Market Integration and The Global Interstate System

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THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD: Market Integration  GLOBAL CORPORATIONS – business that

and Global Interstate System operates in two or more countries. Also goes
by the name ‘Multinational Company’.

 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian

o Established on August 8, 1967 in
Bangkok, Thailand  STATE – a fundamental actor in global
o Originally build as a political alliance to politics.
o Qualifying elements of being a State:
limit the spread of communism in
Southeast Asia. Gradually became a  Defined territory
diplomatic organization to manage  Permanent population
regional issues and expand trade.  Effective government
o Establishment of ASEAN Economic  Capacity to enter into relations
with other states
Community (AEC) in 2015 is a major
milestone in the regional economic  SOVEREIGNTY
integration. o Internal Sovereignty – refers to the
o AEC Blueprint 2025 it provides broad state’s authority within.
directions through strategic measures o External Sovereignty – defines the
for the AEC from 2016 to 2025. It relationship of states to other states
consists of five interrelated and and international actors as it
mutually reinforcing characteristics establishes the state’s capacity to act
namely: as an independent and autonomous
 A highly integrated and entity in world affairs (Heywood, 2011)
cohesive economy;  GLOBALIZATION – a widening, intensifying,
 A competitive, innovative, and speeding up and growing impact of worldwide
dynamic ASEAN; interconnected (Held and McGrew, 1999).
 Enhanced connectivity and o Intensification of relationship among
Sectoral Cooperation; nation-states may either increase,
 A resilient, inclusive, people- decrease or transform states.
oriented, and people-centered o Global forces weaken the power of the
ASEAN; state to control their own economies
 A global ASEAN. and societies (Ohmae, 1995, Scholte,
 ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) 2000; Baylis et al., 2011)
o Establishment of Common Effective  New Actors on the world stage.
Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Inclusion o Transnational Corporations
List (IL) of ASEAN-6 have brought o NGO’s
the products tariff down to the 0-5 tariff  Increased interdependence and
range. interconnected.
 The Four Pillars of the ASEAN Economic o Addressed global issues such as
Community: global warming, terrorism, and
o Single Market and Production Base. pandemic diseases.
 Five Core Principles  The trend towards global governance.
 Free flow of goods o States observe accountability to
 Free flow of services international norm and principles set
 Free flow of for.
 Free flow of capital
 Free flow of skilled
o Competitive Economic Region. Reference:
o Equitable Economic Development. Saluba et al, (2018). The Contemporary World.
o ASEAN’s integration into the Muntinlupa, Philippines: Panday-Lahi Publishing
globalized economy. House, Inc.
 OUTSOURCING – business practice of hiring
a party outside a company to perform services
and create goods that traditionally were
performed in-house by the company's own
employees and staff (Investopedia, 2019).

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