Simple Feasibility Study

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➢Subject: Principles of Marketing
➢Submitted to: Miss Karen Sotelo
➢Submitted by: Nhoriel Macawile
Product Logo
company Logo

Table of Content
• Project Summary
I. Name of the enterprise
II. Location
III. Descriptive Definition of
the Project
IV. Feasibility Criteria

Chapter 1
A. Introduction
B. Statement of the problem
C. Statement of Capital
D. Personnel and Laborer requirements with job description
E. Fringe Benefits
F. Guidelines and procedure
G. Pricing strategy
H. Promotional strategy
Chapter 2
A. Process flow chart
B. Raw ingredients with definition
C. Plant Location
D. Tools with definition
E. Equipment with definition
F. Picture of equipment and tools
G. Floor plan
H. Front view

Project Summary
I. Name of the enterprise
The name of the firm is “Cookies and Treats”. It refers to the typical cookies. The firm is named
as such and offers an array of cookies and different pastry with different flavors to choose from.
II. Location
The plant is located Near at Vista Mall Taguig. It is accessible for both manufacturer and
consumer. It is convenient for manufacturers because it is near the supplier of the raw materials,
all utilities needed are available. It is within the vicinity of the target market. For buyers, it is
very accessible because it’s near in the Vista mall.
III. Description Definition of the Project
The proposed project is to establish a small-scale food business that offers different types of
pastry especially cookies with different flavors. The product comes in a small jar filled with the
cookies, as per customer’s choice of flavor. The target market of this product are kid’s and
persons who like sweet dessert.
The researcher believes that with the proposal project, investor with limited capital will invest
into kind of food manufacturing industry. If such business is put up, it will provide employment
and generate income not only to the investors but also to the laborers, employees, and
government in terms of taxes, fees, and licenses.
IV. Feasibility Criteria
The project’s proponents believe that the products will capture the taste buds of its target market
because they firmly believe that their product have competitive edge because of the flavor of the
cookies over existing similar products and alternative substitute. Despite the existing competitors
established names, they believe That one factor that will make their product marketing is their
lower selling price, and by maintaining a good name in the market, the market will increase
every year.

Chapter 1
A. Introduction
Human needs are varied but the most important is substance. Food is said to be the most important need
of a person. One needs to eat the kind of food to be able to stop his stomach with what is satisfying and
filling. Since the time of colonial occupation, Filipinos have this certain trait to taste different kinds of
food offered to the by foreigners. This is the main reason why there are Filipinos today who are hooked
up with this other delicacy. One great example of such is one of the famous desserts, cookies. Almost all
Filipino know what cookies is and many of them really love this dessert. It has been one of the main
favorite dessert of every Filipino because of its sweet taste, alluring appearance, the designs, and different
flavors that can be made. It surely is a great snack for people on all walks of life.
B. Statement of the problem
This study is designed provide a low-cost, cookie in a jar at an affordable price. The plant is located Near
at Vista Mall Taguig Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
Organization and Management Aspects:
1. What form of business and what organizational set up are proposed to meet the requirement of cookie
and pastry production?
2. What are the manpower requirements and the corresponding job description?
3. What motivational techniques are to be taken?
4. What management policies are to be implemented by the company?

C. Statement of Capital
Capital is 250,000. Because the rent Near Vista Mall is in demand. The bulk of the capital is spent on
purchasing baking utensils and equipment which can cost Php 80,000 or higher.

D. Personnel and Laborer requirements

 Baker
 Store manager
 Kitchen help
 Cashier
Job Description
In a business, it is important to classify the function, duties, and responsible between the employer and
employee for the effectivity of the operation. Here are the responsibilities designated to each personnel.
Position: Baker
Job Description: Bakers use their understanding of ingredients and food preparation to craft recipes and
create baked goods.
Position: Store manager
Job Description: Maintain store staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees.

Position: Kitchen Helper

Job Description: kitchen helper your duties include wash worktables, meat blocks, cupboards, walls and
appliances and clean kitchen work areas, equipment, utensils and dishes. sweep and mop floors and
perform other duties to assist cook and kitchen staff. remove and clear kitchen garbage.
Position: cashier
Job Description: Cashier's primary role is to assist customers in the in-store check-out process. Main
duties include ringing up sales, bagging items, requesting price checks, honoring coupons, collecting
payment, and giving appropriate change.

E. Fringe Benefits
As any good service or other benefit furnished or granted by an employer in cash or any other addition to
basic salaries to an individual employee, various Philippine laws prescribe certain benefits to be given to
an employee.

 Flexible hours
 Paid time off such as PTO, sick days, and vacation day.
 Commuting/travel assistance
 work schedules
F. Guidelines and Procedure
Working Conditions
The company unqualified commits itself to abide by all laws, policies, and other government regulations
or labor standards relative to the nature, status, and security of employment of employees in private

Working Hours
Generally, work in the store shall be eight (8) hours a day, opening shift 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and
closing shift 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
G. Pricing strategy
Price is one of the factors that the proponent should also consider in planning or before distributing their
products to the market. Many consumers buy products depending on their prices and is efficient for them.
The proponent will offer their product at ₱40 per piece of cookies and ₱250.00 half dozens of cookies in
a Jar. It is very affordable to the market. The proponent will cater their product on Younger customers
that may order cookies from the store, while families may drop by for other pastries.

H. Promotional Strategy
Promotion is one of the important things to consider when putting up a business. One must have a good
promotional strategy for their product to be known and to be distinguished from other similar products.
The product, cookies are quite common in the marketplace, so a good and effective promotion is needed
for the product to be distinguished. The owner considered the promotional techniques, free-tasting and
leaflet distributions. This way, the proponent may know the thoughts of the consumers and if the business
is really attention catching. It is also a way in knowing if the product needs improvement.

Chapter 2
A. Process flow chart
A. Raw ingredients Identifying the ingredients, you need is important in the making of the product.
The ingredients should be no more, no less. You need to have the needed ingredients so you can
make it with success. Different varieties of cookies have various needs, but they all have a
common needed ingredient such as

Butter - for Shortening and butter make cookies tender. When mixed into flour, fat coats some of
the flour and protects it from the liquid in some recipes. This prevents gluten from developing,
making the cookies more tender and less chewy.
white sugar - makes cookies browner (by caramelizing) and crisper (by absorbing moisture in the
dough). It also encourages spreading as the sugar melts. The proportion of sugar in
most cookie dough recipes is so high that only about half of the sugar dissolves during mixing.
brown sugar- Using brown sugar will result in a
denser, moister cookie. Brown sugar is also
hygroscopic (more so than granulated sugar) and
will therefore also attract and absorb the liquid in
the dough.
All Purpose Cream- increase moisture absorption. Provide lactose which gives browning
reaction upon baking. Tenderize.
Egg- they create structure and stability within a batter, they help thicken and emulsify sauces and
custards, they add moisture to cakes and other baked goods, and can even act as glue or glaze.
vanilla extract- it enhances all the other flavors in the recipe. Without it, cookies and cakes tend
to taste flat and bland. 
all-purpose flour- the higher protein content in bread flour allows loaves of bread to rise and
maintain their shape; the lower protein in all-purpose flour creates "shorter" baked goods, so it's
ideal for cookies, brownies, and such.
baking soda- used ingredient because of its ability to act as a leavened. In baking a leavened
helps cookie dough or batter to rise, as the cookies bake on the baking sheet.
fine salt- is its ability to improve the taste and flavor of all the foods in which it is used. Salt is
one ingredient that makes bread taste so good. Without salt in the dough batch, the resulting
bread would be flat and insipid.
chocolate chips- this this is the main flavor so this important ingredient.

B. Plant location the location of the plant is very crucial for the effective and profitability of a
business and scope for future expansion. Your location should also be within your target market
so you can utilize well. Having a floor plan is important so you can have your desired
measurements of the rooms. It gives you a view of the rooms and you can easily remove and add
rooms before making the rooms.

C. Using the appropriate tools and utensils is important in achieving the right measurement and
consistency of your product. Each tool has specific use. Below are the tools used in baking and
their use:

Measuring Cups (Liquid and Dry) and Spoons

 you’ll need both dry and wet measuring cups to accurately measure all your ingredients.
Keep these tools in an easy-to-reach spot because you’ll use them all the time.
Wooden Spoon(s)
 wooden spoons are great for all kinds of stirring because they’re so sturdy (you’ll be able
to use them with even the thickest, heaviest doughs).
Rubber Spatula/Scraper
 This tool is ideal for scraping the last bit of batter or dough out of a pan or for
scraping all the nooks and crannies out of your jam jar. They’re also super handy
for folding together wet and dry ingredients. Silicone scrapers will stand up to
high heat better than rubber ones.
Spatula/Metal Turner
 When you need to transfer fresh out of the-oven cookies to a cooling rack or serve
a piece Having one with a thin metal blade can be especially handy, and it’ll be
flexible enough to easily slide under anything you’re moving without squishing
the dough or crumbling your cookies.
Pastry Brush

 This handy tool has more uses than you realized. It can be used to grease a pan before
pouring in cake batter, to coat dough with melted butter or egg wash, or to “paint” milk
on top of a piecrust. Especially if you’re a frequent baker, this is a must-have!

Kitchen Scissors

 They can be useful in so many ways: Snipping fresh herbs, cutting parchment to fit a pan,
and even just opening stubborn packages and containers.

Rolling Pin

 if you don’t have a food processor and need to crush cookies, chips, or crackers for a
recipe, just put them in a sealable bag, then use your rolling pin to smash them to pieces.

Wire Rack

 This handy tool allows air to circulate around baked goods as they cool, so they’ll taste
just as great at room temperature as they did fresh out of the oven.

Baking Sheet/Cookie Sheet/Sheet Pan

 one cookie sheet with one raised side to bake your cookies, which allows proper air
circulation and even baking. This pan is essential for baking most any kind of cookie but
baking sheets and sheet pans with raised sides could also be used for cookies and work
best for sheet pan dinner recipes, too.

D. Equipment with definition * These equipment makes making cookies a lot faster and
easier. Some are used for emergency cases and being safe. Below are some essential
making cookies and safety equipment.

KitchenAid Mixer Whether it is a stand mixer or hand mixer- an electric mixer is an
important place to start. This will ensure that all of the ingredients get evenly mixed together.
Pastry Blender- If you’re big on baking pies and flaky biscuits, this is a handy tool to have. It’ll
make cutting cold butter or shortening into flour much easier. But if you don’t have one in your
kitchen, you can use two butter knives instead. Just move the knives in a crisscross motion to cut
the butter into the flour.

Conventional oven- it has two heating elements that heat air inside the oven to cook food. The
heating element at the bottom of the oven is used for most cooking and baking, while the heating
element at the top is mostly used for broiling.

safety equipment
Oven gloves- Using an oven glove is a perfect way to protect our hands from burns and bruises.
Oven gloves are made of thick material that is not prone to tear or burn.

Apron Wearing an apron when cooking will protect your clothes from stains that would otherwise
make you look untidy.

it is advisable to wear a hairnet in case of loose strands that may end up in your food Our hair
contains staph bacteria which can cause stomach problems like diarrhea. When handling food
substances ensure that your hair is not exposed. Not just the hair on your head but also beards should
be covered up.

Plastic gloves
Plastic gloves come in handy during cleaning as they prevent bacteria from accessing our hands.
Being made of plastic, they can be used in water and are very easy to clean. Ensure to wash your
hands after using these gloves just as an extra protective measure. Do not use them on hot equipment
and keep away from fire.

E. Picture of equipment and tools

Measuring Cups (Liquid and Dry) and Spoons

Wooden Spoon(s)

Rubber Spatula/Scraper

Spatula/Metal Turner
Pastry Brush

Rolling Pin
Wire Rack

Sheet/Cookie Sheet/Sheet Pan

Mixer Whet her it is
a stand mixer or
hand mixer

Pastry Blender
Conventional oven

safety equipment
Oven gloves


Plastic gloves
g. Floor plan
H. Front area

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