IQOC Part I NSEC Solutions

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Set 1 (IQOC2021S1)

Q Ans Solution
1 a B2H6.2NH3 is formed by the unsymmetrical cleavage of diborane
molecule. Both the cation and anion are tetrahedral in shape and hence ‘B’
will be sp3 hybridised

2 c (i) P4+ Cl2 (g)Q(l) – PCl3(liquid) and PCl5 (solid). Hence Q(l) is PCl3
(ii) Q(l) + O2(g) R (l) – PCl3 + O2 POCl3 (liquid) + H2O
PCl5 + O2 P2O5 (solid). Hence R(l) is POCl3
(iii) P4 + O2 (323 K) S (s); P4 + 5O2 P4O10.
Only this product can be formed at 323 K. Hence S(s) is P4O10
(iv) S(s) + H2O(l) T(aq); P4O10 + 6H2O 4H3PO4 .
Hence T(aq) is H3PO4

3 b Fe(CO)5 has trigonal bipyramidal geometry.

For TBP geometry, corresponding hybridisation in this case is dsp3.
The participating ‘d’ orbital in this type of hybridisation leading to a
TDP geometry is dz2
4 d Based on the properties of ‘p’ block elements

5 c Arrhenius equation and concept of catalysis

6 b Intramolecular aldol condensation followed by haloform reaction and

7 b Based on Lewis dot structures- six structures ( maximum) possible for the
sulphate ion
8 d No of mmoles of H2SO4 = 517.3 ; No of mmol of OH- = 1034.6;
If ‘y’ is the weight of Na in the mixture, 32000 = 23y + (1034.6 –y) 39 ;
y = 521.8 ;
Hence weight of Na = (521.8 x23 )/ 1000 = 12g
9 b Let masses of H2O and H2 be 1 and 1.5 g
Kc = (1.5/2)4/ (1/18)4 = 3.32 x104

10 b Both the molecules contain a chiral center.

In presence of a base, 2-methylcyclopentanone will undergo
racemization via the formation of an achiral enolate intermediate.
Hence optical rotation disappears.
With NH2NH2 / KOH at high temperature , the carbonyl group gets
The final product does not have a chiral center.
Hence no optical rotation is observed.
11 a The linear oligomer synthesized by linking ten glycine molecules is
10 x [C2H5O2N] – 9x[H2O]= C20H32O11N10

12 a The complex [NiCl2Br2] 2- is tetrahedral, paramagnetic with two unpaired

electrons and cannot show geometrical and optical isomerism.
The complex [PtCl2Br2] 2- is square planar, diamagnetic and can show
cis-trans isomerism.
13 b Colour of the gas evolved is reddish brown and the aqueous solution is
And the solid is less soluble
Hence LiNO3 is the correct choice
14 a Le Chatelier principle
15 c 4 AgNO3 + 2 H2O + H3PO2  HNO3 + H3PO4
Answers obtained from the stoichiometric equation given above(6.8 x1x
108)/ 4 x170 = 4.32g Ag;
6.8 x1 /4 x170 = 0.01 moles of H3PO2

16 a Can be arrived at from the structure

17 c XeO3 – polar; XeOF4 – polar; XeF2- non polar; XeF4 – non polar;
XeO4 – non polar

18 b 1 dm3 = 1000 mL. Hence the answer

19 d Alkylation, followed by formation of RMgBr

Replacement of RMgBr by H gives the product
20 c Based on Nernst equation
Positive value of E ( electrode potential) is obtained only in option c
21 d Compound (i), an aromatic amide, when heated with NaOH liberates NH3
which turns moist turmeric paper brown.
Compound (ii) has RCOCH3 functionality and forms iodoform (yellow
precipitate) when treated with NaOH and I2.
Compound (iii), a secondary amine, forms a yellow oil when treated with
NaNO2, HCl at 0 oC.
Compound (iv) with phenolic- OH gives colouration with FeCl3

22 b N1V1=N2V2 ; NaHC2O4 solution = 0.1 M

C2O42- is oxidized to CO2 by KMnO4.
M C2O42- = 0.2 N HC2O4-
10 x 0.2 = 10 x N1 (MnO4-)
MnO4- is reduced to Mn2+ . Hence, M(MnO4-) x 5 = N’
Hence Molarity of MnO4- = 0.04 M

23 d Brevicomin is a cyclic ketal. This molecule can be synthesized from the

open chain ketodiol, 6,7-dihydroxynonan-2-one

24 a Reduction of –CN, followed by successive methylation and Hoffman

25 b, c Intermolecular forces and size of the molecule
26 b,d Concept of molarity, pH and Henderson equation
Only in options b and d, pH is 4.0- 5.0
27 a, d Second IE of He is same as the first IE of He+ ( H like atom)
For a H like atom, En = - z2 x 13.61/n2. Here z = 2 and n = 1
Dependence of IE on atomic radius and electronic configuration
28 a,b, d
Product ‘a’ due to anti addition of Br2 on any one of the two olefinic units
(formation of a cyclic bromonium ion)
Both ‘b’ and ‘d’ will be formed due to resonance stabilized allylic
carbocation formation.
Product ‘c’ cannot be formed because addition leading to its formation is
not possible
29 c,d Electronic configuration and MO theory.
S2 has two unpaired electrons
In both N2 + and N2- , there is one unpaired electron on one of the N

30 a,d Water is a weaker acid than nitromethane ( data given).

After the nucleophilic attack of the carbanion obtained from nitromethane
to the carbonyl functionality of 2-methyl cyclohexanone, a diastereomeric
mixture will be obtained.

31 a,b,c,d All answers can be derived as correct from the structures given

32 c,d Since the kinetic curves for both samples are different in zones 1 and 2, the
virus must be reacting with different entities in these two zones
From the plots it can be seen that almost 95 % inactivation happens
within 10h

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