Last month, March 7 in the same year we are required to parcipate in a Technical Educaon and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) online program. The College for Research and Technology (CRT) showcase the new online course "Praccing Covid-19 Prevenve Measures in the Workplace", by the medium of TESDA Online Program (TOP).The seminar aims to improve and gave awareness to everyone on how to avoid , prevent and control the pandemic brought by Covid19. I also enjoyed this seminar because it was truly informave and indeed important mostly in new normal.Moreover, they provided some informave videos to watch as well as the virus mechanisms of transmission and safety precauon specically wearing mask and face shield as well as sanizing our hands, that will be helpful for everyone to lessen the transmission of the virus. This seminar will serve as a foundaon not just on us but rather for everyone to be ready and prepared in terms of Covid19. This micro acon will be having a macro posive eect if everyone will unite and think for the beerment of everyone not just for themselves.
Online program was held specically Technical Educaon and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)on March 7, 2022 at College for Research and Technology to encouraged us student to enroll the new online course entled "Smart Android Mobile Apps Development for Beginners' which can be accessed through the TESDA Online Program (TOP). Basically, this online course will provide everyone the basic knowledge with the basic code program. They provided 11 video lessons which covered (Seng up the Development Environment, Hello World Parts 1 and 2, Android Basic Parts 1 to 7, and Preparing for Distribuon) and these are truly informave and I noced that each video running 10 minutes to 25 minutes. I enjoyed watching as well as learning because of the energy of the lecturer Mr. Ron Ramos, a member of Smarts IT Team.This great online program is indeed helpful for everyone if you are lacking nancially to enroll at TESDA Center and also as it is taken in online medium it is also an advantage for those busy people or working student as well so they are not going to struggle with their schedule. Lastly, their plaorm are indeed smart as you can rewatch the videos again and again as you want.
Online program was held specically Technical Educaon and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) on March 7, 2022 at College for Research and Technology to encouraged us student to enroll the new online course entled "iSTAR PROGRAM' which can be accessed through the Tesda Online Program (TOP). Through eTESDA as a medium they used to execute the program, iSTAR consists of 5 learning modules: (1) Building Business Mindset, (2) Planning the Business, (3)Managing Business Operaons, (4)Ensuring Business Sustainability and Success,(5) Basic E-Commerce Using Social Media Under the i-STAR program in partnership with Coca-Cola Philippines. This program is indeed helpful especially for those people who will planning to make a job or business as it aims to help both men and women to build a small business and to become a beer entrepreneurs..This programs has a components, such as access to training, access to peer mentoring, and access to resources. Sll, the main dierence is that iSTAR is the digital version.
Online program was held specically Technical Educaon and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)on March 7, 2022 at College for Research and Technology to encouraged us student to enroll the new online course entled "Digital Tools for Jobseekers''' which can be accessed through the Tesda Online Program (TOP) but suddenly this course has no result.As most of the learners seeking for job opportunies available, this course is the soluon as they provide and equip the students with basic internet tools and skills, as well as the new landscape for freelance and formal employment. Moreover, it cover email, videocalls, and cloud storage, focusing on how these can be used to obtain employment opportunies which are indeed essenal tools. It also requires the parcipants to make their own resume and also cover leers through readily available resources online. This class provided an acvity which the parcipants will going to make their own professional social media network and also a short overview regarding diverse job portals which are available. And as we are by the job interview, the lecturer also provide some informaon regarding with this.However, digitals tools for job seekers includes Cloud-based producvity tools, Eecve resume & cover leer wring, LinkedIn & other online job portals, Praccal ps for prospecng job vacancies, Preparing for job interviews.