testing results of adaptation research
regional investment strategies, capacity Action programme in the context of scenarios with national
building in futures methodology policy stakeholders platform

South Asia Pakistan: Pakistan-based Leadership for Bangladesh: review of National Adaptation India: Backbone Implementation Network (Planning
Environment and Development non-profit Plan of Action supported by the Asian Commission of Indian Government) policies on food
organization to convene policy guidance Development Bank security under Climate Change facilitated by Yes Bank,
process on food security under climate a development bank

Southeast Regional level: United Nations Environment North Viet Nam: United Nations Food and Cambodia: regional scenarios coordinator to lead
Asia programme World Conservation and Agriculture Organization to organize process revision of National Adaptation Plan of Action
Monitoring Centre to lead policy guidance on for policy guidance and investment into
trade-offs and synergies between agricultural Climate Smart Agriculture proposals
development and conservation

groups of stakeholders had consequences for the timing of the ownership of the scenarios by these participants, who removed,
process. The emphasis in each process was shifted from time spent replaced or added elements to the scenario narratives. This worked
on the development and review of explorative scenarios to time because the same geographic level was being considered.
spent on exploring diverse opportunities offered by regional actors When the scope of a group of actors differs more, e.g. when
for using, and therefore experimenting with and improving, the national and local level decision-makers are brought together, a
regional scenarios. The East African scenarios process made clear more complete translation is necessary. Adapting the scenarios in
which steps could be made more efficient or removed, making it such cases was done by first outlining a set of relevant indicators
possible to reduce the process of scenarios development for the for a specific scope that is of interest to the actors involved in the
programme as it expanded into Southeast Asia, the Andes region case. For instance, a local-level case study might have specific
and Central America to a single, condensed workshop. The testing indicators related to the dominant local forms of agriculture, local
and revising of the scenarios was envisioned to happen through infrastructure and local power structures, among others. Then,
using the scenarios in actual planning processes, rather than participants interpret what each broader regional scenario means
through tinkering in an extended development process. This way, for that specific set of indicators, specifying directions of change
the usefulness and quality of the scenarios could be evaluated and using a semi-quantitative scale and describing the narrative logic
improved in real situations while encouraging a critical perspec- for the change, the volatility of the indicator, their level of
tive on the scenarios by users in those case studies. In the single agreement about the change in this indicator in the scenario, their
workshop, regional factors of change were outlined and combined self-perceived ability to say something meaningful about the
to produce diverse scenarios, narratives were established, and key indicator and what additional expertise and sources should be
indicators and model inputs quantified. used to develop it further. Trials with this approach for East and
In addition to the development of scenarios, a session in this West Africa showed that this works as long as the scenarios are
single-workshop model was organized to ask participants to interpreted flexibly and some case-specific factors that have no
identify decision-making processes that could be guided by direct link with the broader scenarios are also incorporated (Antle
adapted versions of these regional scenarios. Participants were and Nelson, 2013).
asked to provide very concrete information, including opportu-
nities for the funding of such adaptations and uses of the scenarios 4.2.3. Shifting to an on-going engagement model based on regional
in each case. Across six global regions, 81 such opportunities were expertise
identified by participants, with 23 taken forward initially. Table 4 The move to multiple stakeholder-identified applications of the
shows examples of such cases for the use of the regional scenarios for decision guidance in existing decision processes
explorative scenarios by specific stakeholder groups. shifts the organization of the process away from an intervention-
based model to a model of continuous engagement (Reid et al.,
4.2.2. Adapting the regional scenarios to the needs of different user 2009; Selsky and Parker, 2005). The initial back-casting workshops
groups in East Africa highlighted that such meetings should be the
The shift from using scenarios for collective normative back- beginning of longer-term partnerships to have impact. Workshops
casting aimed at potential regional-level policies and interven- (over several days) are not necessarily the most effective approach
tions, to a more demand-driven process led by decision- makers for engaging the highest-level decision-makers who are in the best
has led to proposals developed by stakeholders in the six regions position to turn the ideas generated into actions.
focusing on national and sub-national policies as well as those The shift to continuous engagement has implications for the
from specific sectors. This has had implications for the methodol- organization of the structure of the scenarios process in terms of
ogy used to adapt the regional scenarios across levels and sectors. expertise. In the early stages of the East Africa scenarios process, the
In the East African non-state and state-focused back-casting engagement with stakeholders was largely driven by method
workshops, the first step followed the principle of letting new experts not embedded in regional policy networks. The recognized
users of scenarios adapt these scenarios to enhance their need for continuous, day-to-day engagement to ensure effective
plausibility and relevance. It also served to create a sense of partnerships with decision-makers to address real issues has meant
392 J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394

that in all regions, more of the process organization has been shifted 5. Discussion and conclusions
to regional coordinators who are experts on the regions and linked
into regional networks. This approach, though more resource- The development and use of explorative scenarios is not about
intensive, increases the likelihood that opportunities for the the capacity to provide solutions to known problems but rather the
scenarios to be used in decision-making are taken forward. development of capacity to produce and structure anticipatory
knowledge (Wilkinson, 2009). Decision processes that do not take
4.3. Developing long-term ownership and strategic capacity the uncertainty associated with contextual changes into account
miss a context against which to explore adaptive decision
The scenarios process to date has continually involved the pathways (Kok et al., 2011; Robinson et al., 2011). This includes
researchers who have designed and led the process in each region. processes that use normative back-casting exclusively without
Our lessons in East Africa, however, led to a shift in focus towards applying that method in the context of multiple scenarios.
providing demand-driven support to diverse specific decision- Conversely, processes that only develop explorative scenarios
making processes that various regional actors are involved in. This but do not actively use them may not be able to guide decision
has raised questions around the feasibility in terms of resources, pathways. Rather than using one method, the combination of
the ownership of such processes, and the longer-term capacity that explorative scenarios and normative back-casting aims to use the
they develop. For a scenarios methodology to be a feasible and strengths of multiple methods in a complementary fashion (Flood
sustainable tool for decision-makers in the longer term, the and Jackson, 1991). However, it is important to recognize that the
ownership of such processes, and the capacity to implement them, approach presented here is only one of many potential ways to
should ultimately be increasingly with the home organizations of integrate explorative and normative elements into planning (Flood
the decision-makers themselves. and Jackson, 1991). The Agrimonde (Paillard et al., 2011) scenarios
use an alternative approach – these two scenarios are normative.
4.3.1. Creating co-ownership of decision guidance processes From the perspective of adaptation, they integrate context and
To ensure feasibility and ownership, the organizers of the actor actions, which in our view make them less useful for active
scenarios processes presented in this paper have sought to use planning. However, they offer fundamentally different internal
their own resources to generate the regional scenarios (so that the logics based on different worldviews and discourses, which means
basic decision-making tool is available), with possible contribu- that each scenario has a fundamentally different scope.
tions from partners, and then let national entities (such as the This case study has generated clues on how to ensure
Leadership for Environment and Development non-profit organi- appropriate scope, move to continuous engagement and ensure
zation in Pakistan), regional bodies (such as the Economic the future longevity of scenarios work in multi-actor, multi-level
Community of West African States) and global institutions (such contexts. However, our challenges have far from disappeared.
as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) take the In terms of providing an adequate scope, though the explorative
lead on various opportunities for decision guidance (Table 4). scenarios used in East Africa are adaptable and include multiple
Several elements important to help establish this co-ownership dimensions of food systems, they still emphasize the production
have been recognized. The degree to which those involved in dimension, especially the quantitative elements with regard to the
organizing the process are involved in relevant networks largely production-oriented models (Bourgeois et al., 2012).
determines how many opportunities for co-ownership of scenarios Broadening their qualitative and quantitative scope requires
processes are recognized and pursued. The addition of regional new types of expertise and methods. Similarly, the challenge to
coordinating experts to the team organizing the scenarios make the assumptions of simulation models more flexible and less
processes is an example of this. Additionally, the degree to which past-oriented remains. For example, iterative learning between
partners’ objectives and ideas about best practice are similar to the models and stakeholder-generated content can be taken further to
organizers of the scenarios programme has proven a relevant propose changes to model structures and scope. There is a
factor for collaboration. Those partners co-owning the scenarios challenge of informing higher-level explorative scenarios through
processes have stated that the combination of stakeholder-driven bottom-up processes. For the process described in this paper, this
explorative scenarios and quantitative exploration of those challenge works both ways. Local-to-national level processes can
scenarios combined with the use of these scenarios focused on inform the regional scenarios. The regional scenarios can in turn
normative (policy, investment, institutional) objectives is what inform global scenarios to conduct a global-level analysis of
interests them. Related to this point is the early involvement of contextual challenges and opportunities for food security across
potential partners in scenarios development to generate co- the developing world, based in the perspectives of regional actors
ownership of the content. Finally, publicity and media generated (Kriegler et al., 2012).
interest in the methods and results from potential partners. In terms of enabling adaptation pathways, the focus on
collaborative proposals used in East Africa assumes that such
4.3.2. Developing internal capacity in decision-makers’ organizations collaboration is desired or possible between different actors, but in
To ensure a longer-term strategic capacity among decision- many cases it may not be (Flood and Jackson, 1991). So far, the
makers to develop adaptive decision pathways, there is a need to engagement of state actors and non-state actors in normative
develop internal familiarity with scenarios methodology within back-casting processes has provided the first steps for these
their organizations. Following the processes described in this different groups to overcome the unwillingness they initially
paper, many local, national and regional actors have requested aid reported about working together and consider collaborative
with developing such internal expertise further. Of particular note action. However, the explorative scenarios have not yet been
is the request by a number of farmers’ organizations worldwide for used to foster collaboration between actors that are diametrically
help in developing internal expertise on scenarios methodology to opposed or antagonistic, though scenarios methodology has been
help strategize and dialogue with other actors about farmers’ used for conflict resolution (Kahane, 2010). After the initial East
futures. The teams involved in the scenarios processes outlined in Africa experiences with normative back-casting in multi-stake-
this paper, together with the Global Forum on Agricultural holder platforms, the shift of focus to the policies of specific
Research’ Global Foresight Hub, have provided time to help organizations and government places less emphasis on collabora-
develop this internal capacity with farmers’ organizations through tion between multiple actors and more on a diversity of efforts
trainings and methodological backstopping. (Ostrom, 2010). If feasible, we would encourage that both types of
J.M. Vervoort et al. / Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 383–394 393

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