Qdoc - Tips - 1000 Mcqs Prosthodontics Plus Marchampseptember MC
Qdoc - Tips - 1000 Mcqs Prosthodontics Plus Marchampseptember MC
Qdoc - Tips - 1000 Mcqs Prosthodontics Plus Marchampseptember MC
$4% hat s the purp"se "' ma(!) a rec"r# "' pr"trus*e relat"! a!# +hat 'u!ct"!
#"es t ser*e a'ter t s ma#e
A. To register the condylar path and to adjust the inclination of the incisal guidance.
B. To aid in determining the freeway space and to adjust the inclination of the incisal
C. To register the condylar path and to adjust the condylar guides of the articulator so that
they are equivalent to the condylar paths of the patient.
D. To aid in establishing the occlusal vertical dimension and to adjust the condylar guides of
the articulator so that they are equivalent to the condylar paths of the patient.
$,% The ma! 'act"r c"!tr"ll!) a #ecs"! t" !crease the "cclusal he)ht "' teeth '"r
e-te!s*e "ral rec"!struct"!
rec"!struct"! s +hether
A. The inter occlusal distance will be physiologically acceptable after treatment
B. There will be sufficient tooth bulk in the abutment teeth for proper retention of the crowns
C. At least two third of the original alveolar process will remain for adequate periodontal
D. The aesthetic appearance of the patient will improve sufficiently to warrant the planned
$.% I! pla!!!) a!# c"!struct"! "' a cast metal partal #e!ture the stu#/ cast
A. facilitate the construction of customspecial trays
B. minimi!e the need for articulating
C. provide only limited information about inter ridge distance" which is
best assessed clinically
D. can be used as a working cast when duplicating facilities are not available
$$% Per"#"!tal #ama)e t" abutme!t teeth "' partal #e!ture +th #stal e-te!s"! ca!
best be a*"#e# b/
A. Applying #tressbreakers
B. $mploying bar clasps on all abutment teeth
C. %aintaining tissue support of the distal e&tension
D. Clasping at least two teeth for each edentulous area
$. %aintaining the clasp arms on all abutment teeth at the ideal degree of tensio
$% hch "' these muscles ma/ a''ect the b"r#ers "' ma!#bular c"mplete #e!ture
A. %entalis
B. 'ateral pterygoid
C. (rbicularis oris
D. 'evator angulioris
$. Temporal
0% a+ relat"! "' a! e#e!tul"us pate!t has bee! establshe#% The ma-llar/ cast has
bee! m"u!te# "! a! artculat"r +th"ut a 'ace b"+% "u #ec#e t" !crease the "cclusal
*ertcal #me!s"! b/ 4mm ths +ll !ecesstate
A. (pening the articulator )mm
B. A new centric relation to be recorded
C. A change
change in the condylar guide settings
D. An increase in the rest vertical dimension
1% 3"ll"+!) e-tract"! "' the m"lar teeth
A. The ridge height is lost more from the ma&illa than from the mandible
B. The ma&illary ridge will get more bone lost from the palatal aspect than the buccal
C. The mandibular arch is relatively narrower than the ma&illary arch
D. Compared with the pre*resorption state" the mandibular ridge will lose more bone from the
lingual aspect than the buccal one.
2% hch "' the '"ll"+!) s a ma5"r #sa#*a!ta)e t" mme#ate c"mplete #e!ture
A. Trauma to e&traction site
B. +ncreased the potential of infection
C. +mpossibility for anterior try in
D. $&cessive resorption of residual ridge
100% hat s the ma! purp"se "' us!) Stress brea(ers
A. To distribute the load between teeth and ridges
B. To distribute the load between the clasps and the face end of the saddle
C. +t relieves the abutment tooth of occlusal loads that may e&ceed their physiologic strength
106% hch s m"re rete!t*e '"rm '"r a!ter"r br#)e
A. , partial veneer crown
B. Class - inlay
C. inlay -eneer
D. Class +++ inlay with pins
125. Patient
Patient with
with class II division
division II; the lateral
lateral incisor
incisor is missing.
You want to makemake a fxed bridge which o the ollowing is
A. Rock
Rocketet bridge using
using central
central incisor
incisor as abutment
B. Cantilever
Cantilever using
using central
central incisor
C. Fixed
ixed bridge using
using the central incisor
incisor and bicuspid
12!. "hen re#airin
re#airing g a racture
racture o lower com#lete
com#lete dentur
denture.e. "hich
statement is correct
A. Self curing
curing will
will distort
distort the
the dentur
B. Cold curing will not be be strong
strong enough because of small areaarea of
C. There
There is a possibilit
possibilit of
of occlusal
occlusal disharm
141. The setting
setting expans
expansion ion of casting
casting investmen
investmentt is
A. ! to
to !.
B. !."
!." tto
o !.$#
C. !.$
!.$ to "#
%. "."
"." to ".&#
1$2. %he contra
ction o
o gold allo&s
allo&s on
on solidi&ing
solidi&ing is
A. !.$#
B. '.$#
C. ".(!#
%. )#
1$'. %he un(#ol&me
un(#ol&meri)edri)ed monome
monomer r in *el(cure
*el(curedd resin is
A. !.$#
B. '.$#
C . $#
%. "!#
A. The ridge height is lost more from the ma&illa than from the mandible
B. The ma&illary ridge will get more bone lost from the palatal aspect than the buccal
C. The mandibular arch is relatively narrower than the ma&illary arch
D. Compared with the pre*resorption state" the mandibular ridge will lose more bone from the
lingual aspect than the buccal one.
2% hch "' the '"ll"+!) s a ma5"r #sa#*a!ta)e t" mme#ate c"mplete #e!ture
A. Trauma to e&traction site
B. +ncreased the potential of infection
C. +mpossibility for anterior try in
D. $&cessive resorption of residual ridge
100% hat s the ma! purp"se "' us!) Stress brea(ers
A. To distribute the load between teeth and ridges
B. To distribute the load between the clasps and the face end of the saddle
C. +t relieves the abutment tooth of occlusal loads that may e&ceed their physiologic strength
106% hch s m"re rete!t*e '"rm '"r a!ter"r br#)e
A. , partial veneer crown
B. Class - inlay
C. inlay -eneer
D. Class +++ inlay with pins
125. Patient
Patient with
with class II division
division II; the lateral
lateral incisor
incisor is missing.
You want to makemake a fxed bridge which o the ollowing is
A. Rock
Rocketet bridge using
using central
central incisor
incisor as abutment
B. Cantilever
Cantilever using
using central
central incisor
C. Fixed
ixed bridge using
using the central incisor
incisor and bicuspid
12!. "hen re#airin
re#airing g a racture
racture o lower com#lete
com#lete dentur
denture.e. "hich
statement is correct
A. Self curing
curing will
will distort
distort the
the dentur
B. Cold curing will not be be strong
strong enough because of small areaarea of
C. There
There is a possibilit
possibilit of
of occlusal
occlusal disharm
141. The setting
setting expans
expansion ion of casting
casting investmen
investmentt is
A. ! to
to !.
B. !."
!." tto
o !.$#
C. !.$
!.$ to "#
%. "."
"." to ".&#
1$2. %he contra
ction o
o gold allo&s
allo&s on
on solidi&ing
solidi&ing is
A. !.$#
B. '.$#
C. ".(!#
%. )#
1$'. %he un(#ol&me
un(#ol&meri)edri)ed monome
monomer r in *el(cure
*el(curedd resin is
A. !.$#
B. '.$#
C . $#
%. "!#
144. A volume shrinka
ge of methyl
methyl meta cyrelate
cyrelate monomer
monomer when
is polymerized:**
A. "'#
B. "$#
C . " *#
%. '"#
14.% Ol "r +ater "! mpress"! '"r treatme!t casts causes
A. An increase of the quality
B. /o alteration
C. A decrease of the quality
D. Bubbles on the cast
$. /one of the above
14$% hat s Path "' I!sert"!
A. The movement of the appliance from the points of initial contacts to path of final rest
B. The movement of the appliance from the points of rest position until it is not in contact
with teeth
14% hat s Path "' Rem"*al
A. The appliances movement from the rest position to the last contacts of its rigid parts with
the supporting teeth
B. The movement of the appliance from the points of initial contacts to path of final rest
170% he! c"rrect"! preparat"!
preparat"! '"r re c"!t"ur!) "' "cclusal sur'ace s t" be apple#%
8r!#!) "!l/ "' the a#5uste# sur'ace
A. #hould not be felt flat
B. 0equire a flat crown
C. 0equire no contact with adjacent teeth
D. #hould be felt flat
$. /one of the above
171% T" "bta! a #esre# pr"5ect"! "' "cclusal l"a#s9 the 'l""r "' the "cclusal rest sh"ul#
A. Be conve&
B. #lope from the marginal ridge towards Contact11 of abutment
C. #lope from Contact11 of abutment towards the marginal ridge
D. Be concave
$. Does not slope from the marginal ridge towards Contact11 of abutment
2. /one of the above
172% The tra!s'er "' stress b/ Te!sle :ct"! empl"/s T% react"!;a pr"cess that +th!
A. 2ails to promote bone growth
B. romote bone growth and maintenance
C. 2ails to promote maintenance
D. /one of the above
176% hch "' the '"ll"+!) arrears C:N NOT be #eterm!e# b/ sur*e/ a!al/ss "'
partall/ e#e!tul"us cast
A. Areas to be revealed as blocked out to properly loca11 0igid parts of a frame work
B. Areas to be shaped to properly loc11 0igid parts of framework
C. Areas used for guideline planes
D. Areas used for retention
$. Areas used for support
2. Depth of rest seats
174% I! partal #e!tures the )u#el!es <8u#!) Pla!es= ser*e t"
A. Aids in balancing occlusion
B. Assure predictable clasp retention
C. 2orm right angle with the occlusal plane
D. $liminate the necessity for precision attachment
$. $liminate the necessity for a posterior clasp
'5'. %he t&#e o gold that used or dental bridges is0
A. >ard "*#
B. Tpe 4/ ?$#
'5$. In regards to Partial dentures0 how do &ou establish reliable
vertical dimension0
A. 8ax if the remaining teeth occlude
'55. In regards to indirect com#are to direct wax techni6ue++
A. ;ow temperature solidifing point
B. >ard in room temperature
C. >igher @ow in room temperature
4,$% hch mpress"! materal sh"ul# NOT be (ept ! +ater +th! "! h"urA <!
a!"ther paper +asA 60 m!s be'"re p"ur!)=
A. olyether
B. Condensation silicone
C. olyvinyl silicone
4,% H)h c"pper amal)am lasts l"!)er tha! l"+ c"pper amal)am because "'
A. +ncreased compressive strength
B. +ncreased corrosion resistance
C. 5igh creep
D. +ncreased tensile strength
$. Decreased setting e&pansion
4.0% P"r"st/ ! acr/lc #e!tures s cause# b/
A. Contraction porosity in thickest point of the denture
B. +nsufficient pressure during flasking causes it
4.1% The sh"rtest 'acal he)ht s +he!
A. Teeth are overlapped
B. There is ma&imum cuspal interdigitation
4.2% hat s TRJF ab"ut *ertcal #me!s"!
A. Does not change for the whole life
B. Decreases when head is tilted back
C. +ncreases when a lower denture is placed in mout
4.4% h/ +"ul# /"u cast )"l# ! h"t m"ul#
A. To compensate for the e&pansion of investment.
4.7% I' temp"rar/ ceme!tat"! s reKure#9 +hch ceme!t +ll /"u use
A. E($
B. Einc olycarbo&ylate
C. @+C
4.,% I! the c"!struct"! "' a! RPD9 )u#!) pla!es are create# b/
A. erpendicular to the occlusal plane
B. arallel side towards the path of placement.
4..% he! sh"ul# p"ur p"l/ether mpress"! materals
A. >ithin ;) hours after taking impression
B. >ithin F8 minutes after taking impression
C. #hould be stored dry and then poured
D. #hould be stored in humid place
4.$% hch "' the '"ll"+!) s a 'reKue!t cause "' "paKue!ess ! a p"rcela! 5ac(et
A. orcelain layer is too thin over the opaque layer.
B. orcelain layer is too thick
4$6% The use "' !c(el chr"mum ! base plate sh"ul# be 5u#c"usl/ c"!s#ere# because
A. A significant number of females are allergic to nickel
B. A significant number of female are allergic to chromium
C. A significant number of males are allergic to nickel
4$7% Dur!) m"uth preparat"! '"r RPD "! t""th a#5ace!t t" e#e!tul"us area% There s
#e!t!e e-p"sure
A. 0estoration is required
B. roceed with rest seat preparation and fabrication if involved area is
not more than ;mm
4$,%:'ter ma(!) a! mpress"! t" rel!e a! RPD the #e!tst !"tes that the !#rect
reta!ers are !"t rest!) "! the t""th% T" a*"# ths +hat pr"cess sh"ul# ha*e
u!#erta(e! !tall/
A. Ask patient to bite firmly while impression is setting
B. 5old the metal base frame against the abutment tooth while setting
C. 2abricate new denture
D. Add impression material and close the gap
$3!. %he area o the #osterior #alatal seal includes which o the
A. leftright
B. >amular notch
742% hat s the #eal le!)th '"r a p"st ! p"stc"re ! a! e!#"#"!tcall/ treate#
A. ;F of the tooth length
B. G of the tooth length
C. <.: times that of the crown
D. #ame as the anticipated crown
74.% Sel' p"l/mers!) acr/lc res!s #''er 'r"m heat cure# res!s because the/
A. 5igher molecules weight
B. 5igher content of residual monomers
770% here +"ul# /"u e-pect t" '!# the M/l"h/"# ! relat"! t" perpher/ "'
c"mplete #e!tureA
A. %andibular buccal in the midline
B. %andibular lingual in the midline
C. %andibular disto buccal area
774% Spl!t!) the a#5ace!t teeth ! '-e# br#)e s prmarl/ #"!e t"A
A. Distribute the occlusal load
B. Achieve better retention
777% P"rcela! must !"t be c"!tam!ate# b/ ha!#l!) bet+ee! +hch t+" sta)esA
A. re*soldering and heat treatment
B. 5eat treatment and opaque bake stages
C. (paque and bisque stages
D. Bisque and gla!ing stages
$. 2irst opaque bake and second opaque bake
77,% hat s the relat"!shp "' the rete!t*e p"rt"! "' the partal #e!tures reta!ers
t" the sur*e/ l!e "' abutme!tA
A. @ingival Below
B. (cclusal Above
C. /o relation
77.% hch "' the '"ll"+!) lKu#s s !"t sutable '"r pr"l"!)e# mmers"! "' c"balt
chr"me partal #e!turesA
A. Alkaline pero&idase
B. 5ypochlorite solutions
C. #oap solutions
D. >ater
.6% The MOST e''ect*e ma!!er t" pr"#uce a har# sur'ace "! a cast s b/A
A. $mploy as much water as possible on mi&ing
B. $mploy as little water as possible on mi&ing
C. Adding ;H of bora& to the mi&
D. Adding calcium tetraborate
$. /one of the above
.40% he! #r/ cast s mmerse# ! +ater saturate# +th calcum sulphateA
A. There is contraction
B. There is negligible e&pansion
C. There is definite e&pansion
D. There is no change
$. /one of the above
.42% The 'l"+ "' the '"ll"+!) perce!ta)e s all"+able '"r mpress"! c"mp"u!#
t/pe IE at the "ral temp "' 6.L
B. <8H
C. ;H
D. ;8H
$. /one of the above
.46% The #sa#*a!ta)e "' heat!) the mpress"! c"mp"u!# ! a +ater bath sA
A. +t may become brittle
B. +t may become grainy
C. 'ower moles with constituents are leached out
D. The plasticity of the compound may be altered
$. All of the above
.44% 8e!erall/ there s G!c "-#e eu)e!"l mpress"! pastes bet+ee! 'l"+ areA
A. >orking time
B. Accelerator
C. #etting time
D. Composition
$. /one of the above
.4% The e''ect "' the temperature rs!) ab"*e 100LC "! heatcure# #e!turebase
acr/lc res!s sA
A. roduces porosity on the e&ternal portion of the resin.
B. roduces porosity on the internal portion of the resin.
C. roduces porosity on the surface of the resin.
D. revents porosity on the interior of the resin
.1% hch "' the '"ll"+!) 8"l# cast!) all"/s are a*alableA
A. %edium alloy 3Type ++4
B. 5ard alloy 3Type +++4
C. $&tra 5ard alloy
$27% I! a '-e# m"*eable br#)e +here sh"ul# the m"*eable !"! r)#E c"!!ect"rs be
A. Distal to anterior retainers
B. %esial to posterior retainers
$2$% hat s the m!mal labal re#uct"! '"r p"rcela! metal cr"+!sA
A. <mm
B. <.:mm
C. 8.:mm
$,2% hat s TRJF ! re)ar# t" the preparat"! "' "cclusal restsA
A. =se an inverted cone bur
B. =se a flat fissure bur
C. arallel to occlusal plane
D. At right angle to the long a&is of tooth
$. /one of the above
$,4% The cer*cal '!sh l!e "' a 'ull *e!eer cr"+! preparat"! sh"ul# be place#A
A. Just supragingival whenever is possible
B. According to the depth of gingival crevice
C. #ubgingival to reduce ability of recurrent caries
D. At the junction of tooth and amalgam core
$.2% : lateral !cs"r labal t" the arch !ee#s t" be rest"re# ! !"rmal al)!me!t +th
P3M retract"!% H"+ +ll the t""th appearA
A. Too wide
B. Too short
C. To narrow
D. To long
$.6% hch "' the '"ll"+!) cusps s m"re pr"!e t" crac(A
A. Buccal of lower molars
B. 'ingual of lower molars
C. 'ingual of upper molars
D. Buccal of upper molars
$..% h/ are three trp"#s mar(e# "! a cast be!) sur*e/e#A
A. To orient cast to articulator
B. To orient cast to surveyor
C. To provide guide planes
?,?. @n irregular sha#ed void on surace o a gold cast would
indicate that
A. A fragment of investment had been carried into the mould
B. Air carried into mould
C. Burning out of wax was inade9uate
%. The powderHwater ratio for the investment was too high
??1. In regards to connectors on dentures; which o the ollowing
is correct
A. aor connector should be rigid as possible
B. inor connector should engage undercuts
$$6% hat s CORRFCT ! re)ar# t" the per"#"!tal sur'ace area ! ma!#bular
A. 2irst molarK first premolarK second premolar
B. CanineK first premolarK second premolar
C. CanineK lateral incisorK central incisor
$$4% : cast cr"+! 'ts "! the #e but !"t "! the t""th9 the #screpa!c/ s ab"ut 0%6mm9
+hat +"ul# /"u #"A
A. 0elieve cast from the inside
B. Take a new impression and make new crown
C. Burnish margins
D. =se thick mi& of cement
$$% H"+ l"!) sh"ul# acr/lc sel'cure specal tra/s bee! ma#e pr"r t" ta(!)
A. <; hrs
B. +mmediately after fabricating it
C. After been left in water for an hour
D. >ait for an hour before pouring
$1% hat "' the '"ll"+!) s TRJF re)ar#!) the placeme!t "' the m"*able
c"mp"!e!t "' the !"!r)# c"!!ect"r ! a '-e# br#)eA
A. #hould be placed on the longer retainer
B. %esial drift causes unseating of the distally placed connector
$2% he! lateral !cs"r s l"st a pate!t has Class II D*s"! II t/pe +th #eep bte%
hch "' the '"ll"+!) s c"!tra !#cate#A
A. 2i&ed bridge with canine and central incisor as abutment
B. /on*rigid connector with central incisor as abutment
325. Elexibilit& o the retentive clas# arm oes not relate to
A. ;ength
B. Cross section
C. aterial
%. %egree of taper
2. :nder cut area
32!. Protrusive movement in wax
A. Can not be perforated
60% The OPTIMJM cr"+! t" r""t rat" '"r abutme!t t""th sA
A. ;F
B. <<
66% : pate!t has bee! c"m!) t" /"ur cl!c '"r se*eral tmes c"mpla!!) ab"ut
s"re!ess u!#er the #e!ture9 +hat +"ul# /"u #"A
A. Check occlusion of lower buccal cusps
64% hat s the #''ere!ce bet+ee! arc"! a!# !"! arc"! artculat"rA
A. +n arcon the condylar element is in the lower compartment
4.% The au-lar/ "cclusal rest "! teeth '"r partal #e!ture sh"ul# be place#A
A. Away from edentulous space
B. Adjacent to edentulous space
C. /ear fulcrum line
D. Away from fulcrum line
4$% : *tal t""th has a cr"+! ceme!te# t" a p!reta!e# amal)am c"re; +here #"es
a 'alure "ccurA
A. Between crown and cement
B. Between core and cement
C. +n the crown and the root
D. +n the core and the margin preparation
35?. %he advantage o using the lingual #late on lingual bar is
A. 4t acts as indirect retention
3!/. Aow much under cut area a clas# arm should engage++
A. As much under the undercut as possible
B. Anwhere beond the surve line
C. A predetermined amount of undercut
,4% "u ha*e pate!t +th Class II #*s"! 2; +hch "' the '"ll"+!) s
A. Cantilever bridge
B. %aryland bridge
,7% H"+ +ll /"u c"*er a l"+er prem"lar +he! ma(!) a metallc p"rcela! cr"+!A
A. Cover the occlusal and buccal cusp by porcelain
B. Cover just buccal cusp by porcelain
,.% hat s"rt "' all"/s #" /"u use '"r br#)esA
A. Ductile
B. 5ard
C. 5igh sensitivity
,$% hat s"rt "' materal #" /"u use '"r the 'abrcat"! "' Mar/la!# br#)esA
A. #ingle phase materials
B. %ulti phase materials
C. $&tra hard
D. The same as bonding material
$.% I! a p"ster"r *tal m"lar +th a c"re the best materal t" rest"re sA
A. Amalgam
B. Composite resin
C. @+C
$% hch "' the '"ll"+!) s a! mp"rta!t c"!s#erat"! +he! #ec#!) +hether t"
#es)! a! upper partal #e!ture +th"ut a!ter"r 'la!)eA
A. The amount of labial alveolar bone resorption
1% he! rest"r!) +th c"mp"ste res!s9 +h/ #" +e #" the ca*" sur'ace be*ell!)A
A. Aesthetic
1/5?. "h& would &ou invest the wax #attern as soon as #ossible
in an indirect inla& abrication
A. inimise distortion
B. Avoid contraction
C. Avoid expansion
March 2014
hat s TRJF ! re)ar# t" the preparat"! "' "cclusal restsA
The au-lar/ "cclusal rest "! teeth '"r partal #e!ture sh"ul# be place#A
Impress"! materal '"r ma(!) '!al mpress"! '"r mpla!t pr"sthess sA
A. Additional silicone
C. olyether
D. olysulphides
hat s TRJFA
H"+ +ll c"*er l"+er prem"lar +he! ma(!) a mettalc p"rcela! cr"+!
September 2014
1.% Muscles reKure# t" cl"se the m"uth tll ce!trc "cclus"!A
<. lateral pterygoid
;. medial pterygoid
F. masseter
). temporalis
A.< ; F
B. ; F )
C. F M )
1$. RPD 3rame+"r( #"es!t 't the pate!t?s m"uth but seate# "! cast
<* distortion of impression
;* inadequate e&pansion of investment
-/ A lad in ?!s had new denture few months back.its ok when
denture at rest or when she is talking but gets loose during chewing.
She is in earl stage of parkinson
arked resorption of mand post region with super erupted ant teeth.
axillar ridge has deep undercut
3-e# Pr"sth"
1% hat s :!te?s @a+ ab"ut
a. The relation between the span of the bridge and the pontics
b. The periodontal area of the abutment teeth
c. The relation between the length of the root and the abutment.
2% The #eal le!)th "' c"re ! the 'abrcat"! "' cr"+! a!# c"re "' e!#"#"!tcall/ treate#
t""th sA
a. <.: of crown length
b. The length of the crown
c. ;F toothroot length
6% I! the c"!struct"! "' a 'ull *e!eer )"l# cr"+!9 'uture recess"! "' )!)*al tssue ca!
be pre*e!te# "r at least m!mse# b/A
a. $&tension of the crown < mm under the gingival crevice
b. 0eproduction of normal tooth inclines in the gingival one third of the crown
c. #light over contouring of the tooth in the gingival one fifth of the crown
d. #light under contouring of the tooth in the gingival one fifth of the crown
7% Cr"+! 'ts "! the #e9 but "! the t""th there s a #screpa!c/ "' ab"ut 0%6mm9 +hat
+ll /"u #"
a. 0emake the crown
b. @rind the interior of the crown
c. repare the tooth further
,% Pate!t +th class I mal"cclus"!9 he has ca!!e )uar# "cclus"!9 +here +ll /"u 'ace
#''cultes ! cr"+! preparat"!
a. Nou will not face difficulties
b. %andibular canine
c. %a&illary canine
.% I! sh"rt cl!cal cr"+!s9 +hat s true ! re)ar#s t" cr"+! preparat"!
a. The shorter the crown the more parallel the walls should be
b. #hort clinical crowns are not good candidates
c. The shorter the crown the more tapered the walls should be
$% I! c"mpar!) p"rcela! t" metalcr"+! +th 'ull p"rcela! cr"+! ! a!ter"r teethA
a. orcelain to metal crown is more conservative 6minimal reduction7 on the palatal
b. %etal*crowns are more aesthetic than full porcelain
c. reparation of the tooth is more simple when doing full porcelain crowns
10% hch s the best ca!tle*er br#)e #es)! '"r mss!) ma-llar/ ca!!e :butme!t
a. Both premolars
b. 'ateral and central incisor
c. 'ateral incisor
d. 2irst premolar
2% The bt!) l"a# "' #e!ture base t" tssues c"mpare# t" teeth sA
a. Ten times more
b. Ten times less
c. $qual
4% I! the c"!struct"! "' partal #e!tures the sur*e/"r s !"t use# t"A
a. Contour the wa& as part of the fabrication of the working cast
b. 'ocate the guide planes
c. Determine the location of indirect retainers
d. +dentify any undesirable undercuts
7% hch "' the '"ll"+!) #"es !"t a''ect the elastct/ "' rete!t*e clasp
a. 'ength of the arm
b. The cross section shape
c. The material used
d. The undercut area
,% : partal #e!ture that seats "! the master cast but 'als t" seat c"rrectl/ ! the m"uth
s a result "'A
a. Contraction of the metal framework during casting
b. +nsufficient e&pansion of the investment material
c. Distortion of impression
d. 2ailure to block out unwanted undercuts
.% I! rem"*able partal #e!tures9 the pr!cple "' a! !#rect reta!er s that tA
a. #tabilises against lateral movement
b. revents setting of major connectors
c. 0estricts tissue movement at the distal e&tension base of the partial denture
d. %inimises movement of the base away from the supporting tissue
% Re)ar#!) the tp "' the rete!t"! arm "' the reta!er ! partal #e!ture9 +hat s true
a. +t should engage the predetermined undercut
b. +t should engage the ma&imum undercut available
c. +t should not engage any undercuts
C"mplete Pr"sth"#"!tcs
1% I' aesthetc s !"t a c"!cer!9 +hat s the 'rst th!) t" #" t" treat s"re!ess u!#er
a. Take the denture off for a week
b. 0inse the denture in nystatin
c. Apply tissue conditioner
6% hch "' the '"ll"+!) muscles ma/ a''ect the b"r#ers "' a ma!#bular c"mplete
a. %entalis
b. 'ateral pterygoid
c. (rbicularis oris
d. 'evator oris
4% a+ relat"!s '"r e#e!tul"us pate!t ha*e bee! establshe#% The ma-llar/ cast has
bee! m"u!te# "! the artculat"r +th"ut 'aceb"+ a!# /"u #ec#e t" !crease the
"cclusal *ertcal #me!s"! b/ 4 mm% Ths +ll !ee#A
a. (pening the articulator ) mm
b. A new centric relation record
c. Changes in the condylar guide settings
d. +ncrease in the vertical dimension
7% hch "' the '"ll"+!) +ll NOT be use# ! #eterm!at"! "' *ertcal #me!s"!
a. Aesthetics
b. honetics
c. @othic arch tracing
d. #wallowing
,% Shape a!# rre)ulart/ "' r#)e e#)e ! a pate!t +h" !ee#s 'ull #e!ture9 +hat s /"ur
a. Do not proceed with treatment
b. %inimal surgical intervention
c. +mplant surgery
10% D''use pa! u!#er a c"mplete ma!#bular #e!ture s m"st l(el/ cause# b/A
a. (vere&tension of the denture flange
b. (cclusal plane too high
c. (cclusal face height too great
d. %ental foramen near crest of ridge