201980090184+computer Network Final Assignment
201980090184+computer Network Final Assignment
201980090184+computer Network Final Assignment
Student ID:________________
201980090184 Name:__________________________
MD. Ziaul Haque Shipon
Note: Deadline for submitting answers is June 2 at 3pm. Exactly the same answer is
not allowed. If plagiarism is found, both results will be invalid.
1. Define the layer protocol and the layer service. And please describe the three
protocols that you think are the most important in computer network
communication. What are they? Which is(are) used in the Internet?
Layer Protocol: A protocol is a collection of rules and practices that specify how
information between two entities should be transferred. Many networking functions,
such as file transmission, necessitate the use of many protocols. These protocols are
frequently modeled as a series of layers, each of which addresses a different
functional component of the connection. Each layer has a well-defined interface that
connects it to the layers above and below it. Each layer provides the essential
information to the data so that the receiving system knows what to do with it and how
to route it. A set of protocols layered in this way is called a protocol stack. A layer can
have more than one protocol defined for it.
Layer Service: The Layer Service is a layer that abstracts domain logic. It sets a set
of possible operations and organizes the application's response in each operation,
defining the application's border with a layer of services.
For me, three most important protocols in computer network communication are-
1. HTTP- Hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) is one of the most well-known
protocols and is commonly referred to as the internet protocol. HTTP is an application
layer protocol that enables communication between the browser and the server.
2. TCP- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a protocol that divides data into
packets that may be exchanged over a network. Devices such as switches and routers
can then send these packets to the selected destinations.
3. FTP- File Transfer Protocol is a protocol to transfer computer files from a server to
a client and vice versa.
Of the three protocols above, the TCP protocol is used in the Internet. TCP is one of
the Internet Protocol suite's most important protocols. It operates in conjunction with
and complements IP, which is why the two are sometimes referred to as TCP IP. The
most extensively used communication protocol is TCP IP. It prepares and sends data
packets across an Ethernet network. TCP IP is used as the standard for all local area
and wide area networks.
2. Reliable transmission
(1) What are the essential components to realize reliable transmission?
The essential component to realize reliable transmission are-
1. Fault Tolerance: The expectation is that the Internet is always available to millions
of users who rely on it. This requires a network architecture that is built to be fault
tolerant. A fault-tolerant network is one that limits the impact of a failure so that the
fewest number of devices are affected. It is also built in a way that allows quick
recovery when such a failure occurs.
2. Scalability: A scalable network is one that can easily grow to handle more users
and applications while maintaining the performance of the service being supplied to
current customers. Because they adhere to widely agreed standards and protocols,
networks are scalable. This frees up software and hardware companies to concentrate
on developing their products and services rather than inventing a new set of network
3. Quality of Service (QoS): Congestion occurs when the demand for bandwidth
exceeds the amount available. As data, voice, and video content converge onto the
same network, QoS becomes a primary mechanism for managing congestion. When
the volume of traffic is greater than what can be transported across the network,
devices queue, or hold, packets in memory until resources become available to
transmit them.
4. Security: There are two types of network security concerns that must be addressed:
network infrastructure security and information security. Securing a network
infrastructure includes the physical securing of devices that provide network
connectivity, and preventing unauthorized access to the management software that
resides on them. Information security refers to protecting the information contained
within the packets being transmitted over the network and the information stored on
network attached devices. In order to achieve the goals of network security, there are
three primary requirements-
2. Integrity.
3. Availability.
(2) Suppose two computers are communicated via Stop-and-wait protocol. The link
bandwidth is 5kbps, and the one-way propagation delay is 20ms. To reach 80% or
higher link utilization, what is the minimal frame size for this communication?
Here given, Bandwidth (BW) = 5 kbps
Propagation delay (Tp) = 20 ms
Efficiency ≥ 80%
Let the required frame size = L bits
For this question I have to calculate minimal window size and required frame
sequence for given sliding-window protocol. Here I attached my calculation picture
There are three types of network transmissions at layer 2, the Data Link Layer. These
are unicast, multicast, and broadcast. A frame is forwarded to only one destination
MAC address or network device in a unicast transmission.A multicast transmission
sends a single stream of one or more frames to numerous network devices. The first
24 bits of the MAC address for multicast addresses are 01-00-5E.A broadcast is a one-
to-all communication in which the frame is delivered to all devices on the LAN from
a single source device.
Layer 3 (Network) sends data segments in the form of packets between networks.
This layer assigns source and destination IP addresses to the data segments when you
send a message to a buddy. The source is your IP address, and the destination is your
friend's. Layer 3 also decides on the optimum data delivery pathways.
The data link layer offers services within a single network, whereas the transport layer
provides services across many networks in an internet work. The physical layer is
controlled by the data link layer, whereas the lower levels are controlled by the
transport layer.
Data format of transport layer defines TCP header and data from upper
layer.Addressing mode of this layer provides the user address which is specified as
4. Router
(1) Somebody says that, ``the only difference between switch and router is that they
do switch function based on the address in different layers.’’ Is it correct? Why?
The statement in question is not correct.
There are lots of difference between “router” and “switch”. The differences are given
Router Switch
Router works in network layer. While switch works is data link layer.
It take place a less collision. In full duplex switch there is no collision.
It’s compatible with NAT. While it’s not compatible with NAT.
Router is used by LAN as well as MAN While switch is only used by MAN.
The main objective of router is that it can The main objective of switch is that it can
connect various network simultaneously. connect various devices simultaneously.
Through router data is sent as form of Through switch, data is sent in the form
packet. of packet and frame.
Types of routing- Types of switching -
Adaptive and non-adaptive routing. Circuit, Packet, and Message Switching.
(2) If we obtain the following information from one router. What kind of routing
protocol does it use? Provide its routing table, and the inferred local topology around
Router#show ip route
According to the given router information This router using “Interior Gateway
Protocol”. In this protocol it’s specifically shows Routing Information Protocol (RIP).
So, routing protocol like RIP will sent packets to its neighbors and obtain the
information directly from its neighbors, those routers running the same protocol. In
that sense, they rely on sort of a chain reaction.
5.TCP (1) Somebody says that, ``because of the reliable transmission service in
layer 2, there is no need to provide such service again within TCP protocol in
data data
Transport Layer
(layer 2)
Reliable Channel
(2) State the main rules of TCP connection setup according to the following figure.
Explain every word and number in the figure.
The diagrams show the three-way communication that is used to establish a TCP
The client establishes the connection by sending a request with the SYN flag set,
indicating that it intends to establish a connection. This packet's sequence number is
The server gets it and sends a response with the SYN and ACK flags set if it approves.
The sequence of the packets sent by the server is 30318555, and the acknowledgment
number is 424cf1dd, which specifies which packet the server expects next.
Finally, in the third stage, the client sends a packet with the sequence number
424cf1dd and the acknowledgment number 30318556, which is the expected next
sequence number.
As a result, the three-way handshake process for the TCP connection establishment is
complete. This concludes the comprehensive description of the TCP connection setup
as depicted in the diagram.
6.In the TCP/IP protocol, why use port number, socket address?
Figure 1
The term association is used to specify completely the two processes that comprise a
Although the phrases socket and port are commonly used interchangeably, the terms
port number and socket address are not interchangeable. A port number is one of the
three components of a socket address and may be represented by a single number (for
example, 1028), whereas a socket address can be expressed by a string of numbers
(for example, 1028). (tcp,myhostname,1028).
A socket descriptor (also known as a socket number) is a binary integer that serves as
an index to a database of sockets that are currently assigned to a process. A socket
descriptor is a representation of the socket, not the actual socket.
7.What protocols are included in the network layer of the TCP/IP model?
The TCP/IP model came first, followed by the OSI model. The TCP/IP model and the
OSI model are not identical. The application layer, transport layer, network layer, data
link layer, and physical layer are the five layers of the TCP/IP paradigm. The first four
levels, which correspond to the first four layers of the OSI model, include physical
standards, network interface, internetworking, and transport services, and these four
layers are represented in the TCP/IP paradigm by a single layer termed the application
layer. TCP/IP is a hierarchical protocol made up of interacting modules, each of which
has its own set of features.
The protocols in the network layer of the TCP/IP are-
IP protocol.
ICMP protocol.
IGMP protpcol.
ARP protocol.
RARP protocol.