FM Faqs

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Q. What are the components/objects in a FM project?

 The components of a Framework Manager project can be listed as: Project Model Namespace Query Subject Query Item

Q. What are the components of Framework Manager screen?  The different components can be listed as below: a) Project Viewer shows project objects in a hierarchical view. Used to view, modify and create objects. b) Explorer Tab shows the contents of a project like any file system. Used to view, create and modify objects and relationships. c) Diagram Tab shows the relationships between objects in a project. Used to view, create and modify objects and relationships. Also used to change diagram settings, Capture Screen and Set Focal Point. d) Dimension Map Used to view, create and modify hierarchies and levels for the dimension selected in Project viewer. e) Properties Pane shows the properties of the object that is selected in the project viewer. f) Tools Pane The different tabs in tools pane are listed below: a) Summary Tab b) Search Tab c) Dependencies Tab Q. What is the extension of FM project file? What all files constitute a FM project?  The extension of a FM project file is .cpf. Below is a list of all files that constitute a project: a) ProjectName.cpf Project File (references the .xml files) b) IDLog.xml used to track objects for models c) Log.xml list of all modifications made to the model d) Model.xml actual model data e) Preferences.xml f) Persistent.txt Diagram information Q. What are the different types of Query Subjects?  The different types of query subjects can be listed as below: a) Data Source Query Subject. b) Model Query Subject. c) Stored Procedure Query Subject. Q. What are the different types of Stored Procedures in Framework Manager?  Framework Manager supports only user-defined stored procedures. System stored procedures are not supported. The different types of Stored Procedures in Framework Manager are: 1. Data Query Stored Procedure Issues a read-only transaction. 2. Data Modification Stored Procedure Writes a record to the data source. Q. How to build a model and publish a package?  Steps to build a model and package: 1. Open Framework Manager and click on Create a new Project. 2. Select language and select data source. 3. Select the tables, views, procedures etc. to import.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Create relationship and click on import. Right click on the package and select to create a package option. Choose objects and select function sets. Select location and click on publish. Q. How do you create IQD in Framework Manager?

 We can create IQD by setting the externalize property and select property to IQD. Steps to follow: 1. Select the Query subjects and go to Properties. 2. Select externalize method option. 3. Select property to IQD. 4. Save the model. 5. While publishing, specify the location for IQD files. 6. You can find your IQDs in the specified location after publishing the package. Q. What is loop in Framework Manager?  Loop is a closed path (relation) that exists among 3 (or) more tables. For example, if we have '3' tables T1, T2, T3 then, a loop exists among these tables only when we create joins in the following fashion: Loop: T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> T1

To resolve the above problem, we have to create a shortcut (or) Alias to the Table T1. No Loop: T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> Alias (or) Shortcut of T1

Q. What is difference between Shortcut and Alias Shortcut?  Shortcut is a pointer to an object. While a regular shortcut is a simple reference to the target object; Alias shortcut behaves as a copy of the original object with completely independent behavior.

Import the Stored Procedure using the Metadata Import Wizard as you would a regular database table, simply choose Procedures rather than Tables in the Wizard. FM supports only user-defined stored procedures. System stored procedures are not supported. There are two types of stored procedures within FM models:

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Data Query: Issues a read-only transaction Data Modification: Writes data/updates data to the database.

Note that when stored procedures requiring parameters are run, the end user of the procedure is prompted for the parameter values. If necessary, parameter values can be saved into the model so that report users/authors are not prompted for parameter values. The steps in this document provide guidance in importing a basic Data Query stored procedure. For more information on using stored procedures in different ways in a model, see the Cognos 8 Framework Manager User Guide. This reading material is highly recommended to ensure your model and reports work as well as possible. Steps: 1. Run the Metadata Wizard. 1 (a) Select the Folder or Namespace you would like to import the stored procedure into. 1 (b) From the Actions menu, select Run Metadata Wizard. 2. Select Data Sources as the Metadata source and click Next.

3. Select the data source containg the stored procedure to be brought into the model and cickNext. 4. In the next dialog box, expand the various levels until you see Procedures. Expand Procedures. 5. Select the stored procedure(s) to be imported and click Next. 6. In the next dialog, specify how relationships should be generated with other query subjects in your model. Generally, the default options are acceptable, but your model may require you to choose other options. Click Import. 7. The stored procedure should appear as a new Query Subject. Double-click the stored procedure to validate it. If the stored procedure has input parameters, you will be asked to provide some now. 8. After validating the stored procedure, query items should appear under the query subject and the stored procedure has been imported.

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