NetBackup Questions

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Question 1. Which Are The Backup Types That Are Available In Netbackup ?

Answer :
Differential Incremental Backup
Cumulative Incremental Backup
User Backup
User Archive
Full Backup
Question 2. What Is A Master Server & Media Server?
Answer :
NetBackup Master Server - The Master Server is the "brains" for all data
protection activities, from scheduling and tracking client backups to
managing tape media and more.
NetBackup Media Server - Manages backups and restores of Client and the
Media Server's local data to direct attached or SAN-attached storage
Question 3. What Is Volume Pools & Volume Groups?
Answer :
Volume Any individual bit of media - tape, optical disk, etc.

Volume Pool: A logical grouping of volumes to be used for a specific

application. For instance, Oracle backs up to a certain pool, the OS to a
different pool, and product code to a third pool.
Volume Group: A logical grouping of volumes based on physical location.
Whereas the pool is used for actual data, the group is used for
administrative work. If you wanted to move all the volumes from one robot
to another, you can either move the volumes one at a time or, if they're all in
the same group, move the group.
Question 4. What Is Media Multiplexing?
Answer :
The process of sending concurrent-multiple backups from one or more clients
to a single storage device and interleaving those images onto the media.

Question 5. What Is Flash Backup?

Answer :
Flash backup is like a raw backup where it does the backup at the block level--
the main difference is that it can do differentials.

The major advantage however, and the place where Veritas/Symantec

recommends using Flash Backups, is when you have a large number (millions)
of small files. Flash backup will back up these files much faster since it's
doing a block level backup rather than trying to pick up each file from the file

6.What’s the difference between diff incr and cumulative incr?


Differential incr backup: backs up files that changed from last successful backup

incremental(diff and cumulative) or Full backup.

Cumulative Incr Backup: Backs up files that changed from last full backup.

Question 7. What Is Retention Period ?

The length of time that NetBackup keeps backup and archive images. The retention period is
specified on the schedule.

Question 8. What Is Image Expiration And Volume Expiration?

Answer :
Image Expiration: The date and time when NetBackup stops tracking a
backup image.
Volume Expiration: The date and time when the physical media (tape) is
considered to be no longer usable.
9. What is the difference between Frozen and Suspended media?

Frozen - Netbackup application will freeze a tape if it has a problem with it, or you can freeze
it manually.  A frozen tape will not be use for any more backups.  A frozen tape - when it
reaches its expiration date will not show it.  The images on the tape may still expire, but if you
lookat the GUI or command line the tape will still show its assigned date and other info.  Once
the tape is unfrozen, if all the images on the tape have expired, the tape will go to scratch.
 But if NetBackup freeze the tape, then tape may be bad and you need to remove it from tape

Suspended - Netbackup application will NOT auto suspend a tape.  You have to suspend the
tape yourself. 
(this makes it easier to tell if NB had an issue with the tape - frozen- or if you wanted to save the
 Once suspended the tape will not be used for any more backups it will be in readonly mode.

The big difference here is that once all the images on the tape are expired, the tape will go
unassigned and go back to scratch, avail to be overwritten by the next backup.  Suspend can
 you with putting a tape in a library to do restores from, preventing it from being appended to.

10. In Windows server Some files are missing from both Full and INCR backup. How you
can troubleshoot it ?

In the windows client’s “backup Archive and Restore” GUI check using time stamp instead of
archive bit for the incrementals

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