Credit Risk Management in Commercia

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Vol.13 No.2 Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.


Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.*
Abstract: The article proposes a model of credit risk assessment on the basis of factor
analysis of retail clients / borrowers in order to ensure predictive control of the level of risk
posed by potential clients in commercial banks engaged in consumer lending. The aim of
the study is to determine the level of risk represented by different groups (classes) of retail
clients (borrowers) in order to reduce and prevent credit risk in the future as well as to
improve the management of banking risks. The main results of the study are the creation of
a model of borrowers’ internal credit ratings and the development of the methods of
improving credit risk management in commercial banks.
Key words: credit risk management, retail clients, borrowers, consumer lending, cluster
analysis, factor analysis
DOI: 10.17512/pjms.2016.13.2.09

The problem of credit risk management, as well as carrying out a quantitative
assessment and analysis of the credit risk and rating of borrowers, is relevant to all
banks involved in lending to individuals and legal entities. In general, when
commercial banks grant loans to individuals and legal entities, the credit risk
involved is characterized by the following quantitative parameters: risk as the
probability of the borrower’s failure to repay the loan; acceptable risk; average
risk; possible losses given loan default; the average value of losses; the maximum
allowable losses; the number of loans given by the bank; the possible number of
different loans the bank can give; the number of problem loans.

Theoretical Framework of Credit Risk Management

The management of credit risk of credit portfolios is therefore one the most
important tasks for the financial liquidity and stability of banking sector in
connection with increased sensitivity of banks to the credit risks and changes in the
development of prices of financial instruments (Kiseľáková and Kiseľák, 2013).
The most significant impact on performance of the enterprise has just financial
risk. The unsystematic risks have a higher impact on performance of the enterprise
as systematic risks (Kiseľáková et al., 2015).
The determination of each individual loan, or borrower, risk assessment techniques
plays a primary role in the management and minimization of the credit risk. It is
only after determining the risk represented by each individual borrower and by

Natalia Konovalova Asoc. Prof., RISEBA University; Ineta Kristovska Dr. oec.,
RISEBA University; Marina Kudinska Asoc. Prof., University of Latvia
 Corresponding author: [email protected]
[email protected]; [email protected]

Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M. Vol.13 No.2

each individual credit service that one can begin to manage the loan portfolio as
a whole. The credit risk assessment of the borrower consists in the study and
evaluation of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the economic situation
of the borrower (Korobova, 2010). The assessment of the risk factors attending the
granting of a particular loan and their comprehensive and systematic analysis
enable the bank to take these factors into account in credit risk management and to
prevent their recurrent and adverse impact on the results of the bank’s future
activities (Rodina et al., 2013). The methods used to quantify credit risk are
accompanied by a special transparency requirement, including a quantitative
assessment of the methods’ accuracy and a statistical method property known as
robustness. The transparency of the credit risk methodology presents an
opportunity to view a given phenomenon not only as a whole but also in detail
(Dmitriadi, 2010). Transparency has become the most important characteristic of
credit risk assessment methods thanks to the need for the most thorough
identification of both credit risk and the credit risk model itself. Methodological
transparency refers to the precision of the employed mathematical methods,
the reduction of the element of subjectivity in expert assessments, the clarity of the
results of risk assessment and analysis, the bank employees’ thorough
understanding of these results, and the accessibility of the given methods to
regulatory authorities and borrowers. In order to analyze, forecast, and manage
credit risk, each bank must be able to quantify relevant credit risk factors, to
analyze the risk involved, and to permanently monitor credit risk factors
(Andrianova and Barannikov, 2013). The bank’s decisions about granting, or
refusing to grant, a loan, about the interest rate, and about the level of loan default
provisioning will depend on the accuracy of risk recognition and assessment.
The accuracy of risk factor assessments is evaluated relative to the number of
errors in the recognition of "bad" and "good" loans (i.e. borrowers) and their
average number. The accuracy of risk factor assessments is determined in a similar
manner when loans are classified into more than two classes. Furthermore, the
stability of risk assessment methodologies is characterized by the property of
statistical methods known as robustness. Different methodologies of risk
assessment, or one and the same methodology used with different algorithms, yield
dissimilar classifications of loans into "good" and "bad". The application of
different methodologies may result in the categorization of one and the same loan
as either “good” or “bad”. Such instability in loan classification may affect the
assessment of 20% of total number of loans (Solojentsev, 2004). Banks need to
adapt their crediting-related activities to the changing conditions of the nation's
developing economy and to the changes in the standard of living. The methods
used to quantify and analyze credit risk are of great importance for the smooth
functioning of a bank (Seitz and Stickel, 2002). Each bank develops its own risk
probability assessment model in order to quantify and analyze credit risk, taking
into account the general recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision. The high accuracy of credit risk assessment helps to minimize the

Vol.13 No.2 Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.

bank’s losses, to reduce the interest rate, and to enhance the competitiveness of the
bank (BCBS, 2004). Creating an effective risk assessment model and managing
credit risk successfully is possible only thanks to continuous quantitative analysis
of statistical information on credit success. There are such different approaches to
the determination of the credit risk posed by a particular borrower as the bank
experts’ subjective evaluation and automated risk assessment systems
(Konovalova, 2009). Global experience shows, however, that credit risk
assessment systems based on mathematical models are more efficient and reliable
than any others. In order to build a credit risk assessment model, first those clients
of the credit institution are selected who have already proved themselves to be
either good or bad borrowers (Ralf, 2009).

Credit Risk Assessment Model

In order to ensure effective credit risk management in commercial banks, it is
necessary to develop the kinds of terms and conditions for those bank clients who
take loans that would both attract potential borrowers and guarantee loan
repayment. It would not be expedient, however, to develop a separate set of terms
and conditions for every individual borrower. Instead, existing and potential bank
clients should be grouped according to their similarities and differences. After that,
a separate set of terms and conditions needs to be worked out for each group in
accordance with the characteristic features of the group members.
The classification of bank clients into distinct groups should proceed according to
the method of classification that unites disparate system elements into
homogeneous groups on the basis of the similarities of the elements in question.
This method of classification needs to reflect the structure of the source data and to
ensure the most adequate division of the data into groups. Traditionally, clustering
and networking have been employed to achieve these goals. In the case of
multidimensional samples, both of these methods produce similar divisions of
objects into classes. In the present article, we will employ clustering as the method
of credit risk assessment. In order to assess the risk of a bank’s lending activities,
one needs to take into account the statistics reflecting the bank customers’
violations of the contract conditions and the damage caused to the bank by each
such violation. The magnitude of the risk as the amount of damage (risk defined as
the customer’s failure to make principal payments on time) can be seen as
a regressive dependence on such factors as the average loan size 1 x, the period for
which the loan is issued 2 x, and a number of other factors. Specification and
identification of such regressions should be performed on the basis of the
information about the damage caused by each client and about the credit
characteristics of each customer class. Such a model would enable the forecasting
of the risk posed by each potential client.

Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M. Vol.13 No.2

Factor Analysis of Borrowers and Regression Dependence

We have conducted model experiments using statistical information on credit
histories of clients of Latvian commercial banks engaged in consumer lending.
In order to process the data, we have used the program Excel as well as the
statistical program SPSS Statistics data. The peculiarities of the studied data consist
in their diversity and multi-dimensionality. The study model sample includes data
on 100 clients - borrowers and consists of the following indicators characterizing
the borrowers: the loan term (month), the loan amount (value), the borrower’s sex
(0 - woman, one - man), the borrower’s age (age), the number of the borrower’s
children (children), the borrower’s average earnings (income). Also, each borrower
is assigned a variable problems, characterizing the presence or absence of problems
with loan repayments (0 - no problem, 1 - there is a problem), and the amount of
economic damage risk. A fragment of the original data for analysis (20 out of 100)
is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Source Data on Clients-Borrowers (fragment of the original data)

Loan Number Sex with loan
Client Loan Client’ monthly
amount of 0 - male, repayment
number terms s age income
(EUR) children 1-female (0 – no,
1 – yes)
1. 6 800 24 1 0 1000 0
2. 12 1000 21 0 1 1000 1
3. 12 1000 55 3 1 900 0
4. 12 1000 40 2 0 1200 0
5. 5 1500 35 1 0 800 1
6. 12 1500 43 1 0 2000 1
7. 12 2000 48 1 1 1500 0
8. 12 2200 45 0 1 1000 0
9. 6 2500 48 0 0 600 1
10. 12 2500 37 0 1 500 1
11. 24 3000 45 2 0 1200 1
12. 36 3000 30 1 0 2000 0
13. 24 3000 49 1 1 1500 0
14. 36 3500 42 1 1 1500 1
15. 36 4000 38 3 1 2000 1
16. 36 4000 23 0 0 2500 0
17. 48 4000 41 0 1 2000 0
18. 48 5000 46 1 0 1300 1
19. 54 5000 47 1 0 1000 1
20. 36 5000 30 0 1 1000 0

We will use a factor analysis module comprising the principal components of the
dispersion and correlation analysis. This procedure should be carried out in stages.

Vol.13 No.2 Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.

Stage One: setting initial parameters of the problem. We will determine the number
of factors equal to the number of input variables that is six, as the risk and
problems variables are not taken into consideration when performing factor
analysis. In the course of the sequential factor selection, the factors comprise less
and less variability. Therefore, the next stage is limited to three factors.
Stage Two: calculating the eigenvalues of the factors involved. The eigenvalues
reflect the dispersion of the newly selected factor. Table 2 shows that the first
factor explains 34% of the total dispersion, the second factor explains 21.5 % of the
total dispersion, and the third, 17%. On the basis of the information received about
the dispersion explained by each factor, we can proceed to the question about the
number of factors that should be kept. For this purpose, we will use factor loadings,
which can be interpreted as the correlations between the selected factors and the
baseline variables.

Table 2. The eigenvalues and the explained variation of selected factors

Percentage of total Cumulative
Factors Eigenvalue dispersion (explained explained
variation) variation
1. 1.978521 34.02199 1.978521 34.02199
2. 1.375280 21.53989 3.353801 55.56188
3. 1.158236 17.23621 4.512037 72.49809

Stage Three: a study of factor loadings. First, we estimate the factor loadings
without rotation for all six original variables (Table 3).

Table 3. The values of the factor loadings for the operation "without rotation"
Variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
month 0.525012 0.127251 0.627152
value 0.831036 -0.357891 -0.167013
age -0.485724 -0.281432 0.680030
children -0.219991 -0.738915 -0.325576
sex 0.293715 0.716111 -0.381722
income 0.871327 -0.395768 0.122874

The selection of the relevant factors is done so that subsequent factors include less
and less dispersion. Factor 1, as can be seen from Table 2, has the highest loadings
values for the variables pertaining to the clients’ economic characteristics. Factor 2
reflects the maximum loadings for the variables related to the social status of the
Stage Four: specification of the number of relevant factors. We will use the method
Varimax row, which is the most common rotation method. The use of this method
allows factors to remain independent of each other, so that the values of the
variables of one factor are not correlated with the values of other factors (Table 4).

Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M. Vol.13 No.2

The specification of the descriptive characteristics of the selected factors shows

that the first factor is related to the financial and economic parameters of the
borrower (the average income, the amount of the loan); the second factor is related
to the client’s social parameters (the number of children); the third factor reflects
his/her personal characteristics (age, belonging to a particular sex). Besides, the
three selected factors most fully describe 75% of the variations of the initial data.
Therefore, it is advisable to continue factor analysis on the basis of the three
selected factors.

Table 4. The values of the factor loadings for the operation Varimax row
Variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
month 0.405878 0.602158 0.277682
value 0.891231 -0.123397 -0.169583
age -0.235723 0.171479 0.750813
children 0.177915 -0.812786 0.221899
sex -0.020836 0.317501 -0.771215
income 0.921728 0.197343 0.027119

Stage Five: assessing the adequacy of the achieved solutions. In order to verify the
validity of the selection of the relevant factors, it is necessary to build a correlation
matrix. If the coefficients of this reproduced correlation matrix turn out to be close
to those of the original matrix, then this will validate the selection of the relevant
factors. In order to determine the extent of the possible deviations of the elements
of this matrix from those of the original one, we need to build a matrix of residual
correlations, the elements of which are equal to the differences between the
elements of the original and reproduced matrices. The initial and residual
correlation matrices are shown in Tables 5 and 6.

Table 5. The original correlation matrix

Variable month value age children sex income
month 1.00 0.28 0.03 -0.36 0.07 0.32
value 0.28 1.00 -0.25 0.18 0.20 0.72
age 0.03 -0.25 1.00 0.07 -0.33 -0.20
children -0.36 0.18 0.07 1.00 -0.35 -0.05
sex 0.07 0.20 -0.33 -0.35 1.00 -0.01
income 0.32 0.72 -0.20 -0.05 -0.01 1.00

Table 6. The matrix of residual correlations

Variable month value age children sex income
month 0.25 -0.09 -0.14 0.17 0.02 -0.12
value -0.09 0.19 0.20 -0.05 0.09 -0.07
age -0.14 0.20 0.35 0.01 0.25 0.03
children 0.17 -0.05 0.01 0.27 0.18 -0.06
sex 0.02 0.09 0.25 0.18 0.30 -0.02
income -0.12 -0.07 0.03 -0.06 -0.02 0.18

Vol.13 No.2 Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.

Inputs in the matrix of residual correlations can be interpreted as the total

correlations that the selected factors cannot account for. The diagonal elements
of the matrix contain standard deviations that these factors cannot account for.
A thorough analysis of the residual matrix shows that there are virtually no residual
correlations larger than the modulus of 0.25. Consequently, the selected factors
adequately reflect the original information.
To determine the credit risk for each class (cluster), we have calculated the
following parameters: 1) expected result of a credit transaction; 2) spread of
possible outcomes of the operation with respect to the expected value (result); 3)
dispersion and the average linear deviation; 4) credit risk on the basis of the
average linear deviation and of the most expected result of the operation.
The calculation results are shown in Table 7.

Table 7. The findings about the identified classes of borrowers

and the credit risk level in each class (cluster)
Indicators Value of the indicator in the class (cluster)
Cluster 1. 2. 3. 4.
Number of borrowers
23 13 21 43
in a class
48, 59 –61, 39 – 44, 46, 1 – 38, 45,
Number of a 69, 71 – 75,
70, 50 – 58, 47, 49,
client/borrower 84 – 100
76 – 83 64 – 68 62 – 63
Total loan amount 395000 161000 57000 64500
Share of the total
58.3 23.8 8.4 9.5
loan amount,%
Minimum loan
12500 8000 6000 800
Maximum loan
20000 15000 10000 5000
The average loan
37.1 18.0 49.5 23.7
period, months
Credit risk level 0.26 0.34 0.23 0.38

The members of the most numerous class, the fourth (43 borrowers), have taken
the lowest loan amounts (from 800 EUR to 5,000 EUR). The level of credit risk in
this class of borrowers is the highest: 38%. However, the share of loans in this
class is insignificant: 9.5%. The third cluster is quite stable: the coefficient of
variation is 23%; the loan amounts are small: from 6 to 10 thousand EUR and they
constitute 8.4% of the total loan amount. However, the loan terms of the customers
in this class are the longest: an average of 49.5 months. The second class is not
numerous (only 13 customers); its members have taken a relatively large average
loan amount; and it can be characterized by the average level of stability.

Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M. Vol.13 No.2

The highest income class is the first (almost ¼ of all clients), and its members have
taken large loans for the average term of 3 years. In general, this class is stable.
This analysis would further facilitate credit risk management. We have established
the regression dependence of the level of risk on the following factors: the loan
amount (value), the average earnings (income), and the loan term (month) for the
fourth class of customers:

Risk = – 3112 + 37.96 x month – 0.12 x value + 0.29 x income, = 0.98; dw = 2.9
Statistical error 653 41 0.01 0.02

The identified model is statistically significant. Standard errors of the model

parameters do not exceed 1/4 of the value of the corresponding parameter; the
coefficient of determination equal to 0.98 explains the variation in the values of
damage by the change of the factors included in the model by 98%; the residual
dispersion is only 2%. The developed econometric model is the basis for the
assessment and prediction of the level of risk caused by potential customers
belonging to the fourth cluster.

Credit Risk Management on the Basis of the Obtained Results

In managing credit risk, one needs to create a system of interconnected and
interdependent methods of deliberate action aimed at minimizing risk and
uncertainty in crediting-related activities. Using the proposed model of credit risk
assessment makes it possible to take a differentiated approach to credit risk
management. Credit risk management can be represented as a process consisting of
the following stages: 1) risk factor identification; 2) assessment of the potential
consequences of an identified risk factor; 3) choice of managerial strategies aimed
at counteracting the consequences of a given risk factor; 4) supervision
(monitoring) of the implementation of the chosen strategies aimed at minimizing
and neutralizing the effects of a given risk factor. At the stage of credit risk
identification, the potential risk is assessed in terms of its quantitative and
qualitative parameters within the framework of the risk factor analysis adopted by
the bank in order to determine the degree of the severity posed by the risk in
question. At the stage of the identification of a potential credit risk, one can also
predict the results of the management of the identified risk in consequence of the
various sets of management methods employed; thus, one is enabled to compare
and contrast various sets of risk management methods in order to be able to select
the best set of methods to be used in future according to the criteria identified
above. It is also necessary to assess the consequences of a potential credit risk from
the standpoint of the magnitude of their impact and probability of occurrence.
The credit risks identified at the first stage of credit risk management need to be
assessed according to the following temporal parameters: past data, present data,
and predicted future data. As a result of the identification and assessment of
a potential credit risk, it is necessary to decide upon the set of credit risk

Vol.13 No.2 Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.

management strategies, which is the third stage of credit risk management. As

credit risk factors tend to change in the course of time, it is imperative that these
changes be monitored in order for the bank management to provide a timely
response to the increase in the degree of the credit risk by comparison with
the predicted credit risk value. Credit risk control is the essence and the purpose of
the final stage of credit risk management. What needs to be emphasized is the
functional and organizational unity of all the stages of credit risk management.
Indeed, all the stages of credit risk management are inextricably interconnected,
and their unity is the main principle of credit risk management.

When lending to individuals (retail clients) the most significant factors affecting
the value of the credit risk of a bank are the average income of the borrower, the
loan amount, and the loan term.
In determining the values of factor loadings, it has been revealed that the primary
factor that has the highest values of loadings for the variables is related to the
customers’ economic characteristics, such as the loan amount (value) and earnings.
The main source of information in determining the level of credit risk for the
creditor banks is the credit history of the client.
Based on these findings, we have developed the following suggestions for the
improvement of credit risk management in commercial banks, lending to retail
To form a predictive assessment of credit risk in commercial banks, it is necessary
to use the methodology of factor analysis utilized in the current article. This
methodology is based on the study of borrowers’ credit histories and it takes into
account the amounts and terms of loans.
The proposed methodology should be based on the use of clustering methods,
the method of dispersion analysis and the analysis of principal factors.
Credit risk management on the basis of the proposed methodology should aim at
achieving the following objectives:
 to identify common patterns of bank customers’ economic behavior,
 to formulate a set of differentiated requirements for borrowers in particular
groups in accordance with their specificity,
 to determine the risk appetite of the person making decisions about the amount
and the term of a loan to be granted and about the interest on this particular
The differentiation of the methods used in credit risk management in different
groups of borrowers is due to the international standards and requirements of the
Basel Committee and it will contribute to banks’ transition to the use of an internal
ratings approach in assessing and managing credit risk.
It should be noted that the current study is limited in its scope as it has researched
only those loans that are given to retail clients. This limitation determines the

Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M. Vol.13 No.2

future direction of the research, which will involve the study of credit risk
management in those cases when loans are given to other categories of borrowers,
such as small and medium enterprises (SME) and large industrial businesses.

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Vol.13 No.2 Konovalova N., Kristovska I., Kudinska M.


Streszczenie: W artykule zaproponowano model oceny ryzyka kredytowego na podstawie
analizy czynnikowej klientów detalicznych/kredytobiorców w celu zapewnienia
prognostycznej kontroli poziomu ryzyka stwarzanego przez potencjalnych klientów w
bankach komercyjnych zaangażowanych w udzielanie kredytów konsumpcyjnych. Celem
badania jest określenie poziomu ryzyka reprezentowanego przez różne grupy (klasy)
klientów detalicznych (kredytobiorców) w celu zmniejszenia i zapobiegania ryzyka
kredytowego w przyszłości, jak również do poprawy zarządzania ryzykiem bankowym.
Głównym wynikiem badania jest stworzenie modelu wewnętrznych ratingów kredytowych
kredytobiorców oraz rozwój metod poprawy zarządzania ryzykiem kredytowym w bankach
Słowa kluczowe: zarządzanie ryzykiem kredytowym, klienci detaliczni, kredytobiorcy,
kredyty konsumpcyjne, analiza skupień, analiza czynników


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