Committee Opinion No 712 Intrapartum Management.58

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Number 712 • August 2017

Committee on Obstetric Practice

The Society for Maternal–Fetal Medicine endorses this document. This Committee Opinion was developed by the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists’ Committee on Obstetric Practice in collaboration with R. Phillips Heine, MD; American Academy of Pediatrics member Karen M.
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Puopolo, MD, PhD; Richard Beigi, MD; Neil S. Silverman, MD; and Yasser Y. El-Sayed, MD.

Intrapartum Management of Intraamniotic Infection

ABSTRACT: Intraamniotic infection, also known as chorioamnionitis, is an infection with resultant inflamma-
tion of any combination of the amniotic fluid, placenta, fetus, fetal membranes, or decidua. Intraamniotic infection
is a common condition noted among preterm and term parturients. However, most cases of intraamniotic infec-
tion detected and managed by obstetrician–gynecologists or other obstetric care providers will be noted among
term patients in labor. Intraamniotic infection can be associated with acute neonatal morbidity, including neonatal
pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, and death. Maternal morbidity from intraamniotic infection also can be significant,
and may include dysfunctional labor requiring increased intervention, postpartum uterine atony with hemorrhage,
endometritis, peritonitis, sepsis, adult respiratory distress syndrome and, rarely, death. Recognition of intrapartum
intraamniotic infection and implementation of treatment recommendations are essential steps that effectively can
minimize morbidity and mortality for women and newborns. Timely maternal management together with notifi-
cation of the neonatal health care providers will facilitate appropriate evaluation and empiric antibiotic treatment
when indicated. Intraamniotic infection alone is rarely, if ever, an indication for cesarean delivery.

Recommendations ture between 38.0°C and 38.9°C with no additional

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists risk factors present, and with or without persistent
(ACOG) makes the following recommendations: temperature elevation.
• Intraamniotic infection, also referred to as chorio- • Administration of intrapartum antibiotics is rec-
amnionitis, is an infection with resultant inflam- ommended whenever an intraamniotic infection
mation of any combination of the amniotic fluid, is suspected or confirmed. Antibiotics should be
placenta, fetus, fetal membranes, or decidua. considered in the setting of isolated maternal fever
• Intraamniotic infection can be associated with acute unless a source other than intraamniotic infection is
neonatal morbidity, including neonatal pneumonia, identified and documented.
meningitis, sepsis, and death, as well as long-term • Intraamniotic infection alone is rarely, if ever, an
infant complications such as bronchopulmonary indication for cesarean delivery.
dysplasia and cerebral palsy. • Regardless of institutional protocol, when
• For the purposes of this Committee Opinion, the obstetrician–gynecologists or other obstetric care
diagnosis of suspected intraamniotic infection is providers diagnose an intraamniotic infection,
made when the maternal temperature is greater than or when other risk factors for early-onset neona-
or equal to 39.0°C or when the maternal temperature tal sepsis are present in labor (eg, maternal fever,
is 38.0–38.9°C and one additional clinical risk factor prolonged rupture of the membranes, or preterm
is present. birth), communication with the neonatal care team
• For the purposes of this Committee Opinion, isolated is essential to optimize neonatal evaluation and
maternal fever is defined as any maternal tempera- management.


Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Background Maternal morbidity from intraamniotic infection
Intraamniotic infection, also known as chorioamnio- also can be significant, and may include dysfunctional
nitis, is an infection with resultant inflammation of any labor requiring increased intervention, postpartum uter-
combination of the amniotic fluid, placenta, fetus, fetal ine atony with hemorrhage, endometritis, peritonitis,
membranes, or decidua. Recently, some authors have sepsis, adult respiratory distress syndrome and, rarely,
suggested changing the name of this condition to “intra- death (16, 17).
amniotic infection and inflammation” to more accurately Obstetric risk factors for intraamniotic infection at
reflect the full spectrum of the disease process (1). This term have been delineated, including low parity, multiple
remains an evolving area, and for the purposes of this digital examinations, use of internal uterine and fetal
document, which focuses on the management of sus- monitors, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and the
pected or confirmed infection, the use of the term intra- presence of certain genital tract pathogens (eg, group B
amniotic infection is retained to identify this condition. streptococcal infection and sexually transmitted infec-
Intraamniotic infection often is polymicrobial in tions) (3, 18–20). It should be recognized that many
origin, commonly involves aerobic and anaerobic bacte- of these proposed risk factors also are associated with
ria, and frequently originates from the vaginal flora (2). longer duration of labor and membrane rupture, and
It predominantly occurs by ascending bacterial inva- may not be independently associated with intraamniotic
sion from the lower genital tract to the typically sterile infection. For example, a recent retrospective investiga-
amniotic cavity. Intraamniotic infection also can occur, tion of more than 2,000 parturients specifically analyzed
although rarely, after invasive procedures (eg, amnio- the number of cervical examinations performed during
centesis or chorionic villus sampling) or by a hematog- labor and found that women who developed an intra-
enous route secondary to maternal systemic infection partum fever had more digital cervical examinations
(eg, Listeria monocytogenes). However, most cases than women who did not (21). However, this relation-
of intraamniotic infection detected and managed by ship was not significant after adjusting for spontaneous
obstetrician–gynecologists or other obstetric care pro- labor, the Bishop score, and rupture of membranes on
viders will be noted among term patients in labor. admission.
Estimates suggest that approximately 2–5% of term Maternal intraamniotic infection is reasonably sen-
deliveries are complicated by a clinically apparent sitive but lacks specificity with regard to the diagnosis
intraamniotic infection (3, 4). More recent data suggest of neonatal sepsis, particularly among preterm infants.
that the relative risk for intraamniotic infection and neo- Multivariate risk models for predicting neonatal sepsis
natal infection may increase after 40 completed weeks of among term and late-preterm infants have been devel-
gestation (3–5). oped based on objective data, including gestational age,
Intraamniotic infection can be associated with acute duration of rupture of membranes, highest maternal
neonatal morbidity, including neonatal pneumonia, intrapartum temperature, group B streptococcal coloni-
meningitis, sepsis, and death (3). The use of intrapartum zation, and the type and timing of intrapartum antibi-
antibiotic treatment given either in response to maternal otic administration (5, 12, 22). These neonatal sepsis risk
group B streptococcal colonization or in response to models do not affect maternal intrapartum management,
evolving signs of intraamniotic infection during labor has but the use of maternal intrapartum data underscores the
been associated with a nearly 10-fold decrease in group B importance of communication with pediatric care pro-
streptococcal-specific neonatal sepsis (6–8). Decreases in viders as well as of appropriate maternal medical record
non-group B streptococcal neonatal infections also have documentation.
been noted (9–11). The protective effect of maternal intra-
partum antibiotic administration has been demonstrated Presumptive Diagnosis of
in recent multivariate risk models of individual infant Intraamniotic Infection
risk of neonatal sepsis (5, 12). The diagnosis of intraamniotic infection can be estab-
Intraamniotic infection can be associated with long- lished objectively by amniotic fluid culture, or gram stain,
term complications for the infant, such as bronchopul- or both and biochemical analysis, but for most women
monary dysplasia and cerebral palsy (13, 14), potentially at term who are in labor the diagnosis is primarily
due to the effect of inflammation alone. A recent meta- made using clinical criteria. In a recent executive sum-
analysis of 15 studies found a significantly higher relative mary of proceedings from a joint workshop sponsored
risk of cerebral palsy among primarily premature infants by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
exposed to either histologic chorioamnionitis (odds ratio Child Health and Human Development, the Society for
[OR], 1.8; 95% CI, 1.17–2.89) or clinical chorioamnion- Maternal–Fetal Medicine, the American Academy of
itis (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.52–3.84) (13). It is nonetheless Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetricians
important to acknowledge that the overall absolute risk and Gynecologists, a panel of maternal and neonatal
of cerebral palsy remains quite low (approximately 2 per experts recommended separating intraamniotic infection
1,000 live births) (15). into three different categories: 1) isolated maternal fever,

e96 Committee Opinion Intrapartum Management of Intraamniotic Infection OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2) suspected intraamniotic infection, and 3) confirmed is suspected or confirmed (26). Antipyretics should be
intraamniotic infection (1). The new definitions distin- administered in addition to antibiotics. Proper labor
guish suspected and confirmed intraamniotic infection progression should be ensured, given the association
according to clinical and laboratory/pathologic findings, between intraamniotic infection and dysfunctional labor
and provide standardized temperature criteria to diagnose progression (3, 16, 17, 27). In the absence of contrain-
intrapartum fever. According to the expert workshop dications, augmentation of protracted labor in women
executive summary, isolated maternal fever is defined with intraamniotic infection appears prudent. However,
as either a single oral temperature of 39°C or greater, intraamniotic infection alone is not an indication for
or an oral temperature of 38–38.9°C that persists when immediate delivery, and the route of delivery in most situ-
the temperature is repeated after 30 minutes. Suspected ations should be based on standard obstetric indications.
intraamniotic infection is based on clinical criteria, which Intraamniotic infection alone is rarely, if ever, an indica-
include maternal intrapartum fever and one or more of tion for cesarean delivery.
the following: maternal leukocytosis, purulent cervical
drainage, or fetal tachycardia. Confirmed intraamniotic Management of Isolated Maternal
infection is based on a positive amniotic fluid test result Fever
(gram stain, glucose level, or culture results consistent For the purposes of this document, isolated maternal fever
with infection) or placental pathology demonstrating his- is defined as any temperature between 38°C and 38.9°C
tologic evidence of placental infection or inflammation. with no other clinical criteria indicating intraamniotic
In clinical practice, confirmed intraamniotic infection infection, and with or without persistent temperature
among women in labor at term will most commonly elevation. In clinical care, an isolated maternal fever is
be made after delivery, based on histopathologic study a common scenario facing obstetrician–gynecologists or
of the placenta. Therefore, until better and less inva- other obstetric care providers and, even absent additional
sive intrapartum diagnostic tools become available, criteria or persistent temperature elevation (as defined
any practical distinction between suspected and con- in the expert workshop executive summary), in practice
firmed intraamniotic infection will remain meaningful clinicians often choose to treat for intraamniotic infec-
only in research settings and not for the obstetrician– tion. Few data exist to guide appropriate management
gynecologist or other obstetric care provider managing of women with isolated intrapartum fever in the absence
a patient in labor. Diagnosis of confirmed histologic of other clinical signs suggesting intraamniotic infection.
intraamniotic infection in the postpartum period does Isolated intrapartum fever alone, whether due to infection
not alter postdelivery maternal treatment. Although the or not, also has been associated with poor short-term and
expert workshop executive summary included patients long-term neonatal outcomes (28–30). The exact mecha-
with temperature 39°C or greater with no other clinical nism of such an effect remains unclear, although fetal
risk factors present in the isolated maternal fever group, hyperthermia (and associated changes in metabolic rate)
it is the opinion of the Committee on Obstetric Practice is hypothesized to potentiate the negative effects of tissue
that absent an obvious alternative source, these patients be hypoxia. Prospective, randomized controlled studies are
included in the suspected intraamniotic infection group. needed to better guide management of isolated intrapar-
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ tum fever. Currently, given the potential benefits for the
recommendation optimizes sensitivity given that mark- woman and newborn, antibiotics should be considered in
edly elevated maternal temperatures are most likely due the setting of isolated maternal fever unless a source other
to infection, while transient lower temperature elevations than intraamniotic infection is identified and document-
may be due to infection or may be spurious, or related ed. In some settings, this approach may result in increased
to noninfectious factors such as dehydration or epidural awareness and diagnosis of intraamniotic infection,
analgesia (23–25). which will affect subsequent management of newborns.
Whether or not a decision is made to initiate intrapar-
Management of Suspected or tum antimicrobial therapy, the occurrence of maternal
Confirmed Intraamniotic Infection intrapartum fever should be communicated to the neo-
As demonstrated in a randomized clinical trial, intra- natal care team. Newer pediatric recommendations rely
partum antibiotic therapy for intraamniotic infection less on the clinical diagnosis of suspected intraamniotic
decreases the rate of neonatal bacteremia, pneumonia, infection, and more on consideration of a variety of risk
and sepsis (26). Multivariate models of neonatal sepsis factors and newborn clinical status to determine neonatal
risk demonstrate the positive effect of intrapartum antibi- management.
otics on the risk of culture-confirmed neonatal infection
(5, 12). Intrapartum antibiotics also have been shown to Postdelivery Recommendations
decrease maternal febrile morbidity and length of hospital Intrapartum antimicrobial agents administered for sus-
stay. Therefore, in the absence of any clearly documented pected or confirmed intraamniotic infection should not
overriding risks, administration of intrapartum antibiot- be continued automatically postpartum; rather, extension
ics is recommended whenever intraamniotic infection of antimicrobial therapy should be based on risk factors

VOL. 130, NO. 2, AUGUST 2017 Committee Opinion Intrapartum Management of Intraamniotic Infection e97

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
for postpartum endometritis (31–34). Data suggest that antimicrobial therapy, or both in vaginal and cesarean
women who have vaginal deliveries are less likely to have deliveries.
endometritis and may not require postpartum antibiot- Common antibiotic choices for treatment of sus-
ics (32). For women undergoing cesarean deliveries, at pected intraamniotic infection are listed in Table 1.
least one additional dose of antimicrobial agents after Obstetrician–gynecologists and other obstetric care pro-
delivery is recommended. However, the presence of viders also should consider consulting their local micro-
other maternal risk factors such as bacteremia or per- biology laboratory and infectious disease experts to
sistent fever in the postpartum period may be used to ascertain whether there are alternative recommended
guide continuation of antimicrobial therapy, duration of regimens based on local antibiotic resistance patterns.

Table 1. Recommended Antibiotic Regimens for Treatment of Intraamniotic Infection 

Primary Regimen
Recommended Antibiotics Dosage
• Ampicillin 2 g IV every 6 hours
• Gentamicin 2 mg/kg IV load followed by 1.5 mg/kg every 8 hours
5 mg/kg IV every 24 hours

Recommended Antibiotics (Mild Penicillin Allergy) Dosage

• Cefazolin 2 g IV every 8 hours
• Gentamicin 2 mg/kg IV load followed by 1.5 mg/kg every 8 hours
5 mg/kg IV every 24 hours

Recommended Antibiotics (Severe Penicillin Allergy) Dosage

• Clindamycin 900 mg IV every 8 hours
• Vancomycin* 1 g IV every 12 hours
• Gentamicin 2 mg/kg IV load followed by 1.5 mg/kg every 8 hours
5 mg/kg IV every 24 hours

Postcesarean delivery : One additional dose of the chosen regimen is indicated. Add clindamycin 900 mg IV or metronidazole 500 mg IV for at
least one additional dose.
Postvaginal delivery : No additional doses required; but if given, clindamycin is not indicated.

Alternative Regimens

• Ampicillin–sulbactam 3 g IV every 6 hrs

• Piperacillin–tazobactam 3.375 g IV every 6 hrs or 4.5 g IV every 8 hrs
• Cefotetan 2 g IV every 12 hrs
• Cefoxitin 2 g IV every 8 hrs
• Ertapenem 1 g IV every 24 hrs

Postcesarean delivery : One additional dose of the chosen regimen is indicated. Additional clindamycin is not required.
Postvaginal delivery : No additional doses required, but if given, clindamycin is not indicated.

Abbreviation: IV, intravenous.

*Vancomycin should be used if the woman is colonized with group B streptococci resistant to either clindamycin or erythromycin (unless clindamycin-inducible resistance
testing is available and is negative) or if the woman is colonized with group B streptococci and antibiotic sensitivities are not available.

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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This information is designed as an educational resource to aid clinicians in providing obstetric and gynecologic care, and use of this information is
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It is not intended to substitute for the independent professional judgment of the treating clinician. Variations in practice may be warranted when, in
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VOL. 130, NO. 2, AUGUST 2017 Committee Opinion Intrapartum Management of Intraamniotic Infection e101

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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