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Bombay Marriage Act 1954

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ReplacementSeries No. LXV-p.



BOMBAY ACT No. V OF 1954'.


[Received assent of the Governor on the 16th JanDa'" 1954; assent first pubJishM the in tbeBombay Govemment azette, art IV, on the 20th Jannary1954. G P Amended by Bom. 36 of 1'955. Adapted and modified by the Bombay Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1956. . Adapted and modified by the Maharashtra Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960. Amended by Mah. 6 of 1963. Amended by Mah. 24 of 1977. An Act to provide for registration of marriages in '[the State of Maharashtra]. WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for registration of marriages in '[the State of Maharashtra] and for certain other purposes hereinafter appearing; It is hereby enacted as follows ;-


(1) This Act may be called the Bombay Registration of Marriages Act, 1953.

(2) It extends to 3[the whole of the State of Maharashtra). (3) This section shall come into force at once. The remaining provisions of the Act shall come into force in such area on such date as the State Government may. by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

Short title, extent and commencement.

I of ~86.

2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,Definitions. (1) "to contract a marriage" means to solemnize or enter into a marriage in any form or manner; (2) "marriage" includes re-marriage ; . (3) "memorandum" means a memorandum of marriage mentioned in section 5 ; (4) "priest" means any person who solemnizes a marriage; (5) "register" means a register of marriages maintained under this Act ; (6) "Registrar" means a Registrar of Marriages appointed under this Act; (7) "Registrar,General" means the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages, appointed by the State Government for the 4[State of Maharashtra] under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act, 1886 ; (8) "Schedule" means the Schedule to this Act. 3. The State Government may appoint, either by name or by. virtue of their Appointment office, so many persons as it thinks necessary to be Registrars of Marriages for of Resis.trara such local ~eas as it may specify. of Marnages.

, For Statement of Objects and Reasons. see Bombay Go,"rnment Gazette, 1953, Part V, page 466, . These words weresubstituted for the words "the State of Bombay" by Mah. 6 of 1963,ss. 3 and 4.
ibid., . 5. s

, These words were substituted for

the words "the Bombay area of the State of Maharashlra".


of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960. . TIrisAct was extended throughout the State of Maharashtra (vide Mab. 6 of 1963,s. 2).

These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay" by the Maharashlra

4160 Bombay IWgislralion af Marriog.. Act. 1953 [1954 : Rom. V . Eve,rY mar- 4." Mter the date on which the provisions of this Act have been brought "into' nage m ~ta: force in any area under sub-section (3) of section 1, every marriage contracted in


regis~. such area shall be reWsteredin the manner provided in section 5.

< Memo-


5." (1) The parties to a marriage to which section4 applies, or their fathers or

randu.~of guardians when they shall not have completed the age of 18 years, shall prepare marn~ge.and sign a memorandum in the form in the Schedule and shall deliver or send by


registered post the said memorandum in duplicate to the Registrar of the area,
within a period of 30 days from the date of the marriage: Provided that where the marriage is contracted without the consent of the fatlier or guardian of a party, such party and not the father or guardian shall comply with the provisions of this sub-section. (2) The memorandum shall also be signed by the officiating priest, if any. (3) The memorandum shall be accompanied by a fee of rupee one. (4) The Registrar shall maintain a register of such marriages. On receipt of the memorandum, the Registrar shall file the same in the register and shall send the duplicate copy thereof to the Registrar-General.


Me~oran-' 1[5A. (1) A memorandum

regarding any particular marriage

may be sub-

0 s:brm~~ sub-~ection (1) of. section ~. Suc~ memorandum shall be in ~heform, and shall after'30days.be SIgned, as provIded for III sectIon 5 and shall be accompanIed by such fee not

4ummitted to the Registrar after the expif of ' the period of 30 days specifiedunder exceeding rupees ten as may be prescribed. On receipt"of such memorandum
the Registrar shall file the same in the registeJ;'and shall also send the duplicate copy thereof to the Registrar-General as provided in section 5. (2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall affect the liability of any person who has wilfully omitted or neglected to deliver or send the memorandum within the period

specifiedin sub-section(1) of section 5 to any penalty under section8.]


Voluntary 2[SB. (1) In any area in the State of Maharashtra in which the remaining proregistr~tion visions of this Act have not been brought into force..bya notification under sub-section of (3) of section 1, the parties to any marriage contracted in that area, or their fathers or coYn :;eas guardians when they shall not have completed the age of 18 years, may, if they so in whichdesired, prepare and sign a memorandum in the form in the Schedule and deliver or rem~iJ?ing by registered post the said memorandum in duplicate to such Registrar as the send proVlsloru: State Government may, from time to time, by notification in the Official Gazette, beet:r::u:t specify in this behalf. The memorandum may also be signed by the officiating priest, into force.if any. The memorandum shall be accompanied by a fee"" rupee one if it is sent or of delivered within a period of 30 days from the date of the marriage and a fee not exceeding rupees ten as may be prescribed if it is sent or delivered after the expiry of the aforesaid period of 30 days. (2) On receipt of any such memorandum, the Registrar shall file the same in the register of marriages maintained by him and shall send the duplicate copy thereof to the Registrar-General as provided in section 5, and other provisions of this Act shall also apply to such memorandum as they apply to any memorandum submitted to the Registrar under section 5 in any area in which that section has Been brought into force, subject to the following modifications, namely :(a) In section 8, in clause (2), for the words "in such memorandum" the words, figures and letter "in any memorandum submitted under section 50r 5B" shall be deemed to be substituted.


r I t


1 I

This section was inserted by Bom. 36 of 1955,s. 2.

Section 5B was inserted by Mah.24 of 1977~s. 3.

ReplacementSeriesNo. LXV-po 14 1954 : Born.V] BombayRegistrationof MarriagesAct, 1953


(b) In section 9, for the words and figures "pursuant to section 5" the words, figures and letter "pursuant to section 5 or 5B" shall be deemed to be
substituted.] 6. The register maintained under this Act shall, at all reasonable times, be Registerto open to inspection and certified extracts therefrom shall on application be given be openfor by m~.the Registrar on payment by the applicant of a fee of rupees two for each such pu~ ~ ~

7. No marriage contracted in l[the State of Maharashtra] and to which this Act~on-re*tra. applies shall be deemed to be invalid solely by.reason of the fact that it was not~~~ate . registered under this Act or that the memorandum was not deliveredor sent to the marriage. Registrar or that such memorandum was defective,irregular or incorrect. 8. Any person whoPenalty for . (1) wilfullyomits or neglects to deliver or send the memorandum as required:~~Jt~

by section 5, or

provisions f o section5 or

(2~ makes any ~tatement in such memorandum ~hich is false in any material~~k~~:g particular, and which he knows or has reason to belIeve to be false, mentsin shaH, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to two hundred :ru,:oranrupees. .


These words were substituted for the words "the Bombay area of the State of Maharashtra"

by Mah. 6 of 1963, s. 6.


Replacement Series No. XXXI-J.SS : :ooOt. Bo'!'kal..R~gi$t1'Cltion .ofJ{a"riages4(:t~~l?5} .



0 9. Any Registrar who fails to file the m~orandum pursuant to section 5 shall, P~ty for on conviction, be punished with rigor,ous imprisonment for a term which mayfailiDgttofi1c extend to three months or with. fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or ~=o an-




10. Any person secreting, destroying, or dishonestly or fraudulently altering the Penal!y for or register or any part thereof shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for

a term which may extend to two years, and shall also be liable to fine. . -,:


~ altering


11. Every Registrar shall be deemed to be a public servant witmn the. mca'l1ingRegistrar to XLVof section 21 of the ,Indian Penal Code. be a public of . servant.



12. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall be institUted against Indemnityto p~ons any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be dorie' under acting undor . A th IS ct. thisAct.

13. (1) The State Government may, by notification in lb,e OfficialG.az~'te, and Powerto subject to 'the condition of previous publication, make rules for carrying' out the makerulei. purposes of this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generalityof the foregoing powers, such rules may providefor all or any of the followingmatters, nattlely :(a) the duties and powers of the Registrar; (b) the forms and manner in which registers or records required to be kept by or under this Act shall be maintained; . (c) the custody in which the registers and records are to be kept and the preservation of such registers and records ; I[(d} the fee to be paid under section SA.]

2[(3) Every rule made uDder this section shall be laid as soon asHmay be, after it is made, before each House of the State Legislature while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be compri$ed in one session or' in two successive sessions, and, if, before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the session imm~ately follQwing, poth Houses agreein making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the nile should not be made, theruJe shall from the date of publication of a notification .in the. OJJjcial Gazette of such decision, have effect only in such modified form or be of no eff~t, as the case may be; soh9wever ~hat any such modification or'annulment shall be withcut.prejudice to the, validity of anything previously done or omitted to be done under that rule.

. 1872.
mof 1936.

XLlli 14. This Act shall not apply to marriages contracted under 3[the Special Marriage Savinls. .. of Act, 1954], the Indian Christian Marriage Act; 1872; otthe Farsi Marriage and ~5~i:Divorce Act, 1936.. . .

" .',

This claUSQwas added by Born. 36 of 1955, s. 3.

,0 0 0' 0

Sub-section (3) was inserted by M~. 6 oI963.s. 7., ", . 8 This portion was substituted (or' tlie' words anif figures "the Special Marriage Act; 1872", wilL, s. 8. . .C :)


JiO",bayRegistration of Marriages Act, 1953



: Bom;;;V

FoRM (See section 5) Memorandum of M arrioge 1. .Date of Marriage. 2. Place of marriage (with sufficient particulars to locate the place).

3. (a) Full name of the bridegroom.

(b) His age.. ' (c) Usual place ofresidence. (d) Address. Unmarried widower (e) Status ofthc. bridegroom at the time of marriage whether divorce~_,
. . married, and ifso, how many' wives

(f) Signature of the bridegroom, with date. 4. (0) (b) (c) (d) FuQname ofthe bride. Her age. Usual plflCCofresidence. Address;
unmarried the time of marriage. whether WidOw divorced.

(e) Status of the brid~at


(f) Signature of the bride, .withdate.. 5. (0) (b) (e) (d) (e) . 6. (0) (b) Full name of the father or guardian of the bridegroom. His age. Usual place of residence. Address. Signature of the father or guardian of the bridegroom, with date.


Full name of the father or guardian of the bride. His age. (c) Usualplaceof residence. . (d) Address. . (e) Sigilature of the father or guardian of the bride, with date.

7. (a) Full name of the officiatingpriest. (b) His age. .

(c) Usual place of residence. (d) Address.

(e). Signatureof the officiatingpriest, with date~

GPK.-,-.H 64-2082-7.88

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