A Perception of Investor Towards Investing in Life Insurance

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“A Study on Perception of Investors Investing in Life

InsuranceWith Reference to Ajmer and Bhilwara”

Industry Internship Project Report

Submitted in

Partial Fulfillment for the award of

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Submitted By
Akashay Jain
Roll No. 2123063 (Division-B)
Batch 2021-23

Under the guidance of

Dr Dharmendra Mistry Mr. Abhishek Sinha

Assistant Professor Manager

St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies Inplore consultancy LTD.

Submitted To

St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies

Nr. SAL Hospital, Off. Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad-380054
August 2022

I, undersigned, solemnly state that the research study conducted on A Study On Perception Of
Investors Investing In Life Insurance with reference to Ajmer and Bhilwara is an outcome
of the knowledge and experience gained by me during the internship tenure at
InploreConsultancy LTD. Therefore, the work is Bonafede, original and authentic.

I declare that the matter stated in the project is the end result of my research work undertaken at
the company.

This report has not been submitted to any other institute or university other than St Kabir
Institute of Professional Studies. The information is purely for academic interest.

I would like to express the deepest appreciation to Dr. Gurpreet Singh Arora, Director-SKIPS for
his efforts and dedication towards student’s learnings and knowledge upgradation. I would like
to express my sincere and honest gratitude to my faculty guide Dr. Dharmendra Mistry for his
genuine interest, unwavering encouragement, and insightful suggestions during this study
research project.

I am thankful to the company Insplore Consultant Ltd. for giving me a golden opportunity of
internship work with its Marketing/ Finance Team. I would like to thank my industry guide Mr.
Abhishek Sinha for guiding me whenever needed.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to my institute St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies for the
support, opportunities given, and efforts put in to ensure that students become ready for the
corporate world as an excellent human resource.
Executive Summary


The primary objective of the study is to identify investors' perceptions and attitudes towards life
insurance at Ajmer and Bhilwara so that the company can make marketing decisions. This study
will assist the company in making strategies, developing new products, and coming up with new
plans and help to emphasize on their weaker areas. In addition, the brand image of various
companies will be known, which will assist the company in figuring out how their competitors
are perceived.

As well as the insurance is one of the most popular investments. A majority of people need to
invest in safety and also to get a higher rate of return.
Table of Contents
List Of Table ......................................................................................................................................... 10
List Of Figure ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter:1Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 12
Introduction Of Topic......................................................................................................................... 12
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDIES ............................................................................................................. 13
SCOPE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................................ 13
RATIONALE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter: 2 Overview of Industry and Company ...................................................................................... 15
Introduction of the Industry............................................................................................................... 15
Introduction of the company ............................................................................................................. 17
OVER VIEW OF COMPANY: ................................................................................................................ 18
Organizational structure .................................................................................................................... 21
Products Offered By LIC ..................................................................................................................... 22
Swot Analysis Of Lic Of India .............................................................................................................. 23
Past performance of the company ..................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER – 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE.................................................................................................... 26
RESEARCH GAP .................................................................................................................................. 32
Chapter: 4Research Methodology ......................................................................................................... 33
PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................................ 33
Type of research ................................................................................................................................ 33
Data source ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Data collection tools .......................................................................................................................... 34
Sampling plan .................................................................................................................................... 34
Sample size........................................................................................................................................ 34
Hypothesis and Statistical tool ........................................................................................................... 35
Limitations Of the Study .................................................................................................................... 35
Variables ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Statistical tool .................................................................................................................................... 35
Duration of the study......................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter:5 DataAnalysis and Interpretation ............................................................................................ 37
Hypothesis Testing ............................................................................................................................ 52
Chapter: 6 Findings And Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 54
Findings ............................................................................................................................................. 54
Suggestion ......................................................................................................................................... 56
Chapter: 7 Learnings and Skills Acquired................................................................................................ 57
Learnings ........................................................................................................................................... 57
Technical Skills Required........................................................................................................................ 57
Value Based Skills Acquired ............................................................................................................... 57
BIBILOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 60
List Of Table
Table 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 37
Table 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Table 4 .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Table 5 .................................................................................................................................................. 41
Table 6 .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Table 7 .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Table 8 .................................................................................................................................................. 44
Table 9 .................................................................................................................................................. 45
Table 10 ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Table 11 ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Table 12 ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Table 13 ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Table 14 ................................................................................................................................................ 50
Table 15 ................................................................................................................................................ 51
Table 16 ................................................................................................................................................ 52
Table 17 ................................................................................................................................................ 52
Table 18 ................................................................................................................................................ 52
Table 19 ................................................................................................................................................ 53
List Of Figure
Figure 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 9 ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 10 ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 11 ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 12 ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 13 ............................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 14 ............................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 15 ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 16 ............................................................................................................................................... 51

Introduction Of Topic


An investor is a person who invests money in financial items with the hope of making a profit.
As opposed to a speculator, who is ready to tolerate a higher level of risk in the hopes of earning
higher-than-average profits. An investor's main objective is often to limit risk while maximizing
return. The study of investor behavior looks at how people decide how much of their time,
money, and effort to put on investing-related things. Understanding what, why, where, when, and
how an investor behaves with regard to products and services aids marketers. Marketing
professionals may plan their marketing strategy appropriately by knowing the answer to this


An awareness or understanding of what is happening around one's body and mind that results
from the combination of sensory information stimulated by current conditions, expectations, and
memories. The synthesis of complex sensory inputs often leads to perceptions that are
unverifiable or unreliable. It might not be a true representation of reality.

Investors Perception:

We provide investors with authoritative and thoughtful investor feedback as a leading authority.
Providing independent insight into the views of shareholders, key underweight institutions, and
corporate management, IP delivers a comprehensive analysis of a company's bottom line. In in-
depth analysis is conducted of the key investor factors that determine the market's valuation of a
company. Both from a strategic planning and corporate governance perspective, an insightful
perception study is a powerful management tool. A company's insight into what investors think
will help it to communicate more effectively with the market, to better understand its investment
proposition, and to ensure its valuation reflects this, which in turn will influence its cost of

 To study the perception of customer towards products offered by LIC of India.

 To find out the important criteria that people think about before investing in a life
insurance policy.
 To find out whether gender bias involved in investing life insurance or not.
 To find out the awareness of Life insurance Corporation among the people


 Through this research, the company can learn more about consumers' perceptions of life
insurance products.
 LIC of India can gain a better understanding of its customers' preferences and
expectations by studying the study.

A primary objective of this research is to understand the different types of insurance products
and investor preferences related to investing in certain insurance sectors. Variable that can affect
such preference are included as well.

 Researching a customer's preference for investing in a particular product allows us to

gain a deeper understanding of their attitude, interests, and financial abilities. As well as
learning about the factors influencing their decision to buy a particular Insurance product,
individuals can also discover the factors that influence their decision, such as risk, return,
taxability, safety and liquidity.
 The research was also conducted to determine the impact demographic factors, such as
age, gender, and so on the decision to invest in specific insurance products. In article and
literature review it is reported that income and age play a role in investment decisions
regarding specific insurance products.
 Identifying which insurance markets will boom in the future as well as which insurance
products have the highest demand.
Chapter: 2 Overview of Industry and Company

Introduction of the Industry

The purpose of insurance is to protect the economic value of assets. Almost every human being
saves for future protection against risks or unforeseen events. People use insurance as a means of
protecting themselves from unforeseeable risks and uncertainties. In other words, it protects
against risks, events, and losses. People have the option of setting aside their earnings in the form
of gold, immovable property, or in banking and insurance industries.


Every aspect of life is uncertain. In order to be protected against unpleasant possibilities, man
must always show the greatest ingenuity and foresight. It is the human spirit that pays for
protection or pray to God for help. Man, always pray to God for protection and security of his
assets. Insurance companies today want him to pay for security and protection. We have too
many people without employment in this country, and work for too many does not guarantee a
steady income. Over several millions of those workers are part-time, self-employed, and low-
earners who live in pitiable conditions without the safety net that is needed to protect them from
risk.One's life has become centered around risk. In light of this context, insurance companies
have produced life insurance policies that cover risks of all sizes. Protection from disability or
financial support for dependents in the event of the insured's death is provided by life insurance.
A person must work to support not only himself but also his wife and children, who are
considered his dependents. He must consistently set money aside for emergencies and his later
years because he is legally required to support his family's requirements. Life insurance
originated from this fundamental desire to ensure the security of self and dependents.

An agreement known as an insurance policy provides financial protection or reimbursement

against losses from an insurance company to a person or an organization. To make payments to
the insured more manageable, the company pools the risks of its clients An insurance plan
provides protection against the risk of financial losses that may result from damage to the insured
person's property or from liability for harm to third parties. An effective defense against
unforeseen future disasters is insurance. It is a set-up where the losses incurred by a small
number of people are shared by many people who face comparable risks. It serves as insurance
against monetary loss brought on by the occurrence of an unforeseen incident.It is crucial to the
process of capital formation as well.


Risk sharing and risk transfer: An individual or a family can obtain insurance to cover the
financial losses they might incur when certain events occur. As a result of such events, all the
insured share a portion of the loss

Not a charity or gambling: Insured pays premium to insurer for guarantee of compensation in
happening of contingency.

Huge number of insured people: More people must be insured in order to reduce the price of
insurance and consequently in the premium.


Insurance is broadly divided in two segments, based on the nature of insurance, those are:

1. Life Insurance

2. Non-Life Insurance or General Insurance.

It can be again subdivided into the following categories: Fire Insurance. Marine Insurance.
Social Insurance Miscellaneous Insurance. (Health insurance, Liability Insurance etc….)

In 1818, a British firm called the Oriental Life Insurance Firm (in Calcutta) introduced life
insurance to India for the first time. After that, in 1823 and 1829 respectively, the Bombay
Assurance Company and the Madras Equitable Life Insurance Society introduced life insurance
in India. All of these businesses had operations in India but did not provide life insurance for
Indians.In the year 1870, Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society announced the establishment
of the first life insurance firm in India.

Introduction of the company

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is a state-owned insurance company and

investment corporation in India is owned by the Indian government.. The Life Insurance of India
Act, which nationalized the insurance sector in India, was approved by the Indian Parliament in
1956 with the merger of 243 insurance companies and provident societies. At that point the Life
Insurance Corporation of India was established. The state-owned Life Insurance Corporation was
formed through the merger of over 245 insurance companies and provident societies.A life
insurance policy is offered by LIC, it is an insurance provider. Due to t uncertainty of life,there
must be lifeinsurance. The customer pays a premium to LIC, which in return it provides life
insurance. LIC offers both savings and life insurance coverage options. Long-term objectives are
being helped by LIC. In the insurance industry, LIC is a sizable public corporation. The LIC'
primary goal is to raise awareness of life insurance among the underprivileged, particularly in
rural areas. Life insurance protects lives and offers financial support in the event that an
unpredictable event affects a member who is an earner.Over the course of its almost 50-year
existence. As of 2007, the Life Insurance Corporation of India generated huge surpluses and
contributed roughly 6% to India's gross domestic product.

Its total life fund was 37,23,450.15 crore as of 2021, and same year, 318.28 lakh policies were
sold overall (2020-21). In 2020–21, LIC paid out 278.63 lakh claims.. LIC has 31 crore policy
holders.With approximately 412,144,838(up to April 22, 2022) in total assets, LIC is a
significant public sector insurance firm. The LIC has a large network with 2576 total branches.
About 120,000 people work for LIC in total. (wikipedia.org) Life insurance, health insurance,
investment management, and mutual funds are services offered by LIC.


LIC slogan Yogakshemamvahaamyaham is in Sanskrit which loosely translates into English as

"Your welfare is our responsibility".


Based on data from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI),
Compared to private insurance companies, the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) grew
more quickly. Based on data from IRDAI, premiums for private companies have grown by
24.45 % in the first financial year 2019 in comparison with the previous financial year, which
saw premiums at Rs 23,897.48 crore in April-August, 2020.Premiums collected by the LIC
during the first five months of the current financial year totaled Rs 78,222.97 crore, compared
with Rs 52,701.86 crore in the previous financial year, which is a 47.58% increase.From Rs
18,639.29 crore to Rs 24,564.94 crore, new business premiums in the life insurance industry
increased by 27.37% in April.


According to my research and IRDA ranking the following is a list of top insurance companies in
India. There are many reliable and beneficial policies offered by insurance companies, making it
difficult to distinguish top companies. It is very tough to select the top-ranked firm among these
life insurance providers.
1. LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India):The LIC was established on September 1,
1956, with its headquarters in Mumbai. It is one of the oldest insurance companies in
India. The chairman of the company is Sri M R KUMAR.

Popular Plans:

 LIC Jeevan Akshaya

 LIC E-term Plan
 LIC New Children’s plan

2. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance:The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance was established on
12th December 2000, with its headquarters in Mumbai. The managing director and chief
executive officer of icici prudential is Mr. N.S. Kannan.

Popular Plans:

 ICICI Pru Heart Cancer Protect

 ICICI Prudential Smart Health Cover
 ICICI PruiProtect Smart

3. Reliance Life Insurance: One of the greatest life insurance providers with options for
retirees, investments, people, and groups . Ashish Vohra is the current CEO of the

Popular Plans:

 Reliance term plan

 Unit-linked plan
 Reliance Retirement plan

4. Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance: The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in
Pune. This insurance company is run by TarunChugh, MD and CEO. With almost 759
branches in India, this company now has a nationwide presence
Popular Plans:

 Young Assure Plan

 Save Assure Plan
 Life Long ASSURE Plan

5. Birla Sun Life Insurance: Sun Life Financial Inc. and the Aditya Birla group have
partnered for this venture. This is a world-class insurance brand that strives to provide a
higher level of financial security to its customers. That is one of the reasons people love
it so much. The Company offers a variety of useful products, including group insurance,
rural insurance, child insurance, savings insurance, protection insurance, and much more.

Popular Plans:

 BSLI Protector plus plan

 BSLI Protector Ease
 BSLI Secure Plus Plan
Organizational structure

Figure 1

As can be seen in the Central Offices diagram, LIC has many offices in India and abroad. Below
is a description of each office: Life Insurance Corporation's central office is located in Mumbai.
In addition to these departments, there are also legal and housing finance schemes, inspection
and audit, personnel and industrial relations departments, and financial accounting departments.
The administration of each department is handled by different committees. This committees are
coordinated and supervised by the executive management committee, which provides the
direction for the corporation's business. Above is a diagram of the central office's organizational

Products Offered By LIC
The insurance plans offered by Lic present you with the best solutions to meet your needs.


 LIC's Jeevan Pragati

 LIC's Jeevan Labh
 LIC's Single Premium Endowment Plan
 LIC's New Endowment Plan
 LIC's New Jeevan Anand
 LIC's Jeevan Rakshak
 LIC's Limited Premium Endowment Plan
 LIC's Jeevan Lakshya
 LIC's Aadhaar Shila
 LIC's Aadhaar Stambh


 LIC's Bima Shree

 LIC's Jeevan Shiromani
 LIC's Jeevan Tarun



 LIC's Jeevan Amar
 LIC's Anmol Jeevan II

 LIC's Linked Accidental Death Benefit Rider

 LIC's Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider
 LIC's Accident Benefit Rider


 LICs Jeevan Umang

Swot Analysis Of Lic Of India


The strength of a company refers to what is the best at its range of operations, which gives it an
advantage over its competitors. LIC's advantages are as follows:.

BRAND IMAGE:The LIC brand has strong recognition in India. It has a well-known tagline
which means welfare for all, YogakshemamMahamyaham. LIC was voted the most trusted
insurer in India by the Economic Time Brand Equity Survey of 2015.

FUND BASE:LIC's fund base amounts to approximately 150 billion USD. The organization has
immense power in India's financial sector because it is the country's largest investor.

A NETWORK OF AGENTS:There are over 1,337,064 individual agents at LIC, 242 corporate
agents, 89 referral agents, 98 brokers, 42 banks across the country, which give the company
coverage in every part of the country.


Weaknesses are areas where a company or brand needs to make improvements. The following
are some of LIC's major flaws:

CULTURE:LIC is closely affiliated with the government, therefore, the work environment at the
company is very slack and slow. It's a disadvantage in comparison with modern companies.
Today’s insurance industry is dominated by strategizing players.
POOR ADVERTISEMENT STRATEGY:The advertising strategy of LIC is not as good as its
private counterparts, which is reflected in the quality of the advertisements that the firm releases.

TOO MANY RESTRICTIONS:There are too many restrictions: The company is a government
entity that has a lot of restrictions and dealing with red tape is always a challenge. The company
makes decisions slowly due to these restrictions.

LABOUR OVERHEADS:Employee overhead: LIC is a large organization with many people

working from their own offices. It is often difficult to pay their salaries and manage their time.


Opportunities are those openings in the environment that the firm operates in that it can take
advantage to boost its profits. Opportunities include the following.

CYBER SECURITY: Several cases of information leaks and security breaches have been
documented within the cyber security field. Insurance policies against cyber security would
therefore be a good investment at a time when there is a threat of cyber attack

ONLINE SERVICES: The growth of online services has led to increased awareness about
insurance and people are also looking into options like them more than they did back in the day.
The use of technology has the potential to cut down costs for providers, such as LIC, which is
labor intensive

SHIFT FROM PROTECTION TO PREVENTION:Insurance companies should focus on risk

prevention than risk mitigation policies now that the trend is shifting from protection to

MORE DISPOSABLE INCOME: Insurance has evolved from a protection tool to an investment
tool today. Insurance companies can design new products by leveraging this new approach.


COMPETITION:Private insurance players have brought more glamour to the insurance industry
with the privatization of insurance, and LIC has lost its older glory.
CHANGE OF GOVERNMENTS:A new government brings with it a new set of fiscal and
monetary policies, which require reworking the policies as a result. There are a lot of hassles
associated with this.

TECHNOLOGY: In today's world, online banking and financial broking services are integral to
most financial services. LIC, however, still has a lot to accomplish as far as staying
technologically current goes.

Past performance of the company

According to LIC's fiscal 2021-22 results, they sold 2.18 crore insurance policies, up from 2.12
crore a year earlier, an increase of 3.63%. A year earlier, its premium had reached Rs 1.27 lakh
crore. This year, however, its premium increased 12.79% to Rs 1.42 lakh crore.From Rs 27,596
crore in March 2021 to Rs 30,026 crore in March 2022, individual non-single premiums rose by
8.82%. Compared to the previous fiscal year, the insurer's total first-year premiums (FYP)
increased by 7.93% to Rs 1.97 lakh crore in March 2022.In financial year 2021-22, LIC claims to
have 64% of the market share in first-year premiums. As compared with the previous financial
year, 2.09 crore policies were sold in the financial year 2021-22, an increase of 3.54%.A draft
red herring prospectus (DRHP) was filed by LIC, the biggest life insurer in India, on February 13
for a proposed 5% stake sale. Due to Russian invasion of Ukraine, market volatility forced the
delay of the issue originally scheduled for last fiscal year. Around Rs 65,000 crore are estimated
to be raised in the IPO, according to industry experts. According to the draft red herring
prospectus, LIC's embedded value as of 30 September 2021 was Rs 5.37 lakh crore.However,
LIC continues to dominate the insurance ecosystem in spite of its loss of market share over the
years. Even with 8% growth in premiums, its share of first year premiums is 64%, and it has
75% share of policies sold. A year ago the industry recorded 14% growth, while the private
sector recorded 24% growth. There is an expectation that the life insurance market in the country
will grow by 14 to 16% each year for the next three to five years. Over the next ten years, the
country's insurance market is expected to quadruple its current size, which is US Dollar 65
billion. The life insurance industry is anticipated to surpass US$ 150 billion over this time.

A literature review is presented in this chapter to identify and comprehend how different issues
affect the perception and satisfaction of Indian consumers towards public and private life
insurance companies.There are a variety of ways in which academicians and researchers have
contributed to the literature on the life insurance industry in India, including books, compendia,
theses, dissertations, study reports, and articles published in a variety of periodicals.In reviewing
this literature, the present study is further differentiated from previous studies by focusing on the
unexplored area. Below is a list of literature available:

Singh H. and Loll M (December 2011)had done a study with objective to investigate the
financial products that policy holders in the Kanpur District choose and provide
recommendations for improving the effectiveness of LIC in the Kanpur District. The current
study is supported by first-hand data. Primary data was collected from 250 policyholders in the
Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh using simple random selection. The data are examined using a
variety of statistical techniques, such as descriptive statistics, regression, and probity model. The
Probity Regression Model is used in the study to examine the attitudes of policyholders and their
level of agent accessibility. Research was conducted in the Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh to
identify the factors that influence policyholders' selection of LIC productsFinding about this
research, it was found that policy holders are completely satisfied with LIC's service owing to its
ability to provide adequate feedback and keep them updated about the latest developments. The
plans are popular among investors because LIC is considered a reputable government insurance
company. 69.86% of private workers invest in insurance plans to address risks, according to the
report. Insurance brokers were more accessible to male policyholders, according to the
preference research. Insurance brokers rarely need to persuade individuals in study fields such as
service to invest in LICs as they have their own understanding of how LIC’s work.

Meera C. and Eswari M. (November 2011)had done a study with objective to examine how the
demographic variable affects the behavioral biasand examine how overconfidence and risk
aversion bias affect how investors make investing decisions andhelp in examine how
demographic factors affect investing choices. Data for this empirical study were acquired via a
questionnaire. For this study, we considered 150 individual investors' responses. The research
paper notes that various factors, including age, gender, and income level, can influence a
customer's decision to purchase an insurance product. finding of this research Analysis reveals
that respondents in the age range of 35 to 45 years are more interested in purchasing a life
insurance policy than respondents in other age groups. The majority of respondents, it has been
discovered that they invest in money-back plan policies. 64 percent of respondents, according to
the study selected LIC policies. Make an investment in lic for protection and rest in private
sector. . The results show that age and investment experience have a positive and significant
impact on risk-averse behavior, while gender has a negative and significant impact.

Baal N. and Sandhog H. S. (August 2011),had done a study with objective to examines the
parts affecting agent’s perception towards Life Insurance Corporation of India Additionally,
given the number of participants in the field and the ongoing competitive activity. As a capital-
demanding business, we provide our customers with important financial instruments that are
aimed at long-term savings and safety. A one-way arrangement analysis has also been conducted
to test the significance of the results. The results indicate there is no significantly different
attitude toward Life Insurance Corporation of India among the different groups of
respondents.The service sector is adopting a multifaceted, intentional, and customer-focused
strategy, eschewing the apathy that had come to be associated with the sector. Finding of this
researchaccording to study it appears that the gap scores do not generate five dimensions of
service quality, but rather three dimensions are formed by integrating the perception scores.

Singh H. and Loll M (December 2011),had done a study with the purpose of is to evaluate the
opportunities for insurers in the rural market and what new steps can be taken to fill the under-
insured gap in rural areas. Cross-selling insurance products to customers is another way to
crumb their bliss.They used correlation coefficient method for data analysis. According to the
research paper, the bulk of the 148 respondents (76% of them) are men between the ages of 40
and 50. Finding of this research states that the category of undergraduate respondents received
the most responses, with 64.86 percent. The bulk of respondents, 62.27 percent, work as salaried
employees. The study reveals that the majority of respondents selected one policy.In order to
improve the reciprocal and user-friendly services, more attention is now dedicated to all bank
customer interaction points.The insurance industry has a positive impact on socioeconomic
development, which contributes to the spread of insurance in rural areas.

Friar F. and Khanbashi M. et al (December 2011),had done a study with objective aims to
find out whether employees and customers have different expectations regarding the quality of
services provided by the Iranian insurance industry. Furthermore, the study examines the impact
of demographic factors on investor satisfaction with insurance policies. A quantitative and
descriptive approach is used to conduct the research. It uses secondary data. Both online and
offline secondary sources are consulted to gather information, including books, periodicals,
websites, and other printed materials. Finding of this research found that there are significant
differences between employee and customer anticipations of tangibles, but similar anticipations
of the other dimensions for both groups.This study assesses the strong correlation between
demographic characteristics and general customer satisfaction with insurance coverage.

Ansari Z. A. (March 2012)had done a study with objective to explore how people in Saudi
Arabia feel about various risks and what types of risks they prefer, as well as how using
insurance, particularly binding insurance, has affected how people feel about risks. The study is
based on primary data that was randomly gathered from current holders of binding insurance
policies, such as life, health, and auto insurance. Finding of this research Despite the industry's
rapid expansion and shifting patterns, the study on the Indian life insurance market found that
just 50% of the country's insurable population is currently covered. To attain this purpose, this
sector demands additional improvement in insurance density and insurance penetration.

Bodla B. S. and Chaudhary K. (May 2012),had done a study with objective.to determine and
examine the household investment preferences in the Darjeeling District and evaluate the level of
knowledge about the various financial products currently available on the market.And also help
in identify the link between socioeconomic traits and investment preferences. The respondents
for the study were selected through a stratified random sampling process. Microsoft Excel, SPSS
20.00, and the Chi-square test, which evaluates and tests the study data's assumptions, were used
to analyze the study data. Finding of this research thatPeople who replied are more risk-averse
and favour financial products with little financial risk. It was also discovered that respondents'
saving habits favour banking-related financial services schemes over other types of schemes. The
primary factor influencing the decision to invest is the investment's safety. After thorough
examination and interpretation, the research comes to the conclusion that people need to be
properly informed about new and current financial products that are available on the global
market. in order for them to profit from getting higher returns.

Das S. K. (June 2012),had done a study of Kotak Mahindra life insurance which is being studied
to determine the level of customer satisfaction with its products and to identify areas of
improvement behind the quality of service. Both primary and secondary data were collected for
this study. Finding of this research paper, the majority of respondents chose long-term policies.
The majority of investors have chosen a 15–25-year policy period. 52 percent of respondents
concur that LIC plans are more alluring than those offered by other private players. Analysis
reveals that investors' perceptions of LIC change if they wish to invest and are willing to do so in
another policy.

L Sreenivas. D. and B Anand M. (December 2012), ),had done a study with objective to
determine the level of household have financial product knowledge and to identify the factors
that differ between respondents from urban and rural areas in terms of their knowledge about and
preferences for investing home investment options.A questionnaire was made and information
was gathered using the survey method, and 60 samples from the city of ajmer were used in the
study after primary and secondary data were pooled. The investigation's methodology was
convenience sampling. The data that had been collected, which was presented on a master chart
to be suitable in accordance with statistical tools, was used to assess the outcomes from the
research using simple percentage analysis, descriptive statistics, and an Anova analysis. Findinf
of this research is that the poll found that respondents knew more about traditional financial
products than they did about modern financial products, and most respondents still regarded their
closest friends and relatives as their most trustworthy sources of financial information.

(Dr.R.padmaja& Shifaly,2018)had done a study with objective.to assess the level of financial
literacy among investors in the Kota district . 230 respondents were selected for the study. In
order to acquire the data, both primary and secondary sources were utilised. To assess the data,
graphs and percentage analysis were used.The study's conclusions showed that investors in the
Kota region frequently are less financial literacy.

V Ravi and Gulati K et al (2012),had done a study with objective to Determine the investors'
preferred investment channels and to analyze the financial information resources at their disposal
by estimating the impact of demographic factors on investment decisions.188 Jaipur residents
who answered questionnaires that were circulated and collected from the local community
utilizing the convenience sample approach provided the research's primary source of data. The
social science statistical software was used to analyze the data (SPSS.16). Utilizing statistical
methods like regression, garret ranking, percentage analysis, and descriptive statistics, the data
was examined. The conclusion Came From that is.39 percent of the respondents reside in urban
regions .60%, of the responses are men and Twenty-six percent of all respondents are between
the ages of 36 and 45. The majority 79 percent of respondents, are married. The majority 52% of
respondents, come from blended families.57 percent of individuals surveyed, or the bulk of
respondents, had three to five dependent family members.

Janjua P. Z. and Akmal M. (March 2014). Islamic finance and insurance have gained
popularity in the worldwide market, particularly after the 2008 global economic downturn. This
study was done to find out how satisfied Pakistani customers were with the services offered by
both conventional and Islamic insurance companies. According to the research, both
conventional and Islamic insurance services now offer significantly better customer service.
Common insurance companies in particular need to pay close attention to young people. lower
income groups and private employees are covered, whilst Islamic insurance firms are required to
put There have been increased attempts to improve Shariah compliance and attract self-employed
and higher-income groups.

According to Bapat H. B. and Soni V. et al (April 2014), reverie, There has always been a
need for insurance in the world as long as there has been trade. It is inevitable that there will be
uncertainty in life, trade, and trading, and insurance protects against this uncertainty. Reveries
help practitioners identify the gaps in taking influence by goals to achieve the specified level of
quality of the goods offered under Seroquel's umbrella.
Bhowal A. and Pankaj B. (April 2014), The life insurance market is expanding, with new
products and services being introduced on a regular basis As a result of the empirical research
techniques and scales utilized in the study, there is no statistically significant difference between
client expenses derived from insurance and client costs.

Choudhari P. S. (April 2014) Customers' socioeconomic culture has been modified as a result
of the many parts of globalization, and human relationships are now cogently being recouped by
human-technology interactions. In the service industry, information technology plays a role in
providing high-quality services to customers. Customers in order to keep them entertained in
today's competitive market In this research, A careful examination of the beneficial influence of
information technology was made. On the relationship between expected service quality and
customer satisfaction in life insurance services.

According to Barik B. and Patra R. (June 2014), the Indian life insurance business is
expanding at a rapid pace. According to the study, the life insurance industry in India requires
unique care when compared to other businesses, and both theory and practice must be merged to
deliver the best service. Policyholders with the finest services possible as a result, the researchers
conducted their investigation with an eye toward want to assist with suggestions and
recommendations that will benefit both academics and business workers in the insurance
industry to rethink their thinking.

Chand M. (June 2014)studies the biggest development in the Indian life insurance business is
the opening up to private and foreign firms. The survey will expose information on private
insurance players in the areas, such as the number of policies purchased, the amount of premium
money collected, and the agentor broker commission charges, as well as operating expenditures
between 2001 and 2012.

Ch. S. (May 2014), survey, more than 40% of insurance firms' activity is now done through the
bancassurance medium. According to the study's findings, the insurance firm may realize nearly
all of the benefits of bancassurance via sellingtheir offering by utilizing the bank database and its
branch aperture 70% of the population in IndiaParticularly in rural regions, the populace is not
covered by insurance

Many Researchers have done a lot of study on investor perception towards life
insurance.However, product offered by LIC doesn’t take care of. This study will focus on
product offered by LIC and What people think before investing in life insurance.Hence, will
provide more awareness & purchasing behavior of general public.
Chapter: 4Research Methodology

The process of solving a problem systematically is known as methodology. The methods used to
solve the problem are also included in it .

Today, investing has become an essential part of our lives in these difficult economic times. An
economic downturn is already apparent as a result of the serious covid epidemic currently
spreading.When all economic activity was restored, and salaried workers faced layoffs, those
who had made the right investment choices may have weathered the crisis. The stock market,
mutual funds, gold, and real estate are all investments that require a solid understanding. There
are some people who may also earn income from such investments.Their spare resources may
generate income by investing in these financial products. Liquidity, safety measures, and benefits
of each investment product differ. The data gathered can be useful to banks, insurance firms,
financial institutions, and other businesses engaged in selling insurance products by
understanding the preferences of investors.

Type of research
According to research goals, purpose, etc. there are different methodology used to done the

There are 8 types of research:

 Quantitative research
 Qualitative research
 Descriptive research
 Analytical research
 Applied research
 Fundamental research
 Exploratory research
 Conclusive research

This study was conducted using a descriptive research approach. Results from descriptive
research are in-depth and reflect the current state of the world. Information is gathered and
recorded for research purposes. Generally, research questions address questions like what, when,
where, whom, etc. In addition, the researcher cannot control these factors.A research project
focusing on investors' preferences for financial goods and the factors influencing their
preferences is being conducted in order to better understand investor preference for financial
goods.In the final analysis, investors' preferences must be determined and the factors influencing
their preferences evaluated. As a result, investors will be able to enjoy the conditions they desire.
Descriptive research is therefore recognized as a method.

Data source
For this study I used both primary source of data and secondary source of data.

Primary source of dataPrimary research is an approach that allows researchers to gather data on
their own, as opposed to relying on data from earlier studies. They "own" the data in primary

Secondary sources of data: Secondary data come from research papers that have already been
written or that have been conducted by other researchers.

Data collection tools

By creating a questionnaire, a survey was used to gather the data. For this investigation, a closed-
ended questionnaire was chosen. We will be able to learn about consumer preferences for
different investment sectors using the descriptive research technique and a questionnaire as a
data collection tool.

Sampling plan
For this study Convenience Sampling of Non-probability sampling method was used. This
method is used because it is easy to obtain data at cheap cost.

Sample size
Standard Deviation = 0.5

Level of Confidence (Z) = 90% i.e., 1.64

Permissible error (e) = 0.05

N = Z2 * Std.dev. (1-Std.dev) / e2
Therefore n = 385

So, the default sample size is 385

Hypothesis and Statistical tool


Customers of LIC of India of Ajmer and Bhilwara district have negative perception towards the
products offered by the L.I.C.


Customers of LIC of India of Ajmer and Bhilwara district have positive perception towards the
products offered by the L.I.C.

Limitations Of the Study

 Sample size is limited to 385, as it is a default sample size.
 There is no accuracy as it depends on the respondent’s knowledge and desire.
 There is a limited geographical area for research and limited time for it.

Independent variable:

 Age
 Gender
 Investment sector.

Dependent variable:

 Awareness of Insurance products

 Satisfaction from Insurance sector

Statistical tool
The Chi-Square test is used for this study
Duration of the study
Due to the limited time this study is done in the month of June and July that is from 6/06/2022 to
Chapter:5 DataAnalysis and Interpretation

1. Gender?

Gender No of Respondent
Male 239
Female 146
Table 1



Figure 2


The graphs above show that 62% of the respondents included in the study were males, whereas
38% were females, revealing a gender bias toward LIC policies among the men..
2. Age Group?

Age Group No of Respondent

Below 30 70
31 - 40 75
41 - 50 125
51 - 60 94
Above 60 21
Table 2

Age Group

18% Below 30
24% 31 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 60
Above 60

Figure 3


There were 385 respondents in the study, and 18% were under 30 years old, 20% between 31 and
40 years old, 33% between 41 and 50 years old, 24 percent between 51 and 60 years old, and 5%
over 60 years old, which indicates LIC policies have the greatest level of faith among individuals
between the ages of 41 and 50.
3. Martial Status ?

Marital Status NO Of Respondent

Married 227
Unmarried 158
Table 3

Marital Status

41% Married

59% Unmarried

Figure 4


LIC has more investment criteria that are attractive to married individuals as evidenced by the
graphs given above. Out of the 385 respondents included in the study, 59% were married and
41% were unmarried.
4. Total number of policies bought?

Total number of policies bought No Of Respondent

One 75
Two 165
More than two 145
Table 4

Total number of policies bought

38% One
More than two


Figure 5


Considering the above graphs, out of the total 385 respondents in the study, 19% had one LIC
policy, 43% had two policies and 38% had more than two, which clearly shows the people's trust
in the insurance company.
5. Mode of Payment?

Mode of Payment NO Of Respondent

Monthly 75
Quarterly 99
Half Yearly 129
Yearly 82
Table 5

Mode of Payment

21% 19%
Half Yearly

Figure 6


The graphs above show that 19% of the 385 respondents opted to pay their premiums monthly,
26% for quarterly payments, 34% for half-yearly payments and 21% for yearly payments out of
the total 385 respondents.
6. Occupation?

Occupation NO Of Respondent
Student 69
Service 119
Self Employed 151
Others 46
Table 6


12% 18%
Self Employed
39% 31% Others

Figure 7


As shown in the graphs above, 18 percent of respondents were students, 31 percent were
members of the service class, 39 percent were self-employed, and 12 percent were from other
categories, concluding that Self Employed class people enjoy LIC policies and services.
7. Educational Qualification?

Education Qualification NO Of Respondent

Undergraduate 95
Graduate 87
Post Graduate 117
Doctorate 86
Table 7

Education Qualification

22% 25% Undergraduate

Post Graduate

30% 23% Doctorate

Figure 8


Among the total 385respondents in the study, 25% were undergraduates, 23% graduates, 30%
postgraduates, and 22% were doctorates, which clearly indicates that LIC policies are popular
among the educated class.
8. Annual Income?

Annual Income NO Of Respondent

Below 1 Lac 56
1 Lac - 5 Lac 90
5 Lac - 10 Lac 131
Above 10 108
Table 8

Annual Income

28% Below 1 Lac
1 Lac - 5 Lac
23% 5 Lac - 10 Lac
Above 10


Figure 9


As seen in the graphs above, out of the 385 respondents included in the study, 15% had incomes
under 1 lac, 23% had incomes between 1-5 lacs, 34% had incomes between 5-10 lacs, and 28%
had incomes above 10 lacs. In this way, LIC insurance clearly shows its value among the middle
class, which is the largest segment.
9. What Kind of Investment do you prefer?

What Kind of Investment do you prefer? No Of Respondent

Short Term 75
Long Term 225
Both 85
Table 9

What Kind of Investment do you


22% 20%
Short Term
Long Term


Figure 10


In the graph given above, out of 385 respondents, 20% favored short-term investments, 58%
favored long-term investments, and 22% liked both, which gives LIC an opportunity to
emphasize on short-term investments.
10.Are you satisfied with the services of LIC of India?
Are you satisfied with the NO Of
services of LIC of India? Respondent
Yes 246
No 139
Table 10

Are you satisfied with the services of

LIC of India?


Figure 11


From the graphs given above, 82 % of the 385 respondents were satisfied with the policies and
services provided by the LIC, while 18 % were dissatisfied.
11. Give reasons for insuring with LIC?

Give reasons for insuring with LIC? NO Of Respondent

Company Profile 72
Brand 90
Grievances Handling 50
Undue Delay in Claims 65
Public Sector 45
All of the above 63
Table 11

Give reasons for insuring with LIC?

Company Profile
16% 19%

12% Grievances Handling

Undue Delay in Claims
17% Public Sector
13% All of the above

Figure 12


According to the graphs given above out of the total 385respondents included in the study,19%
have invested on company profile as LIC is government owned sector so the customers are
secure. 23 % have invested on the brand name, 13 % on its ways to handle grievances, 17 % on
the basis of undue claims , 12% on public sector and rest 16% on all of the reasons.
12. What scheme of insurance policy have you taken?
What scheme of insurance policy
have you taken? No Of Respondent
Whole Life 124
Endowment Plus 83
Money Back 89
Pension Fund 38
Others 27
Table 12

What scheme of insurance policy

have you taken?

Whole Life
6% Endowment Plus
10% 32%
Money Back
Pension Fund
23% ULIP

Figure 13


A total of 385 respondents have invested in whole life insurance, 22 percent have invested in
endowments with 23 percent receiving money back, 10 percent have invested in pension funds,
and 7 percent have invested in other policies. In my opinion, this is an alarming signal that LIC
should focus on policies rather than making more profitable products for customers.
13.Satisfaction level towards services offered by LIC ?
Satisfaction level towards
services offered by LIC? No Of Respondent
Fully Satisfied 137
Partially Satisfied 163
Not Satisfied 85
Table 13

Satisfaction level towards services

offered by LIC?

36% Fully Satisfied
Partially Satisfied
Not Satisfied

Figure 14


Out of the 385 respondents 36% were satisfied with the services provided by LIC, 42% were
moderately satisfied, and the remaining 22% were not satisfied, according to the graphs shown
14.If you buy a new policy, would you like to go for LIC?
If you buy a new policy would you
like to go for LIC? No Of Respondent
Yes 251
No 134
Table 14

If you buy a new policy would you

like to go for LIC?


Figure 15


In the graphs given above, 82% of the 385 respondents who participated in the study said that
they planned to buy a new policy with LIC. Only 18% said they would not invest further with
15. What is Overall perception about LIC of India?

What is Overall perception

about LIC of India? No Of Respondent
Positive 289
Negative 96
Table 15

What is Overall perception about LIC

of India?


Figure 16


A total of 75% of respondents reported a positive perception of LIC, whereas 25% reported a
negative perception of LIC. Based on the graphs above, we concluded that the customers of LIC
have faith in the company and wish to stick to it for the foreseeable future. The customers feel
that their investment is secure and they will receive a hassle-free return.
Hypothesis Testing

Table 16

Table 17

Table 18
Table 19


From the above chi square table, we can observe that the P-value (.045) is smaller than the
significance level (0.05) in the above chi-square test, and so the Alternate hypothesis is accepted.
Therfore , Customers of LIC of India of Ajmer and Bhilwara district have positive perception
towards the products offered by the L.I.C.
Chapter: 6 Findings And Suggestion


Based on the results of our survey, it can be said that Bank Deposits are the most preferred
investment alternative, followed by Insurance, Real Estate, Gold and Silver, Mutual Funds, etc.
Life insurance schemes, such as death benefits, were the most popular scheme among insurance
holders, followed by money growth plans, such as wealth creation and high return investments.
The majority of respondents favored both long-term and short-term investments, with nearly half
of them usually investing less than 15% of their income.. All respondents agree that safety is the
most important criterion for their investment alternatives according to the survey In order of
importance, return, brand name, tax benefits, liquidity, and capital growth follow. The study
concluded that company image is one of the most important factors that we consider before
purchasing life insurance. This is primarily due to people's expectations of safety and security for
their investments, followed by the premiums we pay to the insurer and then bonus and interest
paid by the company, services etc. A large majority of investors, or over half, are young adults
aged 20-40 who invest in insurance. It can be said that males dominate in having life insurance
policies.Life insurance is primarily purchased by employed people. Due to their high returns,
unit linked plans are the most popular plan among investors. There are almost 80% of policies
sold with a 5-to-25-year periodicity.. There is no doubt that LIC customers are more aware than
other customers. The service quality of LIC customers is generally good, with most being either
fully or partially satisfied. However, there are no significant differences in the quality of service
among sectors and satisfaction Level.There is easy access to LIC employees and agents, and
customers are happy with the serviceAs a result of their ethics, knowledge, and helpful gestures
they offer to them what they required.IC customers feel that formalities for opening a policy are
not complex and don't take much time. Two fifths are completely satisfied with their policywith
its grievance redress mechanism.LIC has an opportunity in that more than four fifths of its
customers feel that their claims are settled without delay. In addition, LIC's agent provides them
with the right and relevant information, and it is apparent that it does. Investors prefer to focus
on individual risk coverage; therefore, investment rationales are more or less the same.As a
result, 88% of respondents have a positive perception of LIC, so in case they go back to them for
a new policy they will stick with LIC of India only because they feel that their money is safe,
secure, and they do not need to run around looking for a claim company. Due to their superior
customer service and attractive offers, private insurance businesses have started to attract more
clients. They are expanding quickly. Though, LIC is also increasing Its customer base but private
insurance companies are moving at a fast pace.A large number of customers are served by LIC.
From 2010-2011, LIC's share of the market increased by 6%The percentage was 72% in 2011
and is now 78%.When it comes to this area, LIC has a considerable advantage over private
insurance companies. When it comes to profit earning, they are undeniably the best in the
insurance industry.LIC still has a very strong customer base, even though new business is
increasingly going to private insurance companies. The company also issues more new policies
per branch than private insurance companies although not by a wide margin.A survey of nearly
50% of respondents found that nearly half saved less than 15% of their income, and they favored
both long-term and short-term investments. All respondents agreed that safety was the most
important criterion when considering investment alternatives according to the surveyLiquidity,
Capital Growth, Tax Benefits, and Return are the first five factors to consider.Life protection
policies including death benefits were the most preferred by insurance holders, followed by
wealth creation plans and high return plans.They are leading much ahead of private insurance
companies in terms of business per branch, profit per branch, and premium per branch.

 It may be possible for LIC to bring products that will appeal to rural consumers in order
to increase the level of insurance penetration
 To propagate awareness about its lesser-known products, the company should conduct
road shows, invest in advertising, and place hoardings.
 Aside from existing banks, LIC should partner with several others for the sale of its assets
products i.e. through banc assurance
 In order to sell its rural insurance, the company can partner with local NGO's
 The documentation should be easy and fast for the customer.
 It is important for LIC to ensure that all of its products are promoted equally by its
 Agents and development officers should receive additional funds from LIC.
 The agent should clearly explain any hidden charges and state them in the form
 LIC should provide better training to its agents.
 There should be no lengthy decision-making process in the settlement of a claim making
 While designing products, special attention should be paid to individual risk coverage.
 There is a lot of scope for innovation since people are becoming more aware and
 Using electronic media to sell insurance products.
 Indian people will be in high demand for pension products due to the lack of a
comprehensive social security system and their willingness to save. As a result, life
insurance has taken advantage of this opportunity.
 They have an additional opportunity to upgrade their working methods because they have
easier access to development in the more advanced market. A variety of channels are now
available for absorbing improved systems, whether they are technological, financial, or
centered around a specific area. In order for insurance companies to provide fast service
and work efficiently
Chapter: 7 Learnings and Skills Acquired

 Learned about types income tax & and benefits on them (sec. 80c, sec 80d and sec.).
 Learned how to create salary slip on Microsoft excel.
 Learned about financial sectors expectation of customers before investing in any product
 Learned about different bank and the product company deal in, how calculate interest in
investment product.
 Learned how to pitch customer.

Technical Skills Required

 I was shown how to use the SPSS tool programmer for hypothesis calculation.
 Worked on MS Office (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) to improve abilities from beginner
to advanced.

Value Based Skills Acquired

Following skills Acquired by me during Internship are:

 Communication Skills
 Experience OF Work
 Teamwork Skill
 Trustworthy
 Networking

 Singh H. and Loll M – to investigate the financial products that policy holders in the
Kanpur District – December 2011
 Meera C. and Eswari M –to examine how the demographic variable affects the
behavioral bias – November 2011
 Baal N. and Sandhog H. S.-- to examines the parts affecting agent’s perception towards
Life Insurance Corporation of India – August2011
 Meera C. and Eswari M – examinehow overconfidence and risk aversion bias affect
how investors make investing decisions– November2011
 Singh H. and Loll M – toappraise the opportunities for insurers in the rural market-
 Friar F. and Khanbashi M. et al –toFind Out the variation between anticipation of the
employees and customers towards service quality in insurance industry of Iran-
 Ansari Z. A. – to examines the attitude of individuals towards different kinds of risks
and scope they prefer in Saudi Arabia – March2012
 Bodla B. S. and Chaudhary K. – to determine and examine the household investment
preferences in the Darjeeling District– May2012
 Das S. K. –tostudy of customer satisfaction on products of private sector insurance
company with reference to Kotak Mahindra life insurance company –June2012
 L Sreenivas. D. and B Anand M. –todetermine the level of household have financial
product knowledge– December2012
 Dr.R.padmaja&Shifaly–toassess the level of financial literacy among investors in the
Kota district.– April2018
 V Ravi and Gulati K et al –toDetermine the investors' preferred investment channels
and to analyze the financial information resources –May2012
 Janjua P. Z. and Akmal M. –todetermine client satisfaction with the services provided
by common and Islamic insurance firms in Pakistan. – March2014
 According to Bapat H. B. and Soni V. et al –todetermines their current levels of the
goods offered under the Seroquel umbrella– April2014
 Bhowal A. and Pankaj B. –Challengesof Private Sector Life Insurance Companies In
India– April2014
 Choudhari P. S. – AnalysisofFactors Influencing Agents’ Perception towards Life
Insurance Corporation of India– April2014
 According to Barik B. and Patra R. -- Image of Life InsuranceServices–An
Expectation-Experience Gap Analysis – June2014
 Chand M. –CustomersPerception towards the Products ofBirla Sun Life Insurance
Company: A Study on JorhatDistrict of Assam. – June2014
 Ch. S.-- Regulatory Changes and their impact on Life Insurance Business– May2014

 Responses

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