WOW Killer Gold Guide

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Unofficial World of Warcraft Gold Guide


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Unofficial World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Table of Contents
Notice.............................................................................2 Prospecting...................................................40
World of Warcraft: A Guide to Gold and Transmutes...................................................43
Glory..............................................................................4 Blacksmithing....................................................44
Auction Houses and You, a Look at the World Alchemy..............................................................45
of Warcraft Economy..............................................5 Leatherworking...............................................47
An overview..........................................................5 Enchanting..........................................................49
The art of buying low and selling high......6 Engineering........................................................49
Is the deposit worth it?....................................7 Jewelcrafting.....................................................50
Auctioneer............................................................8 Cooking...............................................................50
Controlling the Market................................... 9 First Aid................................................................51
Cross Faction Funding..................................... 9 Tailoring..............................................................52
Gathering Professions, How and When........11 Lockpicking........................................................54
Mining.................................................................11 Limited Supply Items and How to get them 55
Items of Interest..........................................12 An Overview and Things to Watch for... 55
Routes to run for Ore................................12 Limited supply profession items............... 56
Herbalism............................................................28 Limited supply quest items...........................64
Route's to run for Herbs...........................28 Farming, How to Make the Most of it............66
Skinning...............................................................34 Non-Instance Farming..................................66
Fishing..................................................................34 Azeroth...........................................................66
Fishing Gear and You!..............................35 Outland..........................................................71
The Fish Worth Catching........................35 New Darkmoon Faire Card Sets................78
Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Competition Instance Farming..............................................87
...........................................................................37 Azeroth...........................................................87
Production Professions, the Art of Making Outland..........................................................90
and Improving Items............................................38 Tips to Remember..................................................92
Professions within Professions...................38 Useful Links..............................................................93
Disenchanting.............................................38 Conclusion................................................................94

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Unofficial World of Warcraft Gold Guide


Make great gold per hour and understand the World of Warcraft

orld of Warcraft is an amazing game. This guide will show you the basics of gold

W making and progresses to the lesser known and sometimes more complicated ways
of making World of Warcraft gold. This guide does not use any bots or hacks as
getting your account banned usually means buying another copy of World of Warcraft and
starting over. Buying gold should never be done so I will do my best to share with you
techniques that will feed an auction house addiction and keep those pesky Gold Sellers away.


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AND YOU, A LOOK The auction houses in World of
Warcraft are your one-stop-shop to bid,
AT THE WORLD OF buyout, and even post your own items for
sale and it is the easiest way to find gear or
WARCRAFT items you need either while leveling or
playing end-game. Whether you are an
ECONOMY alchemist making potions for profit, a
blacksmith who finally crafted an amazing
chest-piece, or just a lucky person who

old makes the World of Warcraft
found a good quality item after slaying a
go around. This currency is
vicious beast you will need an auction house
needed in everything from
at one point or another during your
purchasing basic equipment like food and
adventures in this vast wide world. Auction
water, repairing your gear after a hard day's
houses are conveniently located in any major
adventure, and even buying trinkets and
city of your faction for the horde:
gizmos to have some fun. When World of
Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, and
Warcraft was first created there was no
Silvermoon for the alliance: Stormwind,
auction house. A player had to shout across
Ironforge, Darnassus, or The Exodar. If you
a zone, "Selling X item, starting bid 2 silver!"
can't find one just ask a town guard and they
then others would reply in kind raising or
will point you in the right direction. There
lowering the bid until it was sold. Blizzard
are also neutral auction houses located
has made many advancements for us in
within Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, and Area 52;
Azeroth and made it much easier to barter
these are places where characters of the
your wares with other players, they
Alliance and Horde can barter items between
introduced the auction house.
one another.

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Before you start buying massive

The Art Of Buying Low And amounts of product make sure you watch
your market with the desired items to see it's
Selling High
trends and notice low buyouts or bids you
There are many ways to make gold can turn a profit from. The economy in
within the auction house and not the least of World of Warcraft varies server to server
which is the art of buying low and selling and day to day so either record your results
high. This strategy can take a good deal of or download the Auctioneer add-on and scan
gold to invest but the returns are well worth the auction house daily as Auctioneer notices
it when you see your money coming back market trends, can alert you to low buyout
twice as much. When I was on a couple of profitable items, and posts auctions at their
days ago I noticed a Star of Elune with a 20 most competitive and likely to sell prices by
gold buyout. These usually sell for 42 gold automatically filling in the bid and buyout
or more depending on inflation and so I spots when you place an item into the
bought it, posted it for 42 gold buyout, and it auction house.
sold in just a couple of hours.
Just remember to be careful as you
A key part of this is knowing what can lose as much as you could gain.
items to buy and which one's you can usually
make a return profit with. Safe bets are
usually cloth pieces (Linen, wool, silk,
mageweave, runecloth, netherweave...),
some higher level gems (Talasite, Living
Ruby, Star of Elune...), Ore (Copper, Tin, Iron,
Silver, Gold, Mithril, Thorium...), and herbs
(peacebloom, silverleaf, earthroot, mageroyal,
wild steelbloom...) as these items are needed
by the mass majority of players at almost any
given time.

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Is The Deposit Worth It?

Sometimes you may think you just received a great item out of a chest or from loot, but
sadly not everything is worth placing in the auction house and those items are referred to as
vendor trash. If you placed the item in and it sold, you would still lose money from paying the
deposit and for it selling so much lower than you would have recieved selling it to a vendor.
Unless you can use it or have a friend or guild member that could; it is usually a good idea is
just to sell them to a vendor and save yourself the hassle. It is always a good idea to check the
current going prices and what a vendor will pay for the item before auctioning it off. You can
also reference for the item and look at its
value to see if it has hopes for coming up in price and just hold it in your bank if the gold isn't
needed on the spot.

Here is a list of item qualities (the color of the item’s name) and if they should/should
not be placed in the auction house:

Item Color Item Type/Usability

Grey Vendor trash, as these are not useable

White Some useable, lots of vendor trash

Green Good quality, usually auctioned off

Blue Auction it unless it is BoP (Bind on Pickup)

Purple Item of epic proportions, usually auctions between 50-1,000 gold

depending on the item’s level

Orange Legendary, BoP can’t auction

Red Artifact, BoP can’t auction

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Legendary and artifact equipment because it keeps a record of the market and
(Orange and Red quality) are as current posts your auctions accordingly. This
Bound when Picked up and can not be process saves you time and in turn leaves
auctioned but can be showed off by you if more room open to make some serious gold.
you are able to equip them and only a couple
of these items even exist. Use Auctioneer to scan the auction
house daily and record market trends so your
The above chart is true for virtually auctions are accurately posted. When you
every item in World of Warcraft. Do keep in are posting auctions make sure to set the
mind that certain items such as Light Feather time length to your own preference, the
can be auctioned because mage's and other default setting is 24 hours which requires
classes need them to use certain spells and the largest deposit. Depending on the length
they usually sell well. Just keep an eye out of your auction the deposit will change,
and if you think other players could use an usually 8 hour auctions are your best bet and
item, auction it, and if it doesn't sell there is you should post auctions during or right
always a vendor willing to give you copper, before your server’s peak time. Peak time is
silver, or gold for whatever trash you bring simply when the most people are online such
his way. The only true exception to this is as the weekend or a weeknight. All of
usually quest items as most are soulbound Auctioneers functions are used on your
when you receive them. auction window that comes up after
speaking with an auction house NPC; you
will see added buttons with tooltips that
Auctioneer explain their functions.

Auctioneer is an amazing add-on we Auctioneer also has the ability to scan

mentioned earlier. If you are interested in the auction house and point out items that
obtaining this add-on please visit are being sold far below recommended price for all of which you can turn a profit from purchasing
your add-on needs, check out the left hand and reselling. After scanning the auction
navigation panel and click on the link for house you can mouse over an item to see its
add-ons. This specific add-on, Auctioneer, is current values, this functionality is very
the most useful for the game, in my opinion, useful when deciding what items to auction

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when you have limited funds to work with.

This database also has vendor values it adds This whole process is relatively easy,
to an items tool-tip to better help you identify simply buy all of the selected item and re-
good buys and if the item is worth it’s post the auctions at a good price. If you need
deposit. This tooltip functionality help with knowing a good price to post
automatically works all the time, even when reference one of the sites indicated in the
looting an item. links section of this guide. After you start
doing this people will start noticing your
If you download this add-on make price and post theirs competitively and thus
sure you are clicking the link to download the market is fixed for the time being.
the correct version compatible with World of Remember to do this with more than one
Warcraft’s current version ex. 4.0.1 (most character so you don’t look suspicious to
current version of Auctioneer). Here is a link your server’s population and may get
to where you may download Auctioneer. reported. This is a necessary evil for when
http://wow-en.curse- items like Primal Fire are selling for 2 gold each when it should be about 20 gold.
Before you know it your auctions will start
clearing and you will make a lot of gold and
Controlling The Market reap the advantages of future farming you
may accomplish.
Controlling the market and prices of
specific items may need to be done at certain
points during your servers lifespan and can Cross Faction Funding
greatly increase your profit margin. At
certain points your market may crash on Have you ever wanted to start a
items that could make you a lot of gold. character of the opposite faction, but don’t
Stacks of Copper Ore selling for 30 silver? If want to start out from scratch? Cross Faction
so, then we will fix it! This may take a lot of Funding is your answer. This is a very simple
gold to invest in but it is worth it and people technique using the neutral auction house to
all over your server will be thankful. It may
also be better to team with friends while
attempting to fix your server’s market.

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fund your other characters. To do this you

need a friend whom you can trust and not
someone who will steal your hard earned

Simply create your new character of

the desired faction and go to a neutral
auction house located in either Gadgetzan or
Booty Bay. Then put an item like your
starting shirt into the neutral auction house
with a buyout of your desired gold to
transfer. Then Log onto your main character
and transfer funds to a friend who will then
go to the neutral auction house and buyout
the item your new character put in. Now
you’re done!

Remember, the auction house will

take its cut out of the item you sold, so if an
item’s buyout is 100 gold, you may only
receive 80 gold. Make sure you also have a
very trustworthy friend to help you as you
can not buy items that the same account put
up for auction. If you happen to have two
accounts it makes this much easier as you
can do it yourself and do not need a friend’s
assistance. Last of all, have fun on your new
and wealthy character!

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here are a total of 13 professions in World of Warcraft with 3 major gathering
professions at the front; Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning. These 3 are gold mines
as you level and play end game as all they require you to do is travel the world and
gather its resources for either your own use or to sell to other players.

Grab your Mining Pick and track some ore, it’s time to mine! Mining in World of
Warcraft is how you gather ore, jewels, and stones for use by blacksmiths, engineers,
jewelcrafters, and some other professions to make their items. Mining is also very lucrative
when you know where to go and how much it is going for on the market. As an example, I can
make a couple of rounds in Elwynn Forrest and easily have 140+ Copper ore to place in the
auction house usually going for 1-2 gold per stack of 20 and for gathering just a little over an
hour I have 7 gold or more in materials not counting any gems or stones I may pick up while
mining. Just remember, copper is the cheapest ore and as you make the rounds in higher level
zones your gold earning potential goes up greatly.

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Items of Interest
As it stands there are a couple of items you want to keep your eye out for while mining.
The following is a list of the most well known drops to watch carefully for while mining their
corresponding ore:
As these gems are rare they usually auction for between 20 and 60 gold.

Gem Vein the Gem is Mined from

Arcane Crystal Rich Thorium Vein, 3% drop rate Khorium vein, 4% drop rate

Talasite Adamantite Deposit, 0.01% drop rate

Living Ruby Khorium vein, 1% drop rate

Star of Elune Adamantite deposit, 0.01% drop rate

Routes to run for Ore

There are many places across Azeroth and Outland that are a mining spree and where
you can gather great amounts in a fairly short or decent time. Here I will be outlining them
zone by zone showing you the ones with the highest percentage of finding ore using easy to go
by maps with paths and locations. Ore is not guaranteed to spawn along these routes. I am
simply showing you the zones with the highest spawn rate and the best way to travel said zone
so you may find the highest quantity of ore. Feel free to explore a little when running these
routes since vein and deposit spawns are random.
We will start with copper as it is where any miner begins when his skill is 1 and they
just picked up mining.

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Elwynn Forest (levels 5-12)

As shown here, start in Goldshire then go down towards Fargodeep Mines and then
inside it, after coming out of the mine follow the hills up around to the Tower of Azora then
down to Dead-Tooth Jack’s area, up to the mountains then come back around the lake at
Heroes’ Vigil and then back to the mountains toward Stormwind and following them down to
the edge of the zone near Westfall and following that edge back to the Mcnabb farm and back
to Goldshire, rinse, and repeat.

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The Barrens (levels 12-23)

The route for the Barrens is also fairly simple. Start in The Crossroads and move up
towards the first hill then around it to the left side of the zone between the top two hills. From
there, run down the left side’s mountainous terrain and when you reach the bottom of the
zone, go to the right side. Follow the mountains up and circle the hills near Northwatch Hold
and follow those back up to The Crossroads. The route for tin is basically the same here as well
and you may run across quite a bit while looking for copper as tin has a 13.7% chance of
spawning on this route and copper a 12.6% spawn chance. The Barrens is truly a great place
for ore!

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Tin requires a mining skill of 65 and is your next step up from copper. The Barrens
route shown above is great for tin and the following route is great for all alliance in need of it.
Tin has a moderate sell price between 3 and 5 gold per stack of 20.

Redridge Mountains (levels 15-23)

The Redridge tin route is a little complicated. Start from Lakeshire and head up towards
the mountains. From there, venture around those; up to and inside the Rethban Caves. Follow
your path back out and progress towards the right side of the map; following the mountains
around and back to Lakeshire. While you may not see many tin spots marked on this map,
along this route there is much more than meets the eye.

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Silver is next, it is very hard to find and can easily go for 5-7 gold per stack of 20. If
you are raising your mining skill, raise it on tin until 125 and reference the section on Iron
deposits, it is much easier and quicker this way. Silver can easily be found along the Redridge
route above or in the iron route for Arathi Highlands. It can also be found in the following
route for Thousand Needles along with iron as well. These routes will be covered in the Iron
section coming up next. Be sure to keep an eye out as silver is rare and worth it even if it
doesn’t get your mining skill up.

Iron will be our next step up and it requires a mining skill of 125 to go after Iron
Deposits. The following maps outline the best routes for mining as they have the highest
spawn rates for their faction’s areas. Iron on average auctions between 4 and 6 gold per stack
of 20.

Arathi Highlands (levels 31-42)

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The route for Arathi Highlands is very diverse for the resources it yields including
Silver, Iron, Gold, and a little bit of Mithril. Simply start out at Refuge point and go north to the
area between a mountain and a couple smaller hills. Proceed east following the mountains and
(unless you are horde) go around Hammerfall and into the Grotto which is nearby. Then leave
the grotto and continue following the mountains surrounding the zone. You will come to the
Witherbark troll area. Making sure you are careful, go in the cave you find there; usually a
couple of veins or deposits spawn inside. Go back out of the cave and keep following the
mountains around until you reach the lower end of the zone. Then proceed back towards
refuge point but don’t go in, instead, go towards an ogre/troll area then up to the farm, down
the mountain range and back to refuge point. Rinse and repeat.

Thousand Needles (levels 21-32)

Thousand needles is pretty straight forward and short, while Arathi yields more,
Thousand Needles can be more convenient and accessible for some horde players. Simply start
out at the great lift, progress down the zone and back around sticking to the side of it or
around the hills and plateaus where it permits. One major rule for finding veins and deposits
is sticking to hills, mountains, or almost any other land formations composed of rock or dirt.

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Gold is after Iron, requiring a mining skill of 155, but like Silver it is very rare and not
worth banking on getting your skill up from finding it. For an easier and faster way to raise
your mining skill mine Iron until 175 and you can move up to Mithril. Gold is well covered in
the Arathi route, the upcoming Badlands, and Stranglethorn Vale Routes. Gold ore on most
days auctions between 6 and 9 gold per stack of 20.

Mithril is both profitable and sometimes a little hard to find as it is needed by many
moderate level professions (around skill 225 or so) and requires a mining skill of 175 to take
advantage of Mithril Deposits. Mithril can sell anywhere from 4 to 11 gold per stack of 20
depending on your server’s current market and the player needs.

Badlands (levels 34-42)

Badlands can be a long route to run and is much easier after you have hit level 40 and
have your mount. Start out by the mountains near Uldaman and follow the mountain side
down the zone and into Lethelor Ravine. Be careful in the ravine as this path doesn’t go far
into it because of the level 44-47 elite dragonkin that spawn there. Circle back around and out

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of the ravine follow the mountain path down until you start curving up into terrain with a lot
of small hills and into the large plateau, then down and into the Dustbelch Ogre area. Follow
the mountains back up towards Kargath and the upper mountain line, and progress back to
your start point. It may be easier for Horde players to begin at Kargath and follow the path
around either way they please. There is almost a 14% spawn rate for Mithril here and this is
the best zone for it in World of Warcraft.

Next I will be including a route for Stranglethorn Vale and while it does not stand out
for a specific ore, it instead offers variety. It has a 12.7% spawn rate for Iron and a 9.8% spawn
rate for Mithril. Since many players quest here between levels 30 and 44 it is only fitting that I
show you where to look as you may be questing here a lot.

Stranglethorn Vale (levels 30-45)

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Stranglethorn Vale is a very long zone and you must keep an eye out as this route runs
across places with lots of elites like the Mosh’Ogg Ogre Mound. This is a good route to
reference as you are questing and progress in level. If you want to raise your mining skill fast
go by the Badlands route as it is much quicker and has more Mithril spawns.

Truesilver follows Mithril on our list requiring a skill of 230 to gather. Truesilver
deposits spawn decently but Dark Iron has more spawns in the next couple of routes and it is
up to you to decide what to hunt down just to raise your skill points. Truesilver and Dark Iron
both can sell between 6 and 20 gold per stack of 20 depending on your server’s current needs
and market. Truesilver can be found in the upcoming Burning Steppes route at a 14% spawn
rate while Dark Iron deposits have a 37.1% spawn rate along this same route. Feel free to
follow the map and happy hunting!

Dark Iron is alongside Truesilver requiring a 230 skill and running the same route.
Burning Steppes is the best route for both of these and is in an area accessible by both horde
and alliance players; we will be covering it next.

Burning Steppes (levels 50-60)

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Burning Steppes is not for the wary but yields a great profit when ran through to
completion and even more if ran several times over. Like all other routes by the time you get
back to the start you should start seeing re-spawns of veins and deposits. A major rule is stick
to the mountains and hills and you will be good to go, pulling in profit fast and hard unless you
get in a race with other players. Just hit the high spawn areas (where you see the most squares)
or run the route in reverse and you will most likely come out on top and with bags of ore,
stone, and gems for your auctioning pleasure. Within this route you may also run across plenty
of Small Thorium Veins which happen to follow Dark Iron and Truesilver for mining skill

Small Thorium begins to find its way into your mining sack at a skill of 250 being the
next logical step to raise your skill points even higher. Stacks of 20 Thorium Ore can auction
from 11 gold all the way up to 25 gold. As with everything it depends on your server’s
economy and who actually needs it. Jewelcrafters love to prospect this stuff as it can yield an
Azerothian Diamond which auctions for about 11 gold each.

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Un’Goro Crater (levels 50-60)

People love and people hate the crater; it yields great resources but is full of dinosaurs,
monkeys, tar people, and bugs trying to block your way. We start at the Lakkari Tar Pits as
many players have farmed these beasts for essence of life, traveler’s backpacks, and many other
items as they are moderately easy to kill and drop good loot. As with all paths follow the
mountains, go inside the caves you find, cross the hills, and then stick to the mountain range as
you are generally running one giant circle. I have even known players to organize a race
around the crater starting at Lakkari and going around the zone backwards from this route and
see who could complete 10 laps first or gather the most resources. Keep a close eye on any
crystals you may find on the ground here as they can give you special buffs when you complete
their quests and use the crystal pillars or they can sell in auction as well. Another place you
can farm here is Fire Plume Ridge in the center of the zone. The fire elementals drop Essence of
Fire (2.3%), Elemental Fire (5.8%), and Core of Elements (16.8%) which can make you some
good gold when placed up for auction.

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Rich Thorium veins require a skill of 270 for it’s ore to find your bags. The above
Burning Steppes route runs across a lot of it and you can run that route but I will also be
showing you a route for Eastern Plaguelands to find Rich Thorium. Thorium ore auctions for
the same whether it be from small or rich veins. Watch for Arcane Crystal, Blood of the
Mountain, or Azerothian Diamond while mining Rich Thorium Veins as these gems sell very

Eastern Plaguelands (levels 55-70)

EPL is not the preferred place to mine Thorium, Burning Steppes is, but EPL is usually a
low population zone now and if you can slay the undead and Scarlet Crusade in your way you
may find this route to your liking. Mostly stick to the mountains and the edges of the pits of the
zone and you should find yourself walking away with bags of ore in no time.

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Rich Thorium also has 2-3 spawns in Dire Maul East after the final boss. Generally a
short run (a couple of level 70s can make it in about 30-45 min.). If you are tired of treading
the overworld feel free to farm this instance with a friend as the loot is good and the veins are a
great bonus.
Now we will move on to Outland to gather its resources and conquer its foes. Once you
hit 275 you can learn to be a Master Miner and have a skill cap of 375 and gather Outland ore
where skill permits. Outland still offers some Rich Thorium Veins but none lower.

Fel Iron is amazing for prospecting as it yields Star of Elune, Living Ruby, Talasite, Nobel
Topaz, Dawnstone, and Nightseye each of which sell between 20 and 60 gold a piece with a
downside of only having a 1% chance for them to be prospected from the ore. A skill of 300 is
required to mine Fel Iron; Hellfire Peninsula has the highest spawn rate at 40.6%.

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Hellfire Peninsula (levels 60-70)

This route is just meant to give you a general idea of where spawns take place and how
you may be able to progress through the area searching for ore. There are many dangers in
this zone so be as careful as possible and feel free to run your own path here mostly keeping
the mountainside and hills in mind. Also once you enter the Dark Portal there is a lot of Fel
Iron scattered around the area. Feel free to explore a little and have some fun mining.
Adamantite will carry you on next and it will last until 375 in terms of skill progression.
This ore is highly valuable and has no problem clearing for 30 gold per stack of 20. This ore is
very useful amongst all professions who use metal ore at higher levels, especially Jewelcrafters
and Blacksmiths. For Adamantite Deposits, Nagrand is the place to be!

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Nagrand (levels 66-70)

The Nagrand route carries you through a lot of interesting areas such as Oshu’Gun
where you can farm items for Consortium and Aldor reputation. Generally follow the path set
out here and enjoy! You will find yourself having a maximum mining skill and bags full of
Adamantite in no time. With this being such a valuable ore a flying mount is now easily in
your grasp, congratulations!
The above route for Nagrand will also take you across a few Khorium spawns; this rare
ore can sell for 60 gold per stack of 20, easily taking you to 100 gold per hour along this route
without even breaking a sweat. It shares the quality of being rare and non-prospectable like
Gold and Silver, keep this in mind when bartering with a Jewelcrafter.

Once you achieve level 70 and have a flying mount, mining becomes much easier in
Outland because you have the ability to fly over and spot ore with ease. This saves a lot of time
and unwanted mobs having agro on you.

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Now for a recap:

Ore Type/ Preferred Location Stone from Mining Gems From Mining
Mining Skill

Copper Ore Elwynn Forest, Rough Stone Tigerseye, Malachite

Mining Skill 1 Barrens

Tin Ore Redridge, Barrens Rough Stone Moss Agate, Tigerseye,

Mining Skill 65 Course Stone Malachite

Silver Ore Redridge, Arathi, Course Stone Moss Agate, Shadowgem

Mining Skill 75 Barrens

Iron Ore Arathi, Thousand Course Stone Moss Agate, Shadowgem

Mining Skill 125 Needles Solid Stone

Gold Ore Arathi, Badlands, Solid Stone Jade, Citrine, Aquamarine

Requires Mining 155 Stranglethorn Vale

Mithril Ore Badlands, Solid Stone Jade, Citrine, Aquamarine,

Requires Mining 175 Stranglethorn Vale Heavy Stone Lesser Moonstone

Dark Iron Ore Burning Steppes Heavy Stone Aquamarine, Jade, Lesser
Requires Mining 230 Moonstone

Thorium Ore Burning Steppes, Heavy Stone Arcane Crystal, Blood of the
Mining Skill 250 Un’Goro, EPL Mountain, Azerothian

Fel Iron Ore Hellfire Peninsula Mote of Fire, Talasite, Draenite, Living
Requires Mining 300 Mote of Earth Ruby…

Adamantite Ore Nagrand Mote of Earth Talasite, Draenite, Star of

Requires Mining 330 Elune…

Khorium Vein Nagrand Mote of Earth Arcane Crystal, Star of

Requires Mining 350 Elune…

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Herbs are valuable not unlike ore. Usually players go with a combination of
Mining/Skinning or Herbalism/Skinning if they are making a character who is a gatherer.
Herbalism and mining both require a tracking skill but you can still mine ore and pick herbs if
tracking is not on.

Route's to run for Herbs

First we will run down exactly what your Herbalism skill needs to be in order to gather
the herbs, then their usual prices in the auction house per stack of 20 and preferred picking

Herb Skill Approximate Preferred Location

level Value

Peacebloom 1 3-15 Silver Teldrassil, Elwynn, Durotar, Tirisfal

Silverleaf 1 3-20 Silver Teldrassil, Elwynn, Durotar, Tirisfal

Earthroot 15 25-75 Silver Teldrassil, Dun Morogh, Durotar

Mageroyal 50 60S-1G 50S Loch Modan, Silverpine, Barrens

Briarthorn 70 1-3 Gold Loch Modan, Silverpine, Barrens

Stranglekelp 85 2-5 Gold Stranglethorn Vale, Wetlands

Bruiseweed 100 1-4 Gold Duskwood, Stonetalon, Barrens

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Herb Skill Approximate Preferred Location

level Value

Wild Steelbloom 115 3-6 Gold Arathi, Badlands, Stranglethorn Vale

Grave Moss 120 2-7 Gold Wetlands, Duskwood, Arathi, Barrens

Kingsblood 125 1-8 Gold Wetlands, Alterac, Badlands, Arathi

Liferoot 150 1-8 Gold Wetlands, Arathi, Swamp of Sorrows

Fadeleaf 160 3-9 Gold Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Arathi

Goldthorn 170 4-7 Gold Alterac, Badlands, Stranglethorn Vale

Khadgar’s Whisker 185 3-8 Gold Badlands, Stranglethorn Vale

Wintersbite 195 4-7 Gold Alterac

Firebloom 205 5-10 Gold Tanaris, Blasted Lands

Purple Lotus 210 4-12 Gold Tanaris, Azshara

Sungrass 230 9-16 Gold Hinterlands, Feralas

Blindweed 235 7-12 Gold Swamp of Sorrows, Un’Goro Crater

Ghost Mushroom 245 10-20 Gold Hinterlands

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Herb Skill Approximate Preferred Location

level Value

Gromsblood 250 6-13 Gold Desolace, Felwood

Arthas’ Tears 250 7-14 Gold Felwood, Western & Eastern Plaguelands

Golden Sansam 260 9-17 Gold Azshara, Un’Goro Crater

Dreamfoil 270 12-20 Gold Azshara, Un’Goro Crater

Mountain Silversage 280 10-18 Gold Azshara, Un’Goro Crater, Winterspring

Plaguebloom 285 9-18 Gold Felwood, Western & Eastern Plaguelands

Icecap 290 10-18 Gold Winterspring

Black Lotus 300 15-100 Gold Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands

Felweed 300 10-20 Gold All of Outland

Dreaming Glory 315 12-23 Gold All of Outland

Ragveil 325 8-17 Gold Zangarmarsh

Flamecap 335 15-22 Gold Zangarmarsh

Terocone 325 15-30 Gold Terokar Forrest

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Herb Skill Approximate Preferred Location

level Value

Ancient Lichen 340 20-30 Gold Coilfang Reservoir and Auchindoun

Nightmare Vine 365 20-30 Gold Shadowmoon Valley

Mana Thistle 375 15-25 Gold Flying Mount accessible areas

Netherbloom 375 20-40 Gold Netherstorm

Now we will list a chart for herbs and what type of terrain they grow upon:

Herb Where to Look For Herb

Ancient Lichen This herb grows in the instances listed above.

Arthas’ Tears Look on hillsides for this herb.

Blindweed This herb grown along river banks.

Briarthorn Look for this herb on hillsides

Bruiseweed Look for this herb on hillsides.

Black Lotus Very rare, almost anywhere within the specified zones, random.

Dreamfoil Look for this herb in open areas.

Dreaming Glory Look for this herb in open areas.

Earthroot Look on hillsides for this herb.

Fadeleaf Look for this herb in open areas.

Felweed Look for this herb in open areas.

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Herb Where to Look For Herb

Firebloom This herb grows in desert areas and hillsides.

Flamecap Search under trees and shady areas for this herb.

Ghost Mushroom Grows in a specific area near the lake in Hinterlands.

Golden Sansam Look for this herb in open areas.

Goldthorn Look on hillsides for this herb.

Grave Moss This herb grows in graveyards and tombs.

Gromsblood Look on hillsides and southern Desolace near Mannoroc.

Icecap Look for this herb in open areas.

Khadgar’s Whisker This herb grows in shady areas and under trees.

Kingsblood Look for this herb in open areas.

Liferoot This herb grows along beaches and the banks of rivers.

Mageroyal Look for this herb in open areas.

Mana Thistle Check hillsides and open areas for this herb.

Mountain Silversage Look on hillsides for this herb.

Netherbloom This herb grows in open areas.

Nightmare Vine Look around hillsides for this herb.

Peacebloom Look for this herb in open areas.

Plaguebloom This herb grows in shady areas and under trees.

Purple Lotus Look on hillsides for this herb.

Ragveil Search under trees and shady areas for this herb.

Silverleaf This herb grows in shady areas and under trees.

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Herb Where to Look For Herb

Stranglekelp This herb grows underwater.

Sungrass Look for this herb in open areas.

Terocone This herb grows under trees and in shady areas.

Wild Steelbloom Look for this herb on hillsides.

Wintersbite Look for this herb on snowy hillsides.

Making maps for routes to run for herbs would be a rather difficult task as herbs spawn
locations vary greatly and could waste more of your time than it could help by you possibly
chasing down wrong locations. Use the above listed charts and explore these zones in the type
of terrain specified for each herb and you are sure to succeed with great speed. If you are
looking to raise your Herbalism skill hunt down the herbs in the order they are listed and
within the zones listed, soon you will find your herb pouch full and you will be rushing back to
the trainer to pick up the next level of Herbalism.

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Hellfire Peninsula in Outland is a

Skinning great location for higher level characters.
The Hellboars here are plenty and remotely
Skinning is the art of taking a easy kills since you should play your
creature’s hide after it is slain, if the creature character well at this point. This is easy to do
is able to be skinned. Good enemies to grind while questing and just for grinding as they
on are things like wolves, turtles, dragonkin can also drop greens at a tolerable rate most
(whelps), or anything else with a furry or of the time.
leathery coat/skin.
Nagrand is another great location for
Turtles are a valuable target to skin max level characters looking to do some
and there are a couple of good places to find skinning. Here you can hunt Clefthoof
them. The first is outside of Theramore, which are some of the highest leveled mobs
when you exit the city and cross the bridge you can skin and the leather you receive
go to your right and down the coast. Many from such is very valuable. These beasts
turtles are here and re-spawn decently fast. roam the open areas of the zone and
The second is down the coast near sometimes in packs, think oversized kodo
Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris, turtles are beasts. From hunting these beasts and
everywhere here so have fun! skinning them you receive Knothide Leather.

Yetis are another valuable target for

skinners. A cave of them with a great re- Fishing
spawn rate is located above Southshore near
the Alterac Mountains. Go from Southshore “Teach a man to loot and he can eat
and start heading north, you will see a cave for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat
surrounded by 5 yetis. Simply farm this for a lifetime.” This is very true in World of
location and collect your skins and hides. Warcraft. Fishing is very useful in getting
This is a well known farming location for food for your hunters pet, materials for
skinners of both horde and alliance so keep alchemists, tailors, and engineers, and even a
your eyes about if you are on a PVP server. peaceful way to pass the time away from the
battles and wars raging over the worlds.

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Fishing Gear and You! The Fish Worth Catching

While fishing is a relatively easy task Deviate Fish

in casting your line and clicking a bobber
when it splashes, the gear you equip to fish Deviate Fish is the main course in a Savory
with can make a large difference in how well Deviate Delight that chefs cook up. These
and where you can do so. Always have a lure fish can be easily caught in Wailing Caverns
on hand and use the highest level lure located in The Barrens. You should catch
possible as you level your fishing. Seeking one of these fish once about every five casts.
out better fishing poles will help your They can be caught anywhere from the pool
chances of success as well or any applicable outside the cavern to the streams within.
enchants to a pair of gloves. You should average about 30 fish an hour
here and they sell for about 8-13 gold per
Big Iron Fishing Pole stack of 20. is a needed
piece of gear for those looking to max out Firefin Snappers
their fishing skill. You can find one of these
in traps littering the ocean floor in Desolace. Firefin Snappers are another valuable asset
Go toward the horde town in Desolace to a fisher as they are needed by alchemists
somewhat near the Gelkis Centaur clan. You to make potions that grant resistance to fire.
will come into a green and grassy area unlike You may catch these wondrous creatures in
the rest of the zone, simply go into the water Booty Bay and Stranglethorn Vale, in
and when you can dive down you will start Wetlands, and even Azshara. Like Deviate
seeing traps littering the ocean floor. You Fish you should be able to capture one once
can receive a variety of effects here ranging in about every 5 casts within these areas.
from looting seashells to an enemy spawning These fish sell for around 2-6 gold per stack
or even receiving the Big Iron Fishing Pole. of 20.
You can also try and farm these as they sell
for around 15-30 Gold in the auction house.

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Stonescale Eels Furious Crawdad
Stonescale Eels grant extra armor when These fish may be caught in the raised
used by alchemists to brew some potions pools in the Terokar Forest zone; Blackwind
after being made into oil for the potion. Lake, Lake Ere’Noru, and Lake Jorune. You
Feralas is the prime fishing spot for these and must have a flying mount to reach these
as the other two above they are fairly easy to bodies of water and cast your line within the
catch. They sell for 10-20 gold per stack of Highland Mixed School of fish. A stack of 20
20. crawdad can yield about 40 gold and the
crawdad has a 30% drop rate, making this a
Oily Blackmouth great target for fishing. A fishing skill of 500 (with buffs) is recommended when fishing
Oily Blackmouth is a fish that can be for the crawdad.
caught early on and sells between 1-4 gold
per stack of 20. There are schools of Oily Mr. Pinchy
Blackmouth in Darkshore, Ratchet, Westfall,
and Wetlands. These are needed by This unique item is caught from the
alchemists to produce items like Elixir of Highland School Fish mentioned above for
Water Breathing. the Furious Crawdads. His catch rate is 0.2%
and he is BoP so be careful if you are in a
Pearls group fishing for him, you may want
Pearls, magnificent jewels of the deep, can autoloot turned off. This magical crawdad
also be captured through fishing. This can has the power to grant to angler three wishes
be a way to turn a lot of gold since fishing which could be a variety of effects, after each
can also yield clam which could contain a wish there is a two day cooldown. The
black pearl or even a golden pearl. wishes range from; a non-combat crawdad
Winterspring and Feralas seem to be prime pet, a level 70 elite guardian to fight by your
locations for clam fishing and with the side for ten minutes, an attack from Mr.
Feralas location also having the possibility of Pinchy himself, or even a 1200 health flask
Stonescale Eels you could have the gold
piling up in no time.

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type buff. Make sure to keep your eye out for

Mr. Pinchy as he is rare and well worth the
effort (especially if you are a critter pet

Stranglethorn Vale Fishing

This contest is announced within the
neutral town of Booty Bay by Riggle Bassbait.
The contest is two hours long and the goal is
to bring Riggle 40 Speckled Tastyfish
( first.
These fish spawn in pools along the entire
coastline of Stranglethorn Vale, your bobber
MUST land inside of the fish pool, you will
have about five casts before a pool disappears
and a new one spawn close by, then turn
your 40 fish in and see if you won. This is a
competition between you and your entire
server so be fast and be prepared.

There are a couple handy rewards

which are either Arcanite Fishing Pole or Hook of
the Master Angler

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roduction professions involve the making of or the improving of items through

P different processes and abilities. Every production profession in World of Warcraft

is unique in its own rite and each can be a valuable skill to have when it comes to
making gold. Here we will talk about the most profitable aspects of these skills.

Professions Within Professions

Some players consider the following skills professions within a profession because they
are very unique and can easily bring in a lot of gold when used correctly. Some even take up
their host profession just so they may take advantage of these secondary skills.

Disenchanting requires destroying a green quality item or better to get materials for
enchanting abilities. This is invaluable when farming instances because of the amount of BoP
items you pick up that most likely will be of no use to you. This following chart shows what
you may get from the quality of item you disenchant.

Item Color Disenchanted Items (Most Likely)

Green Dust

Blue A Shard

Purple Essence, Shard(s), and/or Dust(s)

Orange Likely multiple shards

Red Unknown, items are rare and not yet DE’d

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This next chart will be explaining what your enchanting skill needs to be before you
can disenchant higher level equipment. The higher you enchanting skill goes you can DE
higher level items, Enchanting was not always based like this but it was done to keep a balance
within the trade skill so you actually had to invest in an enchanter to take advantage of its
secondary skill.

Enchanting Skill Item Level Disenchanted Materials

Enchanting 1 Level 1-15 Strange Dust, Lesser or Greater Magic Essence, and Small
Glimmering Shard

Enchanting 25 Level 16-20 Strange Dust, Lesser Astral Essence, and Small Glimmering Shard

Enchanting 50 Level 21-25 Soul Dust, Greater Astral Essence, and Large Glimmering Shard

Enchanting 75 Level 26-30 Soul Dust, Lesser Mystic Essence, and Small Glowing Shard

Enchanting 100 Level 31-35 Vision Dust, Lesser or Greater Mystic Essence, and Large Glowing

Enchanting 125 Level 36-40 Vision Dust, Lesser Nether Essence, and Small Radiant Shard

Enchanting 150 Level 41-45 Dream Dust, Greater Nether Essence, and Large Radiant Shard

Enchanting 175 Level 46-50 Dream Dust, Lesser Eternal Essence, and Small Brilliant Shard

Enchanting 200 Level 51-55 Illusion Dust, Greater Eternal Essence, and Large Brilliant Shard

Enchanting 225 Level 56-60 Illusion Dust, Greater Eternal Essence, Large Brilliant Shard, and
Nexus Crystal

Enchanting 250 Level 61-65 Arcane Dust, and Large Prismatic Shard

Enchanting 275 Level66-70 Arcane Dust, and Large Prismatic Shard

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The above chart only outlines the items that are possible to receive through
disenchanting and these items are not guaranteed to drop off of disenchanted items but give
you a great idea of what you might obtain. The reason for this is each item has a separate value
for what will drop from it being disenchanted. Using the above 2 charts together should give
you a great idea of what your disenchanted item may yield.

Prospecting is the ability to take 5 ore of almost any type and pull powders and/or gems
from it. The higher level ore, the better gems you receive, the chart below outlines what gems
are extracted from which ore and the powder for that ore.

Ore Type Prospected Powder Prospected Gems

Copper Ore (5) Copper Powder (99%) Tigerseye (54%)

Requires Jewelcrafting 20 Malachite (45%)
Shadowgem (9%)

Tin Ore (5) Tin Powder (99%) Moss Agate (44%)

Requires Jewelcrafting 50 Shadowgem (40%)
Lesser Moonstone (35%)
Citrine (7%)
Jade (3%)
Aquamarine (3%)

Iron Ore (5) Iron Powder (100%) Jade (46%)

Requires Jewelcrafting 125

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Ore Type Prospected Powder Prospected Gems Lesser Moonstone (39%)
Citrine (34%)
Star Ruby (10%)
Aquamarine (4%)

Mithril Ore (5) Mithril Powder (100%) Star Ruby (87%)

Requires Jewelcrafting 175 Citrine (68%)
Aquamarine (53%)
Azerothian Diamond (30%)

Thorium Ore (5) Thorium Powder (100%) Blue Sapphire (87%)

Requires Jewelcrafting 250 Azerothian Diamond (72%)
Star Ruby (33%)
Huge Emerald (17%)
Large Opal (15%)

Fel Iron Ore (5) Fel iron Powder (100%) Shadow Draenite (15%)
Requires Jewelcrafting 275 Flame Spessarite (15%)
Deep Peridot (15%)
Azure Moonstone (13%)

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Ore Type Prospected Powder Prospected Gems

Blood Garnet (12%)
Golden Draenite (10%)
Dawnstone (1%)
Nightseye (1%)
Living Ruby (1%)
Talasite (1%)
Noble Topaz (1%)
Star of Elune (1%)

Adamantite Ore (5) Adamantite Powder (100%) Shadow Draenite (22%)

Requires Jewelcrafting 325 Flame Spessarite (20%)
Deep Peridot (20%)
Azure Moonstone (19%)
Blood Garnet (19%)
Golden Draenite (17%)
Dawnstone (2%)
Nightseye (2%)
Living Ruby (2%)
Talasite (2%)

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Ore Type Prospected Powder Prospected Gems
Noble Topaz (2%)
Star of Elune (2%)

Prospecting can turn into a lot of gold and this is why some people labor through the
process of leveling Jewelcrafting to receive better quality gems. From a stack of Fel Iron Ore
you can easily turn it into a Talasite and a Living Ruby along with some of the smaller gems
while the above two items sell easily for 60 gold combined the rest is just easy money.

Transmutes require a Philosopher’s Stone and have a
cool down of 2 days. Items produced from transmutation are very valuable and usually highly
needed. A good example of this is Arcanite Bar which is
needed by Blacksmiths to make some items and Mercurial Stone which is needed by Jewelcrafters to produce Mercurial
Adamantite for some of their higher level items. Before you start transmuting check your
current markets needs or simply post in a main cities trade channel something like, “WTS
Arcanite Transmute 3g with your mats!” The 3 gold is simply a tip, you will be burning a 2 day
cool down so when you transmute make sure there is profit to be made.

Another strategy is to just buy or find the materials and transmute a valuable item
yourself and as long as it is not BoP place it in the auction house and see what happens. I have
been able to easily sell an Arcanite Bar for 30 gold on more than one occasion. The high value
items that transmutation yields is why some players pick up Alchemy because you can also
transmute lower selling items to higher profit items like Essence of Air to Essence of Fire or
even transmute primal in the same way and save yourself some mote farming which we will be
discussing later in the farming chapter.

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Blacksmithing is the ability to use bars of metal to make armor, keys, counterweights,
shield spikes, and using stones with cloth to produce items like sharpening or weightstones.
High level blacksmiths can produce amazing epic quality BoP items like any other profession
on the production side of things. Blacksmithing begins at mail armor later progressing to plate.
It contains several specializations like Armorsmith, Axesmith, Swordsmith, Macesmith, and
Weaponsmith; each of which has it’s own unique BoP items of great power.

Any blacksmith can produce sharpening stones and weightstones. These items provide
a passive way to add to a character’s DPS (Damage per Second) and sell quite well when
produced and placed up for auction. Below, I have provided a chart detailing skill needed, the
item, materials required for production, and each items approximate auction house value:

Skill Level Sharp/Grind Stone Materials Approximate Value

65 Coarse Sharpening Stone 1x Coarse Stone 20-50 Silver Per 10

65 Coarse Weightstone 1x Coarse Stone, 20-50 Silver 1x Wool Cloth Per 10

125 Heavy Sharpening Stone 1x Heavy Stone 80S-1G50S Per 10

125 Heavy Weightstone 1x Heavy Stone, 80S-1G50S 1x Wool Cloth Per 10

200 Solid Sharpening Stone 1x Solid Stone 1-3 Gold Per 10

200 Solid Weightstone 1x Solid Stone, 1-3 Gold 1x Silk Cloth Per 10

250 Dense Sharpening Stone 1x Dense Stone 2-5 Gold Per 10

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Skill Level Sharp/Grind Stone Materials Approximate Value

250 Dense Weightstone 1x Dense Stone, 2-5 Gold 1x Runecloth Per 10

350 Adamantite Sharpening Stone 1x Adamantite Bar, 12-20 Gold 2x Mote of Earth Per 10

350 Adamantite Weightstone 1x Adamantite Bar, 12-20 Gold 2x Netherweave Per 10

Alchemy is a powerful and needed profession as you can produce potions with various
effects, flasks of great power, and transmute materials. Your potions vary from being able to
heal, restore mana, give extra hit points, boost stats, grant invisibility, and much more. The
flasks you produce have huge effects and greatly boost stats and have amazing effects. These
even last through death while potions do not and this quality makes them very valuable
especially in a raid environment. Transmutes were discussed earlier and can make you a lot of
gold if used correctly.

Below, I have listed a chart of the best selling potions, alchemy skill needed, materials
needed to produce the potion, and approximate auction house value:

Skill Level Potion Materials Approximate


1 Minor Healing Potion 1x Peacebloom, 1x Silverleaf, 15-45 Silver .1x Empty Vial Per 5

55 Lesser Healing Potion 1x Minor Healing Potion, 40 Silver-1G 1x Briarthorn Per 5

110 Healing Potion 1x Bruiseweed, 1G-1G30S 1x Briarthorn, 1x Leaded Vial Per 5

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Skill Level Potion Materials Approximate


155 Greater Healing Potion 1x Liferoot, 1x Kingsblood, 1G50S-2G50S 1x Leaded Vial

215 Superior Healing Potion 1x Sungrass, 1x Khadgar’s 3Gold-5Gold Whisker, 1x Crystal Vial Per 5

275 Major Healing Potion 2x Golden Sansam, 5-10 Gold 1x Mountain Silversage, Per 5
1x Crystal Vial

310 Super Healing Potion 2x Netherbloom, 1x Felweed, 12-20 Gold 1x Imbued Vial Per 5

Healing potions are great but mana potions sell just as well. Below I have included a
chart detailing skill required, the item, materials needed, and approximate auction house value:

Skill Level Potion Materials Approximate


25 Minor Mana Potion 1x Mageroyal, 20-50 Silver 1x Silverleaf, Per 5
1x Empty Vial

120 Lesser Mana Potion 1x Mageroyal, 75S-2 Gold 1x Stranglekelp, Per 5
1x Empty Vial

160 Mana Potion 1x Stranglekelp, 1-3 Gold 1x Kingsblood, Per 5
1x Leaded Vial

205 Greater Mana Potion 1x Khadgar’s Whisker, 2-5 Gold 1x Goldthorn Per 5
1x leaded Vial

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Skill Level Potion Materials Approximate


260 Superior Mana Potion 2x Sungrass, 4-9 Gold 2x Blindweed, Per 5
1x Crystal Vial

295 Major Mana Potion 3x Dreamfoil, 7-12 Gold 2x Icecap, Per 5
1x Crystal Vial

340 Super Mana Potion 2x Dreaming Glory, 10-20 Gold 1x Felweed, Per 5
1x Imbued Vial

Leatherworking uses skins and hides taken from creatures killed and then skinned from
a skinner. The specializations are Elemental, Tribal, and Dragonscale each which produce
amazing armor depending on your character and sometimes the player’s talent spec. Elemental
and Tribal are leather armor used either by druids or rogues while Dragonscale is mail armor
frequently used by hunters and shamans. BoP items made from these specializations are great
until you can raid and get better equipment (sometimes).

Leatherworkers can produce armor kits which add extra armor or stats when applied.
Below, I have included a chart detailing the skill needed, the item, materials required, and
approximate auction house value:

Skill Level Armor Kit Materials Approximate


1 Light Armor Kit 1x Light Leather 15-30 Silver Per 4

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Skill Level Armor Kit Materials Approximate


100 Medium Armor Kit 4x Medium Leather, 1-2 Gold 1x Coarse Thread Per 4

150 Heavy Armor Kit 5x Heavy Leather, 3-4 Gold 1x Fine Thread Per 4

200 Thick Armor Kit 5x Thick Leather, 5-7 Gold 1x Silken Thread Per 4

250 Rugged Armor Kit 5x Rugged Leather 8-15 Gold Per 4

300 Core Armor Kit 3x Core Leather, 12-20 Gold 1x Rune Thread Per 4

325 Magister’s Armor Kit 3x Heavy Knothide, 20-25 Gold 1x Primal Mana Per 4

325 Vindicator’s armor kit 3x Heavy Knothide, 20-25 Gold 1x Primal Earth Per 4

340 Arcane Armor Kit 4x Heavy Knothide, 30-45 Gold 4x Primal Mana Per 4

340 Flame Armor Kit 4x Heavy Knothide, 35-50 Gold 4x Primal Water Per 4

340 Frost Armor Kit 4x Heavy Knothide, 40-60 Gold 4x Primal Fire Per 4

340 Knothide Armor Kit 4x Knothide Leather 5-15 Gold Per 4

340 Nature Armor Kit 4x Heavy Knothide, 30-50 Gold 4x Primal Shadow Per 4

340 Shadow Armor Kit 4x Heavy Knothide, 40-60 Gold 4x Primal Life Per 4

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This is the art of magically improving a currently existing item. Producing wands, or
making magic oils; this is enchanting. High level enchantments are often sought after for
improving end-game equipment and are very valuable. Enchanting is a gold mine in it’s own
rite especially if you received your mats through disenchanting. You can easily make 100 gold
from each high level enchant you do this way, plus possibly a tip. This is a very valuable
profession to pick up but an expensive one to level as enchanting mats are rather expensive.
This is an amazing profession if you already have a max level character to fund the leveling of
this skill.

Gadgets, Trinkets, and Bombs oh my! Engineering makes use of a variety of objects and
turns them into ingenious inventions. With engineering you can produce battle ready pets,
goggles, trinkets, gadgets, and even use a couple of teleporters. Gnomish and Goblin
engineering are the specializations within this trade skill. Gnomish engineering is taken
mainly for the trinkets and inventive gadgets it lets you make while Goblin is more for those
with an aptitude for explosives and extra damage potential. Epic goggles ranging from cloth to
plate are able to be made at an engineering of 375 and are very nice depending on what you
are looking for.

Engineers are well known for their bombs, but the problem with most engineering
goods is that only engineers may use them. EZ-Throw Dynamite is an exception to this rule
and when placed on auction usually sells very well.

Item: Ez-Throw Dynamite

Skill Needed: 100
Materials: 4x Coarse Blasting Powder, 1x Wool Cloth
Approximate Value: 1-2 Gold per stack of 20
Recipe: Schematic: EZ-Throw Dynamite
Target: Druid of the Fang (Wailing Caverns, 0.2% drop rate, Normal Mode)

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Defias Pirate (The Deadmines, 0.3% drop rate, Normal Mode)

Item: Ez-Throw Dynamite II

Skill Needed: 200
Materials: 1x Solid Blasting Powder, 2x Mageweave
Approximate Value: 4-6 Gold per stack of 20
Recipe: Schematic: EZ-Throw Dynamite II
Target: Vendor, Blizrik Buckshot (Tanaris, 50 Silver)
Vendor, Wrinkle Goodstell (Tanaris, 50 Silver)

Jewelcrafting has a lot of gold making potential with the ability to make trinkets, cut
gems, and prospect ore. Cut gems give a variety of effects from raising attack power, boosting
stats, and even adding an extra oomph to your spells. Prospecting is discussed in a section
earlier and is a profession all in its own. Jewelcrafter’s can also produce trinkets, ring,
necklaces, and headpieces each of which has a unique effect. A jewelcrafter’s beginning rings
and trinkets can be used by low level players and usually sell well since nothing else is
available yet. As you grow in the art of jewelcrafting try to place blue quality items in the
auction house and high usability greens. Cutting gems for other players will make you a lot of
money at high levels (much like enchanting for an enchanter).

Work your way from a kitchen monger to a five-star chef with cooking and fill your
friend’s stomachs with more than a Conjured Cinnamon Roll! Food produced by a chef in
World of Warcraft has a variety of effects from turning you into a ninja to boosting your stats
all while saving some money from food vendors and helping you recover your health a little
faster. A marvelous feast has utility as well as whetting your appetite.

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You will want to keep your eye out for Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight as a cook. This
dishes holds the power to transform its eater into a pirate or a ninja for an amount of time.
This dish can sell between 2 and 5 gold a serving.

First Aid
First Aid is a great way of reducing downtime by using cloth to make bandages that
when used restores health. Seek out the vendor in Arathi Highlands to get some first aid
training books and place them in the auction house for some profit as not many players
venture out to the zone and purchase them from the vendor.

Here is a list of where to buy first aid manuals:

First Aid Recipe Vendor Vendor Location Price

Expert First Aid – Under Wraps Deneb Walker, Arathi, 1 Gold Ghok’Kah Dustwallow Marsh

Manual – Heavy Silk Bandage Deneb Walker, Arathi, 22 Silver Ghok’Kah Dustwallow Marsh

Manual – Mageweave Bandage Deneb Walker, Arathi, 50 Silver Ghok Kah Dustwallow Marsh

Master First Aid – Doctor in the House Arsella, Burko Hellfire Peninsula 5 Gold

Manual – Netherweave Bandage Arsella, Burko Hellfire Peninsula 2 Gold

Manual – Heavy Netherweave Bandage Arsella, Burko Hellfire Peninsula 4 Gold

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This is the technique of sewing together bolts of cloth with other materials to create
clothing or special spellthread. Spellfire, Mooncloth, and Frozen Shadoweave are the
specializations for tailoring and have BoP items very useful to their respective type of caster. A
single spellthread can sell for around 60 gold and are rather useful to casters as they can work
like armor kits and give a boost to certain spell types.

Tailoring is the only profession that has the ability to produce bags. This skill is
extremely valuable because you only have to farm the mats and make the item and turn a
profit. Higher level bags sell easily for 10 gold each and can roll in some cash. Below is a chart
detailing what levels specific cloths drop and which bags need them as mats.

Cloth Type Mob Type and Level Bags Made with Cloth Type

Linen Cloth Humanoids level 5-18 Linen Bags (6 slot)

Wool Cloth Humanoids level 16-25 Woolen Bags (8 slot)

Silk Cloth Humanoids level 25-40 Silk Bags (10 slot)

Mageweave Humanoids level 43-51 Mageweave Bags (12 slot)

Runecloth Humanoids level 50-60 Runecloth Bags (14 slot)

Netherweave Humanoids level 60-70 Netherweave Bags (16 slot)

Imbued Netherweave Requires Mana Loom, Imbued Netherweave Bags (18 slot) Tailoring Skill

Primal Mooncloth Requires Moonwell, Primal Mooncloth Bags (20 slot)

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Cloth Type Mob Type and Level Bags Made with Cloth Type Tailoring Skill

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Rogues of level 20 can complete a quest from their respective trainer to learn the art of
picking locks. Lockpicking requires a set of thieves tools in order to use and of course a locked
item as your intended target. As you level your lockpicking you can open different doors,
lockboxes, and chests. Players may ask this service from you as a rogue and it is usually a good
idea to ask for tips when opening lockboxes but you should not make it required. Tips are
always appreciated but should not always be expected as there are poor players without this
guide out there. When you are opening a chest for your group make sure to have auto loot
turned off so you do not pick up loot which may not be yours and save yourself from others
being very upset with you. Lockboxes can be received through pickpocketing oozes or
humanoids and also through kills. A lot of rogues usually advertise in trade channel of the
major cities which lockboxes they can open for players and say tips appreciated but not
required. This is a good way of making friends and a solid profit to line your pockets with gold.

Here is a chart for a brief look at lockpicking skill progression:

Lockpicking Skill Where to Raise Skill

1-100 Lockpicking Quest Chests

100-125 Poison Quest Chest

125-175 Wetlands Chests, Poison Quest Chests

175-180 Lockboxes from Ogre’s in Tanaris

180-225 Scarlet Monastery Doors

225-280 Lockboxes, Searing Gorge, Chests

280-300 Blackrock Depths Doors

300-375 Lockboxes, Chests in Outland

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here are items vendors sell that have a limited quantity only refreshed every few

T hours and sometimes days. When browsing a vendors’ inventory always keep an
eye out for any of these. They can be gear, recipes, or even materials or potions.

An Overview And Things To Watch For

Limited supply items are needed supplies that you are not always guaranteed to obtain
through a certain method. Whether it be purchasing from a vendor or killing for a quest there
are many limited items waiting for you to make some profit with them. Light Feather is a
notable one as it is needed by mages’ to cast some of their spells like slow fall and usually sell
between 3-6 gold per stack of 20. Keep in mind after server maintenance there is a window
where all the limited supply items from a specific vendor are back in stock so if there is
something you want to turn a profit off of jump online fast and rush to said vendor.

A strong point on limited supply items is patch release day. Before a new patch is
released keep an eye out on what content is added and what may be needed for attunement or
maybe a change in a profession or class. Stock up on these items as they will be cheaper now
than when the patch or expansion releases. After the said content is released inflation will hit
almost immediately and this is your opportunity to exchange your foresight into gold. Never
underestimate this tactic as it can prove very valuable to the vast amounts of gold it can yield.

With the evolution of World of Warcraft gear has changed and grown with it, this is
very true for class armor or weapon sets. Anytime you pick up gear that is part of a set or for a
specific class and you can not use it, and it is not BoP, there is much profit for your taking.
Keep these items set aside and always try and sell them for as much as possible because they are
rare and valuable to the majority of characters.

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Limited Supply Profession Items

Most limited supply profession items are recipes or materials used for producing items.
Most of these can be found in vendors in main cities or from vendors of specific factions. As
you explore the wilds you may come across wondering or exiled merchants (usually they are
goblins or gnomes) that have these.

Here are some charts with the locations of some limited items:


Target Item Vendor Location Price

Recipe: Elixir of Camouflage Daga Ramba, Leeli Blade’s Edge, Terokar 3 Gold Longhaggle Forrest

Recipe: Elixir of Demonslaying Nina Lightbrew Blasted Lands 90 Silver

Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense Noraani Zangarmarsh 5 Gold

Recipe: Elixir of Major Frost Power Noraani Zangarmarsh 4 Gold

Recipe: Elixir of Superior Defense Kor’Geld, Vosur Orgrimmar, Ironforge 1G 30S Brakthel

Recipe: Fire Protection Potion Jeeda, Nandar Stonetalon, Hillsbrad 15 Silver Branson

Recipe: Free Action Potion Kor’Geld, Vosur Orgrimmar, Ironforge 18 Silver Brakthel

Recipe: Frost Oil Bro’Kin Alterac 25 Silver

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Recipe: Frost Protection Potion Drovnar Strongbrew, Arathi, Stranglethorn 20 Silver Glyx Brewright Vale

Recipe: Great Rage Potion Hagris, Ulthir Orgrimmar, Darkshore 20 Silver

Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion Daga Ramba, Leeli Blade’s Edge, 5 Gold Longhaggle Terokar Forrest

Recipe: Major Healing Potion Evie Whirlbrew Winterspring 1G 50S

Recipe: Major Mana Potion Miranda Breechlock Eastern Plaguelands 36 Silver

Recipe: Nature Protection Potion Bronk, Glyx Feralas, Stranglethorn 20 Silver Brewright Vale

Recipe: Sneaking Potion Fabian Lanzonelli Terokar Forrest 3 Gold

Recipe: Super Mana Potion Daga Ramba, Blade’s Edge, 5 Gold Haalrun Zangarmarsh

Recipe: Superior Mana Potion Ulthir Darkshore 1G 20S

Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Alchemist Pestlezugg Tanaris, Swamp of 80 Silver

Truesilver Sorrows

Recipe: Transmute Primal Might Skreah Shattrath City 8 Gold

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Plans: Adamantite Breastplate K. Lee Smallfry, Zangarmarsh, 6 Gold Loolruna Shattrath City

Plans: Adamantite Rod Aaron Hollman Shattrath City 4 Gold

Plans: Eternium Rod Rohok, Mari Hellfire Peninsula, 12 Gold Stonehand Shadowmoon Valley

Plans: Golden Scale Coif Krinkle Goodsteel, Tanaris 44 Silver Trenton

Plans: Hardened Iron Shortsword Hank the Hammer, Stormwind, Orgrimmar 30 Silver Sumi

Plans: Massive Iron Axe Hemet Nesingwary, Stranglethorn Vale 44 Silver Vharr

Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers Gharash, Harggan Swamp of Sorrows, 60 Silver Hinterlands

Plans: Moonsteel Broadsword Zarena Cromwind Stranglethorn Vale 44 Silver

Plans: Solid Iron Maul Jazzrik, Rigglefuzz Badlands 30 Silver

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Formula: Enchant Chest – Minor Malij Netherstorm 3 Silver


Formula: Enchant Shield – Major Madame Ruby Shattrath City 3 Gold


Formula: Large Prismatic Shard Madame Ruby Shattrath City 3 Gold

Formula: Runed Adamantite Rod Vodesiin, Rungor Hellfire Peninsula, 10 Gold Terokar Forrest

Formula: Runed Eternium Rod Madame Ruby Shattrath City 3 Gold

Formula: Superior Mana Oil Madame Ruby Shattrath City 3 Gold

Formula: Superior Wizard Oil Madame Ruby Shattrath City 3 Gold

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Schematic: Adamantite Rifle Viggz Shinesparked Shattrath City 8 Gold

Schematic: Adamantite Scope Mixie Farshot Hellfire Peninsula 6 Gold

Schematic: Adamantite Shells Wind Trader Lathrai Shattrath City 6 Gold

Schematic: Cogspinner Goggles Mixie Farshot, Hellfire Peninsula 6 Gold Lebowski

Schematic: EZ-Throw Dynamite II Blizrik Buckshot Tanaris 50 Silver

Schematic: Fel Iron Toolbox Wind Trader Lathrai Shattrath City 4 Gold

Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables Super-Seller 680, Desolace, Hillsbrad 20 Silver Zixil

Schematic: Gnomish Universal Gearcutter Ironforge 12 Silver

Remote Coggspinner

Schematic: Truesilver Transformer Mazk Snipeshot Booty Bay 1G 20S

Schematic: Ultra-Spectropic Detection Captured Gnome, Zangarmarsh, 6 Gold

Goggles Lebowski Hellfire Peninsula

Schematic: White Smoke Flare Captured Gnome, Zangarmarsh, 8 Gold Wind Trader Lathrai Shattrath City

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Design: Amulet of the Moon Arred The Exodar 18 Silver

Design: Bold Blood Garnet Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 5 Gold

Design: Bright Blood Garnet Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 5 Gold

Design: Brilliant Golden Draenite Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 4 Gold

Design: Glinting Flame Spessarite Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 6 Gold

Design: Glowing Shadow Draenite Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 4 Gold

Design: Heavy Golden Necklace of Arred The Exodar 15 Silver


Design: Inscribed Flame Spessarite Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 4 Gold

Design: the Jade Eye Arred The Exodar 25 Silver

Design: Solid Azure Moonstone Kalaen Hellfire Peninsula 5 Gold

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Pattern: Black Dragonscale Plugger Spazzrig Blackrock Depths 2G 20S


Pattern: Blue Dragonscale Breastplate Blimo Gadgetspring Azshara 2 Gold

Pattern: Chimeric Gloves Blimo Gadgetspring Azshara 1G 20S

Pattern: Corehound Boots Lokhtos Blackrock Depths 15 Gold Darkbargainer

Pattern: Green Dragonscale Masat T’ander Swamp of Sorrows 1G 20S


Pattern: Living Shoulders Jangdor Swiftstrider, Feralas 1G 40S Pratt McGrubben

Pattern: Molten Helm Lokhtos Blackrock Depths 16 Gold Darkbargainer

Pattern: Shadowskin Gloves Rikqiz Stranglethorn Vale 35 Silver

Pattern: Stormshroud Pants Leonard Porter, Werg Alterac, Tirisfal Glades 1G 60S Thickblade

Pattern: Warbear Woolies Meilosh Felwood 2G 28S

Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets Leonard Porter, Werg Alterac, Tirisfal Glades 1G 20S Thickblade

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Target Item Vendor Location Price

Pattern: Bolt of Soulcloth Borto Nagrand 4 Gold

Pattern: Enchanted Johan Barnes, Dealer Hellfire Peninsula, 60 Silver

Mageweave Pouch Malij Netherstorm

Pattern: Heavy Knothide Leather Cro Threadstrong, Shattrath City, The 5 Gold Haferet Exodar

Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Bag Mathar G’Ocher Nagrand 4 Gold

Pattern: Primal Mooncloth Gidge Spellweaver Shattrath City 4 Gold

Pattern: Shadowcloth Adrion Darkspinner Shattrath City 4 Gold

Pattern: Spellcloth Gidge Spellweaver Shattrath City 4 Gold

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Limited Supply Quest Items

The main things to watch for here are items for raising reputation and items for certain
quests such as Stranglethorn Fever and Green Hills of Stranglethorn.

Here is a chart showing some reputation items you may run across while hunting:

Reputation Items Target Mobs Preferred Location Faction

Mark of Kil’Jaeden Demons, Undead Oshu’Gun, Bone The Aldor Wastes

Mark of Sargeras Shadow Council, Legion Hold, Forge The Aldor Demons, Camps

Fel Armament Shadow Council, Legion Hold, Forge The Aldor Demons, Camps

Unidentified Plant Parts Umbrafen Eel Umbrafen Lake Cenarion Expediation

Coilfang Armament Random Steam Vaults Cenarion Expedition

Oshu’Gun Crystal Fragments Ethereals Oshu’Gun in Consortium Nagrand

Arakkoa Feathers Dreadhawks, Terokar Forrest: Veil Lower City Windrippers, Skith and Veil Reskk
Wing Guards

Firewing Signet Warlocks, Defenders Firewing Point The Scryers

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Reputation Items Target Mobs Preferred Location Faction

Sunfury Signet Knights, Researchers, Mana Forges The Scryers Warders

Arcane Tome Knights, Researchers, Mana Forges The Scryers Warders

Fertile Spore Bats, Marsh Walkers, Zangarmarsh Sporeggar Fen Striders

Glowcap Picked up Between Sporeggar Sporeggar and Zabra’Jin

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The Barrens (levels 14-23)
MAKE THE MOST OF (13 Gold per hour)
IT Map Coordinates: 55,42. 46, 39. 44,22.
Grinding List: Centaurs, Turtles, Raptors

ithin this chapter we will be
Location: For lower level members of the
covering the basics and some
horde try your hand in barrens. Many mobs
more advanced sides of farming.
spawn near the oasis of the area and make
Most of this is for higher level characters as
for great farming with the turtles and
it is much easier to run around the world
humanoids surrounding them. Humanoids
and farm at max level versus anytime before
have a 34% drop rate on their cloth pieces
that point.
and the turtles are great for any skinner to
raise their skill from.

Non-Instance Farming Westfall (levels 15-20) (13 Gold per hour)
It’s time to trek the globe in search of Map Coordinates: 43,69.
treasure and glory as we move on to farming Grinding List: Defias Pillagers, Defias
the overworld. This includes hunting Looters, Carrion Birds
specific groups of mobs and slaying them for Location: For lower level alliance
their loot so that you can turn your time characters Moonbrook located in south-
played into gold for whatever your heart western Westfall is wonderful to farm as
desires. Keep in mind that the listed cloth drops a lot and so does some silver.
Coordinates are for that specific zone. These mobs of Defias casters and looters are
easy kills around levels 20 so you should be
able to easily harvest their cloth pieces and
turn it into gold. The cloth drop rate here is
about 40% and humanoids always drop some
silver which makes this a prime location to
farm/grind for lower levels. There is also a

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healthy stock of Carrion Birds in the Stranglethorn Vale (levels 30-45)

graveyard beside Moonbrook which drop (45 Gold per hour)
Light Feathers at a 20% rate, since mage’s
need these items for some of their spells they Map Coordinates: 42, 35. 32, 69.
sell between 5-20 Gold per stack of 20. Grinding List: Mistvale Gorillas,
Skullsplitter Trolls
Wetlands (levels 23-32), Badlands (levels Epic /Expected Drops:
40-50) (40 Gold per hour) Staff of Jordan Dazzling Longsword
Map Coordinates: Westlands; 68,45.
Badlands; 80, 52. Mageweave
Grinding List: Crimson and Flamesnorting
Whelps (Wetlands), Black Whelps Location: For Moderate level characters
(Badlands) Stranglethorn Vale is the place to be as there
Location: Whelps are always a solid target are a couple of epics that drop here and will
for any daring adventurer. There are, easily sell for 100 gold each or more. The
notably, a couple of location that drops their Skullspliter troll tribe and the Mistvale
Whelpling counterparts, a small pet that Gorillas here should be your target so make
follows you around. At level 24 you can start sure you are at least level 40 or have a
farming the crimson and Flamesnorting partner to group with for hunting. Staffs of
whelps located in wetlands near Dun Modr. Jordan and Dazzling Longsword each have
At later levels you can farm the scalding about a 0.5% drop rate and these groups of
whelps located in badlands. Each of the mobs also drop a host of blues from time to
whelplings they drop average for selling time. Other items of interest here are the
around 100 gold and they are all skinable. cloth from the humanoids and the gorilla
Whelpling drop rates are roughly 2% each fangs from the mistvales. Cloth is always a
from both types of whelps. These dragonkin good farming target as it is always needed
also drop money and are easy kills for and the fangs are needed for the
anyone looking to grind/farm. Stranglethorn fever quest and sell well to
people looking to complete it.

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Felwood (levels 52-60) (50 Gold per hour) should find it quite peaceful, but the enemies are closely packed and adds can be a
Map Coordinates: 40, 80. problem. Boots of Avoidance have a 0.3%
Grinding List: Furbolg Tribes other than drop rate here, but selling for 200 Gold they
Timbermaw are definitely worth your time. There is also
Reputation Target: Timbermaw Hold a healthy host of green items and a good
Expected Drops: Runecloth variety of vendor trash here making this a good place to grind and farm at the same
Location: One of your first late level time.
experiences with reputation farming will be
in Felwood with Timbermaw Hold. Hunt Tanaris (levels 46-50) (60 Gold per hour):
down the other Furbolg tribes in the area and Map Coordinates: 40, 54. 46, 64. 40, 72.
complete the quests from Timbermaw in the Grinding List: Dunemaul Ogres
northern section of the zone as they become Expected Drops: Mageweave
available. This reputation will need to be
raised to gain easy entrance into Location: Southmoon Ruins, Eastmoon
Winterspring and Moonglade. Also in Ruins, and Dunemaul Compound are all
Felwood are Angerclaw Maulers, these amazing spots to find and hunt Dunemaul
respawn fairly quick and you should have no Ogres. These ogres are easy kills but provide
trouble mowing down groups of them for a good mix of caster and melee opponents,
some quick cash and cloth (33% drop rate). make sure to keep an eye out for any adds.
Every second to third kill you should have at
Feralas (levels 44-50) (60 Gold per Hour) least three Mageweave cloth drop, this high drop rate allows the cloth to stack very fast
Map Coordinates: 70, 62. so make sure your bags will have enough
Grinding List: Bears, Wolves room. If you are on a PvP server also keep an
Epic Drops: Boots of Avoidance eye out for members of the opposite faction as these places are well known for grinding
Location: Near the Writhing Deep, Below experience within this level bracket.
the Woodpaw Gnoll camps you will find a lot
of bears and wolves roaming around. Not
many people farm or grind here so you

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Winterspring (levels 55-60) Map Coordinates: 51, 42.

(75 Gold per hour) Grinding List: Wailing Highbourne Quests Needed: The Ruins of Kel’Thril
Map Coordinates: 67, 41.
Grinding List: Yetis Location: Wailing Highbourne are
Expected Drops: Stockade Pauldrons another mob for hunting. There is a quest in Everlook (
Location: Winterspring is a snowy you can pick up to gather things from the
playground for those of higher strength, full Ruins of Kel’Thril, when you use your pick to
of adventure and a couple of solid places to mine the quest item a couple of mobs
farm. There is a yeti cave above Everlook in automatically agro on you. Simply do not
Winterspring, you will notice it from the pick up the quest items after mining and
road heading left from Everlook, yetis are keep killing the Highbourne here in rapid
everywhere. There is a 3% drop rate for blue succession. They drop a lot of runecloth and
items and even some epics such as Stockade a healthy selection of greens and blues.
Pauldrons (1% drop rate on epics). These Paladins will have a blast going up against
yetis are also nice for a skinner and have a the undead here and should tear through this
solid profit margin for using your time to area very fast, all others should just act like
hunt them down. For herbalists, a Black they are fighting humanoids and enjoy
Lotus spawns outside of the yeti cave quite themselves on this fast re-spawn rate and
often, more so than other places. All classes easy kills.
should find this area quite fun but classes
like warlocks and hunters will be able to kill Map Coordinates: 49, 10.
faster and more efficiently, thus getting the Reputation Target: Wintersaber Trainers
better side of any drops in this area.
Location: There is a special Frostsaber
mount players of the alliance can obtain in
Winterspring. Rivern Frostwind is the
vendor you will purchase this mount from
but you have to be exalted with him before
you may purchase it. Becoming exalted with

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the Wintersaber Trainers faction requires a easily making around 100 gold or more per
lot of work and you must be level 58 before hour. The formula itself has about a 1% drop
you can even attempt the faction quests. rate so make sure to keep your eyes open
Humans will have a much easier time with while hunting. Runecloth also has a 40%
this quest because of their 10% reputation drop rate here and the blue items average out
boost, raising your faction can take at a 4% drop rate.
anywhere from one week to a month so be
prepared to put some time in for this one of a Class Advantages: Rogues will have an
kind mount. The following link is a great easy time here as will almost any other class
resource for those looking into this faction, as this area is very general with a mix of melee and caster enemies.

Western Plaguelands (levels 60-70) Eastern Plaguelands (levels 60-70) (80 Gold
(95 Gold per hour) per hour) Map Coordinates: 83, 82.
Map Coordinates: 44, 17. Grinding List: Members of the Scarlet
Grinding List: Members of the Scarlet Crusade
Crusade Location: For high level characters Tyr’s
Expected Drops: Hand is a hovel of Scarlet Crusade members
Formula: Enchant Weapon-Crusader awaiting their doom. These fanatics are convinced that everything not wearing a
Runecloth tabard of the scarlet crusade is an undead and needs to be slaughtered. Not only can
Location: The Formula: Enchant Weapon- farming this place make you feel like you are
Crusader is one of the most sought after further protecting the general populace of
recipes in World of Warcraft. There is only your faction but it can yield a good haul of
once place this can be found and that is blue items and sometimes even epics for your
hunting the mobs in Hearthglen located in selling pleasure. Re-spawn timers here are
WPL. The enemies here are much like Tyr’s fairly low and this is somewhat of a large
Hand and also drop a healthy stock of green area located in Eastern Plaguelands south-
and blue items. Within a few hours you eastern corner so you should stay busy
could have the formula and a lot of other loot almost the whole time you are in this area.

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Expected Drops: Mote of Earth

Class Advantages: Rogues and
Paladins will be able to tear this area to Mote of Fire
pieces, Warriors need to be careful of the
abundant caster population here, Hunters Mote of Water
and Warlocks should make strategic use of
their pets as this area can have a lot of adds, Mote of Air
all other classes should have a fair time here
but not the easiest just make sure to watch Location: The greatest place to farm motes
your back for any additional mobs that may is on the Elemental Plateau which you need a
run your way or re-spawns. flying mount to reach. Elemental Plateau is
located in north-eastern Nagrand and the
elementals here drop a mote almost every
third kill and sometimes more often. The
Welcome to Outland, a place of nice thing is elementals of nearly every type
wonders and beauty, a place infested with spawn here thus adding to the places profit
demons, and an adventure waiting for the potential. Simply run around and slay as
taking. Farming here is relatively easy as many elementals as possible. The re-spawn
greens are not hard drops to come by and timers are not too long and so it should
you can farm motes which turn into a primal keeping you running around this place
once you have 10 of the same type. We will without much time where there is nothing to
mainly be discussing mote farming since it is kill. Wait until you have 10 motes and
heavily done and the primal are needed by right-click them to turn your small stack into
all high level production professions. a primal of its type then place it in the
auction house or use it, its that simple!
Elemental Plateau (level 70, requires flying Farming here may be a little difficult for
mount) (250 Gold per hour) rogue’s but is easy as a mage, warlock, and even a hunter. Rogue’s have their own
Map Coordinates: 67, 22. special trick when they obtain a flying mount
Grinding List: Earth, Fire, Water and Wind and it is detailed in the Outland instance
Elementals farming section. All other classes should be

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able to farm this area fairly well and if you

have abilities useful against certain elements Primal Earth:
make sure to use them accordingly to Map Coordinates:
maximize your effectiveness. Nagrand; 35, 69.
Shadowmoon Valley; 48, 33.
Optional Areas for Farming Primals (level Grinding List: Shattered Rumblers, Enraged
70) (200 Gold per hour): Earth Spirits
The Elemental Plateau located in Nagrand Expected Drops: Mote of Earth
is the most well known area for farming your
primals to bring in gold but there are a few Location: Mote of Earth
more locations worth mentioning. All of the ( can drop
following areas may be difficult for a rogue from any enemy that looks like a pile of rocks
but other classes should not have much (earth elemental), that also includes from
trouble at all. mining veins and deposits in Outland. There
is almost a 40% drop rate for miners
Primal Air: pursuing this mote. Nagrand has a healthy
Map Coordinates: 62, 58. stock of veins and Shattered Rumblers which
Grinding List: Enraged Air Spirits drop this mote at a 31% rate. Shattered
Expected Drops: Mote of Air Rumblers may be found in the area surrounding Oshu’Gun and make easy kills
Location: Any mob that looks like a for most classes (rogues may have trouble
cyclone in Outland has a good chance of with elementals…). Shadowmoon Valley is
dropping a mote of air, keep this in mind once again another area deserving of our
while hunting. Shadowmoon Valley is a attention with its stock of Enraged Earth
great place to find Mote of Air Spirits located at the Hand of Gul’Dan.
( these Enraged earth spirits drop a green item
motes drop from Enraged Air Spirits located usually 16% of the time and motes at about a
southeast with the Netherwing Fields area. 27% rate. Happy hunting!
Another good place to find Enraged Air Spirit
spawns is also north of the Altar of Shatar.
Mote of Air has a 34% drop rate from this
type of mob.

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Primal Fire: Primal Life:

Map Coordinates: Balde’s Edge; 71, 22. Map Coordinates: Zangarmarsh; 80, 48.
Shadowmoon Valley; 51, 35. Terokar Forrest; 27, 53 – 28, 65 – 50, 53.
Grinding List: Vile Fire Souls, Searing Grinding List: Withered Bog Lords,
Elementals Infested Root-Walkers
Expected Drops: Mote of Fire Expected Drop: Mote of Life
Location: Primal Fire is a much needed Location: Withered Bog Lords are located
item and usually sells for about 40 gold each. in the Dead Mire within Zangarmarsh.
Mote of Withered Bog Lords have a 36% drop rate on
Fire( is in Mote of Life and are around levels 61-63,
healthy stock with the Elemental Plateau but they are tightly clustered and are fairly easy
any fire type elemental in Outland has the kills. This area usually does not have a lot of
possibility of dropping these, generally with a other players in it, coupled with the high
23% drop rate. Vile Fire Souls are a prime drop rate, this is a prime spot for you to farm.
target for hunting when seeking Motes of Infested root-walkers can be found along the
Fire. Vile Fire Souls are located within forest edges of The Bone Wastes inside the
Blade’s Edge Mountains near Forge Camp Terokar Forest zone. Infested root-walkers
Terror. Searing Elementals also located in have a 24% drop rate for Mote of Life and
Blade’s Edge Mountains spawn at Skald and are around level 62-65. If you happen to
are easier kills than the Vile Fire Souls find competition with others in the Dead
because other enemies are not packed so Mire hunt the Infested root-walkers. You
close by. If you are still hanging around will have to travel a little further to hunt
Shadowmoon Valley make sure to check out each mob but it makes up for the time you
the Enraged Fire Spirits located at the Hand would be spending fighting over spawns
of Gul’Dan. Hand of Gul’Dan in with others in the Dead Mire.
Shadowmoon Valley is a prime target for
farmers because of the variety of mobs and
the ease with which they are slain, if you
didn’t notice already.

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Primal Mana: Primal Shadow:

Map Coordinates: 33, 69 – 38, 65; 56, Map Coordinates: Hellfire; 39, 32.
87. Netherstorm; 51, 22.
Grinding List: Mana Wraiths, Mageslayers, Grinding List: Terrorfiends, Hound of
Mana Seekers Culuthas
Expected Drop: Mote of Mana Expected Drop: Mote of Shadow
Location: Mana Wraiths are between level Location: Terrorfiends are located at the
67 and 68, they can be found around Area Pools of Aggonar within Hellfire Peninsula.
52 located within Netherstorm. The drop They have a 35% drop rate for Mote of
rate for Mote of Mana from the Mana Shadow and are arouns levels 60 and 62,
Wraiths is 35%. Be wary when fighting making this an easy hunt. When farming at
Mana Wraiths as they are immune to ALL the Pools of Aggonar, be careful, this area is
arcane effects. Other than their immunity to heavily inhabited by Slimes and Terrorfiends
the arcane they tend to be easy kills. so additional enemies jumping into your
Mageslayers and Mana Seekers can be found battle could easily happen. Hound of
wondering Wizard’s Row in Netherstorm. Culuthas is a much higher level mob located
Mageslayers have a 35% drop rate for Mote in the Ruins of Farahlon within Netherstorm.
of mana and Mana Seekers also have a 35% Hound of Culuthas has a 51% drop rate on
drop rate. Not many other players roam Mote of Shadow and is around level 68. If
around this spot in Netherstorm so it may be you are level 70 feel free to hunt the hounds
easier than farming Mana Wraiths. Going to your hearts content and fill your bags with
between these two areas you could easily Primal Shadow.
farm 5 or 6 Primal Mana within an hour.

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Primal Water: Blade’s Edge (levels 65-70)

Map Coordinates: Terokar Forrest; 39, 10. (110 Gold per hour)
Nagrand; 44, 46.
Grinding List: Muck Spawns, Skettis Map Coordinates: 44, 75. 41, 52.
Surgers Grinding List: Ogres
Expected Drop: Mote of Water Expected Drops: Netherweave
Location: Mote of Water Location: Ogres in Blade’s Edge are easy
( is dropped kills with a max level character and drop a
by any water elemental mobs located in piece or more of cloth almost every third kill
Outland and can also become yours while and you will see the stacks and thus the gold
fishing (though at a low drop rate of about add up quick.
25%). Mining around the coastline of a lake Class Advantage: This technique is a little
in Outland may also yield Mote of Water at a easier for melee classes than the Elemental
30% drop rate if you happen to be a miner. Plateau can be. Melee classes will find solace
Silmyr Lake located in Terokar Forrest is a in Blade’s Edge more easily with the almost
great place to put both of these professions to zero population of casters and weak melee
use. At Silmyr Lake there is also a mob enemies.
named Shimmerscale Eel that drop this mote
at a 23% rate, they are easy kills especially Manaforges (level 70) (110 Gold per hour):
for a high level character. At the lake
surrounding Halaa you will find Muck Map Coordinates: 23, 73. 49, 85. 59, 68.
Spawns which have a 24% drop rate for Grinding List: Blood Elves
mote of water, with the slaying of these mobs Expected Drops: Sunfury Signet
and fishing you will have a lot of primals at a
fast rate. Skettis Surgers roaming around Arcane Tome
Blakwind Lake located in Terokar Forest also
make great hunting for a farmer, they have a
45% drop rate for mote of water. Feel free to
check these venues out when adventuring in
Outland and line your pockets with gold!

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Location: The Blood Elves at the Netherweave Cloth. Paladins will find
manaforges located within Netherstorm are farming in Nagrand much easier than most
relatively easy kills and drop a Sunfury other classes because of their efficient
Signet about every fourth kill. These signets playstyle and effectiveness when fighting
sell anywhere from 2-5 gold a piece, they demons.
also drop Arcane Tome at about a 10% rate Class Advantages: Rogues and hunters
and these sell for close to 20 gold. should enjoy the hunting of Clefthoof and
Class Advantages: Paladins, rogues, and the massive ogre population while other
mages will find an easy time within the classes will find this zone has a nice balance
Manaforges hunting down Blood Elves. for them with just a moderate level of
Nagrand (levels 68-70) (160 Gold per hour) Shadowmoon Valley (levels 66-70)
Map Coordinates: 40, 70. (130 Gold per hour)
Grinding List: Clefthoof, Ethereals,
Demons Map Coordinates: 24, 36. 39, 51.
Expected Drops: Netherweave Grinding List: Demons, Hellboars Expected Drops: Mark of Sargeras
Mark of Kil’Jaeden Fel Armament
Location: Nagrand is also a well known
farming location and is easily the most scenic Location: When your reputation rises and
area of Outland. This is a great location for you are in need of items to reach those
skinners with its healthy spawn of Clefthoof higher levels of respect among the Aldor you
and also for those looking to raise Aldor will need Mark of Sargeras (25% drop rate)
reputation. Oshu’Gun is where you should and Fel armament (15% drop rate). These
go if you want some quick kills and solid loot can be found amongst Outlands Forge Camps
potential. Around Oshu’Gun there are and places with higher ranking servants of
etherals that are fairly easy kills if you are at the demons such as Legion Hold in
their level or higher and within it there are Shadowmoon Valley. Within Legion Hold
demons which drop Mark of Kil’Jaeden at you will find many members of the Shadow
about a 30% rate along with pieces of Council and their demon counterparts.

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When taking down Forge Camps keep in home of Terocone which can easily sell for
mind their construction as these places can 20 gold per stack of 20. Fill your herb
be rather difficult, just find one you enjoy pouch, grab some skins, and take a new pet
hunting in and have fun. Hellboars are also for a ride and turn this zone into gold.
a healthy stock in this zone for any skinners
looking to gain some leather for their Map Coordinates: 70, 37.
troubles. All classes can easily find a niche in Grinding List: Blood Elves (Firewing Clan)
this zone, but be wary when hunting within Expected Drops: Firewing Signet
a forge camp as mobs are tightly packed,
which could lead to your quick death. Arcane Tome
Class Advantages: Paladins will find forge
camps much easier because they are usually Location: Firewing Point is located in the
infested with demons. Northeast section of Terokkar Forest and is a
great place to farm for scryer reputation.
Terokar Forrest (levels 65-70) The enemeies here drop Firewing signet at a
(140 Gold per hour) 30% drop rate and arcane tome at about a 6% drop rate. These items are used for
Map Coordinates: 58, 41. Scryer reputation boosts. The enemies within
Grinding List: Warp Stalkers, Basilisks, Firewing Point are easily slain but are also
Wolves closely clustered so be careful when you pull.
Location: Terokar Forrest is lush and the The Firewing Warlocks will attempt to run
zone home to the neutral city of Shattrath, a when near death but the Bloodwarders and
refuge for citizens of demon infested Defenders will stand their ground. If you use
Outland. Exploring this forest you will see caution when farming here you should be
plenty of skinnable creatures (mostly safe. Also keep a careful eye out for other
basilisks and wolves) that are fun to hunt players as this place is used in a couple of
while wondering around. If you are a hunter quests for the Alliance.
seeking a Warp Stalker for a pet there are
plenty here to choose from, these pets are Map Coordinates: 47, 59. 52, 70.
unique and have the ability to blink (like the Grinding List: Undead, Skettis
mage spell). Also herbalists will enjoy
themselves in the lush wilds of Terokar, the

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Location: Within Terokar Forrest there is a

section called the Bone Wastes, formerly New Darkmoon Faire Card
home the city of Draenei city of Auchindoun.
In the northern and north-western section of
this area you will find more of Kil’Jaeden’s The following items are one’s that can
minions waiting to be hunted down for the make you a lot of gold. They are very rare
Mark of Kil’Jaden (30% drop rate) they carry drops and can be a farming target if you
and their cloth pieces of Netherweave (35% have a lot of time to spend hunting them
drop rate) and Runecloth (20% drop rate). down. They will not net you the gold per
Items that raise faction sell quite well in the hour that other techniques will but the
auction house and almost any place with a following section gives you insight where to
good drop rate for them is a prime location find these cards. Either to sell them or for
for your farming pleasure. The Bone Wastes your own use.
are mostly infested with undead which
makes this a paladins playground. DPS Blessings Set
classes will also find these easy kills Reward:
especially if they are at level 70. Warriors Darkmoon Card: Crusade
should not find too much trouble besides Bind on Pickup
needing to bandage about every third kill Unique-Trinket
and priests can cut that downtime with being Requires Level 70
able to heal themselves and just needing to Equip: Each time you deal melee damage
drink and restore mana. to an opponent you gain 6 attack power for
the next 10 seconds stacking up to 20 times.
Each time you land a harmful spell on an
opponent you gain 8 spell damage for the
next 10 seconds stacking up to 10 times.

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Blessings Deck Set Pieces: Target: Skettis Talonite (Terokar Forest,

Ace of Blessings 0.2% drop rate, World Drop) Skettis Wing Guard (Terokar Forest, 0.2%
Auction house value: 200-300 Gold drop rate, World Drop)
The Ace of Blessings drops from bosses in
select high-end instances located within Four of Blessings
Outland. Heroic dungeons have a much
higher drop rate but are also much more Auction House Value: 60-80 Gold
difficult. Four of Blessings is a world/instance drop
Target: Aeonus (Black Morass, 0.2% drop that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop
rate, Normal Difficulty). it.
Warlord Kalithresh (Steamvaults, 0.4% Target: Skettis Soulcaller (Terokar Forest,
drop rate, Heroic Difficulty) 0.2% drop rate, World Drop)
Warmaul Shaman (Nagrand, 0.1% drop
Two of Blessings rate, World Drop)
Auction House Value: 50-70 Gold Five of Blessings
Two of Blessings is a world/instance drop
and has a healthy list of mobs that may drop Auction House Value: 100-150 Gold
it. Five of Blessings is a world/instance drop
Target: Skettis Wing Guard (Terokar that has a small list of mobs that may dropt it
Forest, 0.2% drop rate, World Drop) and a lesser drop rate than some other card,
Furnace Guard (Blade’s Edge Mountains, making it more valuable.
0.2% drop rate, World Drop) Target: Phantom Guest (Karazahan, 0.1%
drop rate, Raid Dungeon)
Three of Blessings Phasing Sorcerer (Auchenai Crypts, 0.4% drop rate, Heroic Difficulty)
Auction House Value: 50-70 Gold
Three of Blessings is a world/instance drop
that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop

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Six of Blessings Target: Cabal Ritualist (Shadow Labyrinth, 0.3% drop rate, Normal Mode)
Auction House Value: 150-200 Gold Mekgineer Steamrigger (Steamvaults, 1.8%
Six of blessings drops mostly within higher drop rate, Heroic Mode)
level Outland instances, mostly from bosses
which makes this card more valuable than Furies Set
cards two through five. Reward:
Target: Shattered Hand Assassin (The Darkmoon Card: Vengeance
Shattered Halls, 0.1% drop rate, Normal Bind on Pickup
Mode) Unique-Trinket
Mechanar Driller (The Mechanar, 0.1% Requires Level 70
drop rate, Heroic Difficulty) +51 Stamina
Equip: You have a 10% chance when hit
Seven of Blessings by an attack or harmful spell to deal 95 to 115 holy damage to your attacker.
Auction House Value: 150-200 Gold
Seven of Blessings drops mostly within Furies Deck Set Pieces:
higher level Outland instances, mostly from Ace of Furies
bosses which makes this card more valuable
than cards two through five. Auction House Value: 200-300 Gold
Target: Mekgineer Steamrigger Ace of Furies drops from bosses in select
(Steamvaults, 0.2% drop rate, Normal Mode) high-end instances located within Outland.
Rift Lord (Black Morass, 0.1% drop rate, Heroic dungeons have a much higher drop
Normal Mode) rate but are also much more difficult.
Target: Kargath Bladefist (The Shattered
Eight of Blessings Halls, 0.3% drop rate, Normal Mode) Pathaelon the Calculator (The Mechanar,
Auction House Value: 150-200 Gold 0.4% drop rate, Heroic Mode)
Eight of Blessings drops mostly within
higher level Outland instances, mostly from
bosses which makes this card more valuable
than cards two through five.

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Two of Furies Five of Furies
Auction House Value: 20-50 Gold Auction House Value: 30-60 Gold
Two of Furies is a world/instance drop Five of Furies is a world/instance drop that
with a healthy list of mobs that may drop it. has a healthy list of mobs that may drop it.
Target: Skettis Reaver (Terokar Forest, Target:
0.1% drop rate, World Drop) Shadowsworn Drakonid (Shadowmoon
Warmaul Brute (Nagrand, 0.1% drop rate, Valley, 0.2% drop rate, World Drop)
World Drop) Sethekk Prophet (Sethekk Halls, 0.1% drop
rate, Normal Mode)
Three of Furies Six of Furies
Auction House Value: 30-60 Gold
Three of Furies is a world/instance drop Auction House Value: 130-200 Gold
that has a healthy list of mobs whom may Six of Furies is an instance drop which
drop it. makes it worth more than Furies cards two
Target: Zaxxis Raider (Netherstorm, 0.1% through five.
drop rate, World Drop) Target: Shattered Hand Champion (The
Gordunni Back-Breaker (Terokar Forest, Shattered Halls, 0.1% drop rate, Normal
0.1% drop rate, World Drop) Mode)
Cabal Cultist (Shadow Labyrinth, 0.1%
Four of Furies drop rate, Normal Mode)
Auction House Value: 30-60 Gold
Four of Furies is a world/instance drop
with a healthy list of mobs that may drop it.
Crazed Murkblood Miner (Shadowmoon
Valley, 0.1% drop rate, World Drop)
Shadowmoon Slayer (Shadowmoon Valley,
0.1% drop rate, World Drop)

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Seven of Furies Lunacy Set Reward:
Auction House Value: 140-200 Gold Darkmoon Card: Madness
Seven of Furies is an instance drop which Bind on Pickup
makes it worth more than furies cards two Unique-Trinket
through five. Requires level 70
Target: +51 Stamina
Cabal Executioner (Shadow Labyrinth, Equip: Each time you land a killing blow
0.1% drop rate, Normal Mode) on an opponent you gain the power of
Arcatraz Defender (The Arcatraz, 1.5% Madness.
drop rate, Heroic Mode)
The Madness buff changes according to
Eight of Furies your class and each buff lasts for 30 seconds. Below is a list of the class-specific effects of
Auction House Value: 140-200 Gold gaining Madness.
Eight of Furies is an instance drop which Delusional: +70 attack power (Druid,
makes it worth more than furies cards two Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior)
through five. Dementia: Every 5 seconds either gives you
Target: Shattered Hand Centurion (The +5% or -5% damage/healing. (Druid, Mage,
Shattered Halls, 0.1% drop rate, Normal Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Warlock)
Mode) Kleptomania: +35 agility (Druid, Hunter,
Shadowmoon Darkcaster (The Shattered Paladin, Rogue, Warrior)
Halls, 0.3% drop rate, Heroic Mode) Manic: +35 Haste Rating (spell, melee and
ranged) (All Classes)
Martyr Complex: +35 stamina (All Classes)
Megalomania: +41 damage/healing
(Druid, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Shaman,
Narcissism: +35 Intellect (Druid, Hunter,
Mage, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Warlock)
Paranoia: +35 spell/melee/ranged critical
strike rating (All Classes)

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Sociopath: +35 Strength (Druid, Paladin, Three of Lunacy

Rogue, Warrior)
Lunacy Deck Set Pieces: Auction House Value: 40-60 Gold
Three of Lunacy is a world/instance drop
Ace of Lunacy that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop it.
Auction House Value: 170-230 Gold Target: Demon Hunter Initiate
Ace of Lunacy drops from bosses in select (Shadowmoon Valley, 0.1% drop rate, World
high-end instance located within Outland. Drop)
Heroic dungeons have a much higher drop Skettis Wing Guard (Terokar Forest, 0.1%
rate but are very difficult. drop rate, World Drop)
Target: Nexus-Prince Shaffar (Mana
Tombs, 7.3% drop rate, Heroic Mode) Four of Lunacy
Warlord Kalithresh (The Steamvault, 2.3%
drop rate, Heroic Mode) Auction House Value: 40-60 Gold
Four of Lunacy is a world/instance drop
Two of Lunacy that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop it.
Auction House Value: 30-60 Gold Target: Nethermine Flayer (Shadowmoon
Two of Lunacy is a world/instance drop Valley, 0.1% drop rate, World Drop)
that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop Warmaul Reaver (Nagrand, 0.1% drop
it. rate, World Drop)
Dragonmaw Transporter (Shadowmoon Five of Lunacy
Valley, 0.1% drop rate, World Drop)
Skettis Wing Guard (Terokar Forest, 0.1% Auction House Value: 40-60 Gold
drop rate, World Drop) Five of Lunacy is a world/instance drop
that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop
Target: Phantom Guest (Karazahan, 0.1%
drop rate, Raid)

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Shattered Hand Brawler (The Shattered Sethekk Guard (Sethekk Halls, 0.3% drop
Halls, 0.2% drop rate, Normal Mode) rate, Heroic Mode)
Six of Lunacy Storms Set Reward:
Auction House Value: 120-200 Gold Darkmoon Card: Wrath
Six of Lunacy is an instance drop which Bind on Pickup
makes it more valuable than cards two Unique-Trinket
through five of the Lunacy set. Requires Level 70
Target: Cabal Acolyte (Shadow Labyrinth, Equip: Each time one of your direct
0.1% drop rate, Normal Mode) damage skills does not critically strike you
Shattered Hand Reaver (The Shattered gain 17 critical strike rating and 17 spell
Halls, 0.3% drop rate, Heroic Mode) critical strike rating for the next 10 seconds,
this effect is consumed upon landing a
Seven of Lunacy critical strike.
Auction House Value: 150-220 Gold Storms Deck Set Pieces:
Seven of Lunacy is an instance drop which
makes it more valuable than cards two Ace of Storms
through five of the Lunacy set.
Target: Cabal Ritualist (Shadow Labyrinth, Auction House Value: 170-230 Gold
0.2% drop rate, Normal Mode) Ace of Storms is a card that drops from
Sunseeker Astromage (The Mechanar, select high-end instances located within
0.1% drop rate, Heroic Mode) Outland. Heroic dungeons have a much
higher drop rate but the difficulty is not for
Eight of Lunacy the meek. Target: Quigmirren (The Slave Pens,
Auction House Value: 150-220 Gold 10.00% drop rate, Heroic Mode)
Eight of Lunacy is an instance drop which Warlord Kalithresh (The Steamvault,
makes it worth more than cards two through 10.00% drop rate, Heroic Mode)
five of the Lunacy set.
Target: Ethereal Spellfilcher (Karazahan,
0.1% drop rate, Raid)

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Two of Storms Zaxxis Raider (Netherstorm, 0.1% drop rate, World Drop)
Auction House Value: 40-60 Gold
Two of Storms is a world/instance drop Five of Storms
that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop
it. Auction House Value: 50-80 Gold
Target: Talonpriest Skizzik (Terokar Five of Storms is a world/instance drop
Forest, 0.2% drop rate, World Drop) that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop
Gordunni Head-Splitter (Terokar Forest, it.
0.1% drop rate, World Drop) Target: Cabal Cultist (Shadow Labyrinth,
0.1% drop rate, Normal Mode)
Three of Storms Cabal Fanatic (Shadow Labyrinth, 0.1% drop rate, Normal Mode)
Auction House Value: 40-60 Gold
Three of Storms is a world/instance drop Six of Storms
that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop
it. Auction House Value: 160-200 Gold
Target: Unliving Resident (Deadwind Pass, Six of Storms is an instance drop which
0.1% drop rate, World Drop) makes it more valuable than card two
Boulderfist Warrior (Nagrand, 0.1% drop through five of the Storms set.
rate, World Drop) Target: Cabal Acolyte (Shadow Labyrinth,
0.1% drop rate, Normal Mode)
Four of Storms Mechanar Driller (The Mechanar, 0.2% drop rate, Heroic Mode)
Auction House Value: 40-60 Gold
Four of Storms is a world/instance drop Seven of Storms
that has a healthy list of mobs that may drop
it. Auction House Value: 160-200 Gold
Target: Seven of Storms is an instance drop which
Mo’Arg Weaponsmith (Shadowmoon makes it more valuable than cards two
Valley, 0.1% drop rate, World Drop) through five of the Storms set.

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Target: Cabal Zealot (Shadow Labyrinth,

0.1% drop rate, Normal Mode)
Shattered Hand Houndmaster (The
Shattered Halls, 0.7% drop rate, Heroic

Eight of Storms
Auction House Value: 160-200 Gold
Eight of Storms is an instance drop which
makes it more valuable than cards two
through five of the Storms set.
Target: Cabal Cultist (Shadow Labyrinth,
0.2% drop rate, Normal Mode)

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Instance Farming
Many things are accomplished through farming instances and the most important one
with the advancements of the Burning Crusade expansion is reputation farming. Rep farming
is needed by many new factions for some wondrous items and gear as well as some
attunements for instances pertaining to that faction. While rep farming may be a major part
there is still a great deal of good lot so grab a group and get ready to slay some bosses.

Azeroth has existed for many centuries and fallen age-old societies are ready for your
looting pleasure, Dire Maul being one of great interest.

Deadmines (levels 16-22), Ragefire Chasm (levels 12-22) (20 Gold per hour)
Target Items: Boss Loot and anything else that drops (Greed Run)
Location: Deadmines and Ragefire Chasm are usually farmed by alliance or horde
characters at least level 40. At 40 a character can solo these instances and take all loot for their
own to either auction off or disenchant for great profit. In each of these instances there are a
couple of BoE blue items, but sadly they only have about a 1% rate in dropping, but could be
sold for 15 gold or more!

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Scarlet Monastery (levels 33-40) (60 Gold per hour)
Target Items: Chain of the Scarlet Crusade Armor Set
Location: Scarlet Monastery is another place of interest as it can be fairly easy to solo at
level 60 and above. In Scarlet Monastery’s graveyard there is always a chest that spawns in the
torture chamber and this is a great target for higher level rogues. Other can simply progress
through the different areas of Scarlet Monastery and rack up the gold from the cloth and items
which drop from its mobs inside. When farming Scarlet Monastery make sure to keep an eye
out for the armor set “Chain of the Scarlet Crusade”, below is a detailed chart to let you know
where the armor pieces drop and their rate. Not all of these items are BoP and can be
auctioned. If you are farming Scarlet Monastery for things like cloth or items to DE this chart
will show you some items that may drop and are things to keep your eyes open for.

Armor Piece Target Mob Drop Rate

Scarlet Belt Scarlet Myrmidon 1.3% Scarlet Defender

Scarlet Boots Scarlet Gallant 0.5% Scarlet Monk

Scarlet Chestpiece Scarlet Champion 0.2%

Scarlet Gauntlets Scarlet Centurion 1.4%

Scarlet Leggings (BoP) Herod 11.8% Scarlet Commander Mograine 10.9%

Scarlet Wristguards Scarlet Protector 1.4% Scarlet Guardsman

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The armor set bonuses are as follows:

2 pieces equipped: +10 Armor

3 pieces equipped: +2 Defense Rating
4 pieces equipped: +5 Shadow Resistance
5 pieces equipped: +15 Attack Power, when fighting undead
6 pieces equipped: +10 Hit Rating
Dire Maul (levels 56-70) (80 Gold per hour)

Target Items: Thorium Ore, Boss Chest Loot

Location: Dire Maul East is a Thorium Emporium since after killing its last boss you
have access to 2-3 Rich Thorium Veins. A strategy of great interest when it comes to Dire Maul
is a stealth run. Stealth runs include usually 2 druids and 3 rogues stealthing their way past all
enemies to the last boss of the chosen wing, killing it, and taking the boss loot chest that spawns
for great profit. Each boss you skip in an instance with a boss loot chest at the end adds more
loot to that chest. This is why it is essential to skip as many bosses as possible unless someone
needs that boss specific loot that may drop from the kill.
Strategy: Usually a good set up for this technique is 1 restoration druid, 1 feral druid,
and three rouges of any chosen spec in talents. This way you have a solid tank, proficient
healer, and more DPS than any 5-man boss can withstand.

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A trick for rogues (level 70, flying mount

required) (200 Gold per hour):
Outland instances were built for
farming and you will be spending a lot of Target: Treasure Chest
time within them doing just that. Rep Location: The Arcatraz, near first boss.
farming is a major part of end-game content Strategy:
here and needed to purchase some factions There is a chest waiting for your
advanced items. There are also great taking in The Arcatraz. This instance
equipment sets along with other loot waiting requires a flying mount to reach and either
to be pilfered for your use or profit. Once the key or a max level pick lock skill to enter.
you achieve revered with an instances The chest may also be locked so remember to
governing faction you can buy keys for the bring your Thieves Tools. Upon entering the
instances Heroic difficult mode and is your instance go into stealth and UN-equip your
gateway to even greater treasure and gear. weapons and armor as these will take
Time to fill our pockets with gold and make damage when or if you die.
sure the denizens of Outland are aware of
our deeds. Go forward, wait beside the left hand
side of the door you see the Protean mobs
Outland instances are rather straight coming out of, simply wait for an opening
forward and currently difficult to farm solo. and enter that hallway sticking to one side or
Grab a group and start running dungeons the other all the way against the wall.
you need reputation for. There is however Progress to the second section and wait for
one trick for rogues you should be aware of. another opening. The go into the room
ahead and be careful as Proteans can spawn
on top of you. Go into the next hallway
dodging the fallen guards and into the next

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Simply dodge the mobs here, on the far You can only try this 5 times per hour as
side of the room near a floating eyeball there are limits on instances you can enter.
creature you may see the chest, this is the one This chest almost always has a level 70 green
we are after. If it is not there exit the but sometimes a level 68 or 69 blue, always
instance and reset it. Ok now go onto the has a little over 6 gold, sometimes it contains
walkway that will take you to the next floor, potions, and most of the time there will be a
usually there is a protean running up and high level gem such as Star of Elune or Living
down this ramp, when it is gone come out of Ruby. Enjoy rogues, as this can be rather
stealth, sprint, and jump onto the rail next to difficult and takes a good deal of patience but
the wall. Enter stealth or vanish if need be. the rewards are well worth it!
Now line yourself up with the chest, go to
your left a little and it may look like you will
jump onto the ledge above the chest, jump,
and take yourself back into the corner.

When in the corner wait for any

Proteans to pass if need be, come out of
stealth, open chest. You will get agro but
nothing will be able to attack you. Simply
keep clicking on the chest and when you exit
combat (this will happen automatically after
a few seconds, maybe up to a min.) you will
open the chest, get your loot, and if you can
vanish. If not just die because the mobs will
now teleport to your location… Repeat…

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Make a level 5 bank character and

TIPS TO REMEMBER give them leatherworking and enchanting.
The reason for this is so you can have extra

here are several things to
bank space, have them placed in a major city
remember so you can maximize
while you are in Outland so you don’t waste
your gold earning potential with
a lot of time going back and forth,
being frugal at the forefront. Always
leatherworking to turn Ruined Leather
carefully consider your purchases so you do
Scraps into Light Leather and enchanting to
not waste more gold than you need to for
disenchant any low level items you may get
example, on a weapon you will replace in
while farming. A lot of players overlook the
two levels. If new equipment is right around
utility of having a bank to post your auctions
the corner try to hold out until you can use it.
with but once you start doing it you will see
the gold roll in much faster and your time
Between levels 60 and 70 the quests better spent acquiring wealth with your
alone will bring you 1,000-2,000 gold main character. This is also very helpful for
depending on how much you may spend new characters and having gold at lower
while leveling. Remember to be thrifty and levels, not only do you level faster by making
you will be one step closer to your flying more use of your time but you make use of
mount the moment you achieve level 70. It is otherwise useless items.
very easy to achieve 100 gold per hour while
questing in Outland and 5 gold for just a Try to avoid BoE Epics as these are
couple of minutes of hunting mobs. rather pricey and can be easily replaced most
of the time. Some of these epics are like low
Try to not skip purchasing the regular usage blues and should be avoided in most
flying mount, it may be slow but the cases. There is usually gear from instances
advantage of soaring over the land and easily close to your level that are BoP blues and are
collecting tracked herbs and ore is much better than most of those epics available to
easier this way than running through groups you at that point.
of angry mobs and possibly suffering that
expensive repair bill.

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Scams are everywhere in World of

Warcraft and you should try to avoid these at
all costs, this includes some CoD (Cash on
Delivery) items, be very cautious with CoD!

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USEFUL LINKS Curse gaming is a great place to visit with
constantly updated news and add-on

he following are links to websites
you may find very helpful in your - If
time playing World of Warcraft.
you love the movies people make using
These websites are ran by dedicated and hard
World of Warcraft make sure to visit this
working people whom supply reliable
content. -A very good - Thottbot is add-on and user interface site for World of
one of the leading site and my most preferred Warcraft.
to use because of its ease and honesty. - If - you need information on raids or
Wowhead is another great site I frequent, attunements check here.
mainly because they have solid information
and great talent calculators. -
Allakhazam is one of the leading groups of
MMO websites out there and this is a great
source if you need information.
- Wowwiki is great for things like lore or
class information.

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n conclusion, however you choose to use the knowledge within this guide is up to
you. You can easily become rich using the techniques, charts, and maps listed here
averaging anywhere from 10-200 gold per hour with ease. Your gold earning
potential will rise as you gain levels and better gear, possibly exceeding the 200 gold per hour
mark. Remember, if you are competing with other players in a zone, be polite. Also, please do
not use bots or exploits in conjunction with this guide, not only could your account get banned
but you are using an unfair advantage over honest and hard-working players.

Remember to have patience while farming gold, as nothing with true worth comes
without hard work and an investment of time. Good luck and happy hunting!

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