8 Components of Primary Health Care

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8 Components of Primary Health Care

 Public Education

 Proper Nutrition

 Clean Water & Sanitation

 Maternal & Child Health Care

 Immunization

 Local Disease Control

 Accessible Treatment

 Drug Provision

In 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the Declaration of Alma-
Ata 12. The declaration, named for the host city, Almaty, Kazakhstan (formerly
known as Alma-Ata), outlined the organization's stance towards health care made
available for all people in the world 12. The declaration also defined eight
essential components of primary health care, which helped outline a means of
providing health care globally 

Public Education

Public education is the first, and one of the most essential, component of primary
health care 23. By educating the public on the prevention and control of health
problems, and encouraging participation, the World Health Organization works to
keep disease from spreading on a personal level 12.

Proper Nutrition
Nutrition is another essential component of health care. WHO works to prevent
malnutrition and starvation and to prevent many diseases and afflictions.

Clean Water & Sanitation

A supply of clean, safe drinking water, and basic sanitation measures regarding
trash, sewage and water cleanliness can significantly improve the health of a
population, reducing and even eliminating many preventable diseases.

Maternal & Child Health Care

Ensuring comprehensive and adequate health care to children and to mothers,

both expecting and otherwise, is another essential element of primary health
care 23. By caring for those who are at the greatest risk of health problems, WHO
helps future generations have a chance to thrive and contribute to globally.
Sometimes, care for these individuals involves adequate counseling on family
planning and safe sex.


By administering global immunizations, WHO works to wipe out major infectious

diseases, greatly improving overall health globally.

Local Disease Control

Prevention and control of local diseases is critical to promoting primary health

care in a population 23. Many diseases vary based on location. Taking these
diseases into account and initiating measures to prevent them are key factors in
efforts to reducie infection rates.

Accessible Treatment
Another important component of primary health care is access to appropriate
medical care for the treatment of diseases and injuries 23. By treating disease and
injury right away, caregivers can help avoid complications and the expense of
later, more extensive, medical treatment.

Drug Provision

By providing essential drugs to those who need them, such as antibiotics to those
with infections, caregivers can help prevent disease from escalating. This makes
the community safer, as there is less chance for diseases to be passed along.

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