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University of Mumbai: General Guidelines For The Students

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University of Mumbai

M.Sc. Part II (Computer Science) (2010-2011) Guidelines for Project 15th June 2010 INTRODUCTION Project gives the platform to the student to apply their knowledge and skills to give the optimum solution to the real life problems. So the academic projects for the students of postgraduation should maintain the level of their technical and theoretical knowledge by implementing their concepts, keeping the research and development approach to enhance their skills and attitude. So conducting the project is very essential for both the institute faculty and students to give them the track to run in the field of research and technology. OBJECTIVES To direct the students towards research and development and make them to apply their integrated experience in solving a real life problem by applying knowledge and skills gained on completion of theory papers in a course. Also to motivate them to work in industrial working environment . It provides an occasion for students to realize the importance of resource and time management, ownership of task towards deliverables, innovation and efficiency in task management. It also provides a good opportunity for students to build, enhance and sustain high levels of professional conduct and performance and evolves a problem solver frame of mind in student. General Guidelines for the Students 1. The Project should be original, of real life value, and not copied from existing material from any source and a certificate to this effect will be provided with the Project, duly countersigned by the guide and the HOD of the Department. A student must obtain minimum qualifying marks in project evaluation and viva-voce.The project should preferably lead to some research publication. This type of work should be given more weight-age. 2.A student who is planning to do a project should consult carefully in advance with his project supervisor/guide. It is not possible for the industry/other organization to allocate a complete development project to a student.

3. Designed document should also be reviewed and code should be peer reviewed. A user manual has to be prepared and reviewed. Testing has to be thorough and at various levels, followed by an acceptance test based on the requirement document and user manual. 4.Student should take the responsibility to make sure of what is expected and deliver it after ensuring that it meets the expectations. 5.Often some students are asked to build an application using a software package. In this case naturally, programming will be minimal. But the student can and should follow all other steps of Software development Life Cycle. 6. Industry would appreciate if a student uses Software Engineering methodology, even though they may not be able to guide adequately the Software Process. Interviewers for job are often more interested in the problem solved, alternatives that could have been tried and the benefits derived from that application, rather than the implementation details. Hence, a student must put in effort to find answers to questions about the application, which will also enhance the value of the project report. 7.The results of the project may not be proprietary to any company or organization and the results may be freely disseminated. This includes, but is not limited to, the final report, oral presentation, and any noncommercial software developed while completing the project. Any exceptions to this rule must be stated in writing and included with the project proposal when formal acceptance is sought. 8.The Project is to be selected by the student reflecting knowledge gained by him during the course of study. The subject selected by the student needs formal approval of a faculty / Guide. 9.Identifying a project title is an important task for each student. Based on the knowledge and skills gained, a student develops a certain amount of interest and skills in specific areas as also he may develop a certain linkage with industry and other employers, which creates an interest in his mind for undertaking a student project. 10.He/she should not only consult the supervisor/guide but should have wider discussions with his fellow students, teachers and managers in the concerned recognized institute. 11.Students should be encouraged to use the programming languages instead some easy ready-made software applications/packages. The project report should have a certificate as per the proforma given as follows:



This is to certify that the Project done at __________________________________________by Mr./Ms.______________________________________________________________________ __ (Seat No._________________) in partial fulfillment for M.Sc. Degree Examination has been found satisfactory. This report had not been submitted for any other examination and does not form part of any other course undergone by the candidate. It is further certified that he/she has completed the Five Phases.

Guided by

Examined By

Certified by

Signature Lecturer Incharge

Signature External Examiner

Signature Head of the Department

College Stamp

Guidelines for Project Submission . Time for submission of the (Final) Project Synopsis SYNOPSIS Synopsis, preferably, should be of about 3-4 pages. The content should be as brief as is sufficient enough to explain the objective and implementation of the project that the candidate is going to take up. The write up must adhere to the guidelines and should include the following (not necessarily in the order as given below): Name / Title of the Project. Statement about the Problem. Why is the particular topic chosen? Objective and scope of the Project. Methodology (including a summary of the project). Hardware & Software to be used Testing Technologies used. What contribution would the project make? Conclusion Limitations if any Bibliography/references

TOPIC OF THE PROJECT- this should be explicitly mentioned at the beginning of the Synopsis. Since the topic itself gives a peep into the project to be taken up, candidate is advised to be prudent on naming the project. This being the overall impression on the future work, the topic should corroborate the work. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE: This should give a clear picture of the project. Objective should be clearly specified. What the project ends up to and in what way this is going to help the end user has to be mentioned. PROCESS DISCRIPTION: The process of the whole software system proposed, to be developed, should be mentioned in brief. This may be supported by DFDs / Flowcharts to explain the flow of the information. RESOURCES AND LIMITATIONS: The requirement of the resources for designing and developing the proposed system must be given. The resources might be in form of the hardware/software or the data from the industry. The limitation of the proposed system in respect of a larger and comprehensive system must be given. CONCLUSION: The write-up must end with the concluding remarks-briefly describing innovation in the approach for implementing the Project, main achievements and also any other important feature that makes the system stand out from the rest.

Last Date of submission of the synopsis of the project at their respective college: 1st July 2010.

Students need to submit Synopsis in pdf format Ppt Presentation Principals/HoDs/Co-ordinators of all colleges are requested to send the above documents in one CD to the Hod, Department of Computer Science, University of Mumbai, on or before 15th July, 2010 before 5 pm.

Mumbai June 15, 2010

Sd/(Chairperson, M.Sc. II CS) [2010-2011]

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