02 - Canteen Ordering System For Unilever - Writeup
02 - Canteen Ordering System For Unilever - Writeup
02 - Canteen Ordering System For Unilever - Writeup
1) INTRODUCTON .............................................................................................................................................2
2) STAKEHOLDERS .............................................................................................................................................3
3) PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................................................................................5
4) OBJECTIVES OF THE NEW CANTEEN ORDERING SYSTEM (C.O.S). ................................................................5
5) AS-IS AND FUTURE PROCESS ........................................................................................................................6
6) SCOPE OF THE C.O.S USING USE CASE DIAGRAM.........................................................................................8
7) MAIN FEATURES ...........................................................................................................................................9
8) IN-SCOPE AND OUT-OF-SCOPE .....................................................................................................................9
9) ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................... 10
10) ENTITY RELATIONSHIP (ER) DIAGRAM................................................................................................... 11
11) BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 12
12) FUNCTIONAL & NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS. ............................................................................ 12
13) WIREFRAMES ......................................................................................................................................... 13
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Overview and Summary
Unilever is a British-Dutch MNC FMCG company, headquartered in London, England. Unilever is
one of the oldest FMCG companies, and its products are available in around 190 countries. In its
UK offices, Unilever had around 1500 employees which were spread across 12 floors. They had 2
canteens to cater to these 1500 employees. Each canteen could seat around 150 employees at a
time. Most employees would prefer to take their lunch between 12 noon to 1 pm. This led to a
huge rush in the canteen during lunch hours resulting in employees wasting a lot of time waiting
for tables to be vacant.
Management calculated that it took around 60 minutes for employees to go and come back from
lunch. Almost 30-35 minutes were wasted in waiting in a queue to collect their food and get a
table to sit and eat. However, the time spent eating was barely 10-15 minutes. The remaining 10
minutes were spent reaching and coming back from the canteen using the elevators. Employees
don’t always get their choice of food they want because the canteen runs out of certain items.
The canteen wastes a significant quantity of food by throwing away what is not purchased. Many
employees have requested a system that would permit a canteen user to order meals online, to
be delivered to their work location at a specified time and date.
Need Need to develop a system for online canteen operation which will help employee
to order food online, will reduce employee wait time and will indirectly increase
employee efficiency and help with food availability, reduce wastage of food.
Change To move present offline/physical food ordering system to online food ordering
Solution To Develop an application this will help employee to order food before their lunch
time. This will in turn create a supportive room for increase in productivity and
decrease in wastage along with other benefits. Food will be prepared according to
order placed by employee and be delivered at their work location.
Context Current canteen process involves the entire employee taking their meals in their
lunch time from 12 to 1 pm. This causes rush at the canteen and canteen
operation get effected and causes the employees to spend up to 30
minutes waiting for their food. Additionally, due to the unforeseen demand of
the food items result in wastage of food from the canteen.
The new system is to be created using java script because it will be easy to maintain,
no drastic changes in program language for long time, compatibility with many
systems and cross platform usability.
Value The Canteen Ordering System will have a direct impact on three core factors
namely work time increase, reduction in wastage and employee satisfaction.
It aims on reducing the wait time of employee, availability of desired food, and
increased satisfaction for the employees. It also focuses on reduced food wastage
and cost saving for the organization.
Stakeholder External and internal stakeholders need to be involved. Internal stakeholders
include employees, business analyst, Project Manager, Developers, Operational
support, SME while external stakeholders entail suppliers, customers, sponsors,
and regulators.
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Stakeholder Needs/ Wants
Management • To know which dishes are most popular.
• To know the list of employees using the system.
• Employee satisfaction, while using the system, through
feedback submitted.
• To know the daily and monthly financial reports
• Order forecasting with predictions for most ordered and least
ordered items with various breakdowns such as floor wise,
department wise which can be used for forecasting.
Canteen Manager • Should be able to view the orders placed by the employees.
• Be able to take an inventory of all the dishes ordered by
different users and get them cooked by the chef.
• The system should also give canteen manager floor wise list
of orders to plan deliveries.
• Ensure that once the order is confirmed and the user has
checked out, they cannot be able to cancel. Also, ensure
orders are placed by employees latest by 11 am after which,
the system not to allow the users to place orders for lunch
Payroll system • Total number of dishes ordered by each employee for the
specified period.
• A list of employees with total Price of food items.
• Employee’s list of items ordered and price (date wise) which
gets appended with salary statement for employees to check
• A list of employees with dates enrolling and leaving the
canteen ordering system.
Delivery Boy • He should have a list with floor wise orders. After food is
delivered, he should be able to checkbox the items on his list
and after delivering all the orders he should be able to close
the orders on the website.
Employee/Customer • Have access to an up-to-date menu for the day and be able
to eat food from a variety of cuisines.
• Select the lunch dishes they would like to eat and create an
• To have options that allows an employee/ customer to order
and have the meal delivered to their desks or eat at the
• Be able to select the lunch dishes they would like to eat and
create an order. Also, be able to edit the items they want to
order anytime before checking out
Menu Manager • Be able to create the menu and update it too.
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List of the stakeholders and their role in realizing Canteen Ordering system (COS).
Testers • Test the usability and convenience of the application to fix any errors if
Sponsor • To sponsor budgets related activities and provide useful insights
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Unilever offices is spread across 12 floors with almost 1500 employees. They have 2 canteens to
cater for a maximum of 150 employees each at a time. Employees do take lunch break around 12
noon to 1pm which leads to a huge rush in canteen. Due to this rush, employees must wait in
queues, thus wasting almost 30-35 minutes waiting and take only 10-15 minutes for eating. This
shows that almost 50-60% time is wasted in wait time.
Employees also don’t always order the food of their choice and it results in wastage of food by
canteen and they have requested to create online food ordering system which permits them to
order food online and get it delivered at their work location in specified time and date or also
have the food taken at the canteen.
• A system would save considerable time to those employees who use the service.
• It would increase the chance of them getting the food items they prefer.
• This would improve both their quality of work life and their productivity.
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Existing System
The current state canteen system can be illustrated as shown below.
No Leave or back to
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Future State
The proposed system (COS) will be one that offers the following:
Payroll Deduction
Start Management
No Workstation Yes
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Release 1
Ingredient consumption
Closing delivered orders report
Delivery Boy
Table booking
Release 2
Download previous orders
Booking a table in the
Various reports e.g., sales,
canteen revenue, users, feedback
summary, most likeable dishes
Release 2
Release 1
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The Canteen Ordering System will have the following features:
• Order meals from the canteen menu to be delivered or in canteen at specified time.
• Create, view, modify, and delete meal menus.
• Register/deregister for payroll deduction – this is the pre-requisite for using the system.
Only employees registered for payroll deduction can order meals.
• Produce summarized order list for the day for canteen staff.
• Produce floor wise delivery details for planning deliveries by delivery boy.
• Booking for table space in canteen for 20-minute slots between 12 noon to 1pm for
employees who want to eat in canteen. To be implemented for 50% capacity initially. 50%
space to be left for employees bringing their own lunch.
• Produce ingredient lists for meals ordered.
• Provide system access through Intranet or Internet access for authorized
employees/canteen staff.
In Scope
• Webpage shall capture food payroll registration, menu, order and feedback details.
• System shall support registered employee’s information done via payroll system.
• System shall allow registered employees to login via company credentials.
• System shall allow entry and maintenance of menus.
• System shall allow consolidation and delivery of orders
• System shall support inventory and wastage management.
• System shall have Reporting module for required reports mentioned as part of detailed
• System shall have Payroll deduction information generation and maintenance.
• System shall capture Manpower utilization details.
• Application shall mark delivery post order delivery.
Out of Scope
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Display order
Is the order No
Final order
Display complete
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ID Number
Directory Employee
Procedure salary
form for
Agreement Payroll System
canteen bill
Order Delivery
Menu process
Request log
DIY Employee
Days Time Details
menu Special
log Resource
Order processing
time/ availability
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Business Objective 1:
• Reduce canteen food wastage by a minimum of 30% within 6 months following first
• Scale: Value of food thrown away each month by examining the canteen inventory
• Previous - 25% wasted
• Must plan for: Less than 15%
Business Objective 2:
• Reduce canteen operating costs by 15% within 12 months, following initial release.
Business Objective 3:
• Increase average effective work time by 30 minutes per employee per day, within 3
Business Objective 4:
• By making the ordering process automated and by delivering the food to the user's
workstation, the canteen will be able to operate with lesser manpower.
Functional requirements
• Users should be able to create accounts, logon and have password recovery.
• An administrator should be able to assign roles to a User, which reflects their position e.g.,
Canteen Manager, Delivery Boy, Management, User (Employee/Customer) and create
Incident management process.
• Salary deduction acceptance to act as login and employee uses his existing company
credentials to login. Employee ID and Workstation Details as login details.
• Roles should have access only to respective modules:
− Canteen Manager – Amend Menus, create a variety of lists of Orders including for
delivery boy.
− User – Select a menu and place an order. In addition, be able to provide feedback
on the order and view past orders, accept/deselect salary deduction option.
− Delivery Boy – View a list of orders as defined by the Canteen Manager. Update an
order to indicate delivered.
− Management – Generate reports, have the capacity to have them sent in email.
• Web Interface to be able to add/change/remove menus. This includes adding the price
for the menu.
• Inventory coming in to be recorded in the system and once order gets prepared the
inventory is shown as consumed. All the wastage also gets recorded and updated in the
• Table management for 50% canteen tables for employees wanting to eat in the canteen.
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Nonfunctional requirements
System Requirements
Menu screen
Our Dishes
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Login page
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