Pharmacy Education in Selected Countries From The Western Pacific Region Status Quo and Moving Ahead

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Pharmacy Education in Selected Countries

from the Western Pacific Region: Status
Quo and Moving Ahead
Elizabeth Yu Tan1,2, Erwin Martinez Faller1,3
Graduate School, Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines
Department of Pharmacy, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Pharmacy Department, San Pedro College, Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Abstract:- The pharmacy profession is dependent on the evolve to provide pharmacists equipped and competent for
nation’s pharmacy education. How the professional such roles. The 2013 FIPEd Global Education Report of
practices and roles are carried out and made available for articulated the need to link pharmacy education with health
the graduates are influenced by the education which needs and national priorities. In order to fulfill such, there
equips them with knowledge, skills, and attitude to be must be a collaboration with key partners such as government
workplace ready. However, pharmacy education is also and national and international pharmacy organizations. To
shaped by the professional practices and roles. The address the global shortage of pharmacist academics and
workplaces can shape education in terms of indicating practice-based supervisors, universities and lawmakers need
demands for jobs and positions. As the roles of to create clear career tracks and trainings to address this need
professional practice is governed by the health care needs [4]. This review is of interest since the region is composed of
of a country, pharmacy education can vary from nation to developed and developing countries with various resources,
nation. The International Pharmaceutical Federation has technology, and population. It would be interesting to
issued a document calling on schools of pharmacy to craft recognize common trends in the pharmacy education and
a program that is responsive to the health care needs of its present existing pharmacy educational landscape that will
country. The Western Pacific Region is an interesting mix allow each country to acquire perspectives of the other,
of developed and developing nations with differences in stimulate collaboration or development. In addition, this
health care system, health care needs, and resources. review aims to let countries see the possibility of forming a
Collaboration and learning opportunities to share best formal cooperation to allow for harmonization of pharmacy
practices is possible in this region to further augment the education for mutual recognition of pharmacy degrees and
education practices to improve professional pharmacy reciprocity of professional practice.
practice in each other’s countries.
Keywords:- Pharmacy Curriculum, Pharmacy Education, COUNTRIES
Western Pacific Region.
This review retrieved published articles on the subject
I. INTRODUCTION of pharmacy education from countries in the Western Pacific
Region. The search generated usable articles from American
The World Health Organization reports that the health Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Journal of Asian
systems will only function with health care workers. By Association of Schools of Pharmacy, International Journal of
2030, the low- and lower-middle income countries mostly, Medical Education, and FIP’s Pharmacy Education. The
will need about 18 million health workers [1]. As of March published resources from FIP were also included as they
10, 2022, there are 4.42 pharmacists per 10,000 population in provided insights on initiatives in pharmacy education.
the Western Pacific Region [2]. In a 2017 document by the
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), it mentioned A. Australia
about services that community and hospital pharmacies Admission. Most of the students apply directly from
provide. Community pharmacies may offer services for secondary school but some transfer from other tertiary
improving the use of medicines, product-focused services, programs. The results of the final years of secondary school
primary care and public health services, and other advanced are important basis for acceptance. The country has a unified
services such as home care, repeat dispensing, adjusting year-12 secondary school program and the students complete
prescribed treatment. Hospital pharmacies have provided centrally administered assessment tasks, and the students are
influence on procurement and prescribing, preparation and ranked against one another using a complicated system to
delivery of medicines, monitoring of medicine use, and other maintain equity. The students apply for all university
activities and services such as support to emergency programs through a central agency from which the faculties
departments, antibiotic stewardship, managing medicine- of each university can select from. The scores from
related waste, and clinical trials [3]. In the advent of these Undergraduate Medicine and Allied Health Admission Test
roles, it becomes imperative that pharmacy education should (UMAT) or Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) may

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
be considered for entry into some schools. Selection is based program, a minimum score of 32 points including a minimum
on high levels of achievement in the areas of chemistry, of 5, 5, 5 points in relevant subjects at higher level, with
mathematics, and English in year-12 of secondary school. Chemistry as a mandatory subject. Other two (2) relevant
International students may also be admitted, mostly having subjects should be from Physics, Mathematics or Biology.
partial degree in another science-based discipline or has a Candidates fulfilling the entry requirements must pass the
completed degree in another discipline. Students who have multiple mini- interview (MMI) covering the pre-requisite
completed a relevant undergraduate degree are eligible to pharmaceutical knowledge, attitudes, ethics and other critical
apply to a postgraduate program which will meet the skills needed for the program. Required to go through
educational requirements for pharmacist training. Such prescribed medical fitness examination and must be certified
programs are open to graduates who have completed as fit to join the program [8].
prerequisite subjects such as human biology, chemistry,
biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, and physiology within Pharmacy Degrees Available. The degree awarded after
the last 10 years, with a record of high academic performance. 4 years is Bachelor of Health Science major in Pharmacy (N.
Additional requirements may include a 500-word letter of Kifli “Personal Communication”June 8, 2022).
application and referee reports from individuals who can
attest to the communication skills and application of ethical Program Accreditation. The program was recently
principles as required of a health professional. An interview implemented and is set to undergo AUN-QA (ASEAN
may also be required. Applications are ranked and entry is University Network-Quality Assurance) accreditation
competitive. A big pharmacy school such as Monash (N.Kifli “Personal Communication” June 8, 2022).
University admits about 200 freshmen per intake while newer
and smaller schools may admit less [5]. C. Cambodia
Admission. Any student who has graduated from high
Pharmacy Degrees Available. BPharm is 4 years, school could apply to study. Selection is made through the
MPharm is 2 years; both would have to fulfill one year of national entrance examination organized by the Ministry of
internship in a practice setting before applying for Health and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport [9].
registration. The Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Some universities will require an entrance examination and
Master of Clinical Pharmacy, and Doctor of Pharmacy were an English proficiency test administered by the university if
created with the intention to train pharmacists for clinical they elect to go to the international track [10]. The National
roles. These post graduate programs are designed for Exam Committee determines the number of students that may
pharmacists working full time in a clinical setting and usually be admitted to the different schools of pharmacy [S. Chea
offered as part-time, off campus distance learning with “Personal Communication, June 9, 2022].
optional face-to-face weekends for in-depth practical
application. A pharmacist can start with the Graduate Pharmacy Degrees Available. Cambodia has Bachelor
Certificate then progress to the Graduate Diploma and Master of Pharmacy awarded after completion of the 5-year program
of Clinical Pharmacy. The Doctor of Pharmacy program is (S. Chea “Personal Communication, June 9, 2022)
designed to equip the graduates to conduct pharmacy practice
research [6]. Program Accreditation. There is no accreditation
pathway for pharmacy. For universities that have a general
Program Accreditation. The programs offered must be accreditation program, this is complied with by schools of
accredited to ensure that the graduates meet the required pharmacy (S. Chea “Personal Communication, June 9, 2022).
professional practice and education standard set by the
government and the professional societies. The Australian D. China
Pharmacy Council (APC) accredits pharmacy programs and Admission. Applicants must have completed high
the Pharmacy Board of Australia approves these programs school and be 18 years old upon admission to the program.
(Australian Accredited Pharmacy Degree Programs’, n.d.). All students interested in higher education take a standardized
APC is the national accreditation authority for pharmacy college entrance examination during their final year of high
education and training. Other organizations involved are The school. Each school establishes a minimum examination
Australian Qualifications Framework Council, and the score for admission. Students are admitted solely on the basis
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) of these standardized entrance examination scores [11].
Pharmacy Degrees Available. China’s Ministry of
B. Brunei Public Health recommended that “the clinical pharmacist
Admission. To be eligible for the program, the should take part in the diagnosis and treatment of disease,
applicant must have Grade C6 in English Language at GCE provide pharmaceutical care, and improve the quality of
'O' Level Examination or Grade 'B' in IGCSE English (as a medical care” in 2002 [11]. China has two degrees awarded
Second Language) or IELTS overall score of minimum 6.0 or depending on the university; Bachelor of Science (BS) in
better, or any other equivalent. For applicants from a local Clinical Pharmacy and Bachelor of Medicine (BM) in
high school curriculum, a minimum of 300 points for three Clinical Pharmacy, both programs are either a 5-year or a 4-
(3) 'A' Level passes in relevant Science subjects with a year program [12]. There are no PharmD programs in the
minimum of Grade B for Chemistry and a minimum Grade C country. There are other options such as a BS to MS degree
in at least two other Science subjects (Physics, Mathematics that will take 6 years to complete and a 7-year Master of
or Biology) or if applying with an International Baccalaureate Medicine [11]. Both degrees are considered as long-term

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
clinical pharmacy program [13]. Pharmacy practice selection process should not be limited to academic standards
experience (PPE) is 1.5 years for students from the 5-year alone. It is the responsibility of the pharmacy school to
program [14]. ensure that there is no particular circumstance that will impact
upon an applicant’s fitness to practice upon graduation. An
Program Accreditation. There is no independent understanding of science, especially chemistry and biology is
accreditation body for pharmacy education in China. The important. A level of competence in English is important to
Ministry of Education evaluates and approves programs from complete the course. Applicants must attain at least a C grade
national higher institutions every 5 years [11]. in Malay Language and English in Sijiil Pelajaran Malaysia
(SPM) or equivalent before enrolling into the course. If the
E. Japan applicant is from high school, needs a CGPA 3.0 with a grade
Admission. Admission is conducted by individual of BBB, ABC, or AAC in the following subjects: Biology,
schools. Physics or Mathematics, and Chemistry (with a minimum of
B in Chemistry) [19] [20]
Pharmacy Degrees Available. Since 2006 Japan has
implemented the six-year baccalaureate degree where Pharmacy Degrees Available. The degree offered is
PharmD is awarded [15]. There is an option to continue Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honors). There are also other degrees
studying for another four years to earn a doctoral degree [16]. such as Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy) and Bachelor of
Pharmacy [N.M. Shah “Personal Communication” June 9,
Program Accreditation. Accreditation is done by a 2022].
third-party similar to the system of US Pharmacy Schools
done by Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. In Program Accreditation. The document, Standards on
Japan, the Japan Accreditation Board of Pharmaceutical Approval and Recognition of Pharmacy Program issued by
Education (JABPE) conducts the full-scale evaluation since the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia provides guidelines on how
March 2012 when the six-year pharmacy education system to create mechanisms for program evaluation encouraging
was completed. Each pharmacy school conducts an internal internal and external assessors’ involvement. It also mentions
quality check called the improvement cycle of self- about lecturers and students feedback process and inclusion
evaluation. There is an external quality assurance to check of the stakeholders. The recognized pharmacy schools are
and confirm whether the internal quality control system listed in the website of Pharmacy Board of Malaysia [21].
functions. JABPE carries out a peer review system which
consists of three steps; each step is carried out by different H. Mongolia
committees and different members. The first step of review Admission. Applicants may be admitted directly from
is undertaken by a peer review team consisting of three secondary school based on their scores from the general
university lecturers and two pharmacists. The next step is entrance exam from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sciences,
done by the assessment committee composed of university and Sports. This is the only criterion in the selection process
lecturers, pharmacists, medical doctors, nurses, and lawyers. of students. Applicants with high scores enter public
The last step is implemented by the superior assessment pharmacy schools while those with lower scores would go to
committee, which consists of university lecturers, private schools [22].
pharmacists, medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, journalists,
social workers, and other citizens [17]. Pharmacy Degrees Available. B.Pharm (5-year
program) is the degree offered.
F. Lao, People’s Democratic Republic
Admission. After completing upper secondary school Program Accreditation. Pharmacy education at all
and an entrance examination, applicants can be admitted to levels is regulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
the pharmacy schools [18]. Sciences and Sports of Mongolia. This agency is mainly
responsible in planning, formulating, and maintaining norms
Pharmacy Degrees Available. The country has 5 and standards in technical education, including pharmacy.
Pharmacy curriculums: 3 5-year programs namely Bachelor The accreditation of Pharmacy programs is completed by the
in Pharmaceutical Science, Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Care, National Board of Accreditation of Mongolia (NBAM) and
and Bachelor in Traditional Medicines. A 3-year associate all B.Pharm programs are accredited by the agency. While
pharmacy degree and a 2-year Diploma of Community accreditation is voluntary, all institutions have applied and
Pharmacy is also available [ P. Sibounhueang “Personal have been accredited by NBAM [22].
Communication” June 8, 2022]
I. Philippines
Program Accreditation. The information is not Admission. Each school sets its criteria and guidelines
disclosed in their website. for admission. This can either be through a standard exam,
essay, and/or interview. Eligible students are those coming
G. Malaysia from high school having completed six (6) years of secondary
Admission. The Pharmacy Board of Malaysia sets education. Interested applicants who completed four (4)
minimum qualifications for entry into a pharmacy degree years of secondary education and university students from
program. When a school admits an applicant, it should imply another program are eligible and will have to take all subjects
selection for the profession. As the profession requires the in the program. Prior to 2018, accreditation of subjects could
highest standards of professional and personal conduct,

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
be done to lessen the number of years to complete a degree in Program Accreditation. Accreditation is done by
Pharmacy [23]. Korean Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
(KACPE). As of this writing, accreditation through KACPE
Pharmacy Degrees Available. The program is called is not mandatory but the association has applied to the
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Completion of the 4-year Ministry of Education to be the recognized accrediting body
degree will allow the graduate to take the licensure exam for for pharmacy education. KACPE makes a call for application
Pharmacy. Other universities have degrees such as Bachelor for accreditation and interested schools will apply for it [25].
of Science in Clinical Pharmacy and even Doctor of The accreditors are composed of academic professors and
Pharmacy; the former is a 5-year program while the latter is a pharmacists from different practice areas. (C.G. Jang,
6-year program. Students coming from the 4-year BS “Personal Communication” June 3, 2022)
Pharmacy program have the option to continue on in either
program for a deeper understanding on clinical pharmacy. K. Singapore
All three programs make the graduates eligible to take the Admission. Students applying to the Bachelor of
licensure exam to become a registered pharmacist [23]. Science Pharmacy (B.Sc. Pharmacy) must achieve good
passes in the following subjects taken at the GCE ‘A” Level
Program Accreditation. CMO 25 series of 2021 Examinations or equivalent exams offered locally or
mentions that compliance to the stipulated policies and overseas: (1) Singapore-Cambridge GCE-A Level: very good
guidelines of this memorandum order will be jointly pass in H2 Chemistry; very good pass in either H2 Biology or
monitored by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) H2 Physics or H2 Mathematics; (ii) International
and Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) regardless Baccalaureate: very good pass in HL Chemistry; very good
of the status of the school. The performance of the school in pass in either HL Biology or HL Physics or HL Mathematics;
the licensure exam will also be monitored. Schools are (iii) National University of Singapore High School Diploma:
encouraged to undergo external accreditation for quality major CAP of at least 4.0 in Chemistry and in either Biology
assurance. The memorandum order stipulates compliance or Physics or Mathematics [26]. Students admitted should
check on performance of the graduates in the licensure exam, declare their fitness to practice, in terms of health, aptitude,
outcomes/results of joint CHED-PRC monitoring and and attitude [27].
evaluation activities in the areas of dean/administration,
faculty, curriculum and instruction (including mandatory Pharmacy Degrees Available. Singapore offers
topics in the syllabi for course integration), laboratory and Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honors. If the student does not
physical facilities, library resources and other learning qualify an honors degree, a Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy)
facilities, research, and internship (CHED accredited will be awarded. Both are 4-year programs [26]. There is also
internship sites, preceptor and faculty internship coordinator, a Bachelor of Science (Pharmaceutical Science) program
evaluation of internship program), and overall performance in which can be completed in 4 years [27].
the Pharmacist Licensure Examination. The action to be
taken as a consequence of the monitoring and evaluation are Program Accreditation. Program quality assurance is
also mentioned in the memorandum order [23]. built into a process where feedback and review are regularly
conducted [28].
J. Republic of South Korea
Admission. High school students take a national exam L. Vietnam
and they will be ranked according to their scores. The Admission. There are various ways to be admitted to
university one can apply to will depend on the score in the the program. An applicant having completed 12 years of
exam. formal education must pass the National Higher Education
Examination and obtain Higher Secondary Certificate.
Pharmacy Degrees Available. The Pharmacy education Depending on which school they will apply to, there are three
program was extended to 6 years beginning with a 2+4 alternative examinations: the National University-Entrance
program from 2011. This admits students who have passed Examination, the National College-Entrance Examination
the eligibility tests after completing 2 years in an given by the Ministry of Education and Training; or a Local
undergraduate program in a major other than Pharmacy. Entrance Examination conducted by some individual schools.
Applicants will need to show a transcript of the Pharmacy Depending on the score of these examinations or grades on
Education Eligibility Test (PEET), and satisfy the other high school continuous assessments, an applicant will be
requirements defined by each individual college. Beginning admitted to first-level program. Upon completion, students
2022, a 6-year curriculum is a second option which a who want to continue will have to sit for and complete a
university may choose to implement. The programs allow for competitive entrance examination organized by individual
a student to choose a major whether it be in education or schools. Admission to Secondary Diploma in Pharmacy
practice. Education major focuses on clinical pharmacy and depends on grades from Elementary Diploma in Pharmacy
pharmaceutical science and practical learning are added to the program. Other mechanisms of admission include (1) the
credits while the practice program has 1400 hours of direct recruitment of candidates from ethnic groups after they
systematic practice program with mandatory practice hours have followed a preparatory course, or of high school
(800 hours), and advanced practice hours (600 hours) [24]. students who have obtained a national or international award
in chemistry, etc.; (2) lower admission criteria (extra points
added to the candidate’s entrance score) for specific groups,
e.g. applicants contracted by local authorities (after

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
graduation students are then obliged to work in the locality in accreditation of schools at the national level. There is no
which they were recruited), students from remote areas, etc. specific system for pharmacy education. Since 2007, each
Nevertheless, the candidate’s entrance score must be above a pharmacy school is required to have a Unit for Quality
cut-off point set yearly by the Ministry of Education and Assurance, Accreditation, and Testing that is responsible for
Training. From obtaining a Higher Secondary Certificate, an quality assurance at the institutional level. The process of
applicant can move up the ladder to Elementary Diploma in quality assessment must include internal assessment by the
Pharmacy to Secondary Diploma in Pharmacy, or straight to school, external assessment by the Ministry of Education and
College Diploma in Pharmacy, or straight to Bachelor of Training, and an accreditation decision. This assessment is
Pharmacy. Years spend on each level will vary and there will mandatory. This is the first step in improving the quality of
be requirements before exiting at each level [29]. pharmacy education in Vietnam [29].

Pharmacy Degrees Available. Technical high schools Looking at the admission guidelines, degrees available,
can train Elementary Diploma (1 year) and Secondary and accreditation processes of selected schools in the Western
Diploma (2 years) in Pharmacy. Colleges can train College Pacific Region, this information are made available and
Diploma in Pharmacy (3 years) but only universities can declared except for Lao PDR where there was no available
award Bachelor of Pharmacy (5 years) and post graduate information on accreditation. Brunei recently offered the
degrees. There is flexibility in schooling to become a pharmacy program and has only one university with such
pharmacist as after 1 year the student can opt to work or program. On the other hand, Singapore’s pharmacy program
continue on to the next level [25]. has been around since 1965 and remains to be the only
pharmacy school in the country. The Philippines has over a
Program Accreditation. The General Department for hundred pharmacy schools being an archipelago, to make the
Educational Quality Assurance, Accreditation, and Testing program available to as many students as possible.
under the Ministry of Education and Training conducts

Country Years of Study Degree Awarded

Australia 4 years; 2 years Bachelor of Pharmacy; Master of Pharmacy
Brunei 4 years Bachelor of Health Sciences major in Pharmacy

Cambodia 5 years Bachelor of Pharmacy

China 5 years Bachelor of Science in Clinical Pharmacy, Bachelor of
Medicine in Clinical Pharmacy
Japan 6 years Doctor of Pharmacy
Lao, PDR 5 years; 3 years; 2 years Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Science, Bachelor in
Pharmaceutical Care, and Bachelor in Traditional
Medicines; Associate in Pharmacy; Diploma of
Community Pharmacy
Malaysia 4 years Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honors), Bachelor of
Pharmacy, Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

Mongolia 5 years Bachelor of Pharmacy

Philippines 4 years Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

Republic of South Korea 6 years Doctor of Pharmacy

Singapore 4 years Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Bachelor of Science

in Pharmaceutical Science
Vietnam 5 years Bachelor of Pharmacy
Table 1:- Pharmacy Degrees from Selected Countries in the Western Pacific Region

On admission guidelines, most countries have either a schools. Language proficiency in English is required by
national exam or national guidelines set for the applicants and schools in Cambodia and Malaysia. Brunei and Malaysia
accepting schools to refer to while a few others (Japan and additionally assess the applicants on their fitness to join the
Philippines) have an entrance exam set by the schools. For program.
Mongolia, the applicants with high scores can go to public
schools while those with lower sores have to opt for private

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
It is interesting to note that most schools have opted for online, open-book, non-invigilated delivery. Experiential
at least 5 years of education towards the degree that serves as learning continued with many student-interns supporting the
entry requirement to practice pharmacy. The schools that frontliners during the pandemic. This was the decision of the
have retained 4 years, have different circumstances which Council of Pharmacy Schools [30].
cannot generate a single assumption. Vietnam’s pharmacy
degree takes 5 years to complete but it has a ladderized In Malaysia, the changes had the support of the
scheme allowing students to progress year by year and Pharmacy Board of Malaysia and several other government
providing a diploma at the end of each year. agencies important to education, health, and safety. Schools
had to switch to online delivery taking into consideration the
Australia and Malaysia have a mandatary accreditation capabilities of the students, academic staff, resources, and
requirement; Brunei’s pharmacy program is in its infancy and facilities. Using video recording, virtual simulation, and
changes are likely in the years to come. Singapore has a lone other remote methods especially for laboratory teaching, and
pharmacy school with a new program, Bachelor of Science in adjusting passing mark to 80%. Assessments were converted
Pharmaceutical Science which is being reviewed annually. to take-home- exams, open-book-exams, online exams, etc.,
While not all schools submit to an accreditation body specific depending on suitability, and experiential learning hours were
for pharmacy education, there are internal assessment and adjusted to a minimum and supplemented with videos, lab
evaluation systems in place. Even without an accreditation simulations, mock pharmacy, pilot plants, virtual simulations,
program specific for pharmacy, the Ministry of Education or or any other suitable resources to the attachment that could
its equivalent per country encourages continuous review of achieve the learning outcomes. Schools with their own
programs. Australia, Japan, Mongolia, and Republic of South teaching hospitals and pilot plant facilities were better
Korea have accreditation agencies specific for pharmacy. adjusted and had some advantages. Research was converted
to non-lab topics such as reviews, and online surveys [30].
Mongolia converted its delivery of pharmacy education
Some countries in the Western Pacific Region have online as this is encouraged by the Mongolian Law of
documents that state their curriculum. Terminologies used Education and Health. The schools also have policies
are indicative curriculum, minimum curricular content, or governing the conduct of e-learning. Mode of delivery of
model curriculum. There is a mandatory minimum classes used different available online platforms offered by
curriculum but the institutions can always add to it. Google and Microsoft. The Ministry of Education and
Science created the “telephone-e-education” where educators
Curriculums across countries have the same focus with and students can ask questions pertaining to online learning,
differences in specific subjects or topics. Prescribing a The schools also have facilities to assist teachers in preparing
minimum curriculum ensures that essential knowledge and high quality materials for online learning [30].
skills are taught and enhanced at the undergraduate level.
Accreditation agencies for programs look into the compliance In the Philippines, the conversion to online delivery
of the minimum curriculum. Additional areas of focus from the traditional face to face classes pre-pandemic proved
designed are considered added-value already. Schools to be challenging. The availability of appropriate gadgets and
articulate their competency standards and program outcomes the internet connectivity were the main hindrances. The shift
which will guide them in the design of the teaching and required an unexpected cost on the part of the learners and
learning activities and assessment. Most schools put educators. Available resources were limited at that time and
emphasis on 21st century skills like communication and the sudden need to purchase applications and software entail
collaboration, leadership and management, and research. an expense on the part of the schools that will have to be
shouldered by the students. Teaching and learning, as well as
In the light of COVID-19 pandemic where lockdown assessment were converted to online mode [30]. The
and quarantine meant limited movement among citizens, Commission on Higher Education (CHED), issued CMO 5
schools were greatly affected by these measures to curb the series of 2021 on April 30, 2021 to govern experiential
spread of the infection. Schools had to make a drastic shift in learning component of the program. It paved the way for
program delivery to adapt to the situation. Of important internship to proceed via online modality so students eligible
consideration were teaching-learning activities, assessment do not have to stop and will be able to graduate as indicated
and evaluation, and experiential learning. in their study plan [31].

Australia have long veered away from didactic lectures Pharmacy schools in Japan were also affected when
and have adopted the use of technology and had small group their government declared a nationwide state of emergency in
discussion pre-pandemic. The interactive lectures were April 2020. Schools have to make guidelines according to the
maintained as teachers provided recorded lectures embedded Council on Pharmaceutical Education and the government.
with activities and feedback. Students used various platforms Online delivery of classes meant students and teachers had to
such as Google Docs for collaboration. Assessment was in regularly communicate as feedback on this new mode was
the form on online quizzes in the learning management important. Thesis requirement was done at home or if
platform, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations laboratory use was necessary, precautions were in place to
(OSCEs) were either video recording submissions or via avoid infection. To ensure that learning does not stop,
ZOOM with breakout rooms, depending on the station. End- government, universities, and industries collaborated to
semester-exams were amended to make them suitable for create a framework that will allow the use of copyrighted

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
materials for educational purposes. Students enjoyed tuition alternative medicine. The experiential learning requirement
waiver or reduction, loans, and subsidies to purchase was set at the last year of the program with additional two
equipment for online classes. The country is looking at how areas (Public Health and Regulatory, Institutional Pharmacy)
these investment in technology can be carried on and with the existing areas (Community, Hospital, and Industry)
integrated to pharmacy education, post-pandemic [32]. for a total of 1200 hours [22]. In South Korea, they
implemented the 6-year curriculum in 2009 with an
It will be interesting to see how the challenges faced understanding that the 4-year program was considered
during the pandemic will bring about positive changes that insufficient to perform pharmacy practice today. However,
will advance the delivery mode of pharmacy education. In they have not neglected to update their pharmacists who
the same way, the limitations faced may be addressed and completed the old curriculum. Trainings are continuously
provided with long-term solutions. Setting up a pandemic- made available [33]. Singapore understood the needs of its
proof education delivery will allow flexibility and easy country and thus have separated the clinical pharmacy and
adaptation as needed. pharmaceutical science tracks. They have post graduate
course options with focus on advancing clinical skills of
IV. PHARMACY OVERHAULING TO ADDRESS pharmacists. Vietnam is looking at standardizing its
CURRENT HEALTH CARE NEEDS pharmacy curriculum having something like what other
countries may call a core curriculum or model curriculum.
The 2013 FIPEd Global Education [4] report called for
a needs-based approach to education for better health A well-designed program should be locally-determined,
outcomes. As the roles of the pharmacists have continued socially accountable, globally connected, and quality assured
evolving to include more patient-oriented services, it is to meet the health needs of the community. The rapid
prudent that pharmacy education be designed accordingly. expansion in the number of schools in some countries could
The transformation should deliver the skills needed by challenge quality of teaching and learning. Workplace
students to work in different pharmaceutical settings once education in collaboration with practitioners, inter-
they become professionals. As students, they need to have professional education for developing skills to work as a
the environment and opportunities to approach real life health care team member, and student-centered learning to
problems in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary way. The achieve the problem-solving skills and application of
collaboration between pharmacy schools and practice sites knowledge to real life problems. With all these ongoing
such as drugstores and hospitals to name a few, is an changes in pharmacy curriculum to shape the education,
important step to guarantee that what is taught in school is better approaches to continuing education and practitioner
what is done in workplace. development models for existing pharmaceutical health care
workforce should be provided [4].
Australia has beefed up its hours of supervised practice
to 1824 as a requirement for registration. They also have V. LESSONS FROM THAILAND AND UNITED
pathways to allow registered pharmacists to gain STATES OF AMERICA
specializations and for graduates from allied medical sciences
to be able to register as a pharmacist [6]. China puts focus on The US-Thai Consortium for Development of
clinical pharmacy education to the extent of including Pharmacy Education in Thailand was organized in 1994 when
medical practice and pharmacy medical practice in its 9 schools of pharmacy from the US and the American
curriculum. They have one year of practice putting more Association of Colleges of Pharmacy signed a memorandum
emphasis on development of empathy and service of agreement with 8 pharmacy schools in Thailand and the
conscientiousness [13]. Japan sought to improve Committee for Pharmacy Manpower Development of the
pharmaceutical sciences as an integrated science consisting of Thailand Ministry of University Affairs. The consortium is
basic pharmaceutical sciences and clinical pharmacy. The now composed of 18 Thai and 16 US schools and is for
model curriculum is outcomes-based and have also been consideration for renewal this 2022 to extend to 2037. The
established for other health care related courses. There is a long-term goal of the program was to expand the number of
move to encourage interaction among students from various pharmacy schools and pharmacy faculty members in
health care related courses through inter-professional Thailand, and the subsequent training of additional
education in the hope of developing better health care pharmacists for practice; thereby, strengthening both
professionals [17]. The country’s health care system is pharmacy education and practice to improve the health and
shifting to care at home and pharmacists are expected to welfare of the Thai people [34]. This partnership focused on
contribute to home care [4]. Mongolia recently revised its needs-based training allowing students, practitioners, and
Pharmacy curriculum to expand it to include clinical scientists to undertake government subsidized advanced
pharmacy in the hope to create employment opportunities in pharmacy and pharmaceutical studies to build capacity for the
practice areas and improve the level of pharmaceutical care. academic workforce. The scholars return to Thailand as
The Philippines changed its Pharmacy curriculum effective clinicians, educators, and researchers. These helped with the
2018 to accommodate the graduates coming from the 6-year transition to the PharmD curriculum [4]. The Board of
high school program. This allowed for the deletion of some Pharmaceutical Specialties was created by the Pharmacy
basic topics since they were covered in high school. It also Council in 2001 to promote the advancement of the
considered the current need of the country for a better health profession through recognition of areas of specialized
care workforce hence the inclusion of more clinical pharmacy training, knowledge and skills in pharmacy and certification
topics and locally relevant subject, complementary and of pharmacist specialist in those areas. The first area of

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
specialty is Pharmaceutical Care. With this board and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
recognition of specialist pharmacists, it was inevitable that
pharmacy education integrates more clinical pharmacy The researchers thank the Graduate School of Centro
courses and competencies to make the graduates workplace- Escolar University for the encouragement and support to
ready [35]. successfully complete this paper.

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