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Pronouns are a word that carry nominal function, either to replace a noun, is to go with it (determining its meaning). When she takes the space normally intended for nouns (replacing it), does indicate the person (if 1st, 2nd or 3rd person), the number (if it is singular or plural) and gender (male or female) of the person's speech . When only follows the noun, pronoun change, somehow, the person's speech with the noun that follows. Thus, the pronoun takes its class according to their function in the sentence, according to textual cohesion, and that the pronouns are nouns, adjectives, or adjuncts. However, unlike those of speech, the pronoun does not accept augmentative suffixes, diminutives and superlatives such as will, Zao, inho, Issimo, etc., which are similar to the numerals. Essentially, a pronoun is a word (or rarely a longer form) that acts as a complete noun phrase. The semantic features of the pronoun to indicate something is characterized as deixis, point to deixis mean, because if we observe, the pronoun in the sentence acts referring to something inside, or outside, pointing and referring to other elements of context, situation, speech. The pronoun (deixis) is divided primarily into three types, according to this idea of reference, deixis ad oculos, anaphoric deixis, catafrica deixis. All these types indicate the condition of the pronoun in relation to the speakers of the discourse. Let Ad Eyeglasses: The Sunglasses is situational deixis ad, a pronoun with situational deixis points to an element that is present for the (s) speaker (s). Obviously this is better than that! In the sentence suggested as an example, nouns the pronouns this and that apparently do not refer to any noun in particular, they point to something that only during the utterance would be possible to know, that would be present only in the enunciation. anaphoric deixis: A pronoun with anaphoric deixis points to an element that was said along the line, and can be found through textual cohesion. I was a teacher in my youth, but I am not now. In the sentence suggested as an example, the pronoun refers the case to the teaching profession the subject of the sentence, as mentioned earlier. Leave Catafrica: The catafrica deixis points to an element that was not mentioned in the discourse, or even not present within him. I will do it, free Brazil from Portuguese rule.

In the sentence suggested as an example, the demonstrative pronoun, subject of the verbal action, refers to the act of freeing Brazil, an action that is uttered only after the appearance of the pronoun. Leave Ghost: There is a fourth type of deixis established by K. Brugmann and that would fit in the first and third type of deixis would be a fourth type called special as it gets in Phantom. The ghost in deixis happen in a hypothetical conversation in which the speaker carries the listener to a fantasy setting and uses pronouns in which to present to the listener supposed willing elements there. Although value within a psychological consideration, there is no real difference normatively, it is more practical to have to leave it embedded in the Phantom other two categories. It is also according to the semantics of the pronouns are classified into several types: personal, possessive, demonstrative (this category also including the definite article in accordance with the the case), indefinite (including this classification also the indefinite article in line with what case), questions and covering. - Please revise this section. Some pronouns are: me, you, him, her, them, us, us they were, they

Pronoun noun and adjective pronoun

As already noted, a pronoun points to some element of the statement, and finds this element (object-noun) in the statement. When he refers to an element that appears explicitly in the statement, is an adjective or pronoun deputy, but when he refers to an element that was not mentioned and is seated in his place, then characterized as a noun or pronoun absolute.

Possessive pronouns
Are those that refer to the three persons of the speech, giving them ownership of something. Flex in gender and number, agreeing with the thing possessed, and in person, agreeing with the possessor.

Person 1 Singular 2 3 1 Plural 2 3

Singular Masc. My Your Their Our Your Their Fem. My Your Their Our Your Their

Plural Masc. My Your Their Our Your Their Fem. My Your Their Our Your Their


Pronoun Possessive Adjective

As noted above, the possessive pronoun assigns ownership to some people's speech, when the possessive pronoun is used it may be referring to an object that has already been mentioned and therefore need not be repeated, or an object or even been mentioned. When the possessive pronoun refers to a noun already mentioned, giving possession to a subject, it has adjective or adjunct function.

my coat is better than yours. The two pronouns are adjectival noun coat, already cited.

Pronoun Possessive Noun

When a possessive pronoun refers to a noun that was not even set out, he ends up playing the role of absent within the noun phrase, and is therefore a possessive noun or possessive pronoun also called absolute. The mine is better than yours. The two pronouns are referring to the possession of something that was not mentioned in the sentence and is in his place.

Indefinite Pronoun
Are those that concern substantive so vague, imprecise or generic. Indefinite pronouns are those which refer to the 3rd person mode of speech, or quantity, indefinite. An indefinite pronoun can be either invariable or variable. Depending on the function they perform, can be classified as indefinite pronouns nouns - names when they replace - or adjectives of indefinite pronouns - when they are before a name, determining it.

Nouns Pronouns Indefinite

Indefinite Pronouns Nouns Everything, all (all, all, all), something, someone, some (some, any, any) one (one, one, one), nothing, nobody, no (no, no, no) the same (the same, same, same), then another (other, other, other) several (several).

Pronouns Indefinite Adjectives

Indefinite Pronouns Adjectives All (all, all, all), some (some, few, some) one (one, one, one), no (no, no, no) certain (certain, certain, certain), any (any) the same (the same, same, same), other (other, other, other) each, several (many). Note: The arrangement of words in the statement changes the meaning of the text, as well as its classification. "Certain objects arrive on time."

The first occurrence of the word 'certain' is really an indefinite pronoun adjective variable, but the second occurrence is an adjective.

Relative Pronoun
The relative pronoun is generally an anaphoric pronoun deixis, or return a pronoun that is pointing to something that has been cited for a previous element. Despite this, the relative pronoun can have two different grammatical roles, with the anaphoric deixis, and still the transposing of prayer. Lock the page for editing, which was incomplete. (Relative pronoun which) She showed me a user page that was blank! (Relative pronoun that)

The Relative Pronouns Are :

What, who, the what, who, whom, whose, whose, whose, which, What, How, How, How, Where A) transposing Prayer Relative Pronoun Who: The relative pronoun that acts transposing making the connection of two independent clauses to each other, and when this occurs one of them will be making adjectives what adnominal appointed deputy. They are Wikipedias [who] work in new items. Note: Who serves as relative pronoun when you point to elements mentioned above, and is preceded by a preposition. He was the Wikipedian who else was said.

Interrogative Pronoun
The interrogative pronouns consist of relative pronouns (who, what, how much and variations) with reference to people and things, and are used in direct or indirect questions. Who saw this article? Who edited this article? What lock, Mr. Administrator?

What administrator edited? What was done? How many? How many articles published?

Who made this service? Who: Generally refers to individuals, is a pronoun and noun. What: Generally refers to individuals and things, or as a selection indicator in the fourth example, is a pronoun and noun and adjective. What: In general seeks to differentiate, select, and is an adjective pronoun.

Note: Who can also be characterized as indefinite relative pronoun absolute use.

he function of the pronoun can be a noun or adjective. When the pronoun replaces a noun in the sentence, the pronoun is called a noun. When the pronoun follows a noun, determining its meaning, is called the pronoun adjective. Pronoun noun: She does not understand no money straight from the personal pronoun 3rd person She, this sentence could be anyone, for example, Mary does not know anything about money. In this case, would not be a pronoun, but a noun (Mary), to function as a core subject. pronoun adjective: Give your fate in the hands of God the possessive pronoun 3rd person masculine noun follows its destination, determining it as it is not my destiny, or fate of any other person, it is your destiny. In this case, the pronoun is like an adjective, agreeing in number and gender with the noun that follows.

Classification of pronouns

Pronouns can be classified into six types, as follows (click on the links for more information about that type of pronoun): Personal: The person appointed to any participant in the speech situation: I, you, him, them, us, me, me, you, your Excellency, and so on. Personal pronouns may be straight, oblique or treatment: I love that girl Give me your belongings! You will me Possessive: The possessive indicate who owns something, conveying the idea of ownership: He's my best friend. The fruit is where you live? Our wealth has been multiplied. Statements: The statements determine the subject pronouns in space or time: This is a good book. Those women could not stop laughing. It's all very strange. Relative: The relative pronouns refer to terms already expressed earlier, relativism, their meanings: Students who took the uniform at a graduation ceremony are in trouble. Lost objects which will be returned. The dollar, which is the currency of the United States, is highly valued. Poll: The interrogative pronouns are used in the construction of questions, convey the idea of doubt: Who's there? Do you know who murdered the young woman? You want what? Uncertain: The indefinite pronouns fill a space in a vague phrase leaving one person, one thing or one place, they represent: You need something? No one will leave this room. Any people here will be welcomed. Notes: The personal pronouns are always nouns pronouns, because one can always replace them with a noun or represent it, and vice versa, the other pronouns are usually adjectives pronouns, but may take the form depending on the substantive case such as:

Those are the enemies Those holding the substantive function, and may even be replaced by a noun, for example: The Germans are the enemy. Therefore, pronoun noun;

Those children have no future Those determines the noun, it explains what are the boys who have no future, and also agrees in number (plural) and gender (male) children with the noun, as if it were an adjective. Therefore, pronoun adjective.

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