Makalah Kelompok 2 Conjunction

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The effectiveness of islamic guidance and conseling to reduce the

tendency of juvenile deliquency

This paper is prepared to fulfiil the English assignment

Lecturer :Dr. EffrinaYuricki M.Pd

Members of The Group :

1. AldaOktiRamadini (11220520000072)
2. DindaFadiaPutri (11220520000076)
3. NabillahAfaFillah (11220520000087)
4. MaylaZahwaSyabania (11220520000102)
5. WidiaZulFitriyani (11220520000100)

SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta

Faculty of Da’wah and Communication Science
Islamic Guindance and Counseling Study Program

Praise and gratitude we prayto the presence of god almighty because with his mercy,grace, and
taufik and guidance we havr complated “this paper” well despite the many shortcomings in it.
We also thank Ms. Efferina yuricki as an english lecturer who has given us this. This is a paper
on “the effectiveness of islamic guidance and conseling to reduce the tendency of juvenile

Despite all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings both in terms of structure and
grammar.Therefore, we welcome suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can improve
this paper.
Finally, we hope that this paper can be useful and add insight to our knowledge.
Table of Contents

1.1 Background of the conjungction
1.2 Theory
1.3 Common example

1.1 Background of the paper

Mastery of conjunctions should be more aware of by all circles from students,
college students and teachers. Conjunctions should be taught in all English grammar
classes, both in schools and in colleges. Therefore, all those who understand conjunctions
must be judged objectively based on the product of their work. In learning English, we
must be able to master passive skills and active skills in English. Passive skills are reading
and listening, while active skills are speaking and writing. These two skills are very
important for students of the English Education Study Program. In the English Education
Study Program, writing skills are considered important because they are needed for
academic writing. The requirement to complete the study for students is also to write a
Simanjutaksays that it is because of the needs to master other English skills :
reading, speaking, and listening; and the difference between the rules of students’ native
language and the rules of English [1]. Moreover, writing needs well knowledge to
produce words, sentences, and paragraphs. The knowledge includes not only the
understanding of the writing topics but also the understanding of grammar and
vocabulary. Grammar is considered as important in writing because it has a major
role to produce sentences [2].
A good grammar is essential especially in academic writing because the
readers can understand the ideas of the text with ease. As stated by Wulandari
grammar is one of the language components that must be mastered because without a
good grammar both the readers and the writer can get misunderstanding [3]. According to
Irawan, conjunction is a non-moveable unit that connects other units: parts of speech,
phrase or clause. He adds that someone can convey meaning in an ideal form by having
the ability to use conjunction [4].
There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative
conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. Each types has different functions so all
of them should be learned. There are some studies about conjunctions. A studyconducted
by Prawoto examines students’mastery in using conjunction of the fourth semester students
[5]. Aarts and Aarts (1982 : 4) menyatakan bahwa konjungsi merupakan salah satu bagian
dari grammatical dan merupakan kata yang tidak berubah. dalam kondisi formal, konjungsi
dibagi menjadi dua bentuk, yaitu konjungsi sederhana (konjungsi yang terdiri dari satu
suku kata) dan konjungsi kompleks (konjungsi yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih suku kata
“A conjunction (also called a connective) is a word (such as and, because, but, for,
if, or, and when) that is used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences” Conjunctions are
words or groups of words that are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Conjunction is one of the parts of speech. Conjunctions are also called connectives. There
are different types of conjunctions in English: coordinating conjunctions, correlative
conjunctions, subordinate conjunctions, and adverbial conjunctions.

1.2 Theory
The types of conjunctions expressed by experts also vary. The author uses the
theory of Alwi et al., in analyzing the data of this study, namely dividing conjunctions into
four: (1) coordinating conjunctions, (2) subordinating conjunctions, (3) correlative
conjunctions, (4) inter-sentence conjunctions.
In addition, the author also uses the theory proposed by Charlina and
MangaturSinaga. The theory taken is the type of conjunction between paragraphs. In terms
of meaning, the author uses the Ramlan theory (meaning summation, eating successively,
meaning selection, meaning of resistance, meaning of excess, meaning of time, meaning
of comparison, meaning of cause, meaning of effect, meaning of conditional, meaning of
presupposition, meaning of hope, meaning of explanation, eating content , meaning of way,
meaning of exception, and meaning of usefulness) in analyzing the data of this research. In
addition, the author also uses the theory of Alwi et al. namely regarding the meaning that
states the tool, Chaer's theory is the meaning of equating and the mafrukhi theory is the
meaning of the example marker.


1. Cordinating conjunction

Coordinating conjunction are conjunction that connect words, phrases or clauses that are structurally
equivalent, for example nouns, adjectives and so om. The coordinating conjunction include and
but,for,so,nor or yet. In geneeral coordinating conjunction are possible to place the sentenc, but it is
possible to place them at the beginnning of the sentence as a transition to the sentence.


❖ Current literature at least describing the status of the students’ multicultural self-efficacy or more
advanced discussion on causes and effects between the efficacy and related factors are limited let
those are concerned
❖ Intelligence can be seen from his attitude, and behaves well and embodies the desire for a
better life.
❖ Because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a Garden and (garments of) silk.
Reclining in the (Garden) on raised thrones, they will see there neither the sun’s (excessive heat) nor
(the moon’s) excessive cold
❖ On three occasions the Prophet was instructed to read but he replied that he does not know how to
read for he was illiterate

2. Correlative conjunctions

Correlative conjunction often called paired coonjunction from in pairs. Example of corralative
conjunctions words are or, not, and,but,as,the,than.

❖ It is already Islamic in nature. Not only his own life but also his family, the society as a whole and the
most important is his aqidah. There are several writings (Al-Thani, 2012; Hamjah& Mat Akhir, 2013;
❖ And because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a Garden and (garments of)
silk. Reclining in the (Garden) on raised thrones, they will see there neither the sun’s (excessive heat)
nor (the moon’s) excessive cold”.
❖ The first analysis was done with mann-whitney u test to find out whether the initial
conditions of the two groups are comparable or not.
❖ This Islamic guidance is a process of guidance as well as other guidance activities, but in all
its aspects is based on the teachings of Islam, meaning that it is based on the Qur'an and the
Sunnah of the Prophet. 28first carried out before conducting inreferential analysis, including:
validity test, data reliability test and normality distribution test.

3. Subordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions are word that connect the independent clause (main sentence) with
the dependent (subordinate). Most of the subordinating conjunctions consist of one word, but soe
consistof several words. Words that are classified as subordinating conjunction are :
a. Subordinating conjunction that describe the relationship of time: after,as soon, aslong as,
before,once, still, when, whenever,while
b. Subordinating conjunction that describe the place relationship: where,wherever.
c. Subordinating conjunctionthat describe the ralationship conditions: if,even if, in case,
provided that,unless, otherwise, or else,supposing.
d. Subordinating conjunction that describe casual relationship: ace,because,in order
that,since,so that.
e. Subordinating conjunction that describe a contradictory reltionship: although,even


❖ First carried out before conducting inreferential analysis, including: validity test, data reliability test
and normality distribution test.
❖ After conducting a survey related to academic integrity behavior, researchers found problems
related to academic dishonesty, moral violations, and low student attachment to spiritual-religious
❖ The first analysis was done with mann-whitney u test to find out whether the initial
conditions of the two groups are comparable or not.
❖ This Islamic guidance is a process of guidance as well as other guidance activities,
❖ Cardwell then recommends to explore moral disengagement as a mediator variable of the relationship
between spiritual-religious and other deviant behaviors
❖ On three occasions the Prophet was instructed to read but he replied that he does not know how to
read for he was illiterate.
❖ This is where the reference to Tawhid is its overriding criteria. It means that knowledge should lead
one to the path of God and appreciate His Greatness.
❖ What is important is for a person to acquire as much knowledge as possible while at the same time
being closer to Allah. What is equally important is for such knowledge to be put into good practice
❖ Right from the moment they wake up in the early morning until such time they wake up again the
following morning.
❖ Because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a Garden and (garments of) silk.
Reclining in the (Garden) on raised thrones, they will see there neither the sun’s (excessive heat) nor
(the moon’s) excessive cold”.

The Effectiveness of Islamic Guidance and Counseling to Reduce the

Tendency of Juvenile Delinquency
The process of searching for identity is not always easy for some teenagers. Sometimes they cannot act in
accordance with the norms of their environment. They always want to try something new, tend to be more
difficult and disorganized, and get the influence of their peers that they cannot refuse. This makes them
unable to obey the norms or rules that exist in their schools. They are categorized as adolescents who
have a tendency of delinquency because they violate school rules and have points on violation of
discipline. The object of this research was carried out in one of the vocational high schools in Ponorogo,
East Java. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of Islamic guidance and counseling to reduce the
tendency of juvenile delinquency. This study used experimental design with nonequivalent control group
design. Subjects of this study were 16 students who had tendency of juvenile delinquency (divided into
experimental and control groups). Treatment for experimental group was eight sessions of Islamic
guidance and counseling, while control group was conventional counseling. Analysis of Wilcoxon
Signed-Rank Test from the pre-test and post-test experimental group showed significance value of 0.006

The Effectiveness of Islamic Guidance and Counseling to Reduce the Tendency of Juvenile

A. Introduction
Education is essentially a conscious effort for personality development that lasts a lifetime
both in schools. Education also means the process of helping individuals both physically and
spiritually toward the formation of the main personality (quality personal). In Islam, it means
spiritual guidance and physical growth according to the teachings of Islam with the wisdom of
directing teaching, training, caring for, and supervising the application for all Islamic teaching.1

There is a statement that guidance is identical with education. This means that if someone is
on educational activities means he is also guides; on the contrary if someone conducts guiding
activities (provides guidance services), it means he is also educated. Guidance and counseling
services can be held in the setting of educational institutions (schools or madrasah), families,
communities, organizations, industries, and so on. Initially, guidance and counseling was not
intended for the world of education. But, in its development it is applied in the world of
Along with the fast development of science and technology, various problems arise with all its
complexity. The world of education has not been fully able to answer various problems due to the
development of science and technology. The indication is the emergence of various behavioral
irregularities among students that should not be done by an educated person. 2
Various phenomena of student behaviors today such as brawls, drug abuse, psychotropic drugs,
deviant sexual behavior, moral degradation, unsatisfactory learning outcomes, unpassingexams,
failing in last semester examination (UAS) and so on, indicate that one of educational goals
which is the achievements through the learning process have not been fully able to answer or
solve the various problems mentioned above. In addition, the potential (fitrah) of students as
individuals who have talents, interests, ideals, etc, also have not developed and channeled
optimally through the process of education and learning in the classroom.. 3
Middle school students are in their teens (12-21 years) are in transitional period between the lives
of children and the life of an adult. At this time there are various psychological shocks or
irregularities that occurred in adolescence. Moral guidance for adolescents is very important to
do, be given that psychologically. Adolescence is the age of being in shock and easily affected as
a result of the situation that still lacks of knowledge, mental and sufficient experiences. 4
This problem occurs because of several factors. These factors, according to ZakiahDarajat in
AbuddinNata, are among others: unstable conditions, and the release of knowledge from religion.
The problems faced by human, especially adolescences, require education vision and orientation
that is not merely emphasizing the filling of the brain, but also filling the soul, moral guidance
and obedience in performing worship. 5
Another risk that may be faced by adolescents is juvenile delinquency behavior. Kartono (2014)
divides the form or form of delinquency or delinquency behavior into two aspects, namely:
Symbolic aspects that are hidden with indicators: attitudes, emotions, and motivations that
develop deluence and outward aspects with indicators: outwardly verbal and outward non verbal.
In order to solve the problems, the process of education and learning needs to be synergized with
counseling and guidance services. Optimization of guidance and counseling services in schools
and madrasas really contribute to the achievement of the school's and madrasah's vision, mission
and goals. This indicates that there needs to be an approach other than the learning process to
solve these problems. One of the efforts is through an Islamic guidance and counseling approach
that is carried out outside the learning process.

Islamic counseling guidance in schools aims to solve problems that occur with students using an
Islamic approach, because counseling guidance with an Islamic approach will be more
meaningful than the secular (Western) approach. The background of Islamic counseling guidance
is that humans are the best, noblest beings, perfect compared to otherbeings, but at the same time
it has a lust that every time humans can fall into despair and misery if humans obey their desires.6
As in (Q.S At-Tin 4-6):
"Surely We created man of the best stature Then we reduced him the lowest of the low, Save
those who believe and do good works, and theirs is a reward unfailing." (Q.S. At Tiin, 95: 5-6)

Islamic guidance and counseling can be done by giving encouragement, motivation and solutions
to the problems faced by students. Islamic guidance and counseling must also establish the
religious process as the main process in performing services to students. 7

Based on the background above the author is interested in researching on Islamic guidance and
counseling with the aim of knowing whether Islamic Guidance and Counseling is Effective to
Reduce the tendency of juvenile delinquensy.B. Method
1. Research Design

This study used a quasi-experimental research design using design untreated control group design with
dependent pretest and posttest samples. This design divided the subject into two groups, namely as the
control group and the experimental group. 8 The two subject groups namely control and experiment were
each given a post-test and post-test question. The experimental group was given treatment namely eight
sessions of Islamic guidance and counseling with a group approach, while the control group was not
given treatment. The design in this study was:Picture 1. Research Design:

KE NR O1 X8 O2 KK NR O1 O2

KE : Experimental Group KK : Control group O1 : Pre-test O2 : Post-test X : Treatment of 8 session

2. Research Subject
The research subjects were 16 students at one of the vocational high schools in Ponorogo, East Java.
Subsequent subjects were divided into 2 groups, namely 8 students in the experimental group and 8
students in the control group. Determination of the subject was done non-randomly, that was by
taking a subject who has the specified characteristics. The characteristics of the subject were high
school students or equivalent who have a tendency to delinquency both symbolic and outwardly. 9

3. Research Instrument

The measuring instrument used in this study is the scale of juvenile delinquency tendency which
consists of 46 questions containing hidden symbolic aspects with indicators of life attitudes,
emotions, and motivations that develop delicacy and outward aspects with indicators: outwardly
verbal and outward non verbal. This test was carried out as pre-test and post-test. This test of juvenile
delinquency tendencies is based on indicators of juvenile delinquency that refer to aspects of juvenile
delinquency tendencies from ZahroVarisnaRohmadani. In this scale, the reliability coefficient (r) is
equal to 0.926. Based on these results, this scale can be said to have high reliability because it is
getting closer to 1.00. So that this scale can be declared reliable to measure the tendency of juvenile
delinquency. 10

4. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Module

Making modules was tailored to the needs, with the existing stages such as introductions, problem
discussions, problem guidance and evaluation. Making the module began with the collection of
materials from relevant sources, then developed or combined with the concepts in the Qur'an and
hadith which are indeed the main references in making Islamic guidance and counseling modules, so
that they would feel the benefits that can be obtained, especially in terms of Islam.

The next step is the process of improvement from the perspective of psychology and the Islamic
perspective where the researcher asks for willingness from an expert in the field of Psychology as an
examiner the Islamization Head of Science and Gontor's UNIDA Quran Headquarters to correct the

5. Data Analysis

Data analysis was done by comparing the results of post-test and post-test data of each subject and then
compared the results of the two groups. The existing data does not meet parametric requirements such as
the non-fulfillment of the number of subjects, so that nonparametric statistical analysis was used.
(Robinson, 1981). The test conducted is a different test with wilcoxon signed rank test and mannwhitney
u test. Analysis was done with help SPSS 20.0 for Window.

C. Theoretical Review

1. Definition of Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and counseling are translations of "guidance" and "counseling" in English literally the term
guidance from the root of the word guide means directing (to direct) guiding (to guide), managing (to
manage), driving (to steer).11

In general, definition of guidance is the process of providing assistance carried out by people who are
experts to someone or several individuals or groups, both children, adolescents, and adults so that people
who are guided can develop their own and independent abilities by utilizing the strengths of individuals
and available facilities and can be developed based on prevailing norms.12

Whereas counseling means assistance given to individuals or groups in solving their life problems by
interviewing or in ways that are appropriate to the individual circumstances faced to solve the problems
they face and are able to direct themselves to a better direction to achieve life prosperity.13

From the definition of guidance and counseling above, it can be concluded that guidance and counseling
are services provided by counselors in the form of assistance or assistance and direction to individuals or
groups in avoiding or overcoming difficulties in their lives. So, in the sense of guidance and counseling is
help or help other people who experience difficulties.

2. Types of Guidance and Counseling Service.

The types of services in counseling guidance include:14
a) Individual Guidance and Counseling Services
Individual Guidance and Counseling Services is guidance and counseling services that help
students in alleviating their personal problems through individual procedures.
b) Group Guidance and Counseling
Services Group Guidance and Counseling Services is guidance and counseling services that help
students in personal development, social relationship skills, learning activities and decision
making and perform certain activities in accordance with the demands of the character who are
commendable through group dynamics.

3. Islamic Guidance and Counseling

a) Definition of Islamic Counseling Guidance

Islamic guidance is the process of giving to individuals to be able to live in harmony with the provisions
and instructions of Allah SWT, so that they can achieve happiness in life in the world and the hereafter.
Thus Islamic guidance is a process of guidance as well as other guidance activities, but in all its aspects is
based on the teachings of Islam, meaning that it is based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet.15

Islamic guidance and counseling is a process of giving assistance directed, continuous and
systematic to each individual so that he can develop his religious potential or nature optimally by
internalizing the values contained in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad into
him, so that he can live in harmony and in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and
c) Basis of Islamic Guidance and Counseling
The main foundation (foundation or foundation) of Islamic guidance and counseling is the Quran
and the Sunnah of the Prophet, because both are sources of all sources of life guidance for
Muslims, as stated by the Prophet Muhammad as follows17

I leave something for all of you who if you always cling to him undoubtedly forever will never
misstep the way; something that is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. (H.R.
The Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet can be termed as the ideal and conceptual foundation
for Islamic guidance and counseling. From the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of the Apostles are
ideas, goals and concepts (understanding, essential meaning) of Islamic guidance and
If the Qur'an and Sunnah are the main foundations seen from the point of origin, then it is the
basis of "naqliyah". Another foundation used by Islamic guidance and counseling that is
"aqliyah", is philosophy and science, in this case Islamic philosophy and science or scientific
foundation that is in line with Islamic teachings.18
4 Juvenile Delinquency

Adolescence becomes a transitional period from time to adulthood, encompassing all developments
experienced as an adult. Salzman argued that adolescence is a period of development of attitudes towards
parents towards independence, sexual interests, selfreflection, attention to aesthetic values and moral

Juvenile comes from the Latin "juvenilis" which means children, young people, characteristic traits in
youth, characteristics in the teenage period. Where as delinquent comes from the Latin word "delinquere"
which means: neglected, ignored;20 which is then expanded to mean being evil, a-social, criminal,
violating the rules, making noise, troubling, terrorizing, irreparable, vain, evil and others.

Juvenile delinquency is a bad behavior (delure) or crime / delinquency of young children, is a symptom
of (social) social pain in children and adolescents caused by a form of social neglect, so they develop a
form of behavior that deviates.21

According to Dr. Kusumanto defines juvenile delinquency is an individual's behavior that contradicts
general terms and opinions that are considered acceptable either by an environment or applicable law in a
cultural society.
Regarding juvenile delinquency today has become a government program to overcome it. This has been
proven since 1971 the government has paid serious attention to the issuance of the Guidelines for
Instruction No. 6/1971 guideline 8, concerning the pattern of Juvenile Delinquency Management. In the
guidelines disclosed regarding the notion of juvenile delinquency, namely: "Juvenile delinquency is a
behavioral disorder, an act or action of an adolescent who is asocial and even anti-social in violation of
religious, social norms and applicable legal provisions in society.22

Adolescence shows clearly the nature of the transition or transition period because adolescents do not
have adult status but no longer have the status of children.23 Physical and psychic development caused
confusion among teenagers so that this period was called by the westerners as the period of the village
structure and would have had significant effects on the attitudes, behavior, health, and personality of

A prominent feature of adolescence is that individuals experience very rapid growth and development,
both physically, emotionally and socially. In adolescence, there are several changes that are universal,
namely increasing emotions, physical changes, changes in interests and roles, changes in behavior
patterns, values and ambivalent attitudes towards each change.24

The juvenile delinquency paradigm is more broad in scope and more in the weight of its contents,
juvenile delinquency includes actions that often cause unrest in the community, school and family. Very
simple examples in this regard include theft by teenagers, fights among students who often develop into
fights between schools, harassing women on the street who are teenagers, attitudes of children who are
hostile to parents and relatives or other despicable acts such as sucking marijuana, circulating
pornography and scribbling the fence wall that was out of place.

Thus it seems clear that if a child is still in the stages of adolescence and then violates legal norms, social
norms, moral norms and religious norms, then the child's actions are classified as juvenile delinquency.25

Lately in some mass media we often read about the crimes that occur in our beloved country. There are
teenagers who fight among others, brawls, use drug and drink alcohol and many more crimes that occur
in this country. Moral damage has spread in all walks of life, from children to adults and elderly

Delinkuen is a product of mental constitution and emotions that are very labile and detective, as a result
of the process of environmental conditioning that is bad for the child, where it is done by young people
with age, puberty and adolescence.
D. Data Presentation And Analysis

1. Descriptive Analysis

Of the total 16 students, students were selected and divided into two groups, namely the experimental
group and the control group. Each group consisted of 8 experimental group participants (100% male) and
8 control group participants with 4 student participants and 3 female student participants. (37.5% female;
62.5% male)

The minimum value at the pretest of the experimental group was 83 and the maximum value was 115.
Then for the mean obtained was 91.63 while the deviation was 10.239. Furthermore, the post-test
experimental group obtained a minimum value of 57 and a maximum value of 70. Then for the mean
obtained for 64.75 while for the deviation of 5.497. From the results of the mean pretest and posttest of
the experimental group it can be concluded that there was a difference between the results of the pretest
and posttest in the experimental group, which showed the effectiveness of Islamic guidance and
counseling (BKI) in reducing juvenile delinquency.

The minimum value at the pretest of the control group was 78 and the maximum value was 95. Then for
the mean obtained was 88.75 while the deviation was 6.563. Furthermore, in the control group post-test
the minimum value was 64 and the maximum value was 83. Then for the mean obtained was 75.38 while
the deviation was 6.739. From the results of the mean pretest and posttest of the control group, it can be
concluded that it can be.

From the paper, it can be concluded that Conjunctions are conjunctions that connect parts of

speech in sentences: words with words, phrases with phrases, or clauses with clauses that

have an equal or similar position. These equivalent words can be in the form of a relationship

between a noun and a noun, an adverb with an adverb, an adjective with an adjective, a verb

with a verb, also a phrase with a phrase, and a clause with a clause.

There are three types of conjunctions, namely: coordinating conjunctions (simple conjunctions),

correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. Besides these three types, there are

adverbs that are used as conjunctions, namely conjunctive adverbs. Conjunction or connector

or conjunction is a word used to connect/combine words with other words, phrases with other

phrases, or clauses with other clauses. There are 3 types of conjunctions: coordinating

conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. Coordinating

conjunctions are used to join words with other words, join phrases with other phrases, or

sentences with other sentences. Connected by this type of conjunction must be elements of the

same sentence, for example: subject + subject, verb phrase + verb phrase,

sentence + sentence. Paired conjunctions/Correlative conjunctions also combine sentence

elements as above. The difference is that it is always used in pairs. Subordinating conjunctions

are words that can be used to form an adverbial clause (which is generally a subordinate clause)

of the main clause. Conjunctions or connecting words function to connect words with groups of

words or groups of words in a sentence. Conjunctions can be divided into two types, namely

coordinating conjunctions (equivalent conjunctions) and subordinate conjuctions or graded



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