Non-Metallic Applications in Oil - Gas Industry
Non-Metallic Applications in Oil - Gas Industry
Non-Metallic Applications in Oil - Gas Industry
Corrosion, either internal or external, along with other types of defects on pipelines eventually
lead to leaks without proper treatment. This gives rise to several issues, including
environmental and safety hazards, and in case of pipe leaks in a plant, a loss of the efficiency
of the process or, ultimately, failure of the process. Replacing the corroded pipelines (piping)
can be difficult, costly and time consuming especially for plant. A required shutdown causes
major economic loss. Thus, instead of a replacement of the defected pipelines, the installation
of online repair is a better option.
Repairs of pipelines include metallic and non-metallic repairs. Metallic repairs generally
require welding or hot works which is not suitable for online repair of pipes containing
hydrocarbons. In such cases the use of non-metallic composite repairs is the optimum
solution. A non-metallic composite repair system is a system used to reinforce structures using
a fiber equipped with a thermoset epoxy system. The epoxy system consists of a hardener
and a resin which, after mixing, become solid through a polymerization reaction after a short
duration of time, a process that is called curing. Depending on the temperature, the duration
of time changes in an inverse relation. The higher the temperature, the smaller the duration of
time needed for curing. This system can be used to reinforce pipelines with both external and
internal corrosion and it can be used on Straight Pipes, Tees, Elbows, Flanges and weld joints.
The repair system can also be installed online without the need for a shutdown in a short
amount of time and a small requirement of labor intensity, making it cost effective. It is also
environmentally friendly. In this paper we are going to present cases that were resolved by
our company that demonstrate how successful these non-metallic composite repairs are and
how diverse their applications can be.
Composite materials have managed to provide for the pipeline industry a safe, reliable, and
economic alternative to repair using conventional options such as steel sleeves. This trend is
expected to continue with the aging international infrastructure, coupled with greater demands
for pipeline systems to meet the needs of a global energy market. Twenty years ago, one was
hard-pressed to find a pipeline company that used composite materials on a routine basis.
However, today most pipeline companies use composite materials as part of their
rehabilitation programs.
Non-Metallic composites are widely used in structural applications due to advantages like high
specific properties and good damage tolerance. Polymeric composites reinforced with carbon
exhibit excellent mechanical properties than the conventional metallic materials. The
performance of these composites during use is mainly related to their mechanical properties
and thermal resistance as a result of combination of reinforcement, polymeric matrix and
processing technique. Carbon fiber composites, particularly those with polymeric matrices,
have become the dominant advanced composite materials for structural application. Since
polymer matrix composites combine a resin system and reinforcing fibres, the properties of
the resulting composite material will depend on the properties of the fiber, resin, the ratio of
fibre to resin in the composite (Fiber Volume Fraction), the geometry and orientation of the
fibres in the composite and also on process technique in which the composite is fabricated.
Composites deliver multiple advantages over replacement steel. Composite repairs can be
carried out in situ without the need to crop damaged material. The work can be completed
quickly. They deliver enhanced fatigue and corrosion resistance. It contributes low added
weight and provide great material durability. They are available even in areas with limited
logistical access.
While they have the potential to deliver significant advantages, composites also present a
number of challenges. There is significant variation in stiffness/strain and thermal expansion
of composites compared to steel
• There is still uncertainty about the long-term performance of bonded composite
• There are questions about how composites will behave and whether they constitute a
risk of chemical vapors in high temperatures or in the event of a fire
• Permeability concerns when composites are immersed in ballast water or
hydrocarbons, which could affect the composite’s resistance after long periods.
• Preformed
• Wet layups
The wet layout can be further divided into two types:
• Pre-impregnated
• Field wet out
The preformed system is commercially available system with Clockspring which consist of
an E-glass/ polyester resin based composite materials preformed into a multi-layer coil that
is installed using an adhesive. The use of wet layup systems for pipeline repair began in the
early 1990s. these wet layup systems use either a resin impregnated cloth that’s activated
by water in the field or a cloth that’s saturated with epoxy resin in the field, the early
composite system all use E-glass as the fiber material. The use of carbon fiber composite
material as a substitute for E-glass for pipeline repair was introduced in the late 1990s.
Prepregs are composite materials in which a reinforcement fiber is pre-impregnanted a
thermoplastic or thermoset resin matrix in a certain ratio. Prepregs have unique properties
as they are cured under high temperatures and pressures.
Generally, the resin matrix in prepregs is partially cured for ease of handling and is stored in
a cool place to prevent complete polymerization. This B- stage prepreg will need to be
heated in an autoclave or oven during manufacture of composite materials to achieve full
polymerization. The reinforcement in a prepreg can be unidirectional fibers or a bi-directional
Non-metallic composite repair are composed of matrix and fibers.
The resin can be categorized as follows:
1. Isophthalic Polyesters – used for composite sleeves.
2. Vinyl Esters – used for high temperature composite sleeves.
3. Epoxies – Used for most wet-wraps
The epoxy group has certain advantages listed below:
Fiber types.
Glass, carbon or aramid fibers are the most common choices for composite parts. The best
fibre for a particular application depends on the required strength, stiffness, corrosion
Glass is the most commonly used and least expensive fibre. Glass fiber can be further
categorized into:
• Pipelines.
• Pipework including straights, elbows, tees, flanges, reducers, valve bodies .
• Tanks and vessels including nozzles and attachments the standard can also act as
guidance for repairs applied to risers and structural strengthening applications.
The contents of ISO/TS 24817 and ASME PCC-2 includes details on:
The two generic types of defects that are covered by ISO/TS 24817 and ASME PCC-2 are:
Defect Type A
• Caused by external corrosion or mechanical damage.
• Not through wall of the repair will arrest further degradation.
Defect type B
• Caused by internal corrosion or erosion.
• Through wall (or will become through wall during the lifetime of the repair).
• Degradation of the defect will continue after the repair is applied.
What to inspect for:
Composite repairs are engineered solution as per ASME and ISO standards. Only use
qualified repair systems, which consist of repair material, surface preparation procedure, and
the substrate. The client has to ensure only trained personnel are employed to apply the