Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources From Around The Web - by Robbie Allen - Machine Learning in Practice - Medium

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05/07/2022, 15:34 My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web | by Robbie Allen | Machine

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Jul 10, 2017 · 8 min read · Listen


My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the

If you like this article, check out another by Robbie:

Learning Machine Learning and NLP from 185 Quora Questions

When I was writing books on networking and programming topics in the early 2000s, the web was a good, but an incomplete resource.
Blogging had started to take off, but YouTube wasn’t around yet, nor was Quora, Twitter, or podcasts. Over ten years later as I’ve been
diving into AI and machine learning, it is a completely different ballgame. There are so many resources — it’s difficult to know where
to start (and stop)!

To save you some of the effort I went through in researching all the different nooks and crannies of the web to find the best content;
I’ve organized them into a big collection here. I’m only include links to free content. There is enough free content to keep you busy for
a while. It’s amazing just how much information is available on machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence on the web.
This article should give you a sense of the scope.

I’ve created sections below that contain: well-known researchers, AI organizations, video courses, bloggers, Medium writers, books,
YouTube channels, Quora topics, subreddits, Github repos, podcasts, newsletters, conferences, research links, tutorials, and cheat
sheets. It’s a lot, but given the popularity of my Tutorials and Cheat Sheets articles, there seems to be a need for this kind of curated

Note: I wrote this in early July 2017. In some sections, I’ve included
counts, which will go out-of-date as soon as
the article is published, but it should still be useful to give you a sense of interest level.… 1/9
05/07/2022, 15:34 My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web | by Robbie Allen | Machine Learning in Practice | Medium

Let me know if there anything good I’m missing! I’m always looking to add to the list.
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Many of the most well-known AI researchers have a strong presence on the web. Below I’ve listed around twenty and included links to
their website, Wikipedia page, Twitter profile, Google Scholar profile, and Quora profile. Quite a few have done an Ask-Me-Anything
on Reddit or a Quora Session so I’ve included that is well when applicable.

I could include dozens more in a list like this. See Quora for more names.

Sebastian Thrun (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA)

Yann Lecun (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA)

Nando de Freitas (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / AMA)

Andrew Ng (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA)

Daphne Koller (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session)

Adam Coates (Twitter / GScholar / AMA)

Jürgen Schmidhuber (Wikipedia / GScholar / AMA)

Geoffrey Hinton (Wikipedia / GScholar / AMA)

Terry Sejnowski (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / AMA)

Michael Jordan (Wikipedia / GScholar / AMA)

Peter Norvig (Wikipedia / GScholar / Quora / AMA)

Yoshua Bengio (Wikipedia / GScholar / Quora / AMA)

Ian Goodfellow (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session)

Andrej Karpathy (Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session)

Richard Socher (Twitter / GScholar / Interview)

Demis Hassabis (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Interview)

Christopher Manning (Twitter / GScholar)

Fei-Fei Li (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Ted Talk)

François Chollet (Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session)

Larry Carin (GScholar)

Dan Jurafsky (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar)

Oren Etzioni (Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA)

There are a handful of well-known organizations that are dedicated to furthering AI research and development. Below are the ones
with websites/blogs and Twitter accounts.

OpenAI / Twitter (127K followers)

DeepMind / Twitter (80K followers)

Google Research / Twitter (1.1M followers)

AWS AI / Twitter (1.4M followers)

Facebook AI Research (no Twitter :)

Microsoft Research / Twitter (341K followers)… 2/9
05/07/2022, 15:34 My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web | by Robbie Allen | Machine Learning in Practice | Medium

Baidu Research / Twitter (18K followers)

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IntelAI / Twitter (2K followers)

AI² / Twitter (4.6K followers)

Partnership on AI / Twitter (5K followers)

Video Courses
There are an overwhelming number of video courses and tutorials available online now — many of them free. There are some good
paid options too, but for this article, I’m focusing exclusively on free content. There are considerably more college courses where the
professor has made the course materials available online, but there are no videos. Those can be more challenging to follow along and
you probably don’t need them. The following courses would keep you busy for months:

Coursera — Machine Learning (Andrew Ng)

Coursera — Neural Networks for Machine Learning (Geoffrey Hinton)

Udacity — Intro to Machine Learning (Sebastian Thrun)

Udacity — Machine Learning (Georgia Tech)

Udacity — Deep Learning (Vincent Vanhoucke)

Machine Learning (mathematicalmonk)

Practical Deep Learning For Coders (Jeremy Howard & Rachel Thomas)

Stanford CS231n — Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Winter 2016) (class link)

Stanford CS224n — Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (Winter 2017) (class link)

Oxford Deep NLP 2017 (Phil Blunsom et al.)

Reinforcement Learning (David Silver)

Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python (sentdex)

Below I include links to YouTube channels or users that have regular content that is AI or machine learning-related. I’ve ordered by
subscriber/view count to give a sense of their popularity.

sentdex (225K subscribers, 21M views)

Siraj Raval (140K subscribers, 5M views)

Two Minute Papers (60K subscribers, 3.3M views)

DeepLearning.TV (42K subscribers, 1.7M views)

Data School (37K subscribers, 1.8M views)

Machine Learning Recipes with Josh Gordon (324K views)

Artificial Intelligence — Topic (10K subscribers)

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) (1.6K subscribers, 69K views)

Machine Learning at Berkeley (634 subscribers, 48K views)

Understanding Machine Learning — Shai Ben-David (973 subscribers, 43K views)

Machine Learning TV (455 subscribers, 11K views)

Blogs… 3/9
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Given the popularity of AI and machine learning, I’m surprised there aren’t more consistent bloggers. Given the complexity of the
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material, it takes quite a bit of effort to put together meaningful content. Also, there are other outlets like Quora that give options to
experts that want to give back but don’t have the time to create longer form content.

Below I include bloggers that post consistently on AI-related topics with original material and are not just news feeds or company
blogs — sorted by Twitter follower count.

Andrej Karpathy / Twitter (69K followers)

i am trask / Twitter (14K followers)

Christopher Olah / Twitter (13K followers)

Top Bots / Twitter (11K followers)

WildML / Twitter (10K followers)

Distill / Twitter (9K followers)

Machine Learning Mastery / Twitter (5K followers)

FastML / Twitter (5K followers)

Adventures in NI / Twitter (5K followers)

Sebastian Ruder / Twitter (3K followers)

Unsupervised Methods / Twitter (1.7K followers)

Explosion / Twitter (1K followers)

Tim Dettmers / Twitter (1K followers)

When trees fall… / Twitter (265 followers)

ML@B / Twitter (80 followers)

Medium Writers
Below are some of the top writers on Medium that cover Artificial Intelligence. Hover over a name for more info. Ordered by ranking
on Medium as of July 2017.

Robbie Allen

Erik P.M. Vermeulen

Frank Chen


Sam DeBrule

Derrick Harris

Yitaek Hwang


Paul Boutin

Mariya Yao

Rob May

Avinash Hindupur

Books… 4/9
05/07/2022, 15:34 My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web | by Robbie Allen | Machine Learning in Practice | Medium

There are a lot of books out there that cover some aspect of machine learning, deep learning, and NLP. In this section, I’m going to
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focus purely on the free books that you can access or download straight from the web.

Machine Learning
Understanding Machine Learning From Theory to Algorithms

Machine Learning Yearning

A Course in Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Deep Learning Book

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction

Reinforcement Learning

Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)

Natural Language Processing with Python

An Introduction to Information Retrieval

Introduction to Statistical Thought

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Introduction to Probability

Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Python programmers

The Probability and Statistics Cookbook

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra Done Wrong

Linear Algebra, Theory And Applications

Mathematics for Computer Science


Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students

Quora has become a great resource for AI and machine learning. Many of the top researchers answer questions on the site. Below I’ve
listed some of the main AI-related topics, which you can subscribe to if you want to customize your Quora feed. Check out the FAQ
section within each topic (e.g. FAQ for Machine Learning) for a curated list of questions by the Quora community.

Computer-Science (5.6M followers)

Machine-Learning (1.1M followers)

Artificial-Intelligence (635K followers)

Deep-Learning (167K followers)

Natural-Language-Processing (155K followers)

Classification-machine-learning (119K followers)… 5/9
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Artificial-General-Intelligence (82K followers)

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Convolutional-Neural-Networks-CNNs (25K followers)

Computational-Linguistics (23K followers)

Recurrent-Neural-Networks (17.4K followers)

The AI community on Reddit isn’t as large as Quora, but it still has some good subreddits worth checking out. Reddit can be helpful to
keep up with the latest news and research whereas Quora is question/answer. Below are the main AI-related subreddits ordered by
number of subscribers.

/r/MachineLearning (111K readers)

/r/robotics/ (43K readers)

/r/artificial (35K readers)

/r/datascience (34K readers)

/r/learnmachinelearning (11K readers)

/r/computervision (11K readers)

/r/MLQuestions (8K readers)

/r/LanguageTechnology (7K readers)

/r/mlclass (4K readers)

/r/mlpapers (4K readers)

One of the nice things about the AI community is most new projects are open-sourced and made available on Github. There are also
many educational resources on Github if you want example algorithm implementations in Python or using Juypter Notebooks. Below
are links to repos that have been tagged with a particular topic.

Machine Learning (6K repos)

Deep Learning (3K repos)

Tensorflow (2K repos)

Neural Network (1K repos)

NLP (1K repos)

There are an increasing number of podcasts around AI, some centered on the latest news and others that are more educationally-

Concerning AI / iTunes

This Week in Machine Learning and AI / iTunes

The AI Podcast / iTunes

Data Skeptic / iTunes

Linear Digressions / iTunes

Partially Derivative / iTunes

O’Reilly Data Show / iTunes… 6/9
05/07/2022, 15:34 My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web | by Robbie Allen | Machine Learning in Practice | Medium
Learning Machines 101 / iTunes
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The Talking Machines / iTunes

Artificial Intelligence in Industry / iTunes

Machine Learning Guide / iTunes

If you want to stay up-to-speed with the latest news and research, there are a growing number of weekly newsletters you can choose
from. Most of them cover the same stuff, so you’ll only need a couple to stay current.

The Exponential View

AI Weekly

Deep Hunt

O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Newsletter

Machine Learning Weekly

Data Science Weekly Newsletter

Machine Learnings

Artificial Intelligence News

When trees fall…


Inside AI

Kurzweil AI

Import AI

The Wild Week in AI

Deep Learning Weekly

Data Science Weekly

KDnuggets Newsletter

Unsurprisingly, with the rise in AI’s popularity there has also been an increase in the number of AI-related conference. Instead of
providing a comprehensive list of every niche conference, I’m going to list the “major” conferences for some definition of major. If I’m
missing one you think should be included, let me know. (And these are not free!)


NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems)

ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning)

KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations)

ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics)

EMNLP (Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing)

CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

ICCF (International Conference on Computer Vision)… 7/9
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O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference

Machine Learning Conference (MLConf)

AI Expo (North America, Europe, World)

AI Summit

AI Conference

Research Papers
Browse or search the academic papers being published. subject classes:

Artificial Intelligence

Learning (Computer Science)

Machine Learning (Stats)


Computer Vision

Semantic Scholar searches:

Neural Networks (179K results)

Machine Learning (94K results)

Natural Language (62K results)

Computer Vision (55K results)

Deep Learning (24K results)

Another great resource for exploring research papers is a side project from Andrej Karpathy:

I created a separate comprehensive post covering all the good tutorial content I’ve found:

Over 150 of the Best Machine Learning, NLP, and Python Tutorials

Similar to tutorials, I created a separate article with a variety of good cheat sheets:

Cheat Sheet of Machine Learning and Python (and Math) Cheat Sheets

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