Learn MySQL - Control Flow Functions
Learn MySQL - Control Flow Functions
In this article, we are going to learn about the most common control flow functions. The control
flow function
evaluates the condition specified in it. The output generated by them can be a true,
false, static value or column
expression. We can use the control flow functions in the SELECT,
WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clause. Following are
the most common functions:
1. The IF functions
2. The CASE expression
3. The IFNULL function
4. The NULLIF function
In this article, we are going to learn the IF function and CASE expressions that are very important
control flow
functions in MySQL. Moreover, I am including an overview of the IFNULL and NULL of
Demo Setup
To understand the function in detail, I have created a sample database named SchoolDB. I
created two tables named tblStudent and tblMarks in the SchoolDB database.
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query inserts By continuing
the database to use
in tblStudent this site and/or
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insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Nirali Upadhyay',
Quest Software and its affiliates do NOT sell the Personal Data you
insertprovide to us either when
into tblStudent you register on our websites or
(StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) when ('Bharti
values you Upadhyay',
do business with us. For more information about our and our data
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Dixit Upadhyay',
protection efforts, please visit
insert into tblStudent (StudentName ClassRoom Grade) values ('Hemant Bhatt' 'B'
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insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Hemant Bhatt','B'
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Usha Bhatt','A',
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Shailja Chauhan',
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Deep Chauhan','A'
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values ('Omkar Bhatt','C',
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values (Rajesh Bhatt',NUL
insert into tblStudent (StudentName,ClassRoom,Grade) values (Vinesh Patel',NULL
In the syntax:
The IF function evaluates the values returned by the SELECT statement with the specified
tion. If the function evaluates as TRUE, then it returns the value specified in
if_condition_true. If
the function evaluates as FALSE, then it returns
the value specified in the if_condition_false.
When the input string matches with each other, then print TRUE else, print FALSE. We can use the
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IF function in the
SELECT statement. The query should be written as follows:
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Output 1
Query 2
Output 2
Output This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site and/or
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As you can see in the above image, the values of the grade and class column for
Rajesh and
Vinesh are NULL. Now, to display Not Available, the query should be written as
Select studentname,
IF(classroom IS NULL, 'Not Applicable',classroom) as 'Classroom',
IF(grade IS NULL, 'Not Applicable',grade)as 'Grade'
from tblstudent;
Print Brilliant Student for the student who has an A+ grade, else prints
Average Student.
Suppose you want to get the total number of students with A+, B+, and D- grades. The condition
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1. Count of a student whose grade is A+. These students should be categorized as Brilliant
2. Count ofSoftware andwhose
the student its affiliates
grade isdo NOT
B+. sellstudents
These the Personal Data
should you
be categorized as Average
provide to us either when you register on our websites or when you
do business
3. Count with us.
of the student For more
whose gradeinformation
is D-. These about ourshould
students and our
be data
categorized as Weak
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To generate the result set, we can use the IF function to evaluate the condition and then use the
COUNT function to
get the number of students with their respective grade.
COUNT(IF(Grade='A+',1,NULL)) 'Brilliant Student',
COUNT(IF(Grade = 'B+', 1, NULL)) 'Average Student',
COUNT(IF(Grade = 'D-', 1, NULL)) 'Weak Student'
FROM tblstudent;
The simple CASE expression matches the input with the values for equality and returns the corre‐
sponding result.
Case expression
when static_value_1 then output_1
when static_value_2 then output_2
Else else_output
Example 1
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Suppose you want to populate the list of the students, their grades, and grade description. The
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query output must
show the grade description based on the following condition.
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In the case statement, we can specify an operator as well. I have specified an OR operator
to en‐
sure that the student whose grade is D+ or D should be considered a Weak student.
Example 2
Suppose we want to sort the description of the grades in ascending order. As I mentioned, the
CASE statement can be
used in the ORDER BY clause. To sort the results, we must specify the case
statement after the ORDER BY clause.
The searched case expression evaluates the expression specified in the WHEN clause and returns
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the corresponding
value. The syntax is the following:
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when expression 1 then output 1
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when expression_1 then output_1
when expression_2 then output_2
Else else_expression_output
In the syntax, the case matches the input values with expression_1, expression_2 … and returns
the corresponding output_1, output_2… values. If the input values do not match with any expres‐
sion, then it returns the else_expression_output.
Note: If you have a specified character string in the case expression, then the output returned
by the case
expression is a character string. Similarly, if you have specified a numeric value in
the case expression, the
output returned by the case expression is a decimal, an integer, or a
real value
Example 1
Suppose we want to populate the name of the parents based on the name of the surname of the
student. The query must
populate the values of studentname, grade, and classroom columns. The
condition for the CASE expression is following.
1. If the student’s surname is Chauhan, then the father’s name must be Hasmukh Chauhan
2. If the student’s surname is Bhatt, then the father’s name must be Jivan Bhatt
3. If the student’s surname is Upadhyay, then the father’s name must be Lalshankar
select studentname,
when studentname like '%Chauhan%' Then 'Hasmukh Chauhan'
when studentname like '%Bhatt%' then 'Jivan Bhatt'
when studentname like '%Upadhyay%' then 'Lalshankar Upadhyay' end as ParentName
from tblstudent
where classroom is not null;
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Example 2
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provide to us either when you register on our websites or when you
want to populate themore
with us. For total subjects studied
information by the
about ourstudent.
and ourTo populate the value of
the subject, efforts,tblStudent
we are
joining please visitand tblMarks using left join. The condition for the CASE ex‐
i i f ll i
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pression is following:
If the count of the subject studied by the student is zero, then the query should
Details not available else; it must display the count of the subject. This
example demon‐
strates the use of the COUNT() function in the CASE expression
case when count(subject)=0 then 'Details Unavailable' else count(subject) e
nd as 'SubjectsTaken'
from tblstudent a left join tblMarks b on a.ID=b.student_id
group by student_id, studentname
order by b.student_id desc;
In the syntax, if the value of the expr1 is NULL then it returns expr2 else it returns a value of expr1.
Suppose when the query finds the NULL value for the grade column, we want to print details not
available else we
want to print the value of the column. This can be achieved by using the CASE ex‐
pression, but we are using the
IFNULL function.
Output This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site and/or
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The provide
NULLIF function
to us either when you register on our websites or when you
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protection efforts, please visit
The NULLIF function compares the expressions specified in the function. If the values of the ex‐
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Select NULLIF(‘Nisarg’,’Nisarg’)
Select NULLIF(‘Nisarg’,’Nirali’)
In this article, we have learned the most common control flow functions of MySQL. These functions
can be used to manipulate the output generated by the SQL query. The CASE and IF are the condi‐
tional expressions and functions that are used to display the output based on the condition speci‐
fied in the query.
Table of contents
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Learn MySQL: Delete and Update Statements
Learn MySQL:
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Learn MySQL: The Basics of MySQL Views
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Learn MySQL: An overview of MySQL Binary Logs
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Learn MySQL: Install MySQL server 8.0.19 using a noinstall Zip archive
See more
ApexSQL Database Power Tools for VS Code is an extension for VS Code which allows users to , run
queries and display results, search for objects, export query results into several standard formats,
generate DDL and DML scripts from object explorer on existing platforms like Windows, Linux,
Nisarg Upadhyay
Nisarg Upadhyay is a SQL Server Database Administrator and Microsoft certi‐
fied professional who has more than 8 years of experience with SQL Server
administration and 2 years with Oracle 10g database administration.
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