X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, Methods
X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, Methods
X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, Methods
continuous radiation intensity increases and with where n is the order of the spectrum, O is the wave-
further increases in O it decreases. length, d is the grating constant of the crystal
analyser and I is the angle of incidence of the colli-
mated X-ray fluorescent beam on the specific set of
X-ray sources parallel planes in the crystal from which the beam is
diffracted (see Table 1).
The most widespread source of X-rays is the X-ray The X-ray fluorescence spectrum is then registered
tube. In an X-ray tube, electrons emitted from the on a photographic film or by Geiger, proportional or
cathode are accelerated by an electrical field and scintillation counters, semiconductor detectors, etc.
bombard the metal target (anode). Target atoms, ex-
cited by electron impact, and electrons losing their
kinetic energy when decelerating in the anode sub-
stance, emit X-rays. The primary radiation of the X-
ray tube consists of two parts characteristic (line)
and continuous radiation. As a result of the primary
radiation impinging on a substance its atoms emit
characteristic fluorescence (secondary) radiation.
Other sources of X-rays are radioactive isotopes
which can directly emit X-rays or electrons or α par-
ticles. In the last two cases charged particles can
bombard the target substance which then emits X-
rays. The intensity of X-ray isotope sources is some
orders of magnitude less than that of X-ray tubes;
however the dimensions, weight and cost of X-ray
isotope sources are less than that of X-ray tubes.
X-rays are also generated as synchrotron radia- Figure 3 An X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. 1, X-ray tube;
1a, electron source; 1b, target; 2, substance investigated (sec-
tion. It can be selected by a crystal analyser and may ondary anode); 3, crystal analyser; 4, registration device; h Q1, pri-
be used as an X-ray source. The intensity of X-rays mary radiation; h Q2, secondary radiation; and h Q3, registered
selected from synchrotron radiation is some orders radiation.
higher than that from an X-ray tube.
The characteristic radiation of the X-ray tube is Table 1 Parameters of typical crystal analysers
spread in space isotropically, whereas its continuous Maximal
radiation has maximal intensity in directions in a solving
plane perpendicular to the trajectory of electrons Reflecting ability Relative
bombarding the target. The X-ray component of Crystal plane 2d (nm) (λ/∆ λ) coefficient
synchrotron radiation is polarized and spread only KAP 001 2.7714 1400 8−18
in the plane of the synchrotron ring. Mica 002 1.9884 2 000 2−3
ADP 101 1.0659 10 000 1−10
EDDT 020 0.8808 − −
Obtaining X-ray emission spectra PET 002 0.8726 8 000 10−20
Quartz 1010 0.8512 20 000 1−10
A schematic of an X-ray fluorescence instrument is
Quartz 101 1 0.671 53 10 000 2−14
presented in Figure 3. The X-ray tube is used as the
Plumbago 002 0.6696 100 50−200
source of primary radiation hν1. The vacancies in in-
Ge 111 0.653 27 6 000 −
ner shells of atoms of the substance investigated are
Si 111 0.6271 10 000 2−10
formed as a result of primary radiation action. These
Calcite 211 0.6069 15 000 2−30
vacancies are filled by other inner or outer electrons.
Quartz 1020 0.4912 30 000 0.4−3.3
This is accompanied by X-ray fluorescent photons
LiF 200 0.4028 2 000 10
hν2 being emitted. This fluorescence radiation is
Ge 220 0.400 13 000 17−23
spread out into the spectrum by means of a crystal
Si 220 0.383 99 29 000 1–6
analyser (or, for the ultrasoft X-ray region, by means
Calcite 422 0.3034 64 000 0.4−0.9
of diffraction gratings) in accordance with Braggs
LiF 220 0.2848 1 300 10−20
Quartz 2023 0.2806 90 000 0.3−0.9
Quartz 2243 0.2024 144 000 0.2−0.45
Calcite 633 0.202 122 000 0.3−0.6
The wavelengths and energies of the characteristic complex samples but needs the special requirements
emission lines have been accurately measured and of sample preparation.
tabulated in handbooks, monographs and reference The use of the background of scattered primary
works for all chemical elements with Z > 2. radiation is based on the fact that the ratio IA:Ib (Ib is
the background intensity) mainly depends on CA and
only weakly depends on the concentration of other
X-ray fluorescence analysis
elements, Ci.
X-ray fluorescence analysis (XFA) is based on the In the method of dilution a great amount of a
X-ray emission lines intensity dependence on the weak absorber or a small amount of strong absorber
concentration of the appropriate element. XFA is is added to the sample investigated. These additions
widely used for the quantitative analysis of various should reduce the matrix effect. This method is effec-
materials, especially in black and colour metallurgy tive for water solution analysis and for the analysis
and geology. XFA is distinguished by rapidity and a of complex samples when the internal standard
high degree of automation. The detection limits de- method is inapplicable.
pend on the element, matrix composition and spec- There are also models in which the measured
trometer used and lie in the region 103 10 10%. intensity IA is corrected on the basis of the intensities
Defining any element (with Z > 4) is possible by Ii and concentrations Ci of other elements. For exam-
means of XFA in both a solid and a liquid phase. ple, CA may be represented as:
However, the fluorescence line intensity IA of an
investigated element A depends not only on its con-
centration CA in the sample, but also on the concen-
tration of other elements, Ci, because other elements
promote both absorption and excitation of fluores-
cence of the element A (matrix effect). Moreover, the
measured value IA essentially depends on the sample
surface, phase distribution, grain sizes, etc. Numer- a and b are values determined by the least-squares
ous methods have been developed to account for method with the help of IA and Ii values measured in
such effects. Most notable are the empirical methods several standards with known concentrations CA of
of external and internal standards, using the back- element A. Such models are widely used for the serial
ground of scattered primary radiation and the analysis of many samples via computers.
method of dilution.
In the external standard method the unknown
concentration CA of the element A is determined by X-ray microanalysis
comparing the intensity IA in the sample investigated
X-ray microanalysis is a local analysis, fulfilled by
with analogous Ist values of standards for which
means of microanalyser electron probe, for sample
defined element concentrations Cst are known:
sites of ~ 13 µm2. The electron probe is formed by
electrostatic and magnetic fields to obtain a parallel
electron beam with a diameter of ~ 1 µm. The analy-
sis is via primary X-ray sample emission which is
spread out into a spectrum by means of X-ray spec-
This method allows one to take into account
trometer. In this method corrections for the atomic
corrections connected with the equipment used;
number of the element, the absorption of its radia-
however, the composition of the standard should be
tion in the sample, its fluorescence, and the charac-
close to that of the investigated sample to precisely
teristic spectra of other elements contained in the
match the matrix effect.
sample must be accounted for. Microanalysis is used
In the internal standard method some amount ∆ A
for the investigation of two- and three-component
of a defined element A is added to the sample investi-
systems such as mutual diffusion, crystallization
gated. This leads to an increase in the fluorescence
processes, local variations of alloy structure, etc.
intensity of ∆IA. In this case:
List of symbols
d = grating constant; IA = fluorescence line intensity
of an investigated element A; Ist = fluorescence
This method is especially effective for the analysis of intensity of a standard; n = order of spectrum;
pA = probability of a vacancy being filled without Mazalov LN, Yumatov VD, Murakhtanov VV, Gel-
emission; pr = probability of photon emission when mukhanov FK, Dolenko GN, Gluskin ES and Kon-
vacancy is filled; U = X-ray tube voltage; dratenko AV (1977) Rentgenovskie Spectry Molekul.
Vi = ionization potential of the ith level; Z = atomic Novosobirsk: Nauka, 331p.
Meisel A, Leonhardt G and Szargan R (1977) Rönt-
number; ε = electron kinetic energy; λ = wavelength;
genspektren und Chemische Bindung . Leipzig: Geest &
δ = shielding constant; I = angle of incidence. Portig, 320p.
See also: X-Ray Absorption Spectrometers; X-Ray Nemoshkalenko VV and Aleshin VG (1979) Teoreti-
Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-Ray Fluorescence cheskie osnovy rentrenovskoj emissionnoj spektrosko-
Spectroscopy, Applications. pii. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 384p.
Siegbahn K, Nordling C, Fahlman A, Nordberg R, Hamrin
K, Yedman J, Johansson G, Bergmark T, Karlsson SE,
Further reading Lindgren I and Lindberg B (1967) ESCA. Atomic, Mo-
lecular and Solid State Structure by Means of Electron
Bearden JA (1967) X-ray wavelengths. Review of Modern Spectroscopy. Uppsala: Nova acta Regiae Societatus
Physics 39: 78124. Scientiarum Upsaliensis, 493p.
Ehrhardt H (1981) Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse. Leipzig:
VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, 250p.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers are widely principles of XRF spectroscopy and descriptions of
used for the determination of elements with atomic the different kinds of instrumentation are given in an
numbers from 4 (beryllium) to 92 (uranium) at con- increasing number of monographs, books and re-
centrations from 0.1 µg g1 to high percentage levels. views, with extensive data compilations.
These elements can be analysed using characteristic
Kα-lines (KLIII) from 11.4 nm/0.1885 keV (Be Kα) to Principles
0.0126 nm/98.4 keV (U Kα). Nevertheless, elements
of higher atomic number (e.g. Cd LIIIMV 0.3956 nm/ If a target is irradiated with photons, or charged par-
3.133 keV; U LIIIMV 0.09106 nm/13.61 keV) are of- ticles (electrons or ions) with energies exceeding the
ten determined using their L-lines. The characteristic binding energy of the bound inner electrons, an elec-
X-ray lines of these elements can be determined either tron from inner orbitals of the target atoms can be
with sequential or with simultaneous wavelength-dis- ejected.
persive spectrometers by Bragg diffraction, using the
wave phenomena of X-rays or in energy-dispersive
systems using their energy characteristic. Coherent
and incoherent scattering of primary X-rays in the
sample may cause increased background effects, and
matrix-dependent absorption of the characteristic where Zeff = effective atomic number and
secondary X-rays may also cause severe matrix ef- n = principal quantum number. If the total energy of
fects. Since XRF methods are routinely used, methods the photon is transferred to the electron this interac-
for correcting the matrix effects such as fundamental tion is called the photoeffect.
parameters have been developed and instruments The resulting atom is unstable and regains its
with drastically improved peak to background ratios ground state by transferring an electron from a high-
such as polarized X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) and energy outer orbital to the vacancy in the inner elec-
total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectro- tron shell. The energy difference between the initial
meters have been designed during the 1990s. The and final energy state of the transferred electron is