Planificare-Calendaristica Clasa A III-a

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ANUL ŞCOLAR 2022 – 2023

MODULUL I (01.09-21.10.2022)
Nr. Crt. Nr. de
Conținutul tematic al Competențe specifice vizate ore Săptămâna Observații
unității de învățare alocate

Starter Unit 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about 2 S1 Direct observation

(pp. 10-11) familiar topics.
Let’s start! 3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday Projects/
Vocabulary: revision communication situations.
language practice
Structures: revision

Module Unit 1 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S2 Direct observation
1 (pp. 12-17) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S3
1a- Hello! 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
1b-The Magic Forest!
language practice
1c-Colours 2.1Request and provide information on numbers,
prices and expressions of time. -Project:
Vocabulary: the characters, 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
the numbers (1-10), colours familiar topics. Write about yourself
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way.
Structures: the verb ‘to be’ 3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday
communication situations.
Project: Write about 3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
yourself about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends, peers, teacher.

Unit 2 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S4

(pp. 18-23) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S5 Direct observation
2a- Time for School! 1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in
everyday situations. Projects/
2b-It’s a magic pen!
1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral presentations/
2c- Let’s do it! language practice
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
Vocabulary: school items, familiar topics. -Project:
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text Write about your
Structures: a-an, This/ That, about familiar topics. school things
Plurals – S, Possessive case, 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
Imperative friends, peers, teacher.

Project: Write about your

school things

Troll Tales! 1
Go Green! 1
Our World
(Units 1 - 2)

Module Unit 3 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S6 Direct observation
2 (pp.28-33) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S7
3a-My Family 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
3b- Grandma’s Here!
language practice
3c- It’s My Job!
2.1Request and provide information on numbers,
Vocabulary: Family prices and expressions of time. -Project:
Members, Numbers (1-20), 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
Jobs familiar topics. Write about a
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. member of your
Structures: The verb ”to be” 3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday family
communication situations.
Project: Write about a 3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
member of your family about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends, peers, teacher.

MODULUL AL II-LEA(31.10-22.12.2022)

Unit 4 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S8 Direct observation

(pp. 34-39) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S9
4a-At the Toy Shop! 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
4b- Open it and see! messages. presentations/
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about language practice
4c- Happy Birthday!
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. -Project:
Vocabulary: Toys, Birthdays 3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
about familiar topics. Write a birthday card
Structures: These/ those, 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
Plurals (-es, -ies) friends, peers, teacher.
4.1 Write a card for a birthday/celebration.
Project: Write a birthday

Troll Tales! 2
Go Green! 2
Our World

(Units 3 – 4)
Module Unit 5 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S10 Direct observation
3 (pp. 44-49) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S11
5a-Hide! 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
5b- Come Out!
2.1Request and provide information on numbers, language practice
5c- Where’s Alvin? prices and expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about -Project:
Vocabulary: Things in a familiar topics.
house 2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. Write about your
3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday room
Structures: Possessive communication situations.
adjectives, Prepositions of 3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
place about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
Project: Write about your friends, peers, teacher.

Unit 6 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S12 Direct observation
(pp. 50-55) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S13
6a In the old 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral
house! messages.
6b Where’s Missy? 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about Projects/
6c Welcome! familiar topics. presentations/
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. language practice
Vocabulary: Rooms, things 3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
in a house about familiar topics. -Project:
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
Structures: There is/are friends, peers, teacher. Write about your
Project: Write about your

Module Unit 7 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S14 Direct observation
4 (pp. 60-65) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S15
7a-It’s so cute! 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
7b- We’re all wet!
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about language practice
7c- I’m so sweet! familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. -Project:
Vocabulary: Parts of the
body Write about your
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text favourite cartoon
Structures: The verb”have about familiar topics. character
got”, Plurals- irregular

Project: Write about your

favourite cartoon

MODULUL AL III-LEA(09.01-17.02.2023)

Unit 8 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S16 Direct observation
(pp. 66-71) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S17
8a-Talent Show 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about language practice
8c-Watch me go! familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. -Project:
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
Vocabulary: Activities about familiar topics. Write about what you
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from can do
Structures: The verb „Can” friends, peers, teacher.

Project: Write about what

you can do

Module Unit 9 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S18 Direct observation
5 (pp. 76-81) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S19
9a- My New Clothes! 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
9b- A lovely day!
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about language practice
9c- Who’s wearing…? familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. -Project:
Vocabulary: Clothes, 3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday
weather communication situations. Write about your
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text magic moments
Structures: Present about familiar topics.
Continuous 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends, peers, teacher.
Project: Write about your
magic moments

Unit 10 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S20 Direct observation
(pp. 82-87) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S21
10a- At the Animal Park 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
10b-Wild things!
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about language practice
10c-Two Funny Rabbits! familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. -Project:
Vocabulary: Animals 3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday
communication situations. Write a letter
Structures: Present 3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
Continuous about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
Project: Write a letter friends, peers, teacher.
MODULUL AL IV-LEA(27.02-06.04.2023)

Module Unit 11 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S22 Direct observation
6 (pp.92-97) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S23
11a-Lunchtime! 1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in Projects/
everyday situations. presentations/
11b- Fairy Cakes!
1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral language practice
11c- Listen to my tummy!
2.1 Request and provide information on numbers, -Project:
Vocabulary: Food, Time prices and expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about Write about your
Structures: Present simple, familiar topics. favourite meal
Some/any 2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way.
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
Project: Write about your about familiar topics.
favourite meal 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends, peers, teacher.
Unit 12 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S24 Direct observation
(pp. 98-103) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S25
12a- Alvin’s Day! 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral Projects/
messages. presentations/
12b- Environment Day!
2.1Request and provide information on numbers, language practice
12c-Another Lovely Day!
prices and expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about -Project:
Vocabulary: Daily routine, familiar topics.
Environment Day, Days of 2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way. Write about your
the week favourite day
3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday
communication situations.
Structures: Present simple, S26
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple text
prepositions of time about familiar topics. Scoala Altfel
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from 27-31.03.2023
Project: Write about your friends, peers, teacher.
favourite day

Our School 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about 2 S27 Direct observation
(pp. 108-113) familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way.
3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday Projects/
communication situations. presentations/
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple language practice
text about familiar topics.
4.2 Write a simple message to a classmate.

MODULUL AL V-LEA(19.04-16.06.2023) 2 S28

Scoala Verde
Fun Time 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S30 Direct observation
(pp. 114-125) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S31
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) Projects/
in everyday situations. presentations/
1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral language practice
2.1 Request and provide information on
numbers, prices and expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way.
3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday
communication situations.
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple
text about familiar topics.
4.1 Write a card for a birthday/celebration.
4.2 Write a simple message to a classmate.
Round-up 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S32 Direct observation
(pp. 136) articulated oral message in familiar contexts. S33
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) Projects/
in everyday situations. presentations/
Evaluation 1.3 Understand age-appropriate simple oral 2 S34 language practice
(pp. 126-127) messages.
2.1 Request and provide information on
numbers, prices and expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe a person/character in a simple way.
3.1 Recognize common phrases used in everyday
communication situations.
3.2 Identify the global significance of a simple
text about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends, peers, teacher.
4.1 Write a card for a birthday/celebration.
4.2 Write a simple message to a classmate.
Intocmit :
Prof. Alexa Nicoleta-Monica

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