UTO Prayer Book 2021 2024 2

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Dear Readers,

Life is a collection of innumerable joys and successes

as well as trials and sorrows. Paul admonishes us in
1 Thessalonians, “In everything give thanks,” no matter
the circumstances. And so we are to thank God for
the promotion, the successful surgery, or time with
grandchildren. As well, we are to be thankful for any
challenge in which God can move: losing a loved one,
losing a job, or suffering a health crisis. We can allow
God to celebrate with us or instruct us and comfort us.

This little “Book of Prayers” owes its existence to a great

many prayer warriors, men and women who’ve looked
at life through grateful eyes, who’ve been “thankful in
all circumstances.” May these prayers uplift you in your
celebrations and uphold you when you experience “groans
too deep for words.”

We encourage each of you, as you experience these prayers,

to join with a whole host of people who raise their voices in
thanksgiving to God daily.

Blessings to you and yours,

The 2021–2024
Board of the United Thank Offering

Gracious God, we come before you in the knowledge
that although we are varied in our gifts, we are united
as laborers of your harvest. With grateful hearts, we give
thanks for the blessings and challenges that inspire the
work of the United Thank Offering. May the offerings
given to UTO as an expression of gratitude go on to
address the needs of our ever-changing world. All this we
ask through Jesus Christ, whose life is a blueprint we strive
to follow.

Almighty God, I give you praise
for blessing me in many ways.
Create in me a grateful heart
and with this gift a blessing start.

Holy and gracious God, we give you thanks today for the
United Thank Offering and all who participate in the
spiritual discipline of gratitude. We give thanks for our
history: for the inspiration and wisdom You planted in
women who were called and responded to the needs of
innovative mission and ministry, especially by women.
Together Ida Soule and Julia Chester Emery created a
united offering which we continue today, and we also
thank you for the work of all Emery sisters: Julia Chester
Emery, Mary Emery Twing, Helen Winthrop Emery, and
Margaret Theresa Emery. These mighty sisters worked on
behalf of missionaries, their families, and single women in
service here and abroad.

We also are grateful for the generations of unnamed
women who have led and participated in UTO – for their
dedication, care and discipline. We ask that you bless all
of us who have dedicated ourselves to the practice and
discipline of gratitude, and all who will continue this work.
May You continue to bless the United Thank Offering,
calling others to join in our daily thanksgivings.

Most importantly, we ask You to uphold, bless and guard

all those ministries that have received UTO funds to
continue to be a sign of Your love to our broken world.
Dear God, we thank You for all of the blessings of this life,
given freely as a sign of Your grace. Amen.


I pray, O Lord, that you will change my heart, my eyes and
ears, and my hands during this time of pandemic with its
isolation, this time of protests against racial inequality, and
this time of political unrest.

Gentle my heart to daily prayer that addresses the needs of

community and country.

Gentle my eyes and ears to continually seek and give thanks

for the blessings you have already bestowed.

Gentle my hands to serve my community with love and


Gentle my thinking with the knowledge that you alone ~

and not any politician ~ are my King.

Thank you for the wisdom for the facing of this hour.
Thank you for the courage for the living of these days.


Ms. Kate Mietus

United Thank Offering
Province VIII Representative
Diocese of Spokane

I don’t have a mansion, but I have a home.
I don’t have a car, but I can get to everywhere I need to go.
I don’t have new clothes, but my clothes are still stylish
and clean.
I can’t afford to go to a hairdresser, but my hair is washed
and groomed. I don’t have a million dollars, but my bills
are paid and I have food on my table.
For your Word says “You are my Shepherd and I shall not
want.” So Thank you Lord, I have all I need and not all
I want! Amen.

Ms. Janis Moore

Church of the Holy Apostles and the Mediator
Diocese of Pennsylvania

We thank God for our daily bread.
Let us also, Lord, our souls be fed.
O Bread of Life, from day to day,
sustain us in our journey home.

Mr. Nicholas Bisaccia

Chaplain, Episcopal Church of Philadelphia
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Almighty God, You are the giver of every good and perfect
gift. We know how easily we take and how often we
reluctantly give. Give us the gift of grateful hearts, that we
may want to share freely with others all You have given us.

Mr. Nicholas Bisaccia

Chaplain, Episcopal Church of Philadelphia
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Our God and our Father, we thank you for the United
Thank Offering. Thank you for the membership and the
leaders of the organization. Grant us your divine favor to be
worthy of our calling so that your name may be glorified
in our lives by how we live our lives that will bring glory to
your name. May your name be glorified through UTO and
its members in Jesus’ name.

Sir Joseph Ohanugo

Church of the Holy Apostles and the Mediator
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Dear Lord, In the confusion of our lives, it is sometimes
hard to be grateful for the challenges that the world
presents. I am grateful for those challenges You provide
because they spur me to keep You in the forefront of my
thinking and actions. I am grateful that I have been more
alert to what I can do and how I can act to be a better
minister of Christ. Please bless all those who labor for your
kingdom, bless all those who need the message of your love
and grace. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Ms. Elizabeth (Lissa) Barker

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, Dublin Ohio,
Becoming Beloved Community Member
Diocesan Council, Procter Board
Diocese of Southern Ohio

Dear Jesus, I love you because you are kind.
Help us to be kind like you.

Lucy Melton
Age 6
Diocese of Colorado/Navajoland

Dear God, thank you for the Tyrannosaurus rex and all
dinosaurs, and for all the scientists who teach us about
them. Dinosaurs are awesome and so are you.

Carrie Melton
Age 6
Diocese of Colorado/Navajoland

Thank you for food, God. Food is delicious and helps me
grow. Please help those who are hungry and remind us
always to share.

Carrie Melton
Age 6
Diocese of Colorado/Navajoland

Almighty and gracious God, author and giver of every good
and perfect gift: Enlist our hearts in humble and steadfast
gratitude to thee, that we may be drawn ever closer to the
hallowed source of all good where there is complete fullness
of joy, through Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth
with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

Ms. Ruth D’Arcy

Church of the Holy Faith of St. Francis of Assisi
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Diocese of Rio Grande

Dear Lord,
I am grateful for this beautiful day for the sky is blue and
the clouds are fluffy.
I am grateful for my beautiful home for it is clean and
comfortable. I pray for those who have no home.
I am grateful for my precious family and my extended
family who I cherish and love.
I am grateful for my friends, those who are near and
especially those who are far away.
I am grateful for my darling animals who bring me comfort
and joy.
I am grateful for my health and my life. It has been full of
challenge and contentment.
I pray for peace and love for all in this world and the world
May your many blessings shine down upon us as we strive
to walk in your path.

Ms. Barbara Schafer

Episcopal Church Women
Advent Episcopal Church
Diocese of Arizona

Dear Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for our
many blessings. Thank you for our family and friends
as we remember the lonely. Thank you for our health
as we remember the sick. Thank you for our food as we
remember the hungry. Thank you for our homes as we
remember the homeless. Thank you for our freedom as we
remember the enslaved. May the remembrance of our many
blessings help us to give service to others according to your
will. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Mrs. Judith Keat

Grace Episcopal Church, Anniston
Diocese of Alabama

Dear Father, thank you for the many blessings you have
bestowed upon me. Thank you for family and friends,
and especially for sending my dear great-grandson who
really keeps me going every day. My life is filled with love,
joy, peace and humility. I wake up every morning to see
the beauty of this earth, and in spite of all the pain and
uncertainty of this world, you give me the strength to carry
on and to do your work. Bless O Lord those who are less
fortunate, and take us through this turmoil, and bring us
to rest at peace with you. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Ms. Vernese Smith

St. David’s Episcopal
Diocese of Long Island

Most Loving God, we place on this altar of love these
pledges of our very lives. These little pieces of yellow
paper represent many things, our time, our gratefulness
for this place called [insert church name]. They represent
our dreams, our hopes, our vision of the future, our life
together as a people committed to following you and
sharing you with others. May our lives lived outside these
walls reflect that vision. May our gifts, these and others,
not be viewed as leverage with you, but rather as gifts of
thankfulness for all that we have been given. We pray for
the continuing mission of [insert church name], that it
may continue to be a place of comfort and guidance to all
people and a place where all are welcome no matter who
they are or where they are on their journey of faith. And
now we ask your blessing on these cards, all they represent,
and especially the pledge we have made to you through
them and with our lives.

The Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel

Diocese of Olympia

Gracious and loving God, giver of all that is good and true
and beautiful and life-giving, these cards represent our
sweat, they represent our lives, they represent our dreams.
The pledges which we make on them are but tokens of
the awesome gifts that have been given to us and they are
pledged in thanksgiving for all we have received, for all
we have been inspired to be, for all we are challenged to
become, in this place. May they be the first fruits of all we
have and not what we have left over, so that we may live
out as closely as possible how you give to us. May we see
them as our offering to you, sacred, holy, yet earthy, filled
with possibilities. May we hold this image in our hearts
and minds so as we watch our offerings each week come
to this table, we can see our very selves being part of this
offering, it is us on the table, living sacrifices to you.

The Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel

Diocese of Olympia

Dear God of our Lives, we are humble in your presence
because you have given us the power to know what gifts
have come from you. Thank you for your hand in our lives,
and thank you for our awareness. Help us to hold on and
cherish the knowledge of your generosity to us. When we
forget, forgive us. When we stray, take us by your holy
hand and lead us. When we are angry or irritable, give us
your calm kindness. We seek your patience, God. Because
you became one of us, you know our humanness, our
strengths and our frailties. We seek so much in the name
of your Son our Lord.

Ms. Hilda Weaver

Trinity Episcopal Church, Covington, Kentucky
Diocese of Lexington

Write all the letters of the alphabet down the left side of a
piece of paper. As you think of a blessing or gratitude, write
it down beside the corresponding letter of the alphabet It
might take as much as a week to have a blessing beside each
letter. Try to fill in a gratitude for each letter before starting
new piece of paper.

Ms. Kate Mietus

United Thank Offering
Province VIII Representative
Diocese of Spokane

In the restless hours of the night as I have tossed and
turned upon my bed, when sleep is a stranger and my mind
feels as if it is on fire with worry and anxiety, the only calm
that I find is in my prayer to you, O God. That I have a
bed at all, I give you thanks. That my home is safe, I give
you thanks. And for the lesson that the only certain hope is
in you, I give you thanks and praise. With a grateful heart,
I rest in your calm, more than in my bed. But before my
eyes close upon this night, I pray for those who are troubled
and in distress. And, I ask that when I awake I will be
strengthened to answer the call of your son, Jesus, to bring
your hope in deed and word to those who are struggling
and in need; through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Rt. Rev. Scott Hayashi

Episcopal Diocese of Utah

Dear God, My Gracious Heavenly Father...

As I wake with a humble and grateful heart to your

beautiful and perfect day, I want to thank you for every
blessing that You have bestowed on me for every day of my
life. I am so grateful for the family that you placed me in
and for the family and friends that I now enjoy each day.
I pray Dear God that I will continue to be worthy of Your
guidance and presence in everything that I do today. Help
me to be a blessing to everyone that I come in contact with
today, and to not ignore the people and things that I can
help. Let me meet each challenge knowing that you are
with me in all that I say and do, and make me fearless for
doing the right thing.

Dear God, I am so truly grateful for this day; let me rejoice

and be glad in it knowing that You are walking with me
in each and every step that I take. I am forever grateful
for Your presence in my life. All these things I ask in Your
Son’s name, Amen.

Mrs. Judy Spree

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Boligee
Diocese of Alabama

Dear God,

Please know how grateful I am to be an American, and

that I do not take my freedom for granted, but thank you
for placing me here. Thank you for the men and women
who have and are serving in the military to protect our
freedom. Please bring each one home safely. Thank you for
all politicians who are serving in leadership roles. Let each
one make sound, wise decisions that are good for the people
and the office that they serve.

These things I ask in Your Son’s name, Amen.

Mrs. Judy Spree

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Boligee
Diocese of Alabama

God of Hope, Hope is all we have. It is the only sustainer.
We ask for your presence in our lives this day. That you
would walk with us and assure us that for this day, you
will be there. We are thankful for our lives both past
and present. Help us always to be grateful for the present
moment, to live in that moment. Keep us from either
looking at the past as always better or the future as solely
bleak. Keep us one day at a time in hope. For this day, we
give you thanks. Amen.

Ms. Annette Fricke

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
Diocese of Spokane

I give thanks, during this incredibly crazy year, for good
health; for the anticipation of new life in a grandchild soon
to be born; for the peace and beauty of the small part of
“this fragile earth, our island home” that I am blessed to
call mine; for the birds and beasts with whom I share this;
for the Clematis, Roses, Lilies, Bird of Paradise which color
and enliven my life; and mostly for the family and friends
who enrich every day. So much for which to give thanks to
our loving God.

Mrs. Joanna Henrichs

Diocesan UTO Chair
Diocese of California

On flypaper - can’t move - one foot in one foot out.

Okay to be home, cooking again and loving it, walking

about 4-5 miles a day, not feeling alone or lonely, loving
the silence and the garden growing its beautiful array of
colors, a respite time, missing hugs and holding his hand,
your hand.

Hear a knocking at the door...opportunity, a new,

changed, more loving people on the planet, learning new
technologies to stay connected virtually, words have more
meaning, foods more comforting, time for touching
base with more than close friends, words written on my
heart from childhood at the forefront of my thoughts,

World seems crumbling under my feet...and then, the

foundation, strong, sure, eternal settles inside me and
I am unstuck.

Mrs. Kate Muris

Diocese of Northern California

If only two words I could utter each day
These two are what I would say:
Thank You
In Thank You is
Your Holiness
In Thank You is
Your Glory
In Thank You is
You Heavens
In Thank You is
In Thank You is

In Thank You is
Unending Love
In Thank You is
All Knowledge
In Thank You is
In Thank You is
All Language
In Thank You
I am heard
In Thank You is
My heart’s meditation
Dear God
Thank You.

Mr. David Jordan

St Bede’s Episcopal Church
Diocese of Oregon

Most precious Lord,

The past days and weeks have been life-changing for

me. Through it all I find that it is in these gifts of love,
although the givers often consider them small and ordinary,
that I’ve been so truly grateful and most humbled as I
struggle to fulfill your will and call of ministry.

A place to work that is concerned for those who work the


The shuttle driver who welcomes me, blesses me with words

of encouragement for the day.

Leaders who welcome me into work each day with eyes that
are often brimming with tears.

The security of a mask, my office walls, the smell of bleach

and detergent.

The letters that line the hallway walls with handprints of

children who wish us well and thank us for this work we
often reply to as just doing our job.

A call from a colleague to check on how I am doing. Snacks
delivered to sweeten the day.
Chalk on a sidewalk as I leave for the day claiming that
behind the masks and scrubs we are heroes.

Planes flying overhead to give a salute, that make my heart

pound with love and admiration for their compassion.

A daily prayer said over me to keep my heart and my soul

in touch with you my precious Lord.

Lord, I am so grateful for the many things and the people

that give me so much each day during these times of
uncertainty and trial. Give me the eyes to see that these
things are miracles of your love, the heart to feel the breath
of your spirit casting grace over me and the knowledge to
know that in these acts of extraordinary giving you are still
in control.


Mrs. Debbie Butcher

Past Diocesan ECW President
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Oklahoma City
Diocese of Oklahoma

For lavender and rose’s swan-song at day’s end, And
rainbow worlds of rainy April eves; Cellophane days that
imprint in their silver blends The faded hues of clouds and
fields and leaves;
For roads to walk, for springs to drink, for health and
strength And joy and mirth and warmth that fills our days;
For beauty You’ve created in my frieze of years — I offer
every day my love and praise.

Mr. Jim Farris

Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, Richmond, Kentucky
Diocese of Lexington

Dear Jesus,
During this season of unrest, uncertainty and even the
possibility of debilitating sickness, we praise you, Dear
Lord, and we long to hear your voice and see your healing
hand in the midst of chaos. We thank You for our homes,
which are our sanctuary as we “Stay in Place” to escape
the infectious spread of the virus. Blessings, gratitude and
grace to our sisters and brothers who serve God’s people on
the front lines as first responders, on the mission field and
throughout our nation and the world. Be with us, Dear
Lord, as we praise you and thank You for life, freedom,
protection, and peace. Amen.

Dr. Marcie Cherau

St. Mark’s Episcopal, Haines City
Diocese of Central Florida

Never Thought I would write a prayer
Thanking God for always being there.
Days when I struggled to keep afloat
Called on Jesus My Helmsman who steered the boat.
So in closing this prayer written especially 4 U
Difficult days ahead, skies aren’t always blue?
One thing for sure, Trust and Believe
Jesus your Helmsman Is waiting for Thee
So Call on Him, Praise Him, Say His Name
for the Helmsman HE IS Will Revive You Again!

Ms. Sharida Gillison

Holy Apostles and The Mediator
Diocese of Pennsylvania


Show us how to know the love you put into our souls before
we were in our mothers’ wombs.
Help us to know and nurture it into loving you better and
loving ourselves more.
Help us to transform our love into peace that we can
understand that we may live within it.
Show us how to create a world that is formed in the peace
Jesus taught us, and to be the people of love and peace you
made us to be. Amen.

The Rev. Canon Betsy Ivey

Canon for Growth and Support
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Dear Lord, we know that all we are and all we have come
from your great grace. Even in times when things are tough
we know you are near, and with patience and trust in
your unwavering love and bountiful blessings, we will get
through. We thank you for your abundant generosity and
pray that we may look to see your presence in our world in
all places and things.
May we have eyes that see brokenness in the world and
hearts, led by your Holy Spirit, that reach out to heal.
May our hands be your hands reaching out to feed and
comfort your people. May our feet walk in your footprints
to share the light and love that only you can bring into the
brokenness. Keep our hearts and minds turned outward
yet always close to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

Ms. Cheryl Daly

Diocese of Pennsylvania

O God, grant me the strength to remain forever strong in
my faith during these times of adversity. Help us to give
love and support to those in need so they know that You are
with them and will never leave or forsake them. Help us to
give support to our brothers and sisters making their lives
better and lightening their burdens.
I pray to you most merciful Father for patience when
prayers are not answered quickly; being always mindful
that Thy will be done. My faith is in you O, Lord. Be with
me always.

Ms. Jean Fowler

The Order of Daughters of the King
Diocese of Pennsylvania

I pray for you to be free from worry and anxiety, to be
the fearless, wise, confident, capable being that you are
in Spirit.

Mrs. Helen Allen

The Order of Daughters of the King
Diocese of Pennsylvania

When we face hardships and discouragement, it’s easy

to lose sight of the big picture. We are not alone, many
have made it through life enduring far more than we’ve
experienced. (Suffering is the training ground for Christian
Maturity. Hebrews 12:3)

Ms. Barbara D’Antonio

Church of the Holy Apostles and the Mediator
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Jesus be with me always.
Jesus be the light when all others go out.
Remind me that during turbulent times, your light and love
is ever present. Give me the strength to always remember
you live within us.
Help me to stay on the path you have laid out for me.
Guide me to do the work you would have me do.
Lift me up when I’m down. Pick me up when I fall.
Be my friend when all others have gone. Be with me when
I am alone.
May your name be the first upon my lips when I wake, and
the last upon my lips before I sleep.

Ms. Jane E. McKinney

President, Diocesan Assembly of Pennsylvania
The Order of the Daughters of the King
Diocese of Pennsylvania

God, please help us to take care of people without houses.
You may not realize it, but there are people living under
bridges and they are afraid.
Please help them to stay safe and to know that we care
about them. Amen.

Lucy Melton
Age 6
Diocese of Colorado/Navajoland

Thank God every day for his loving kindness, mercy, and
peace. Thank God for the Sun, Moon, Earth and Stars.
I pray we continue to learn God’s will and grow in God’s
Love. Amen.

Ms. Marilyn Grier

The Order of the Daughters of the King
Edna Carroll Chapter
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Lord, we gather in your name to do the work you have
given us to do. We are grateful for the opportunity to
serve in your name. Bless us and grant us the wisdom and
courage to follow your will in all that we do. Help us to
be mindful of the thoughts and feelings of others. Lift us
up when we feel overwhelmed. Comfort us when we are
confronted by difficult decisions. Help us to see things
from new perspectives and inspire us to find new ways
to solve old problems. In all that we do, help us to always
remember why we are called to be here. Amen.

Ms. Joyce Landers

UTO Board Vice President
Diocese of Central Gulf Coast

Our God,

Our lives are in your hands

give us wisdom that we might know your way.
As you are love, we bring and celebrate our love for each
other before you now
knowing that our love for others is a reflection of our love
for you.
Please shower us with wisdom and peace.
Help us to find in each other the wonder, grace and
kindness that you intended.
Help us to give to each other what is needed for the others’
greatest good without losing ourselves in the process.
To work through the trials of life as they come with
patience and kindness. Help us share our love with others,
our family and friends, and let us be beacons of light in a
sometime bleak world.
With abundant gratitude, we thank you for the gift of your
love. Through you we know all things are possible.

Ms. Jane Skaer and Mr. Scott Laurent

St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church
Diocese of West Missouri

Dearest Father, I will hesitate after reading or hearing a
story in the news to make sure I have all the facts, before
adding to something I know nothing about that will cause
fear to someone. I will stay off social media and strive to
find news of the day I can depend on and trust. I will not
speak ill of those who hold office about something I do not
have all the facts about. I shall trust in the Lord to guide
me to find the honest and truthful message I need to hear.
I will not share any gossip. And I will not fear to send your
message. Help me have the strength to know that when
“I am touched by the spirit of God, I will elevate it and
touch others.”

Ms. Deborah Cearley

St. Simon. Pell City
Diocese of Alabama

God, thank you for blessing the United States of America
with bountiful natural resources that enable us to take care
of ourselves and many other nations of the world. I pray we
will be good stewards of these natural resources.
My prayer is that the people of our country will turn back
to God, and that our churches will be full again. O Lord,
may the Ten Commandments that you gave to Moses
be our guide to live according to your will. I am grateful
to you, God, for inspiring our founding fathers to write
our Constitution and the Bill of Rights that have served
America well for over 230 years. God Bless America.
Praise the Lord and save thy people keeping America a
nation, that stands united and trusts in God. Amen.

Mrs. Ethel Garth Scott

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Oh God of all comfort and giver of every good thing, we
pray that you fill us with the desire to be your hands and
feet in the world, so that the hungry are filled with good
things and all may experience your reconciling Love.

Rev. Shaneequa Brokenleg

Racial Reconciliation Staff Officer,
The Episcopal Church
Diocese of South Dakota

Oh forgiving God who hears us all, we pray for humble

hearts and authentic prayers, so that our relationships with
you and each other can be real and not contrived.

The Rev. Shaneequa Brokenleg

Racial Reconciliation Staff Officer,
The Episcopal Church
Diocese of South Dakota

Dear God, thank you for our schools and for the teachers,
staffs, and administrators who are doing all that they know
how to do to provide quality education for their students.

Please give them the wisdom to make the difficult decisions

that must be made as we all try to cope with COVID-19.
Help everyone involved to practice patience and kindness
to one another in facing this virus challenge. These things I
ask in your Son’s name, Amen.

Mrs. Judy Spree

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Boligee
Diocese of Alabama

Father, we give thanks to you for this wonderful world,
walking through this pandemic knowing you are beside
us. For the medical staff giving of themselves. For scientists
and the gifts of wisdom you bestow. For teachers and
students as they develop new and uncharted ways of
using the gifts you have given. Help us to remember those
who are homeless and in need. Help us to be to them as
Jesus taught about the good Samaritan. Help us to be
kindhearted and caring. Dispel our fears, bring us a sense
of calmness, and grace. Let us rest in your assurances of
your presence within us. Amen.

Ms. Suzanne Harrow

Daughters of the King President
Diocese of Georgia

God of Power and Might,
Almighty One, Truth Bearer,
Open our eyes to your goodness.
We are your broken ones.
We are your unconsoled.
We are your needy,
Crying out to you for guidance and forgiveness.
Guide us to right decisions.
Take our hearts and instill in them kindness and justice.
Let us weep with those who weep.
Let us take the hands of those who are lost.
Let us not turn a blind eye to those who sit in the darkness.
Send your Holy Spirit to empower us to spread your word.
Give us your grace to love those who are difficult to love.
We pray all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Mrs. Lisa Bortner

Episcopal Church Women
Province VII Representative
Diocese of Texas

Oh Lord, my rock and salvation,
Take my hand as I walk this desert and through change,
holding all the change in my heart.
Lead me to your will for me; guide me to living water
and those in need of comfort and peace in knowing you,
your love and grace.
Let me trust and not fear.
Keep me in my continued awe of your companionship.
Allow me to know you as foundation, to mirror that
for others.

Mrs. Kate Muris

Diocese of Northern California

Oh Lord of my heart
How I long for your whisper of wisdom,
A song of joy and hope.
My heart aches for peace My Soul lingers as it waits
For a breeze, a flower’s petals opening...

Then it slowly lifts its gaze

upward toward Thee...
Knowing your wanting, your waiting,
your hope for our indwelling at long last.

Oh Lord of my heart, I long

For your whisper of
“Hello, all is well, my daughter.”

Mrs. Kate Muris

Diocese of Northern California

Petitioner: Loving God, your people who walked in
darkness have seen a great light; lead us by your light, and
mercifully hear our supplications.

Petitioner: Gracious God, guide the Universal Church and

its members to readily answer the call of our Savior Jesus
Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his
salvation, especially [add names of bishops, priests, deacons,
and lay leaders]. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for

People: For they will be filled.

Petitioner: Omnipotent God, guide the nation and all in

authority, especially [add names of president, governor,
mayor, and other officials], to do justice, and love kindness,
and walk humbly with You. Blessed are the merciful,

People: For they will receive mercy.

Petitioner: Creator God, guard the welfare of your world.
Shine your light on half-truths, deceptions, and lies so
that our vision and voices are raised against exploitation,
prejudice, oppression, and pain. Blessed are those who are
persecuted for righteousness’ sake,

People: For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Petitioner: Righteous God, guide our local communities.

Let your light warm our hearts and hands that we offer
our food to the hungry, satisfy the needs of the afflicted,
welcome the strangers, love our neighbors, and do what is
right. Blessed are the peacemakers,

People: For they will be called children of God

Petitioner: Healer God, let your soothing light shine on

those who suffer and those in any trouble: addicts and
their families; prisoners and their guards; refugees and
their helpers; the sick in body, mind, and spirit and their
caregivers; especially [add names]. Blessed are the meek,

People: For they will inherit the earth.

Petitioner: Merciful God, guide those who walk through
the region and shadow of death for whom your light has
dawned, especially [add names]. Blessed are those who

People: For they will be comforted.

Petitioner: With sounds of great gladness, make known

to God the blessings for which you are thankful [add
thanksgivings]. Blessed are the pure in heart,

People: For they will see God

Ms. Monica Irwin

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania


Holy and Immortal One, Creator of Heaven and Earth,
Our Hope, Shield and Defender, hear our cries and be
gracious unto us. We ask that you forgive our sins so that
healing and restoration may begin again. Give us courage
to break free from the trappings that prevent us from
loving one another in perfect freedom. Heal our brokenness
and create space in our hearts to receive your transforming
Holy Spirit. We trust in Your power and Your omnipotent
actions that we have witnessed throughout the ages to
come to our aid. We offer our Thanksgivings for your
favorable intervention. Great is Your Name and greatly to
be praised – never to be forgotten.
Through Christ and in Christ.

Ms. Kathy Mank

FInancial Secretary
United Thank Offering Board
Diocese of Southern Ohio

In this time of trouble, anxiety, and need.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we make our way through the long days and nights.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we pray with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we pray for our family and friends.
Hear us, O Lord.
Help us to love one another even though we have
different opinions.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we pray for those who are sick to help them recover.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we pray for peace in our cities, states, nation and world.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we pray that our leaders in the Church and Country
will be wise.
Hear us, O Lord.
As we pray that love and goodness will win over evil
Hear us, O Lord.
We ask all this in your Name.

Mrs. Barbara Schafer

Episcopal Church Women
Advent Episcopal Church
Diocese of Arizona

Our Father, who art in Heaven, thank you for your
endless supply of innumerable blessings toward us. You
know we have brought about great pain and turmoil to
our world, and only your intervention and guidance can
save us. Deliver us from prejudice, hatred, cruelty, and
revenge, and inspire us to live our lives in such gladness
that others can recognize you in us. In Jesus’ name,

Mrs. Mary Helen Jones

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Dear God, You are powerful, you are strong. We know that
with one touch we can be healed and made whole. Father,
we ask for all who need healing whether it be mentally,
emotionally, physically... Lord you are the creative force
behind all this and the energy that flows through us all.
Lord, may your healing touch be released into those who
have faith. You are the great healer and keep doing all your

Mrs. Virginia Grimes

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Our most wonderful heavenly Father, please forgive us of
all our sins; those known, unknown, and those forgotten.
Dear Lord, thank you so much for all the wonderful
blessings you have given us, especially our families and
friends. Please be with all the people who are suffering and
need your love and strength. Please help our country to
recover from all the riots and needless deaths. Please heal
those who are suffering with COVID-19 and shield those
who are not. Please help us to feel your strength and know
your love. In your precious name I pray,

Mrs. Sue Moore

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Almighty God, the author of peace and unity, we pray
to you for the healing of our nation and our civilization.
We are broken and torn by anger, hatred, dissention,
immorality, and violence, and we have no hope but in
your help. We pray that you will send your Holy Spirit to
move those who act in violence to seek peace, those who
hate to seek love; those who value only worldly pleasures
to seek your heavenly treasures, those who trust in rhetoric
to seek honest discourse; and those who have turned away
from you to repent and know that you are God. Give us an
understanding of your Holy Will, and restore in us a moral
standard; a respect for life and for one another, and a thirst
for unity, peace, and mutual forbearance. Finally, we pray
that you will judge us not with justice, which would be our
destruction, but with the mercy that you have promised us
through the of love him who died and rose again for our
salvation, Jesus Christ our Savior.

The Rev. Richard Losch

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Heavenly Father, please heal the rifts in our country.
Imbue all those in authority with wisdom and especially
empathy for all of the people whom they lead. Fill all of
us with the spirit of love and forgiveness for others that
Jesus exemplified and directed us to show. We ask this
in His name.

Dr. Roy Underwood

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Heavenly Father, in your mercy, please ease the suffering of
our loved ones who are ill, suffering, or dying. In addition,
please ease the distress of the caretakers of those loved ones.
We are thankful for the many times you have answered our
prayers and supplications.

Mrs. Sharon Underwood

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Darkest night,
Struggling to sleep.
Fears, worries, pain overwhelm.
No sounds, only gentle weeping.

HE comes.
Calm peacefulness enters,
His love erases the sadness and hurt.
He is here.

Mrs. Kathryn Lenox

Diocesan United Thank Offering Representative
St. Andrew, Florence, Oregon
Diocese of Oregon

Dear Lord, I ask you to put peace in the hearts of those
who have hate for this country. I pray that you will help
us find a cure for COVID-19. I pray, Lord, that you will
protect the people who have not been infected with this
disease and heal the ones who have. Please, Lord, I pray
that the ones who do not know you will open their hearts
and let you into their lives.
Thank you, Lord, for all the many blessings you have given
me and my family. Bless and protect all the police officers,
firefighters, EMTs, and all the people who protect us. I
pray, Lord, that you will watch over all our children and
grandchildren and bless them with good health and safety.
In your name I pray,

Mr. Joe Moore

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama


Lord God my Father, Jesus, my Savior, and to You, Holy
Spirit who fills me with peacefulness, happiness, and
power, I praise Your Holy name for holding me securely
and assuring me that You are in control during this time
of fear and trouble. I no longer feel afraid for I know that
You are in charge and that Your perfect will is in place.
Thank You for releasing me from my anger and filling me
with love for others, peacefulness, and happiness. My desire
and hope is to be what You need me to be. Let praise for
Your omniscience and love be my witness to others through
these days.

Thanks and praise be to You. Amen.

Ms. Madelyn Mack

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama

Heavenly Father, as the setting of the sun nears, we want
to thank you for all the blessings of this day. We especially
thank you for the water, the vegetation and the creatures
that roam the earth on every continent.

We are grateful for the bountiful world that you created for
us. Give us, we pray, the knowledge, the guidance and the
desire to preserve and nurture this wonderful gift that you
bestowed on all mankind.

Gratefully we pray in your name.


Mrs. Toni Robertson

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Fayette
Diocese of Alabama

Is Creator
Is Sovereign
Is Holy
Is Almighty
Is Righteous
Is Everlasting

Brings Peace

are to
Have Faith
Be Still

Dr. Betty Carrington

St. David’s Episcopal
Diocese of Long Island

God of creation, you turn atoms into molecules, cells
into blastulas, joining and dividing to form planets
and amoebas, bristle-cone pines and people, birds and
butterflies–all of infinite variety and diversity. Grant us
never to cease at the wonder of wind and water, smiles
and tears, mines and mountaintops, the pilgrim’s path
and the trucker’s four-lane highway. Give us the will and
imagination to be faithful stewards of your creation.

Ms. Monica Irwin

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Lawrence Park, Pennsylvania
Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania

Look to the welfare of your world, O God.
Restore the cycle of nature’s balance,
Send rain in its time to fill wells
and feed rivers to water the earth;
save us from violent tides and untimely floods.

Let the sun shine mild on our crops;

Let the roots of trees hold soil in place,
and their leaves replenish its vigor.
Save us from drought and scorching heat.
Rein in your winds, unwind tornados, and tame
the hurricane.

Look to the welfare of your world, O God.

Restore to your people awe of your creation. Amen.

Ms. Monica Irwin

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Lawrence Park, Pennsylvania
Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania

Sitting with good posture, take several breaths to relax,
gently close your eyes and meditate on this portion of a
beautiful Psalm pausing after each segment for reflection.

PSALM 46:10

“Be still and know that I am God;...”

Experiencing the oneness with our Lord and Savior.

“Be still and know that I am...”

Always knowing that we are joined with God by the holy
spirit within.

“Be still and know...”

Knowing that in stillness God has our attention.

“Be still...”
Allowing the rush of your mind to slow and your body to
soften and relax.

In our human form we are all Beings connected by the
Holy Spirit within to love and serve our Lord and Savior.

Mrs. Carla Self

Church of the Holy Faith
Diocese of Rio Grande

Loving Creator,
As I live in a sea of your love, sustained by the Mystery,
I am called by the Eternal Yes to live the eternal yes to my
life, where the only boundary is trust. And sustained in
your love,
I will trust in the power of that love
which gives me the strength to answer the call to share that
love with others.

Living in the bounty of your goodness, My heart overflows

in gratitude.

Ms. Phyllis Hockley

Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Oregon

My Sanctuary is my home. More specifically my deck.
The depth of emotion is definitely dictated by the seasons.

In Winter, especially when it is covered with snow, I am

grounded by its silent beauty. I can stand inside or out
depending on conditions, cold, wet windy, calm. All
emotions can develop according to my mood. Ultimately
peace prevails. It’s hard to be angry, sad, melancholy when
seeing the ultimate beauty of the mountains, and the city so
calm from afar.

In Spring I revel at the new growth showing in the new

leaves on the indigenous trees, bushes, and recently and
lovingly planted small plants. The newness of life gives me
energy to move on. God’s promise of rebirth surrounds me
with color and tenderness of new life. Despite wind and
uncertain temperatures, my soul is refreshed. I can look
forward with certain understanding.

In Summer the tender growth of nature becomes strong in
appearance and need. I become a nurturer providing water
and care. The beauty increases
with vivid color, the singing of birds, and the humming
of insects. With the coming of warm evenings, family and
friends gather to share love and comfort while watching
the coming of dusk, darkness, the city lights and possible
summer storms.

As the chill of Fall approaches, some tender plants die,

some produce fantastic color, and we await the coming of
Winter. Holiday lights give beauty to the bleak approaching
season. Once again, we await rebirth. The story of the
Nativity centers our Faith in continuing Life.

God is always present in my Sanctuary.

Mrs. Georgia Tachoires

St. Catherine of Siena Reno, Nevada
Diocese of Nevada

Heavenly Father,

We live in a world where we are blind to the impacts of how

we use our earth and our ocean. We care too little for using
our earthly resources rightly. We take too much life out
of our ocean and we put too much pollution in. We forget
that our world is fragile and that it is a commons for all to
behold and enjoy.

And, all this is happening in the midst of climate change -

the human-made warming of our planet.

We pray that you forgive us for treading harshly on your

creation and that you will show us the path of resilience as
we navigate the “new normal” ahead.

Direct our thoughts, words, and actions to be on behalf of

our vulnerable planet and all life that call it home,

In Jesus’ name we pray.


Ms. Charlotte Meyer

UTO Coordinator
Diocese of Easton

God with us ever
In our hearts Through all That may befall,
Love hold our souls together
In harmony with all creation
Listening to God’s call.

Ms. Charlotte Johnson

St. Raphael the Archangel
Diocese of Lexington

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not be in want.

So, who needs a shepherd? I need a spouse or a bevy of

servants who would scurry at my every command! Laundry
takes so much time, Lord, and the dishwasher needs to be
unloaded - again! - and my to-do list just gets longer and
longer while cat hair collects in every corner...Oh. Clothing
and food and friends and pets and a busy church. I am not
in want…thank you.

He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me

beside still waters.

The only “green pasture” I see is the little spot next to

that tennis court I am not allowed to play on! The only
still water around is that puddle breeding a bazillion
mosquitoes! I could use a little respite outside the bathroom
- seems that is the only place I get to be alone these days!
Oh. The beach is just two blocks away. Meet you there?
Yes, oh, yes!

He revives my soul
and guides me along right pathways
for his Name’s sake.

God, could I ask for just one right pathway this week? Not
even today - just this week! Seems I keep putting my foot
in my mouth up to the knee, missing cues that others need
kindness, not rushing. I am just not the right size to fit
anywhere, it seems. Oh. You created me to be me, nothing
more, nothing less. I’m sorry. May I please start again?

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I shall fear no evil;
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Some days, Lord, I would be more comforted if You offered

me an AK-47! Evil and trouble wherever I look. A shooting
2 blocks from our son’s front porch, a sweet- looking local
teenager on a missing poster at the mall, front page blood
and mothers crying and always, always war. Will there
never be peace anywhere? Oh. I am to be a peace-maker.
Me? Really? I will take Your rod and your staff now. Please.

You spread a table before me in the presence of those who
trouble me; you have anointed my head with oil, and my cup
is running over.

Except when the bills come, and the cup is a little short. We
had plans for retirement, Lord. Not extravagant plans, just
fun plans. But we seem to be letting go of so many of them.
Some days there is virtually nothing left. I want more time,
Lord. This eighth decade seems not nearly enough! Oh.
We are together. We have remarkable children and patient,
interesting friends. Such pleasant oil, such a full cup.

Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

In all my days, You have never left me.

In all my sins, You have sought me out and forgiven me.
I can read books, hear music, drink good wine, smell the
salt air.
My kitties are fat and soft, my dogs are small and fierce.
My house is open to those I love and my beloved waits
there for me.
Oh. Oh, Lord God, blessed be Your holy, grace-filled
Name. Amen.

The Rev. June Johnson

All Saints Episcopal Church
Tybee Island, Georgia
Diocese of Georgia

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today with humble
gratitude for the innumerable blessings of this world. From
the sounds of early morning to the visions of the setting
sun, I give you thanks. For the beauty of the flowers in
spring to the snow in winter, I give you thanks. For the
vastness of the desert, mountains, and oceans, I give you
thanks. For all that I am and have yet to be, I give you
sincere thanks and praise. Help me live this day in a way
that is pleasing to you. In Your Son’s Holy Name,

Mrs. Maggie Noland

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama


Thank you, God, for morning light. Let my first thought
be of your goodness, grace, and peace. Thank you for
bringing life to the birds that sing, the flowers that bloom,
and every little thing. Thank you for giving me a fresh start
each day and help me to be a blessing to someone today.
Thank you for the evening, the quiet time before I close my
eyes to rest. Let my last thought be of you, your goodness,
grace, and peace. Amen.

Mrs. Amy Madison

Church of the Highlands, Birmingham
Diocese of Alabama

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of another day to
continue to strive to be our best selves. Help us to extend
grace to others we feel may have wronged us yesterday. May
we see the beauty of your earth and in your people. Help us
to look for you, Jesus, in all we meet. Grant us strength and
courage to be your hands and feet today, Lord. In Jesus’
name I pray, Amen.

Mrs. Madeleine Pearce

St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church, Tuscaloosa
Diocese of Alabama

Lord, grant me tenacious courage and unyielding gratitude

for this new day and awareness of you as I walk through
it. When I am tempted to deflate, help me to keep on
keeping on. Meld my heart to cheer and hope. Give me
courage to face the music when things don’t go my way and
brave buoyancy to embrace enthusiasm, renewed by your
indwelling Holy Spirit.

The Rev. Dr. Caroline Carson

Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church
Diocese of New Jersey

God, I offer myself to you–not just in service or devotion–
but my whole self, including my will and my desires.

Shape me like the potter’s clay, to be who You would have

me be this day. And when my own self-will mars your
design, re-make me again into something beautiful.

Lift the clouds of darkness that hover over me. Free me

from the things and circumstances that bind me. Banish
the fear that keeps me in turmoil, anxiety, and want.
Dispel the fog that clouds my vision and keeps me from
seeing Your path.

Hold me in the light of your presence, God–ever mindful

of your loving kindness-that I may hold You in my heart
and reflect Your light upon others this day.

Ms. Brenda Hamilton

St. Andrew’s Church, Newcastle
Diocese of Maine

Gracious God, creator of all things seen and unseen, known
and unknowable, thank you for bringing me safely to the
beginning of this day.

Today may I follow the way of love, mindfully greeting

distractions with openness to your presence.

Today may I be still and listen to the Holy Spirit with the
ear of my heart and draw near to you.

Today may I seek your will in all that I do, acting with
courage, compassion, humility and generosity.

Today may I choose joy, going into the world in peace and
with good intentions.

Today, help me do the work you would have me do, so that

you are praised and glorified.


The Rev. Glenda Empsall

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church,
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Diocese of Spokane

Most merciful and gracious Father, as I begin this day, I ask
thee to forgive me all my sins. Please grant me absolution,
remission, and forgiveness, and show me thy will, that I
may do only what thou wouldst have me to do, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mr. Hiram Patrenos

St. James’ Episcopal Church
Diocese of Alabama

Holy God, Creator, Sustainer, whose love and caring are
beyond our understanding, we pray we will know and live
with your presence beside us each hour of this day as we
navigate our journey in a Boat called Surrender. May our
surrender be an offering of all cares of this day to the Holy
Spirit, especially the concerns which cloud our vision from
seeing the channel in the water right in front of us.

Guide our two oars, Forgiveness and Gratitude, which give

us the strength to make the voyage just for today.

Holy God, Holy Spirit, Holy Christ, speak to us in

the waves and wind and the birds of the air and all we
encounter, as we surrender and forgive and remain grateful
for just one more hour, one more day.

Inspired by writings of Balbir Mathur.

The Rev. Dr. Joanna Seibert

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
Little Rock, Arkansas
Diocese of Arkansas

Father, my soul waits in silence. You are my refuge. Hope
sprouts through my early morning prayers. Let me sense
your sheltering heart surrounding me. Guide me always on
your way of love.

Ms. Janeen Pergrin Rastall

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Marquette
Diocese of Michigan


Lord, last night I listened to the wind lift snow shovels and
twirl them across the porch. Gusts raised ice-crusted pine
boughs skyward. The waves chortled and applauded across
the beach. I caught the gale’s chorus: “Listen for the silence,
seek the splendor after the storm.” Lord, your love sings in
Nature’s boisterous bellows and the caesuras that follow.
Help me hear your voice in every octave.

Ms. Janeen Pergrin Rastall

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Marquette
Diocese of Michigan

Loving Father,

Where will you lead today? Who will you place in front of
me? What challenge will present itself today?

Help me to remember that it is truly the why behind my

work that I do each day. It’s my service to others that you
call me to do. Remind me that in serving others, I truly see
you and am blessed beyond measure.

Help me to respond despite the anxiety and feeling

afraid. Help me to hold and love your people, to be your
hands and heart in this world. Help me to be in the
present moment, to realize that you have a purpose and
there is meaning in this time of trial, sadness and feeling
overwhelmed. Help me to pray for others, to provide them
with your hope of eternal love and mercy. Prepare me for
the joy my heart will feel in the witness of your good and
glorious works.

As you lead, I praise you for the vast opportunities yet
to be seen, for giving me guidance and wisdom, patience
and understanding. I praise you for your strength and
protection, for being assured that you are my rock and my
refuge each day.

Forgive me Lord when I fail, when I harbor resentment, or

when I feel too exhausted to meet your call.

Lord, I know you are counting on me! Serving you and

your people is the best of all!


Mrs. Debbie Butcher

Past Diocesan ECW President
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Oklahoma City
Diocese of Oklahoma


Dear Lord, At this time between the peace of morning
when I wake and give thanks for rest and the night when I
thank you for the blessings of the day, help me to remember
in the midst of daily actions, that You are depending on me
to be your representative. Help me to reflect your love and
grace in all decisions I make, all actions I implement, and
all words that I speak.
May I continue to thank you for my many blessings and
the strength to meet all challenges as Jesus would have us
respond. To You who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live
and reign for eternity. Amen.

Ms. Elizabeth (Lissa) Barker

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, Dublin Ohio
Becoming Beloved Community Member
Diocesan Council, Procter Board
Diocese of Southern Ohio

As we go about the remainder of our day, O God,
our work be a conscious prayer to you,
our actions a witness to the love of Christ,
and our hearts mindful that your Spirit is with us,
this day and always.

Brother Frederick-James (Mark) Gladman OSB

House of Initia Nova, OSB
Diocese of Vermont

O God, Precious Lord, in the middle of my day I pause
and breathe in your lovingkindness. Tasks are behind me,
tasks lay before me, but I give this moment to you alone, to
remember that you are our help and our strength (Psalm
124:8), and that you are a gracious God, abounding in
steadfast love and faithfulness (Exodus 34:6). Be with me
as I go forward in the work you have given me to do today.
As the sun reaches its highest point in the noonday sky, let
my lips proclaim: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace
to all His people on Earth.”

Ms. Cecilia Malm

The Episcopal Church, Office of Development
Diocese of New York


When I have worries about people dear to me before
bedtime, I imagine a large round mattress. At the 12
o’clock position of that mattress I see the standing, risen
Lord Jesus. I lay myself face down on the cozy mattress,
at His feet. Then in my mind I put all of my dear ones
around that mattress, and ask Him to tuck us all in, in His
care and comfort, until morning. Help, save, comfort and
defend us, gracious Lord! Amen.

Mrs. Jeri Miller

Trinity Sutter Creek
Diocese of California

Dear God, thank you for the day that was. Thank you for
the blessings of the day and for the ability to be present
enough to notice them. Thank you for the strength to
face the challenges that the day brought and the wisdom
to navigate them. Thank you for all of the people known
and unknown who supported my journey today. From
the people who grew the coffee beans I used this morning
to the people who grew the food we ate for dinner, I am
grateful for each one. I give thanks for those who do not
sleep at night so that people have access to what they need,
from those who work in the pharmacies all night, to the
doctors and nurses at the hospital. I am grateful for the
peace their work brings to my sleep. Finally, I give thanks
for rest. For the ability to dream, to sleep, and to recharge
so that I might face tomorrow refreshed and centered.
Thank you for keeping watch over all of us this night
and always.

The Rev. Canon Heather Melton

UTO Staff Officer
Diocese of Navajoland Area Mission


God, show me a path and a light to help me see You in this
time of darkness. I am at a time of grief and sadness due to
unexpected happenings and pain in my life and the life of
my family and friends. Allow me, and others affected by
this grief, to see the blessings in our lives. Make us aware of
these gifts, which can bring peace and serenity to me and to
others experiencing pain.

Allow me to experience the Wonders of Life and the

Mystery of Love, which come from Your Grace, Giver of
Life. Thank you for my life and the lives of all Your people.
Let me use my gifts to bring happiness to those who do not
experience the joy and importance of each day as they go
through times of grief.

Each day is a Gift of 24 precious hours with tasks to

accomplish, with challenges to solve, and with changes
from the normal routine. Grief can trickle into our lives
slowly or it can come quickly with illness, accidents, or a
loss of a loved one. Allow me to feel the compassion and
caring of the people walking the path of life with me and
my loved ones.

May we be able to know that without the tears, the
moisture, and the rain, the rainbow can not shine forth
to be seen and experienced in our lives and in the greater

I pray for the ability to share what I have to make a better

world. Empower me and others to hold one another in the
arms of love to ease their pain and discouragement. Let
me give unconditional love to those sharing these times
of grief and sadness. Allow my grateful heart to shine out:
to change me, to change others, and to find You as the
Creator God. Amen.

The Rev. Elaine Clyborne Barner

Episcopal Church of the Advent
Diocese of Minnesota

Dear God, Why do I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride,
and I do not know if I will be going up or down each day?
There are days and even periods of time when I feel that my
health is good and I feel as if I am healing so well!
And then I go on a downward cycle when I feel defeated,
helpless, and tired both emotionally and physically. My
body has gone through a number of these ups and downs in
the last year or more.

There are times when I feel so hopeful due to the newest

treatments available for my particular illness. My prayers at
that time are thanksgiving words.

And then after time there have been some less hopeful signs
and signals that not everything is going well. It is then that
I turn to You for support and a healing to restore my health
and my hope for a miraculous cure.

Gracious God, give me the internal peace to allow me to
look for signs of blessings and love as I travel this unsteady
ride. Do not let me give up hope and a positive attitude to
help me through the dark times when I feel helpless and in
despair. Help me to remember that I have the support of
my closest family and friends to add to the strength that I
need to face each day with warmth, kindness, and prayer.
And on the upward ride days, make me aware that each day
of my life should be a prayer, a “communion” with you in
gratitude and thanksgiving.

The Rev. Elaine Clyborne Barner

Episcopal Church of the Advent
Diocese of Minnesota

Dearest Father, we look to you for strength to see beyond
this trying time as we search for ways to maintain and
improve upon your creation as your stewards. We look
to the past as only a lesson that with our faith we shall
overcome. In Jesus name, Amen.

Ms. Deborah Cearley

St. Simon. Pell City
Diocese of Alabama

Father God, for those of us who come to you with heavy
hearts for one reason or another, please give us the peace
that passeth understanding, and the blessed assurance that
you are still in charge and all will be well. Thank you for
your constant grace and mercy, and help us become more
worthy of receiving it. In Jesus’ name,

Mrs. Mary Helen Jones

St. James’ Episcopal Church, Livingston
Diocese of Alabama


Gracious and loving God, giver of all good gifts and author
of our being, We give you humble thanks for ministry of
the United Thank Offering.
May it continue to be a vehicle of your grace and a fountain
of generosity to support your Church in its life and
May you continue to bless and encourage those who make
it possible through their gifts and devotion.
All this we ask through your Holy Name and through the
merits and mediation of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Canon Kirk Berlenbach

Canon for Support and Growth
Diocese of Pennsylvania

Creator and Giver of life,
as I put on my mask and prepare to go out among others,
help me to see the sacrament
in wearing this cloth, “an outward sign
of an inward grace” and a visible sign of loving my
neighbors as I love myself.

Because my lips are covered, uncover my heart and let

people see the smile in my eyes and hear the joy and
gratitude in my voice.
Remind me to listen to those I meet with full attention and
care and to speak clearly your love with both words and

May this simple piece of cloth be both shield and banner,

and each breath that it holds be filled with your love.


Ms. Sherri Dietrich

St. Andrew’s, Newcastle, Maine
Diocese of Maine

Social distancing means wearing a mask while Kroger
workers load groceries into my trunk. Lord, help me
remember that others are unemployed and can’t afford to
buy food.

Office closures means connecting remotely from my

comfortable home office. Lord, help me remember that this
is not an option for those who work in essential, high-risk

Healthy-at-Home means sunny day lunches on the patio

with my husband. Lord, help me remember that others are
isolated and lonely at home.

Restaurant closures means experimenting with new recipes

and honing my baking skills. Lord, help me remember that
restaurant workers are suffering from job loss.

COVID news sometimes seems abstract because no one

close to me has been seriously affected. Lord, help me
remember that those who are ill and dying from COVID
are more than statistics.

Ms. Diane Gabbard

UTO Diocesan Coordinator, UTO Board
Diocese of Lexington

O God of grace and mercy
as this pandemic runs its course
around the world
threatening everyone we know
everyone we love
everyone we will never have the privilege of knowing:
Grant us inner peace
That we might focus on what needs to
be done and not done.
Grant us grace to surrender
That we might let go of nonessentials
and choose love.
Grant us courage
to face with generous acceptance
inevitable changes in our lives.
Grant us faith to see you at work in the
midst of all that is happening.
Fill us with trust in you.

Sister Diana Doncaster

Community of the Transfiguration, Cincinnati, Ohio

We have followed our own ways, Lord,
wounding the world with our unquenchable desire for
enslaving our neighbor in seeking our own freedom,
the freedom from doing your will,
the freedom to rip the crust of the earth,
to pollute the air we breathe,
to wage war against those with whom
we disagree.
In our arrogance, we have misused your word to
justify our own means,
hoarding our time, talent, and treasure
because the poor will always be with us,
inciting intolerance and spewing hatred
to exact an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
We have not loved you with our whole heart,
locking the chamber housing our self-love,
holding our hidden desires,
hiding our secret fears.
For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,
wear down the walls that shelter our reluctance to repent
and be sorry, have mercy on us and forgive us,
grant that today we would hearken to your voice.

Ms. Monica Irwin

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Lawrence Park, Pennsylvania
Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania

Dear God,

I ask You to put a shield of protection around the ones that

I love, especially my children and grandchildren. Please
keep them safe and free from all harm and help us all to
be good stewards of the talents and blessings that you have
given us. Let us all be good and productive people; always
keeping the good of all mankind as our guide.

These things I ask in Your Son’s name, Amen.

Mrs. Judy Spree
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Boligee
Diocese of Alabama

The Episcopal Church Center
815 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017
800.334.7626 | episcopalchurch.org/uto

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