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International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022

Vol. 7, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 141-146

Published Online May 2022 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)


Sneha Govindrao Mane, Dr. S. S. Angalekar
Department of Civil Engineering
Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India

Abstract—Sloshing is one of the most dominant effects in activity. Humans, on the other hand, are perplexed by the
elevated water tanks, water storage tanks, and structures. uncertainty surrounding its presence and nature. However,
An earthquake is a disruptive disturbance that causes with the advances in various sciences through the centuries,
shaking of the earth's surface due to movement along a some degree of predictability in terms of probabilistic
fault plane or volcanic activity. The nature of the produced measures has been achieved.
forces is reckless and only lasts a brief time. Sloshing thus Furthermore, with these advancements, forecasting the
involves a wide range of engineering difficulties, one of occurrence and strength of earthquakes for a certain location
which is the dynamic response of lifeline liquid storage has become quite accurate; yet this only solves one aspect of
tanks in the event of an earthquake. Aerospace, civil, and the problem of protecting a structure - knowing what is
nuclear engineers are all concerned about liquid sloshing coming! The seismic design of structures is the second phase,
in moving or stationary containers. DOSIWAM Sewage which ensures that they can withstand anything is thrown at
Treatment Plants serve to reduce negative environmental them. Over the last century, this part of the problem has taken
effect by enhancing effluent quality. The current study is various forms, and improvements in its design philosophy and
the extension of the "environmental floor" concept, where methods have continuously been researched, proposed, and
installing the DOSIWAM system at intermittent levels of a implemented. Multi-story structures, bridges, and tanks
multistoried building is carried out. The water coming out supported by isolators are modeled and analyzed to
of this tank has very low BOD, so the water becomes demonstrate the effectiveness of seismic isolation. However,
suitable for reuse in gardening, irrigation, and firefighting when earthquakes occur, there are more consequences to
operations. A novel approach was used, combining the them.
CFD software and structural analysis software to check One of the most Dominating Effects occurs in Elevated water
the sloshing effect. This is part of a research effort tanks, the water storage tank structure in sloshing. Sloshing,
dedicated to developing a CAE (Computer-Aided therefore, involves a broad range of engineering difficulties,
Engineering) methodology. The project's objective was to one of which is the dynamic response of lifeline liquid storage
check the effect of the storage tank on the environmental tanks in the event of an earthquake [7]. These parameters
floor. Thus, a storage tank and a water tank with an aspect directly affect the dynamic stability and performance of
ratio close to 1 can be safely provided. The difference in Structures. At times, a sloshing-induced hydrodynamic load
time period of the water tank and the structure was found may adversely affect the dynamic behavior and structural
to reduce the effect of sloshing. Hence, the Storage tank of safety of the liquid storage tank [13]. The primary goal of this
the DOSIWAM system can be safely installed on the discussion is to investigate the impact of the dynamic response
structure. of rigid rectangular liquid storage tanks on the structure when
subjected to lateral seismic ground motion.
Keywords—Ansys, CFD, DOSIWAM, Etabs, Response
Spectrum Analysis, Sloshing, Time History Analysis, II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
Water TANK. The current study is the extension of the „environmental floor‟
concept, where installing the DOSIWAM system at
I. INTRODUCTION intermittent levels of a multistoried building is carried out.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes have claimed millions of The term „environmental floor‟ is designated for the refuge
lives throughout known and unwritten human history. An floor, where the treatment units are located, keeping the
earthquake is a disruptive event that generates surface shaking common refuge area vacant and working on a gravity basis to
due to subsurface movement along a fault line or volcanic fulfil the requirement for treated water used for various non-

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022
Vol. 7, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 141-146
Published Online May 2022 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

consumptive purposes like flushing, gardening, firefighting,  Study different storey height of water tank and study of
floor washing, etc. seismic resistant design of water tank near refuge area of
 The treatment units consist of the Malaprabha digester, the building as per IS:1893-1984, IS:1893-2016, IS
the Intercepting tank, the Stabilization tank, and the :11682-1985 and IITK- GSDMA guidelines.
Storage tank.
 For the Successful implementation of the System and the B. Methodology
concept, studies such as Environment and Environmental From the literature review aim and objectives were decided
Impact Assessment have been carried out. and according to it following methodology has been adopted.
The Error! Reference source not found. shown above shows
In this study, the effect of the Storage tank from the Treatment the Process of the project. Each Part will be explained in
unit on the building will be carried out along with the Static Detailed manner in the subsequent sections
loading; the time history loading analysis will be carried out to
comprehend the effect of the sloshing of water from the tank.
The research presented here is part of an effort to establish a
CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering)-based methodology for
studying the sloshing phenomena and the influence of sloshing
on structures utilizing a novel approach.
This project involves a CFD analysis of the tank's working
fluid (water) flow dynamics. The CFD study uses acceleration
data from structural analysis software to determine dynamic
pressure on tank walls. The study's result, dynamic pressure,
will be used as structural loading in the building to anticipate
the structure's behavior.

1. The first section of this paper describes structural analysis

software, which in this case is Etabs v19. The Software
Response Spectrum analysis was performed, and
Acceleration data were extracted from the results.
The Analysis is obtained for three cases,
a. For storage tank at the Maximum filled level.
b. For storage tank at Minimum Level.
c. For storage tank at partially filled at 50% Level.
2. The second part includes CFD based numerical procedure
used for Analysis. For CFD analysis, Ansys Fluent
software was used. The process includes the formulation
of models and Initialization of initial conditions and
acceleration parameters. In the Analysis, the Dynamic
pressure due to Sloshing was Plotted with respect to time.
3. The third part is related to the time history loading
analysis of the Dynamic forces obtained from the CFD
software. Then the Analysis was compared with and
without the Sloshing effect for the structure. Fig. 1. Methodology

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Flow of the project is divided into Three Parts
A. Research Work 1) Part 1
As shown in Error! Reference source not found., the
 The main aim of this study is to understand the behavior
methodology for the Part 1 of the project. Which includes
of water tank at different story to give better performance
Response analysis for the structure for three cases
during earthquake.
 Empty Case
 The basic problem of liquid sloshing involves the
estimation of hydrodynamics pressure distribution.  Partially filled at 50% Level Case
 When seismic excitation causes fluid sloshing in storage  Full Filled Case
tanks, it might result in significant problems including
tank roof failure and oil storage tank fire.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022
Vol. 7, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 141-146
Published Online May 2022 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

2) Part 2
The sloshing analysis was performed for a partially filled case
at 50% water level. The analysis was performed using Ansys
2022 R1.

3) Part 3
The forces from the part 2, were applied on the structure and
Time history analysis was performed. And then the results
were compared.


The results of the current investigation are discussed in depth
in this section. The computational simulation for a 3-D liquid
storage tank when subjected to earthquake ground motion and
triggered by seismic frequencies is carried out for the current
sloshing problem. Forces on the walls were generated from
CFD Software Ansys. The Etabs Software calculated the time
history using the forces on the walls.

A. Empty Tank
Error! Reference source not found. is the graph plotted for
the case where, the tank is empty. Thus, there won‟t be any
sloshing and Dynamic Forces due to
sloshing. It can be observed from the response of max
Displacement in the Structure that the max Displacement
occurred at the topmost storey i.e., 21st Floor which is 23.26
mm. And then it was observed that the displacement at 15th
and 8th Floor where the tank is located to be 18.7 mm and
10.72 mm respectively.

Table 1: Story Displacements for Empty Tank case

Partially RS case
Filled Tank
15th Floor 18.7 mm Fig. 2. Maximum Story Displacement for Empty Tank
8th Floor 10.72 mm
Max 23.26 mm B. Full Tank
Error! Reference source not found. is the graph plotted for
the case where, the tank is Full. Thus, there won‟t be any
sloshing and Dynamic Forces due to sloshing. It can be
observed from the response of max Displacement in the
Structure that the max Displacement occurred at the topmost
storey i.e., 21st Floor which is 36.37 mm. And then it was
observed that the displacement at 15th and 8th Floor where the
tank is located to be 29.09 mm and 16.56 mm respectively

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022
Vol. 7, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 141-146
Published Online May 2022 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

mm. And then it was observed that the displacement at 15th

and 8th Floor where the tank is located to be 19.4 mm and
11.83 mm respectively.

Table 3: Story Displacements for Partially filled at 50% Level

tank Case without sloshing
Partially Filled RS case
15th Floor 19.4 mm
8th Floor 11.83 mm
Max 24.25 mm

We can clearly see that due to sloshing the Displacement at

8th and 15th Storey has been Increased. The Effect of sloshing
tough have dispersed in whole structure but , the Major impact
can be seen on 8th , 9th 15th and 16th Floor.

Fig. 3. Maximum Storey Displacement for Partially filled

at 50% Level tank

Table 2: Story Displacements for Full tank case

Full Tank RS case
15th Floor 29.09 mm
8th Floor 16.56 mm
Max 36.37 mm

C. Partially filled at 50% Level Tank

Table 3: Story Displacements for Partially filled at 50% Level

tank Case without sloshing shows the values obtained from the
Response spectrum analysis from case 3, which pertains to
Partially filled tank.
Error! Reference source not found. is the graph plotted for
the case where, the tank is Partially filled at 50% Level. Thus,
Fig. 4. Maximum Storey Displacement for Full tank
there is a possibility of sloshing, and the sloshing amplitude
depends upon the Characteristic of the Vibrations and Due to
D. Combined Response
Vibration induced there will be Dynamic Forces on the walls
Error! Reference source not found. is the graph plotted for
due to sloshing. It can be observed from the response of max
the case where, the tank is Partially filled at 50% Level, and
Displacement in the Structure that the max Displacement
the effect of sloshing is considered.
occurred at the topmost storey i.e., 21st Floor which is 24.25

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022
Vol. 7, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 141-146
Published Online May 2022 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

It can be observed from the response of max Displacement in

the Structure that the max Displacement occurred at the
topmost storey i.e., 21st Floor which is 29.83 mm. And then it
was observed that the displacement at 15th and 8th Floor
where the tank is located to be 22.83 mm and 13.10 mm

Table 4: Story Displacements for Partially filled at 50% Level

tank Case with sloshing
Partially filled RS case
at 50% Level
15th Floor 22.83 mm
8th Floor 13.10 mm
Max 29.17 mm Fig. 6. Maximum Displacement for Structure.


A. Observations
1. The Objective of the Project was to check the effect of
Storage tank if provided on environmental floor.
2. As per Results, in all three cases the Maximum
Displacement was less than 40 mm, which can be
considered Negligible.
3. As compared to empty tank, the Max displacement for
Partially filled at 50% Level tank without sloshing is 2.38
mm, which is 4.25%
4. As compared to Empty tank case, the Max Displacement
for Full filled tank was 5.84 mm, which is 55%.
5. Due to aspect ratio of water tank close to 1, the Time
period of Building and time period of Water tank was
found to be different. Which Reduced the maximum
Resultant Dynamic Forces on the walls, hence the Max
Displacement when sloshing considered were Found to be
6. A novel approach was used combining the CFD Software
and Structural Analysis Software to Check the Sloshing
effect, the Method was found to be effective and the can
be used for analysis of sloshing effect on structure.

B. Conclusion
1. For Sloshing case, the Maximum Displacement increased
by 4.92 mm to 29.17 mm, which is around 20% , but the
Maximum displacement of the Sloshing case is less than
Full tank case by 19.7%., hence the Structure can be
considered safe with the loading applied on the structure
Fig. 5. Combine Displacement during analysis.
2. The Objective of the Project was to check the effect of
Storage tank if provided on environmental floor. aspect
ratio close to 1 can be safely Provided in the Structure.
3. Thus, a storage tank and also water tank having an
4. The Difference of time period of water tank and Structure
was found to be reducing the effect of sloshing.
5. Hence, the DOSIWAM system can be safely installed on
the structure.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2022
Vol. 7, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 141-146
Published Online May 2022 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

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department. We would like to thank to Dr. S. S Shastri, Head Horizontal and Vertical Ground Motions. Journal of
of Department for providing all the facilities for carrying out Structural Engineering. 136. 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-
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