Microwave Weapon Attacks Organized Stalking of Individuals With Directed Energy

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wave Weapon Attacks: Global Problem

8/12/2019 Microwave Weapon Attacks- Organized Stalking of Individuals With Directed Energy Weapons

Organized Stalking #1: Microwave Weapons vs Humans

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Microwave Weapons Used In Directed Energy Weapon Attacks On Individuals & Global Crimi
Use Of DEWs
I've talked about microwave weapons as part of the long range takeover of America, this page is a lit tle research mater
about the reality of t heir existence and use on human beings. This is directly tied to the issue of Organized Gangstalking
Individual Citizens condu cted by The Secret Government. The Secret Government was in stalled by the National Security
of 1947, now taking you int o the final phases of their long planned New World Order.

This page is not meant to define all the threats posed by the use of micr owave weapons against people, this is jus t a v
basic introduction. Also see 23 U.S. Patented Mind Control Related Devices (1956 – 2003) and Videos On Mind Control
Weapons Technology. Also s ee The Secret Government's Abil ity to Erase Memory - Memory Erasure Is A Fact Not Ficti o

See this pdf by Eleanor Whit e, Organized Stalking Information for People for Whom this Crime is a New Issue.

If you think that Electronic Mind Control being perpetrated by our National Security Agency is bull shit, read this page,
Microwave Harassment And Mind-Control Experimentation, by Jul ianne McKinney. McKinney is a former Army Intelligen
officer, and was later head of the now defunct Association of National Security Alumn i’s Electronic Surveillance Project
1990s. Also read Mind Cont rol and t he Secret State by Juli anne McKinney, in pdf fo rmat.

See also http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Soc/soc.culture.usa/2009-10/msg00235.html, there are some v ery

disturbing stories there.

" Another
value individual,
the lives during ashe
of her children, telephone conversation,
would drop was told by
the her opposition an employee
to the ofinstallation
company’s a local power company
of high t hat
p ower , if she
lines. Sin
receiving that threat, the individual 11-year-old daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurre
hospitalization treatment of il lness which cannot be diagnosed."

  The pioneer in exposin g mind control and body attacks with microwave weap
was a German sc ientist named Reinhard Munzert. Munzert was loc ked away in
mental institution in 2002, before he could appear before our U.S. Congress
regarding these matters.

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There are now too many people and organizations wor king t o expose this threat, it is not a fantasy and Munzert was n

Quoting the page at http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/grn/omega14.htm: (3-22-2013): The li nk i s d ead, a pdf of the page
created from the Internet Archive is here.

Dr. Munzert was about to held a lecture in th e USA about mi crowave ovens, used as weapon
Dr. Munzert was brought in the midst of august this year against his will in the psychiatry of th
town Erlangen in Germany. There he should be forced to take against his will psychotropic
drugs . He refused and is now the 21. day in hung er strike. It s eems, that therefore he will not
able to hold his lecture as scheduled on September 6. He was brought in a mental institution,
his ow n mental welfare, as a expert said, because he claimed to hear the buzzing of mi crowav
radiation (for many people nothing special, this i s a well known fact!). This would be is a
delusion, and the expert argued furth er, that the statement, the radiation of mi crowave ovens
could be used as weapons (also nothing special for the " knowers"), would be part of a illus ion
system. The belief of Dr. Munzert t o speak about t his issues at a congr ess in th e USA, was ca
schizophrenic megalomania by the expert. As you see below, it was definitely in no way a
schizophrenic megalomania.

I haven't been able to find any information o n w hatever happened to Dr. Munzert, but since he hasn't released any ot he
papers s ince 2002, I think it's l ogical to assume something bad happened to him. That's no t a surprise.

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Here is Dr. Munzert's mo st pr ominent p aper: The Misus e Of Microwave Weapons by Crimina
and Terrorists

Further reading on microwave weapons:

Five Available Electronic Harassment Technologies

EXPERIMENTS IN TORTURE: Evidence of Human Subject Research and experimentatio n in the “ Enhanced” Interrogat

Here is a page at American Chronicle discussing these microwave methods, Sudden-Onset Ailments - Criminal Ac tivit
 Al so , th ere ar e sev eral artic les of in ter est t hat can be fo und f ro m this page.

- Another Type of Electromagnetic Weapon -

Invocon, Inc. was contracted in 2004 by the US Navy to develop another typ e of EM weapon, known by the acronym EP
(Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control).

Quoting t his p age: Navy SBIR Award

http ://www.navysbi rpro gram.com/NavySearch/Award/award.aspx? pk=C18BA979-DADB-4892-896A-1E89970EA8BD

The focus will be in two areas. (1) Interruption of the mechanical transduction process by
which sound and position (relative to gravity) are converted to messages that are processed b
the brain. (2) Interruption of the chemical engine which sustains the proper operation of the
nerve cells that respond to the mechanical transduction mechanisms referenced in item (1).
Interruption of either or both of these processes has been cli nically shown to produce comple
disorientation and confusion. Second order effects would be extreme motion sickness.

  In 2007 a patent for t he EPIC weapon w as applied for, United States Patent Applic ation 20070249959.

Quoting this page, Electromagnetic personnel interdiction control method and system:

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 An electr om agnetic perso nnel in terdi ctio n cont ro l (EPIC) non -destr uc ti ve st un ty pe weapon
system and m ethod u tili zes beamed RF energy (Lorentz Force) to disr upt t he normal mechanic
transduction process and/or the chemical engine by which sound, pos ition and ot her sensory
input are converted to messages by nerve cells and processed by the brain to produce compl
disorientation, confusion, and temporary incapacitation suf ficient to temporarily and remotely
render a human pow erless to resist arrest or subj ugation. Removal o f the RF electrom agnetic
energy will leave the nerve cells and surrounding tissues with no damage and the second orde
effects of severe motion sickness and the psychological effects of “ helplessness” remains un
the body chemistry returns to normal.

Microwave weapons are a reality, and

microwaves can also be used for mind control.

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Silent Sound Microwave Mind Control Explained

Silent Sound Weapon & Organized Stalkin g of US Citi zens wit h DEWs
(Directed Energy Weapons)

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The Acoustic Heterodyne:

" Silent Sound" Via UltraSound Instead of Microwave

Here is a pdf about Operation Blue B eam, from the Internation al Free Press i n Canada.
That pdf was cr eated from a now dead web page, taken from Googl e's cache. The page existed Ju ly 30, 2010 and is go
today August 16, 2010. The pdf concerns NASA Project Blue Beam, and also di scusses plans o f the New World Order. T
we can already see these goals being set in m otion by our current governments. It's a good read.
This page, Defense Against Freemason Sponso red Electroni c Harassment, at
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread323067/pg1, lists at some possibl e defenses against micro wave attack.

The Origin of Microwave Weapons in the U.S., MKULTRA s ubproject 119

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