R&W Unit 8 National Hero

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Reading and Writing Unit 8

National Hero
Directions: Read the following questions and choose the best answer based on the reading on page 79.
1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. According to the passage, which of the
following is NOT TRUE about paragraph 2?
a. Explorations during the 1900’s. a. Amundsen didn’t know about Scott’s expedition.
b. Scott and Amundsen’s friendship. b. Scott planned a scientific trip.
c. Scott and Amundsen’s rivalry. c. There were many maps of the polar regions.
d. The sinking of the Titanic. d. Scott and his team never came back.

3. According to the passage, why did Scott’s 4. According to the passage, the book about
image as a national hero change? Scott’s expedition did NOT mention that
a. Because Amundsen said he was a bad a. Scott’s men didn’t know how to move in snowy
explorer. places.
b. Because he died. b. Scott was indecisive.
c. Because the empire declined. c. Scott was not a good leader.
d. Because an account of his life damaged the d. they didn’t have enough dogs to pull the sleds.
idea people had of him.

5. The word “explorers” in paragraph 4, line 6. According to the passage, which of the
16 refers to… following is NOT TRUE about paragraph 5?
a. Amundsen and Scott. a. The rescue party brought back many scientific
b. Scott and Peary. b. Scott lived to tell his experience.
c. Peary and Cook. c. Amundsen’s team was better prepared.
d. Amundsen and Cook. d. Scott’s team made many mistakes.

7. It is mentioned that many people attended 8. The expression an unexpected turn of events
Scott’s funeral probably means that
a. because he was a passenger in the Titanic. a. things changed in a way we didn’t imagine.
b. because he was part of a very important b. things changed for the worst.
c. because he made many mistakes. c. things changed for the better.
d. because he died. d. things didn’t change at all.

9. This passage would most likely appear in 10. What is the tone of the passage?
which of the following course books?
a. A history book a. indifferent
b. A psychology book b. historical
c. A literature book c. concerned
d. A geography book d. humorous

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