Module2 Worksheet

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Name: JAY R.



1 When did the supercontinent of Pangaea exist? What was the ocean that surrounded the
supercontinent called?

 The supercontinent of Pangaea exist is about 200 million years ago. And the ocean that
surrounded the supercontinent called Panthalassa.
2 What major ocean floor feature did oceanographers discover after World War II?

 The studies of the sea floor using sonar that were initiated during World War II and continued
after the war provided critical evidence in support of drifting continents.

3 Compare and contrast the lithosphere and the asthenosphere

 According to the plate tectonics model, the crust and the uppermost, and therefore coolest,
part of the mantle constitute Earth’s strong outer layer, known as the lithosphere (lithos =
stone, sphere = ball). The Silfra of Iceland’s Thingvellir National Park is a fissure between the
North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. The diving and snorkeling site at Silfra is right at
the divergent boundary where the two continents meet and drift apart about 2 cm per year.
 Subduction occurs because the density of the descending lithospheric plate is greater than the
density of the underlying asthenosphere. In general, old oceanic lithosphere is about 2
percent denser than the underlying asthenosphere, which causes it to subduct.

4 Referring to the accompanying diagrams below that illustrate the three types of convergent plate
boundaries, complete the following:
. a. Identify each type of convergent boundary. Label the figures and the associated features.
b. On what type of crust do volcanic island arcs develop?
 Most island arcs originate on oceanic crust
c. Why are volcanoes largely absent where two continental blocks collide?
 Magma has a hard time penetrating the two continental blocks because of the heavy layer of
rock that covers them.
d. Describe two ways that oceanic–oceanic convergent boundaries are different from oceanic–
continental boundaries. How are they similar?
 Oceanic plates collide with each other (forming oceanic-oceanic boundaries), oceanic
plates collide with continental plates (forming oceanic-continental boundaries). The
way in which one slab will descend below the other is the similarity of the two. Also,
each convergence can trigger the formation of a volcano.

A. Continent-ocean subduction B. Ocean-ocean subduction C. Continent-continent
5 Refer to the accompanying map and the pairs of cities below to complete the following:
. (Boston, Denver), (London, Boston), (Honolulu, Beijing)
a. Which pair of cities is moving apart as a result of plate motion?
 London, Boston
b. Which pair of cities is moving closer as a result of plate motion?
 Boston, Denver
c. Which pair of cities is presently not moving relative to each other?
 Honolulu, Beijing

6. Complete the table below (fill in the blanks) with the characteristics of the three types of plate
Is Seafloor
Plate created or Tectonic Sea floor Geographic
Plate boundary Crust types
movement destroyed? process feature(s) examples
Divergent plate apart Ocean-ocean no Sea floor Mid-ocean Mid-Atlantic
boundaries speading ridge, Ridge, East
volcanoes, Pacific Rise
lava flows
Continent- no Continental Rift valley, East Africa
continent rifting volcanoes, Rift
young Valleys, Red
lava flows Sea,
Gulf of

Convergent together Ocean-continent yes Subduction Trench, Andes

plate volcanic Mountains,
boundaries arc on Cascade
land Mountains

Ocean-ocean yes subduction Trench, Aleutian

volcanic Islands,
arc Mariana
as islands Islands

Continent- N/A collision Tall Himalaya

continent mountains Mountains,

Transform plate Past east Oceanic N/A Transform Fault Mendocino

boundaries other faulting Fault,
Continental N/A Fault San
Fault, Alpine
Fault (New

ACTIVITY 2: Map of the Earth’s Major Plates

1. List the seven largest lithospheric plates.
 African Plate
 Antarctic Plate
 Eurasian Plate
 Australian-Indian Plate
 North American Plate
 Pacific Plate
 South American Plate

2. Fill in the blank map of the earth’s tectonic plates

(next page). Number or assign a color code to the
plates, label them, and color them on the map.

3. On the same blank map, indicate the location and

the type of plate boundary of the following feature:
a. Marianas trench (given as an example)
b. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
c. Himalayas Mountain Range
d. Philippine Fault
e. Aleutian Trench
f. Peru-Chile Trench
g. East African Rift Valley
Print the map in the next page so that you can label and color the map by hand. Draw also the different
types of plate boundaries on the map using the given legend. If you know how to use a figure editing
software, please feel free to do so. This activity will be rated based on how the maps are correctly filled and

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