Quiz - JAVA & OOP Quiz

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JAVA & OOP Quiz Score  

1. Which statement is t ue about Java?

A Java is a sequence-dependent programming language

B Java is a code dependent programming language

C Java is a platfo m-dependent programming language

D Java is a platfo m-independent programming language

2. Which component is used to compile, debug and execute the java programs?




3. Which one of the following is not a Java feature?

A Object-o iented

B Use of pointers

C Po table

D Dynamic and Extensible

4. Which of these cannot be used for a va iable name in Java?

A Identifiers & Keyword

B None of the mentioned

C Identifiers

D Keyword

5. What is the extension of java code files?

A .js

B .txt

C .class

D .java
6. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class increment {
public static void main(St ing args[])
int g = 3;
System.out.p int(++g * 8 ;

A  32

B 33

C 24

D 25

7. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class output {
public static void main(St ing args[])
double a, b,c;
a = 3.0/0;
b = 0/4.0;
System.out.p intln(a);
System.out.p intln(b);
System.out.p intln(c);


B Infinity

C 0.0

D All of the mentioned

8. Which of the following is not an OOPS concept in Java?

A Polymorphism

B Compilation

C Inhe itance

D Encapsulation
9. What is not the use of “this” keyword in Java?
A Passing itself to the method of the same class

B Refe ing to the instance va iable when a local va iable has the same name

C Passing itself to another method

D Calling another const uctor in const uctor chaining

10. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class va iable_scope
public static void main(St ing args[])
int x;
x = 5;
int y = 6;
System.out.p int(x + " " + y);
System.out.p intln(x + " " + y);

A Compilation e ror

B Runtime e ror

C 5656

D 565

11. What will be the e ror in the following Java code?

byte b = 50;
b = b * 50;

A b cannot contain value 50

B b cannot contain value 100, limited by its range

C No e ror in this code

D * operator has conve ted b * 50 into int, which can not be conve ted to byte without casting
12. Which of the following is a type of polymorphism in Java Programming?
A Multiple polymorphism

B Compile time polymorphism

C Multilevel polymorphism

D Execution time polymorphism

13. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class leftshift_operator
public static void main(St ing args[])
byte x = 64;
int i;
byte y;
i = x << 2;
y = (byte) (x << 2
System.out.p int(i + " " + y);

A 0 256

B 0 64

C 256 0

D 64 0
14. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class box
int width;
int height;
int length;
class main
public static void main(St ing args[])
box obj = new box();
obj.width = 10;
obj.height = 2;
obj.length = 10;
int y = obj.width * obj.height * obj.length;
System.out.p int(y);

A 100

B 400

C 200

D 12

15. What is T uncation in Java?

A Floating-point value assigned to a Floating type

B Floating-point value assigned to an integer type

C Integer value assigned to floating type

D Integer value assigned to floating type

16. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class Output
public static void main(St ing args[])
int a r[] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
for ( int i = 0; i < a r.length - 2; ++i)
System.out.p intln(a r[i] + " ");

A 12345

B 1234

C 12

D 123

17. What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?

class abc
public static void main(St ing args[])
System.out.p intln(args.length);

A The snippet compiles and uns but does not p int anything

B The snippet compiles, uns and p ints 0

C The snippet compiles, uns and p ints 1

D The snippet does not compile

18. What is the extension of compiled java classes?

A .txt

B .js

C .java

D .class
19. Which exception is thrown when java is out of memo y?
A Memo yE ror

B OutOfMemo yE ror

C Memo yOutOfBoundsException

D Memo yFullException

20. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class St ing_demo
public static void main(St ing args[])
char chars[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
St ing s = new St ing(chars);
System.out.p intln(s);

A abc

B a

C b

D c

21. Which of these are selection statements in Java?

A break

B continue

C for()

D None of the mentioned

22. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class recursion
int func (int n)
int result;
if (n == 1
retu n 1;
result = func (n - 1 ;
retu n result;
class Output
public static void main(St ing args[])
recursion obj = new recursion() ;
System.out.p int(obj.func(5 ;

A 1

B 120

C 0

D None of the mentioned

23. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class output
public static void main(St ing args[])
St ing c = "Hello i love java";
boolean var;
var = c.sta tsWith("hello");
System.out.p intln(var);

A 0

B t ue

C 1

D false
24. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class output
public static void main(St ing args[])
St ingBuffer s1 = new St ingBuffer("Quiz");
St ingBuffer s2 = s1.reverse();
System.out.p intln(s2 ;

A QuizziuQ

B ziuQQuiz

C Quiz

D ziuQ

25. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class Output
public static void main(St ing args[])
Integer i = new Integer(257 ;
byte x = i.byteValue();
System.out.p int(x);

A 257

B 256

C 1

D 0
26. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class Output
public static void main(St ing args[])
double x = 2.0;
double y = 3.0;
double z = Math.pow( x, y );
System.out.p int(z);

A 9.0

B 8.0

C 4.0

D 2.0

27. Which of the following is a superclass of eve y class in Java?

A A rayList

B Abstract Class

C Object Class

D St ing

28. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class Output
public static void main(St ing args[])
double x = 3.14;
int y = (int) Math.ceil(x);
System.out.p int(y);

A 3

B 0

C 4

D 3.0
29. What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?

impo t java.util.*;
class A raylists
public static void main(St ing args[])
A rayLists obj = new A rayLists();
obj.add(1, "D");
System.out.p intln(obj);

A A, D, C

B A, B, C

C A, B, C, D

D A, D, B, C

30. What will be the output of the following Java program?

impo t java.util.*;
class Collection_iterators
public static void main(St ing args[])
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
list.add(new Integer(2 ;
list.add(new Integer(8 ;
list.add(new Integer(5 ;
list.add(new Integer(1 ;
Iterator i = list.iterator();
Collections.so t(list);
System.out.p int(i.next() + " ");

A 1258

B 2185

C 1582

D 2851

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