GR No. 200487 Biggs

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Bigg’s Inc.

- Petitioner February of 1996, union members were

Jay Boncacas, Thelma Divina, Allan Dy, Charvie asked to withdraw from their membership
Neo, Richard Sabater, Araceli Enriques, Ma. under threat of losing their employment.
Rebessa San Jose, Alfredo Odiamar JR., Michael ● In the same month, employees named
Mapa, Dante Bayta, Glen Rebusi, Rachelle Mea, Mariano Aycardo and Marilyn Jana were
Albert Tinasa, Wilhelmn Jardinero, Jun Labadan dismissed from service purposely due to
and Pura Sabater - Respondents their union membership.
● February 16, 1996 - the union president
● The employer of the respondents is Bigg’s Boncacas and other union members were
Inc. prevented from entering the premises of
● Boncacas - union president Bigg’s. On the same day, they filed a Notice
● Arlene Acabado and Teresita Arejola - of Strike with the NCMB. Tried to return to
representative of Bigg’s. (Personnel officer work on February 17, 1996, but they were
and general manager during that time of informed of their respective memoranda.
filing of the petitions) ● The union members filed a complaint
● Bigg’s operates a chain of restaurants with about unfair labor practices, illegal
the principal place in Naga City, Camarines dismissal, and damages.
Sur. Employees formed a labor union named ● Bigg’s also filed a complaint about illegal
Bigg’s Employees Union which was issued a strike
Certificate of Registration by DOLE on ● The union conducted another strike on
January 30, 1996. March 5, 1996.
● The conflict between Bigg’s management ● The strike was later stopped when both
and the union members parties agreed to compulsory arbitration.
● February 16, 1996, Bigg’s alleged that 50 FINDINGS
union members staged an illegal “sit-down ● Labor Arbiter Rolando L. Bobis issued a
strike” in Bigg’s Restaurant. Joint Decision dated January 31, 2000
● Sit-down strike - may mga employees daw ● Union members who were contractual
na nasa premises pero nagrefuse mag-work employees
kasi nga may strike. ● LA was in favor of Bigg’s for the illegal
● Union did not comply with the requirements strike.
of sending Notice of Strike to the National ● The following officers, the President
Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB). (Boncacas), the vice president (Liria), the
● Biggs issued a memorandum to the striking treasurer (San Juan), and the secretary
union members that will undergo preventive (Arines) have decided that their issue of
suspension and required them to explain illegal dismissal was valid. Because
their action within 24 hours from notice. The according to LA, it was proven that they
union did not comply with the company’s participated in the said illegal strikes. While
order, thus, they were sent employment the other members, who are not proven
termination letters on February 19, 1996. that they participated in the said illegal
UNION SIDE strike, should reinstate their following
● The union members accuse Bigg’s positions.
interfering with union activities. In late
● For the allegation of unfair labor practice, Article 278 of the Labor Code
and union-busting, the LA held that the c) in cases of bargaining deadlocks, the duly
union members were unable to prove the certified bargaining agent may file a notice of
same with substantial evidence. strike or the employer may file a notice of
● On appeal, the NLRC reversed the LA lockout with the Ministry at least 30 days
decision. In its decision, dated, April 30, before the intended date thereof. For unfair
2002, the NLRC ruled that the strike on labor practice, the period of notice shall be 15
February 16, 1996, was valid because it was days and in the absence of a duly bargaining
grounded on unfair labor practices agent, the notice of strike may be filed by any
committed by Biggs. The union members legitimate labor organization on behalf of its
were not bound to wait for 15 days from members. In case of dismissal from
the filing of the Notice of Strike before employment of union officers duly elected in
staging the same. The NLRC also ruled that accordance with the union constitution and by-
there was no evidence that the union laws, the 15-day cooling-off period shall not
members displayed violence, coercion, or apply.
prevented the free ingress to and egress e) during the cooling-off period, the duty of the
from Bigg’s premises during the March 5, Ministry is to exert all efforts at mediation and
1996 strike. conciliation to effect a voluntary settlement.
● Motion for reconsideration, the NLRC f) a decision to declare a strike must be
reversed its own ruling and reinstated the approved by a majority of the total union
LA Decision. The NLRC declared that there membership in the bargaining unit concerned,
were material points missing. obtained by secret ballot in meetings called for
● The ruling of the Court of Appeals - the CA a purpose.
clarified that a strike need not always be
declared by the duly representative - The Court affirmed that the strike that
bargaining representative. happened last February 16, 1996, was
● Some of the members were barred from illegal, for the failure of the union to
entering to premises, in that case, it was comply with the pre-requisites for a
really an unfair labor practice. valid strike.
● Under the implementing rules of the Labor - The cooling-off period is mandatory,
Code recognize the power of a legitimate especially to allow both parties to
labor organization to conduct a strike in the negotiate and seek a peaceful
absence of a certified recognized bargaining settlement or to avoid the strike.
representative, if and only if the provided - The union was failed to prove that there
reason is unfair labor practice. was union-busting to exempt
● The CA found that Biggs was guilty of anti- compliance with the cooling-off period.
unionism by preventing Boncacas and other - The union did not present any
union members from entering the premises substantial evidence that Bigg’s
and firing other union members on the management was actually dismissing or
same day when they opted to retain union threatening with dismissal for their
membership. union membership.
Requirements of a Valid Strike
- The strike on March 5, 1996, was also - Both petitions were partially granted.
illegal because Article 279 (e) of the - Declare the strike of February 16, 1996,
Labor Code provides: No person illegal;
engaged in picketing shall commit any - Grant separation pay
act of violence, coercion or intimidation - Revisions of names for awardees, and
or obstruct the free ingress to or egress employees who will restrain their
from the employer’s premises for lawful position.
purposes, or obstruct public
thoroughfares. (Nakahanap sila ng
video footage with regards to this

- The court reverse the CA’s findings that

the union president Boncaca’s dismissal
was invalid as he did not commit illegal
acts on March 5, 1996. It was explained
that even if Boncacas’ not knowingly
participate but was the one who
principally organized the two illegal
strikes. Because according to Article
279, if the union officers were found
out participating in an illegal strike, it is
their valid ground to terminate their
employment. Therefore, the dismissal
of the union officers was valid.
However, as to the union members who
did not participate in any prohibited
activities during the strikes, their
dismissal was invalid.

- The Court also mentioned that if they

cannot trust anymore the employees
who can imply a strike, separation pay
is the best option than reinstatement.

- Only Shiela Raymundo and Memandro

Ramos joined the instant petition for
reinstatement with back-wages,
therefore they should receive the


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