Percentages Questions

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Percentages Formulae

1.Express x% as a fraction = x% =x/100

2. To express a/b as a percent = a/b = (a/b*100)%.
3. If the price increases by R%, then the reduction in consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is -
[R/(100+R)x 100]%
4. If the price decreases by R%, then the increase in consumption so as not to decrease the expenditure is -
[R/(100-R)x 100]%
5. Population after n years = P(1 + R/100)^n
6. Population n years ago = P/(1 + R/100)^n
7. The Value of machine after n years = P(1 - R/100)^n
8. Value of the machine n years ago = P/(1 - R/100)^n
9. If A is R% more than B, then B is less than A by [R/(100+R)* 100]%.
10. If A is R% less than B, then B is more than A by [R/(100-R)* 100]%

1. If 75% of a number is added to 75, the result is the number itself. Then the number is
2. Subtracting 40% of a number from the number, we get the result as 30, the number is
3. If three fifth of a number is 40 more than 40% of the same number. What is the number
4. What percent of 120 are 90?

A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 33%

5. If y exceeds x by 20%, then x is less than y by?

A. 16% B. 16 1/3 % C. 16 2/3 % D. 16 3/5 %

6.After decreasing 24% in the price of an article costs Rs.912. Find the actual cost of an article?

A. 1400 B. 1300 C. 1200 D. 1100

7. How much 60% of 50 is greater than 40% of 30?

A. 18 B. 13 C. 15 D. 20

8. How much is 80% of 40 is greater than 4/5 of 25?

A. 4 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12

9. 40% of a number is more than 20% of 650 by 190. Find the number?

A. 600 B. 700 C. 800 D. 900

10.25% of 30% of 45% is equal to?

A. 0.03375 B. 0.3375 C. 3.375 D. 33.75

11.60% of a number is added to 120, the result is the same number. Find the number?

A. 300

B. 200

C. 400

D. 500

12. 40 is subtracted from 60% of a number, the result is 50. Find the number?

A. 150

B. 140

C. 130

D. 110

13. 96% of the population of a village is 23040. The total population of the village is?

A. 32256

B. 24000

C. 24936

D. 25640

14. the price has fallen by 10% what percent of its consumption be: increased so that the expenditure
may be the same as before?

A. 11%

B. 10%

C. 11 1/9 %

D. 9 1/11 %

15.If y exceeds x by 25%, then x is less than y by?

A. 16%

B. 16 1/3 %

C. 20%

D. 16 3/5 %
16.The salary of Mr. X is 30% more than that of Mr. Y . Find what percent of Mr. Y’s salary is less than Mr.

A. 30%

B. 25 1/13 %

C. 23 1/13 %

D. 22 1/13 %

17.In an examination 38% of students fail in English and 61% pass in Hindi and 23% fail in both. Find the
actual failure percentage?

A. 46%

B. 61%

C. 54%

D. 70%

18.Two numbers are respectively 20% and 25% more than a third number. The percentage that is first of
the second is?

A. 80%

B. 85%

C. 96%

D. 125%

19.A sells his goods 50% cheaper than B but 50% dearer than C. The cheapest is?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. All Alike

20. salary of a typist was at first raised by 10% and then the same was reduced by 5%. If he presently
draws Rs.1045.What was his original salary?

A. 900

B. 950

C. 1000

D. 975
21.The tax on a commodity is diminished by 20% and its consumption increased by 15%. The effect on
revenue is?

A. It increases by 8%

B. It decreases by 8%

C. No change in revenue

D. It increases by 10%

E. None

22.A candidate got 35% of the votes polled and he lost to his rival by 2250 votes. How many votes were

A. 7500

B. 5000

C. 6000

D. 3500

23. Subtracting 10% from X is the same as multiplying X by what number?

A. 80%

B. 90%

C. 10%

D. 50%

24.If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 20% and its denominator is diminished by 25% value of
the fraction is 2/15. Find the original fraction.

A. 1/12

B. 1/8

C. 1/6

D. ¼

25.A and B’s salaries together amount to Rs. 2,000. A spends 95% of his salary and B spends 85% of his.
If now their savings are the same, what is A’s salary?

A. Rs.500

B. Rs.750
C. Rs.1250

D. Rs.1500

26.A salesman’s terms were changed from a flat commission of 5% on all his sales to a fixed salary of
Rs.1000 plus 2.5% commission on all sales exceeding Rs. 4,000. If his remuneration as per new scheme
was Rs. 600 more than that by the previous schema, his sales were worth?

A. Rs. 14,000

B. Rs. 12,000

C. Rs. 30,000

D. Rs. 40,000

27.5% people of a village in Sri Lanka died by bombardment, 15% of the remainder left the village on
account of fear. If now the population is reduced to 3553, how much was it in the beginning?

A. 3800

B. 4200

C. 4400

D. 5500

28.In a factory, there are 40% technicians and 60% non-technicians. If the 60% of the technicians and
40% of non-technicians are permanent employees, then the percentage of workers who are temporary is?

A. 32%

B. 42%

C. 52%

D. 62%

29.There were two candidates in an election. Winner candidate received 62% of votes and won the
election by 288 votes. Find the number of votes casted to the winning candidate?

A. 456

B. 744

C. 912

D. 1200

30.Nitin’s salary is reduced by 10% and then reduced salary is increased by 10%. Find ,how many
percentage his present salary is less as compared to his previous salary?

A. Nothing

B. 10%

C. 1%

D. 5%

1.A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What percent of his total score did he make
by running between the wickets?
A. 45%

B. 45 %

C. 54 %

D. 55%

2.Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the other and his marks was
56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are:
A. 39, 30

B. 41, 32

C. 42, 33

43, 34

3.A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had:
A. 588 apples

B. 600 apples

C. 672 apples

D. 700 apples

4. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have 1 or 9 in the unit's digit?

A. 1

B. 14

C. 20

D. 21
5. If A = x% of y and B = y% of x, then which of the following is true?
A. A is smaller than B.

B. A is greater than B

C. Relationship between A and B cannot be determined.

D. If x is smaller than y, then A is greater than B.

E. None of these
6.If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as:
A. 4% of a

B. 5% of a
C. 20% of a

D. None of these

7.In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 years of age. The number

of students above 8 years of age is of the number of students of 8 years of

age which is 48. What is the total number of students in the school?
A. 72

B. 80

C. 120

D. 150

E. 100

8. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8%
of B. Find the ratio of A : B.
A. 2:3

B. 1 : 1

C. 3 : 4

D. 4 : 3

9. 3 5
A student multiplied a number by instead of .
5 3
What is the percentage error in the calculation?
A. 34%

B. 44%
C. 54%

D. 64%
10.In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If
the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was:
A. 2700

B. 2900

C. 3000

D. 3100

11. Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What
percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get?
A. 57%

B. 60%

C. 65%

D. 90%

12. Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the sum
paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week?
A. Rs. 200

B. Rs. 250

C. Rs. 300

D. None of these

13. Gauri went to the stationers and bought things worth Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable
purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items?
A. Rs. 15

B. Rs. 15.70

C. Rs. 19.70

D. Rs. 20

14. Rajeev buys good worth Rs. 6650. He gets a rebate of 6% on it. After getting the rebate, he pays sales tax @
10%. Find the amount he will have to pay for the goods.
A. Rs. 6876.10

B. Rs. 6999.20

C. Rs. 6654
D. Rs. 7000

15. The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of
population per year is:
A. 4.37%

B. 5%

C. 6%

D. 8.75%

16.When a number is first increased by 10 % and then reduced by 10 % the number:

A. does not change

B. decreased by 1 %

C. increased by 1 %

D. None of these

17.A dishonest dealer claims to sell his goods at the cost price but uses a false weight of 900 gm for 1 kg
what is his gain percent?

A. 13 %

B. 11 1/9 %

C. 11.25 %

D. 12 1/9 %

18.The price of petrol is increased by 25 %. By how much percent a car owner should reduce his
consumption of petrol. So that expenditure on petrol would not be increased?

A. 25 %

B. 30 %

C. 50 %

D. 20 %

19.If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 140 % and the denominator is increased by 150 % the
resultant fraction is 4/15 what is the original fraction?

A. 3/5

B. 5/16
C. 2/9

D. None of these

20.The sum of two numbers is 2490. If 6.5 % of one number is equal to 8.5 % of the other then the
numbers are:

A. 989, 1501

B. 1011, 1479

C. 1401, 1089

D. 1411, 1079

21.8 % of the voters in an election did not cast their votes in the election, there were only two candidates.
The winner by obtaining 48 % of the total votes defeated his contestant by 1100 votes. The total number
of voters in the election was.

A. 21000

B. 2200

C. 23500

D. 27500

22.In an election between two candidates. One got 55 % of the total valid votes. 20 % of the votes were
invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500. The number of valid votes that the other candidate got was

A. 2700

B. 2900

C. 3000

D. 3100

23.In an election between two candidates 75 % of the voters cast their votes. Out of which 2 % of the
voters were declared invalid. A candidate got 9261 votes which were 75 % of the total valid votes. The
total number of voters enrolled in that election was:

A. 10000

B. 16400

C. 16800

D. 18000

24.Three candidates in an election received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage
of the total votes did the winning candidate get?

A. 11. 6 %

B. 60 %

C. 76. 4 %
D. None of these

25.Candidates in a competitive examination consisted of 60% men and 40% women 70% men and 75%
women cleared the qualifying test and entered the final test where 80% men and 70% women were
successful? Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Success rate is higher for women

B. Overall success rate is below 50%

C. More men cleared the examination than women

D. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

26.In a test a candidate attempted only 8 Questions and secured 50% marks in each of the questions if
the obtained a total of 40% in the test and all questions in the test carried equal marks, how many
questions were there in the test?

A. 8

B. 10

C. 15

D. 16

27.In a company, 60% of the employees are men, of this 40 % are drawing more than Rs. 50000 per year.
36% of the total employees of the company draw more than Rs.50000 per year then what is the
percentage of women who are drawing less than Rs. 5000 per year?

A. 70%

B. 60%

C. 40%

D. 30%

28.In an examination, every candidate took physics or mathematics or both 65.8% took physics and
59.2% took mathematics the total number of candidates was 2000. How many candidates took both
physics and mathematics?

A. 750

B. 500

C. 250

D. 125

29.Two numbers X and Y are respectively 20% and 28% less than a third number Z. By what percentage
is the number Y less than that of the number X?

A. 8%

B. 9%
C. 10%

D. 11%

30.In an election between two candidates 75 % of the voters cast their votes. Out of which 2 % of the
voters were declared invalid. A candidate got 9261 votes which were 75 % of the total valid votes. The
total number of voters enrolled in that election was:

A. 10000

B. 16400

C. 16800

D. 18000

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